9,007 research outputs found

    High field magnetotransport in composite conductors: the effective medium approximation revisited

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    The self consistent effective medium approximation (SEMA) is used to study three-dimensional random conducting composites under the influence of a strong magnetic field {\bf B}, in the case where all constituents exhibit isotropic response. Asymptotic analysis is used to obtain almost closed form results for the strong field magnetoresistance and Hall resistance in various types of two- and three-constituent isotropic mixtures for the entire range of compositions. Numerical solutions of the SEMA equations are also obtained, in some cases, and compared with those results. In two-constituent free-electron-metal/perfect-insulator mixtures, the magnetoresistance is asymptotically proportional to ∣B∣|{\bf B}| at {\em all concentrations above the percolation threshold}. In three-constituent metal/insulator/superconductor mixtures a line of critical points is found, where the strong field magnetoresistance switches abruptly from saturating to non-saturating dependence on ∣B∣|{\bf B}|, at a certain value of the insulator-to-superconductor concentration ratio. This transition appears to be related to the phenomenon of anisotropic percolation.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure

    On the Bergman-Milton bounds for the homogenization of dielectric composite materials

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    The Bergman-Milton bounds provide limits on the effective permittivity of a composite material comprising two isotropic dielectric materials. These provide tight bounds for composites arising from many conventional materials. We reconsider the Bergman-Milton bounds in light of the recent emergence of metamaterials, in which unconventional parameter ranges for relative permittivities are encountered. Specifically, it is demonstrated that: (a) for nondissipative materials the bounds may be unlimited if the constituent materials have relative permittivities of opposite signs; (b) for weakly dissipative materials characterized by relative permittivities with real parts of opposite signs, the bounds may be exceedingly large

    New Method to Calculate Electrical Forces Acting on a Sphere in an Electrorheological Fluid

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    We describe a method to calculate the electrical force acting on a sphere in a suspension of dielectric spheres in a host with a different dielectric constant, under the assumption that a spatially uniform electric field is applied. The method uses a spectral representation for the total electrostatic energy of the composite. The force is expressed as a certain gradient of this energy, which can be expressed in a closed analytic form rather than evaluated as a numerical derivative. The method is applicable even when both the spheres and the host have frequency-dependent dielectric functions and nonzero conductivities, provided the system is in the quasistatic regime. In principle, it includes all multipolar contributions to the force, and it can be used to calculate multi-body as well as pairwise forces. We also present several numerical examples, including host fluids with finite conductivities. The force between spheres approaches the dipole-dipole limit, as expected, at large separations, but departs drastically from that limit when the spheres are nearly in contact. The force may also change sign as a function of frequency when the host is a slightly conducting fluid.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures, Accepted for Publication in Physical Review

    Theory of Optical Transmission through Elliptical Nanohole Arrays

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    We present a theory which explains (in the quasistatic limit) the experimentally observed [R. Gordon, {\it et al}, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 92}, 037401 (2004)] squared dependence of the depolarization ratio on the aspect ratio of the holes, as well as other features of extraordinary light transition. We calculated the effective dielectric tensor of a metal film penetrated by elliptical cylindrical holes and found the extraordinarily light transmission at special frequencies related to the surface plasmon resonances of the composite film. We also propose to use the magnetic field for getting a strong polarization effect, which depends on the ratio of the cyclotron to plasmon frequencies.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Techniques for measuring atmospheric aerosols at the High Resolution Fly's Eye experiment

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    We describe several techniques developed by the High Resolution Fly's Eye experiment for measuring aerosol vertical optical depth, aerosol horizontal attenuation length, and aerosol phase function. The techniques are based on measurements of side-scattered light generated by a steerable ultraviolet laser and collected by an optical detector designed to measure fluorescence light from cosmic-ray air showers. We also present a technique to cross-check the aerosol optical depth measurement using air showers observed in stereo. These methods can be used by future air fluorescence experiments.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astroparticle Physics Journal 16 pages, 9 figure

    The 30/20 GHz flight experiment system, phase 2. Volume 2: Experiment system description

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    A detailed technical description of the 30/20 GHz flight experiment system is presented. The overall communication system is described with performance analyses, communication operations, and experiment plans. Hardware descriptions of the payload are given with the tradeoff studies that led to the final design. The spacecraft bus which carries the payload is discussed and its interface with the launch vehicle system is described. Finally, the hardwares and the operations of the terrestrial segment are presented

    The 30/20 GHz flight experiment system, phase 2. Volume 1: Executive summary

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    Summary information on the final communication system design, communication payload, space vehicle, and development plan for the 30/20 GHz flight experiment will be installed on the LEASAT spacecraft which will be placed into orbit from the space shuttle cargo bay. The communication concept has two parts: a truck service and a customer premise service (CPS). The trucking system serves four spot beams which are interconnected in a satellite switched time division multiple access mode by an IF switch matrix. The CPS covers two large areas of the eastern United States with a pair of scanning beams

    Engineering Electromagnetic Properties of Periodic Nanostructures Using Electrostatic Resonances

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    Electromagnetic properties of periodic two-dimensional sub-wavelength structures consisting of closely-packed inclusions of materials with negative dielectric permittivity ϵ\epsilon in a dielectric host with positive ϵh\epsilon_h can be engineered using the concept of multiple electrostatic resonances. Fully electromagnetic solutions of Maxwell's equations reveal multiple wave propagation bands, with the wavelengths much longer than the nanostructure period. It is shown that some of these bands are described using the quasi-static theory of the effective dielectric permittivity ϵqs\epsilon_{qs}, and are independent of the nanostructure period. Those bands exhibit multiple cutoffs and resonances which are found to be related to each other through a duality condition. An additional propagation band characterized by a negative magnetic permeability develops when a magnetic moment is induced in a given nano-particle by its neighbors. Imaging with sub-wavelength resolution in that band is demonstrated

    Effect of fluorine and oxygen on the work function of polycrystalline tungsten

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    Fluorine and oxygen effects on work function of polycrystalline tungste

    Spectral representation of the effective dielectric constant of graded composites

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    We generalize the Bergman-Milton spectral representation, originally derived for a two-component composite, to extract the spectral density function for the effective dielectric constant of a graded composite. This work has been motivated by a recent study of the optical absorption spectrum of a graded metallic film [Applied Physics Letters, 85, 94 (2004)] in which a broad surface-plasmon absorption band has been shown to be responsible for enhanced nonlinear optical response as well as an attractive figure of merit. It turns out that, unlike in the case of homogeneous constituent components, the characteristic function of a graded composite is a continuous function because of the continuous variation of the dielectric function within the constituent components. Analytic generalization to three dimensional graded composites is discussed, and numerical calculations of multilayered composites are given as a simple application.Comment: Physical Review E, submitted for publication
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