21 research outputs found

    Transcriptomic profiling of proteases and antiproteases in the liver of sexually mature hens in relation to vitellogenesis

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    Background: Most egg yolk precursors are synthesized by the liver, secreted into the blood and transferred into oocytes, to provide nutrients and bioactive molecules for the avian embryo. Three hundred and sixteen distinct proteins have been identified in egg yolk. These include 37 proteases and antiproteases, which are likely to play a role in the formation of the yolk (vitellogenesis), as regulators of protein metabolism. We used a transcriptomic approach to define the protease and antiprotease genes specifically expressed in the hen liver in relation to vitellogenesis by comparing sexually mature and pre-laying chickens showing different steroid milieu. Results: Using a 20 K chicken oligoarray, a total of 582 genes were shown to be over-expressed in the liver of sexually mature hens (1.2 to 67 fold-differences). Eight of the top ten over-expressed genes are known components of the egg yolk or perivitelline membrane. This list of 582 genes contains 12 proteases and 3 antiproteases. We found that "uncharacterized protein LOC419301/similar to porin" (GeneID: 419301), an antiprotease and "cathepsin E-A-like/similar to nothepsin" (GeneID: 417848), a protease, were the only over-expressed candidates (21-fold and 35-fold difference, respectively) that are present in the egg yolk. Additionally, we showed the 4-fold over-expression of "ovochymase-2/similar to oviductin" (GeneID: 769290), a vitelline membrane-specific protease. Conclusions: Our approach revealed that three proteases and antiproteases are likely to participate in the formation of the yolk. The role of the other 12 proteases and antiproteases which are over-expressed in our model remains unclear. At least 1/3 of proteases and antiproteases identified in egg yolk and vitelline membrane proteomes are expressed similarly in the liver regardless of the maturity of hens, and have been initially identified as regulators of haemostasis and inflammatory events. The lack of effect of sex steroids on these genes expressed in the liver but the products of which are found in the yolk suggests that these may be passively incorporated into the yolk rather than actively produced for that purpose. These results raise the question of the biological significance of egg yolk proteases and antiproteases, and more generally of all minor proteins that have been identified in egg yolk

    Support documents for an exhibition on WWII aircraft wrecks & Artistic and educational programme - Deliverable D7.2

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    <p>This deliverable reports on the activities carried out within Task 7.2: Support documents for an exhibition on WWII aircraft wrecks and support documents to implement an educational program for young students. This deliverable is inspired by the results obtained in the first meeting partners in Toulouse (PROCRAT-ReportMEETING-20210913-01.doc) and the constitution, afterward, of a scientific committee on the exhibition subject. This deliverable presents the exhibition and educational program scenario and contents.</p&gt

    Antimicrobial potential of egg Yolk ovoinhibitor, a multidomain Kazal-like inhibitor of chicken egg

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    Chicken egg ovoinhibitor is a multidomain Kazal-type serine protease inhibitor with unknown function. Comparison of expression between different tissues indicated that ovoinhibitor is highly expressed in the magnum and liver followed by the uterus, which secrete egg white, egg yolk, and eggshell precursors, respectively. The results also revealed that ovoinhibitor expression is increased in the liver during sexual maturation followed by a subsequent decrease in mature hens. Ovoinhibitor was purified from the egg yolk plasma from nonfertilized eggs using two consecutive affinity chromatographies and gel filtration. Purified egg yolk ovoinhibitor was shown to inhibit trypsin and subtilisin. It was shown that purified egg yolk ovoinhibitor exhibited antimicrobial activities against Bacillus thuringiensis. The results suggest that this anti-protease plays a significant role in antibacterial egg defense against Bacillus spp., preventing contamination of table eggs (nonfertilized eggs) and protecting the chick embryo (fertilized eggs)

    Ovalbumin-related protein X is a heparin-binding ov-serpin exhibiting antimicrobial activities

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    Ovalbumin family contains three proteins with high sequence similarity: ovalbumin, ovalbumin-related protein Y (OVAY), and ovalbumin-related protein X (OVAX). Ovalbumin is the major egg white protein with still undefined function, whereas the biological activity of OVAX and OVAY has not yet been explored. Similar to ovalbumin and OVAY, OVAX belongs to the ovalbumin serine protease inhibitor family (ov-serpin). We show that OVAX is specifically expressed by the magnum tissue, which is responsible for egg white formation. OVAX is also the main heparin-binding protein of egg white. This glycoprotein with a predicted reactive site at Lys(367)-His(368) is not able to inhibit trypsin, plasmin, or cathepsin G with or without heparin as a cofactor. Secondary structure of OVAX is similar to that of ovalbumin, but the three-dimensional model of OVAX reveals the presence of a cluster of exposed positive charges, which potentially explains the affinity of this ov-serpin for heparin, as opposed to ovalbumin. Interestingly, OVAX, unlike ovalbumin, displays antibacterial activities against both Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella enterica sv. Enteritidis. These properties partly involve heparin-binding site(s) of the molecule as the presence of heparin reverses its anti-Salmonella but not its anti-Listeria potential. Altogether, these results suggest that OVAX and ovalbumin, although highly similar in sequence, have peculiar sequential and/or structural features that are likely to impact their respective biological functions

    Les blogs

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    Parler de genre Ă  propos des blogs, c’est moins chercher Ă  dĂ©couvrir une espĂšce littĂ©raire nouvelle dans ce corpus hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšne et massif que tenter de dĂ©finir, au-delĂ  des spĂ©cifications techniques et fonctionnelles, un objet esthĂ©tique. Le blog s’écrit contre les genres existants, mais en porte l’empreinte autant qu’il en dĂ©place les lignes. Il invente aussi ses usages, ses communautĂ©s, ses configurations poĂ©tiques – autant de caractĂ©ristiques par lesquelles il fait genre. Les dĂ©clinaisons multiples du blog, son appropriation par les internautes et ses pratiques alliant rĂ©seau social et expression de soi, hypertextualitĂ© et mĂ©moire, soulignent non seulement sa richesse et sa diversitĂ©, mais dĂ©crivent aussi, entre contrainte de forme et libertĂ© de parole, l’aventure d’une Ă©criture