95 research outputs found

    Lärande i ljuset av kunskapens användning

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    Bidraget vill påvisa vikten av arbetsintegrerat lärande. Detta görs genom att redovisa resultat från en kurs på masternivå som använder pedagogiken genom att blanda det industribaserade projektarbetets pedagogik med universitetets teoretiska bas så att studenterna förstår sambandet mellan teori och praktik och får öva sin analytiska och logiska problemlösningsförmåga

    Towards goal-based autonomic networking

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    The ability to quickly deploy and efficiently manage services is critical to the telecommunications industry. Currently, services are designed and managed by different teams with expertise over a wide range of concerns, from high-level business to low level network aspects. Not only is this approach expensive in terms of time and resources, but it also has problems to scale up to new outsourcing and/or multi-vendor models, where subsystems and teams belong to different organizations. We endorse the idea, upheld among others in the autonomic computing community, that the network and system components involved in the provision of a service must be crafted to facilitate their management. Furthermore, they should help bridge the gap between network and business concerns. In this paper, we sketch an approach based on early work on the hierarchical organization of autonomic entities that possibly belong to different organizations. An autonomic entity governs over other autonomic entities by defining their goals. Thus, it is up to each autonomic entity to decide its line of actions in order to fulfill its goals, and the governing entity needs not know about the internals of its subordinates. We illustrate the approach with a simple but still rich example of a telecom service

    Identifying Improvement Areas in Production Planning Meetings by Assessing Organisation and Information Systems at a Small Production Company

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    The increased mass-customisation of production requires operators to manage an increasing number of complex work tasks. From a social sustainability perspective, better sharing and dissemination of production information supports operators cognitively to manage and understand their work tasks, which in turn improves quality of work. So, the focus of this paper is to study how production planning meetings can be improved. Previous research suggests that the MEET model can be used as a framework for improving meetings and information sharing by studying 10 different areas within a company’s Organisation System (OS) and Information System (IS) whilst considering the time and place prerequisites and aims for these meetings. In this paper, the applicability of the MEET model and its 10 areas are tested at a small production company by applying two different approaches. First, a questionnaire was presented to and filled out by a manager, the results of the questionnaire identifies the improvement potential of each of the 10 areas. Second, a comprehensive current-state analysis based on observations on the shop-floor and interviews with operators were carried out with regards to the 10 areas. The results from these two approaches were compared and the comparison showed that both approaches point towards similar areas for potential improvements. This paper concludes that the MEET model can be used as a general framework to inspire change by suggesting areas with potential improvement in information sharing. While the selfassessment questionnaire can identify a direction, additional information and involvement of other stakeholders are recommended for actual implementations of change. For future research, the methods based on the MEET model will be further developed to improve accuracy and the suggestions provided to the case company in this paper will be tested as a validation of the model

    Long-term effects of liming on crop yield, plant diseases, soil structure and risk of phosphorus leaching

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    This study examined the long-term effects of applying structure lime (mixture of ~80% CaCO3 and 20% Ca(OH)2) and ground limestone (CaCO3) on soil aggregate stability and risk of phosphorus (P) losses 5–7 years after liming, incidence of soil-borne diseases and yield in winter wheat (Tritium aestivum), oilseed rape (Brassica napus) and sugar beet (Beta vulgaris). Lime was applied in 13 field trials in Sweden 2013–2015 and soil characteristics and crop yield were monitored until 2021. Seedbed (0–4 cm depth) aggregate (2–5 mm size) stability was improved to the same extent with both lime treatments compared to the untreated control, sampled 5–7 years after liming. Analyses and estimations of different P fractions (total P, PO4-P, and particulate P) in leachate following simulated rainfall events on undisturbed topsoil cores sampled 6–8 years after liming revealed lower total P and particulate P concentrations in both lime treatments compared to the untreated control. Two sugar beet trial sites with soil pH ≤7.2 before liming showed an increase in sugar yield for structure lime and ground limestone as an effect of increased concentration of soil potassium (K-AL) and/or lower Aphanomyces root rot potential compared to the untreated control. The yield of winter wheat was not affected by the application of either type of lime at sites with pH >7.2 but the yield of oilseed rape decreased after the application of structure lime

    Evaluating Cobots for Final Assembly

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    AbstractCollaborative robots becomes more and more common in lab environment and soon also in industry. In order to create resource- and volume flexibility, dynamic and smart automation could be seen as an answer. This paper has investigated the collaborative robots UR3 and UR5 for O-ring assembly and final assembly, compared to the current state which is performed manually. The methodology Dynamo++ was used for measurement and analysis in terms of LoA (cognitive and physical), cycle-time and quality. Furthermore, automation strategy, safety and easiness of programming was investigated. Results show that collaborative robots have great potential in the middle product volume area. A lot of time, layout space and money could be saved with these solutions. However, standards and safety has to be investigated further in order to reach its fully potential

    The Operator 4.0: Human Cyber-Physical Systems & Adaptive Automation towards Human-Automation Symbiosis Work Systems

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    A vision for the Operator 4.0 is presented in this paper in the context of human cyber-physical systems and adaptive automation towards human-automation symbiosis work systems for a socially sustainable manufacturing workforce. Discussions include base concepts and enabling technologies for the development of human-automation symbiosis work systems in Industry 4.0

    Liming alkaline clay soils: effects on soil structure, nutrients, barley growth and yield

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    Liming before cultivation of sugar beets is favourable even on alkaline soils but knowledge of response in other crops is lacking. Therefore, effects of ground limestone (GL) and structure lime (SL1 slaked lime or SL2 mix of ground limestone and slaked lime) were evaluated in southern Sweden on soil structure, growth and nutrient concentration in barley under four fertilisation strategies 1.5–2 years after application. All lime products increased aggregate stability, but with variations between locations. A lower proportion of large aggregates was found in both limed treatments, and a higher proportion of small aggregates in SL. In barley, grain yield was unaffected while shoot numbers and biomass in first node stage increased for GL and biomass increased further for SL. Structure lime increased potassium concentration in plants in first node stage, due to more potassium in the product. Both lime types increased molybdenum concentration. Ground limestone reduced zinc concentration compared with no liming. Finer seedbed tilth and increased aggregate stability may explain increased biomass for GL. Higher potassium content in SL might be a further explanation. No interactions between liming and fertilisation were found. In conclusion, on the soil types studied, no change of fertilisation strategy is needed due to liming

    Cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy associated with carotid atherosclerosis in Type 2 diabetic patients.

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    AimsTo clarify if cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy is associated with carotid artery atherosclerotic plaques in Type 2 diabetic patients. MethodsCardiovascular autonomic nerve function was related to carotid artery ultrasound in 61 Type 2 diabetic patients 5-6 years after diagnosis of diabetes. ResultsCardiovascular autonomic neuropathy [abnormal age corrected expiration/inspiration (E/I) ratio or acceleration index (AI)] was found in 13/61 (21%) patients. Patients with cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy showed increased degree of stenosis in the common carotid artery (24.6 ± 13.2% vs. 14.7 ± 9.2%; P = 0.014) and a tendency towards a higher plaque score (4.0 ± 1.7 vs. 3.2 ± 1.6; P = 0.064). Controlled for age, AI correlated inversely with degree of stenosis (r = -0.39; P = 0.005), plaque score (r = -0.39; P = 0.005), and mean (r = -0.33; P = 0.018) and maximum (r = -0.39; P = 0.004) intima-media thickness in the common carotid artery. In contrast, E/I ratio correlated only slightly with mean intima-media thickness in the common carotid artery (r = -0.28; P = 0.049). ConclusionsCardiovascular autonomic neuropathy was associated with carotid atherosclerosis in Type 2 diabetic patients. Abnormal E/I ratios reflect efferent structural damage to parasympathetic nerves whereas abnormal AI reflects afferent autonomic dysfunction possibly due to impaired baroreceptor sensitivity secondary to carotid atherosclerosis


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    The research presented aims for enhanced utilization of human skills, collaboration, and information sharing. This paper concerns the production context, and the needs and challenges of people striving for high-quality, innovative, and efficient work. The paper presents a model of the information system (IS) and organisations system (OS) and their integration. Main conclusions are that these systems overlap, and create an innovative working arena for the different working processes. People with knowledge gather into meetings held for different purposes supported by technical systems. These meetings provide a core element for efficient and innovative collaboration, requiring parallel development of IS and OS

    Long-term effects of liming on crop yield, plant diseases, soil structure and risk of phosphorus leaching

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    This study examined the long-term effects of applying structure lime (mixture of ~80% CaCO3 and 20% Ca(OH)2) and ground limestone (CaCO3) on soil aggregate stability and risk of phosphorus (P) losses 5–7 years after liming, incidence of soil-borne diseases and yield in winter wheat (Tritium aestivum), oilseed rape (Brassica napus) and sugar beet (Beta vulgaris). Lime was applied in 13 field trials in Sweden 2013–2015 and soil characteristics and crop yield were monitored until 2021. Seedbed (0–4 cm depth) aggregate (2–5 mm size) stability was improved to the same extent with both lime treatments compared to the untreated control, sampled 5–7 years after liming. Analyses and estimations of different P fractions (total P, PO4-P, and particulate P) in leachate following simulated rainfall events on undisturbed topsoil cores sampled 6–8 years after liming revealed lower total P and particulate P concentrations in both lime treatments compared to the untreated control. Two sugar beet trial sites with soil pH ≤7.2 before liming showed an increase in sugar yield for structure lime and ground limestone as an effect of increased concentration of soil potassium (K-AL) and/or lower Aphanomyces root rot potential compared to the untreated control. The yield of winter wheat was not affected by the application of either type of lime at sites with pH >7.2 but the yield of oilseed rape decreased after the application of structure lime
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