5,056 research outputs found

    Classical {\it vs.}\ Landau-Ginzburg Geometry of Compactification

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    We consider superstring compactifications where both the classical description, in terms of a Calabi-Yau manifold, and also the quantum theory is known in terms of a Landau-Ginzburg orbifold model. In particular, we study (smooth) Calabi-Yau examples in which there are obstructions to parametrizing all of the complex structure cohomology by polynomial deformations thus requiring the analysis based on exact and spectral sequences. General arguments ensure that the Landau-Ginzburg chiral ring copes with such a situation by having a nontrivial contribution from twisted sectors. Beyond the expected final agreement between the mathematical and physical approaches, we find a direct correspondence between the analysis of each, thus giving a more complete mathematical understanding of twisted sectors. Furthermore, this approach shows that physical reasoning based upon spectral flow arguments for determining the spectrum of Landau-Ginzburg orbifold models finds direct mathematical justification in Koszul complex calculations and also that careful point- field analysis continues to recover suprisingly much of the stringy features.Comment: 14

    Clustering outdoor soundscapes using fuzzy ants

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    A classification algorithm for environmental sound recordings or "soundscapes" is outlined. An ant clustering approach is proposed, in which the behavior of the ants is governed by fuzzy rules. These rules are optimized by a genetic algorithm specially designed in order to achieve the optimal set of homogeneous clusters. Soundscape similarity is expressed as fuzzy resemblance of the shape of the sound pressure level histogram, the frequency spectrum and the spectrum of temporal fluctuations. These represent the loudness, the spectral and the temporal content of the soundscapes. Compared to traditional clustering methods, the advantages of this approach are that no a priori information is needed, such as the desired number of clusters, and that a flexible set of soundscape measures can be used. The clustering algorithm was applied to a set of 1116 acoustic measurements in 16 urban parks of Stockholm. The resulting clusters were validated against visitor's perceptual measurements of soundscape quality

    Universality of residence-time distributions in non-adiabatic stochastic resonance

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    We present mathematically rigorous expressions for the residence-time and first-passage-time distributions of a periodically forced Brownian particle in a bistable potential. For a broad range of forcing frequencies and amplitudes, the distributions are close to periodically modulated exponential ones. Remarkably, the periodic modulations are governed by universal functions, depending on a single parameter related to the forcing period. The behaviour of the distributions and their moments is analysed, in particular in the low- and high-frequency limits.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure New version includes distinction between first-passage-time and residence-time distribution

    Expand+Functional selection and systematic analysis of intronic splicing elements identify active sequence motifs and associated splicing factors

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    Despite the critical role of pre-mRNA splicing in generating proteomic diversity and regulating gene expression, the sequence composition and function of intronic splicing regulatory elements (ISREs) have not been well elucidated. Here, we employed a high-throughput in vivo Screening PLatform for Intronic Control Elements (SPLICE) to identify 125 unique ISRE sequences from a random nucleotide library in human cells. Bioinformatic analyses reveal consensus motifs that resemble splicing regulatory elements and binding sites for characterized splicing factors and that are enriched in the introns of naturally occurring spliced genes, supporting their biological relevance. In vivo characterization, including an RNAi silencing study, demonstrate that ISRE sequences can exhibit combinatorial regulatory activity and that multiple trans-acting factors are involved in the regulatory effect of a single ISRE. Our work provides an initial examination into the sequence characteristics and function of ISREs, providing an important contribution to the splicing code

    Quasi-realistic heterotic-string models with vanishing one-loop cosmological constant and perturbatively broken supersymmetry?

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    Quasi-realistic string models in the free fermionic formulation typically contain an anomalous U(1), which gives rise to a Fayet-Iliopoulos D-term that breaks supersymmetry at the one--loop level in string perturbation theory. Supersymmetry is traditionally restored by imposing F- and D-flatness on the vacuum. By employing the standard analysis of flat directions we present a quasi--realistic three generation string model in which stringent F- and D-flat solution do not appear to exist to all orders in the superpotential. We speculate that this result is indicative of the non-existence of supersymmetric flat F- and D-solutions in this model. We provide some arguments in support of this scenario and discuss its potential implications. Bose-Fermi degeneracy of the string spectrum implies that the one--loop partition function and hence the one-loop cosmological constant vanishes in the model. If our assertion is correct, this model may represent the first known example with vanishing cosmological constant and perturbatively broken supersymmetry. We discuss the distinctive properties of the internal free fermion boundary conditions that may correspond to a large set of models that share these properties. The geometrical moduli in this class of models are fixed due to asymmetric boundary conditions, whereas absence of supersymmetric flat directions would imply that the supersymmetric moduli are fixed as well and the dilaton may be fixed by hidden sector nonperturbative effects.Comment: 37 pages, LaTeX. Added discussion on stringent flat directions. PRD published versio

    Causes of Stillbirth and Time of Death in Swedish Holstein Calves Examined Post Mortem

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    This study was initiated due to the observation of increasing and rather high levels of stillbirths, especially in first-calving Swedish Holstein cows (10.3%, 2002). Seventy-six Swedish Holstein calves born to heifers at 41 different farms were post mortem examined in order to investigate possible reasons for stillbirth and at what time in relation to full-term gestation they had occurred. The definition of a stillborn calf was dead at birth or within 24 h after birth after at least 260 days of gestation. Eight calves were considered as having died already in uterus. Slightly less than half of the examined calves (46.1%) were classified as having died due to a difficult calving. Four calves (5.3%) had different kinds of malformations (heart defects, enlarged thymus, urine bladder defect). Approximately one third of the calves (31.6%) were clinically normal at full-term with no signs of malformation and born with no indication of difficulties at parturition or any other reason that could explain the stillbirth. The numbers of male and female calves were rather equally distributed within the groups. A wide variation in post mortem weights was seen in all groups, although a number of the calves in the group of clinically normal calves with unexplained reason of death were rather small and, compared with e.g. those calves categorised as having died due to a difficult calving, their average birth weight was 6 kg lower (39.9 ± 1.7 kg vs. 45.9 ± 1.5 kg, p ≤ 0.01). It was concluded that the cause of stillbirth with a non-infectious aetiology is likely to be multifactorial and difficult calving may explain only about half of the stillbirths. As much as one third of the calves seemed clinically normal with no obvious reason for death. This is a target group of calves that warrants a more thorough investigation in further studies