50,048 research outputs found

    Inorganic ion exchange membrane fuel cell quarterly progress report, period ending 10 apr. 1965

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    Inorganic ion exchange membrane for improving mass and heat transfer of fuel cells using palladium and platinum black as catalys

    CP Violation and Arrows of Time Evolution of a Neutral KK or BB Meson from an Incoherent to a Coherent State

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    We study the evolution of a neutral KK meson prepared as an incoherent equal mixture of K0K^0 and K0ˉ\bar{K^0}. Denoting the density matrix by \rho(t) = {1/2} N(t) [\1 + \vec{\zeta}(t) \cdot \vec{\sigma} ] , the norm of the state N(t)N(t) is found to decrease monotonically from one to zero, while the magnitude of the Stokes vector ζ(t)|\vec{\zeta}(t)| increases monotonically from zero to one. This property qualifies these observables as arrows of time. Requiring monotonic behaviour of N(t)N(t) for arbitrary values of γL,γS\gamma_L, \gamma_S and Δm\Delta m yields a bound on the CP-violating overlap δ=KLKS\delta = \braket{K_L}{K_S}, which is similar to, but weaker than, the known unitarity bound. A similar requirement on ζ(t)|\vec{\zeta}(t)| yields a new bound, δ2<1/2(ΔγΔm)sinh(3π4ΔγΔm)\delta^2 < {1/2} (\frac{\Delta \gamma}{\Delta m}) \sinh (\frac{3\pi}{4} \frac{\Delta \gamma}{\Delta m}) which is particularly effective in limiting the CP-violating overlap in the B0B^0-B0ˉ\bar{B^0} system. We obtain the Stokes parameter ζ3(t)\zeta_3(t) which shows how the average strangeness of the beam evolves from zero to δ\delta. The evolution of the Stokes vector from ζ=0|\vec{\zeta}| = 0 to ζ=1|\vec{\zeta}| = 1 has a resemblance to an order parameter of a system undergoing spontaneous symmetry breaking.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures. Inserted conon "." in title; minor change in text. To appear in Physical review

    Voyager Mars planetary quarantine Basic math model report

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    Basic math model study of planetary quarantine effects on Voyager Mars missio

    Landau level spectroscopy of ultrathin graphite layers

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    Far infrared transmission experiments are performed on ultrathin epitaxial graphite samples in a magnetic field. The observed cyclotron resonance-like and electron-positron-like transitions are in excellent agreement with the expectations of a single-particle model of Dirac fermions in graphene, with an effective velocity of c* = 1.03 x 10^6 m/s.Comment: 4 pages 4 figures Slight revisions following referees' comments. One figure modifie

    The effect of disorder on the free-energy for the Random Walk Pinning Model: smoothing of the phase transition and low temperature asymptotics

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    We consider the continuous time version of the Random Walk Pinning Model (RWPM), studied in [5,6,7]. Given a fixed realization of a random walk Y$ on Z^d with jump rate rho (that plays the role of the random medium), we modify the law of a random walk X on Z^d with jump rate 1 by reweighting the paths, giving an energy reward proportional to the intersection time L_t(X,Y)=\int_0^t \ind_{X_s=Y_s}\dd s: the weight of the path under the new measure is exp(beta L_t(X,Y)), beta in R. As beta increases, the system exhibits a delocalization/localization transition: there is a critical value beta_c, such that if beta>beta_c the two walks stick together for almost-all Y realizations. A natural question is that of disorder relevance, that is whether the quenched and annealed systems have the same behavior. In this paper we investigate how the disorder modifies the shape of the free energy curve: (1) We prove that, in dimension d larger or equal to three 3, the presence of disorder makes the phase transition at least of second order. This, in dimension larger or equal to 4, contrasts with the fact that the phase transition of the annealed system is of first order. (2) In any dimension, we prove that disorder modifies the low temperature asymptotic of the free energy.Comment: 18 page

    Small-Signal Amplification of Period-Doubling Bifurcations in Smooth Iterated Maps

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    Various authors have shown that, near the onset of a period-doubling bifurcation, small perturbations in the control parameter may result in much larger disturbances in the response of the dynamical system. Such amplification of small signals can be measured by a gain defined as the magnitude of the disturbance in the response divided by the perturbation amplitude. In this paper, the perturbed response is studied using normal forms based on the most general assumptions of iterated maps. Such an analysis provides a theoretical footing for previous experimental and numerical observations, such as the failure of linear analysis and the saturation of the gain. Qualitative as well as quantitative features of the gain are exhibited using selected models of cardiac dynamics.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Criteria for Bayesian model choice with application to variable selection

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    In objective Bayesian model selection, no single criterion has emerged as dominant in defining objective prior distributions. Indeed, many criteria have been separately proposed and utilized to propose differing prior choices. We first formalize the most general and compelling of the various criteria that have been suggested, together with a new criterion. We then illustrate the potential of these criteria in determining objective model selection priors by considering their application to the problem of variable selection in normal linear models. This results in a new model selection objective prior with a number of compelling properties.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/12-AOS1013 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Spatio-Temporal Scaling of Solar Surface Flows

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    The Sun provides an excellent natural laboratory for nonlinear phenomena. We use motions of magnetic bright points on the solar surface, at the smallest scales yet observed, to study the small scale dynamics of the photospheric plasma. The paths of the bright points are analyzed within a continuous time random walk framework. Their spatial and temporal scaling suggest that the observed motions are the walks of imperfectly correlated tracers on a turbulent fluid flow in the lanes between granular convection cells.Comment: Now Accepted by Physical Review Letter

    Hunting Local Mixmaster Dynamics in Spatially Inhomogeneous Cosmologies

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    Heuristic arguments and numerical simulations support the Belinskii et al (BKL) claim that the approach to the singularity in generic gravitational collapse is characterized by local Mixmaster dynamics (LMD). Here, one way to identify LMD in collapsing spatially inhomogeneous cosmologies is explored. By writing the metric of one spacetime in the standard variables of another, signatures for LMD may be found. Such signatures for the dynamics of spatially homogeneous Mixmaster models in the variables of U(1)-symmetric cosmologies are reviewed. Similar constructions for U(1)-symmetric spacetimes in terms of the dynamics of generic T2T^2-symmetric spacetime are presented.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures. Contribution to CQG Special Issue "A Spacetime Safari: Essays in Honour of Vincent Moncrief

    Sets of Priors Reflecting Prior-Data Conflict and Agreement

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    In Bayesian statistics, the choice of prior distribution is often debatable, especially if prior knowledge is limited or data are scarce. In imprecise probability, sets of priors are used to accurately model and reflect prior knowledge. This has the advantage that prior-data conflict sensitivity can be modelled: Ranges of posterior inferences should be larger when prior and data are in conflict. We propose a new method for generating prior sets which, in addition to prior-data conflict sensitivity, allows to reflect strong prior-data agreement by decreased posterior imprecision.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, In: Paulo Joao Carvalho et al. (eds.), IPMU 2016: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, Eindhoven, The Netherland