2,169 research outputs found

    Interacting bosons at finite angular momentum via complex langevin

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    Quantum field theories with a complex action suffer from a sign problem in stochastic nonpertur-bative treatments, making many systems of great interest – such as polarized or mass-imbalanced fermions and QCD at finite baryon density – extremely challenging to treat numerically. Another such system is that of bosons at finite angular momentum; experimentalists have successfully achieved vortex formation in ultracold bosonic atoms, and have measured quantities of interest such as density profiles and the moment of inertia. However, the treatment of superfluids requires the use of complex bosons, making the usual numerical methods unusable. In this work, we apply complex Langevin, a method that has gained much attention in lattice QCD, to the calculation of basic properties of interacting bosons at finite angular momentum. We show preliminary results for the angular momentum and moment of inertia and benchmark calculations in the noninteracting limit

    Thermodynamics of rotating quantum matter in the virial expansion

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    We characterize the high-temperature thermodynamics of rotating bosons and fermions in two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) isotropic harmonic trapping potentials. We begin by calculating analytically the conventional virial coefficients bn for all n in the noninteracting case, as functions of the trapping and rotational frequencies. We also report on the virial coefficients for the angular momentum and associated moment of inertia. Using the bn coefficients, we analyze the deconfined limit (in which the angular frequency matches the trapping frequency) and derive explicitly the limiting form of the partition function, showing from the thermodynamic standpoint how both the 2D and 3D cases become effectively homogeneous 2D systems. To tackle the virial coefficients in the presence of weak interactions, we implement a coarse temporal lattice approximation and obtain virial coefficients up to third order

    Harmonically trapped fermions in two dimensions: Ground-state energy and contact of SU(2) and SU(4) systems via a nonuniform lattice Monte Carlo method

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    We study harmonically trapped, unpolarized fermion systems with attractive interactions in two spatial dimensions with spin degeneracies Nf=2 and 4 and N/Nf=1,3,5, and 7 particles per flavor. We carry out our calculations using our recently proposed quantum Monte Carlo method on a nonuniform lattice. We report on the ground-state energy and contact for a range of couplings, as determined by the binding energy of the two-body system, and show explicitly how the physics of the Nf-body sector dominates as the coupling is increased

    Third- And fourth-order virial coefficients of harmonically trapped fermions in a semiclassical approximation

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    Using a leading-order semiclassical approximation, we calculate the third- A nd fourth-order virial coefficients of nonrelativistic spin-1/2 fermions in a harmonic trapping potential in arbitrary spatial dimensions, and as functions of temperature, trapping frequency, and coupling strength. Our simple, analytic results for the interaction-induced changes Δb3 and Δb4 agree qualitatively, and in some regimes quantitatively, with previous numerical calculations for the unitary limit of three-dimensional Fermi gases

    Thermally assisted magnetization reversal in the presence of a spin-transfer torque

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    We propose a generalized stochastic Landau-Lifshitz equation and its corresponding Fokker-Planck equation for the magnetization dynamics in the presence of spin transfer torques. Since the spin transfer torque can pump a magnetic energy into the magnetic system, the equilibrium temperature of the magnetic system is ill-defined. We introduce an effective temperature based on a stationary solution of the Fokker-Planck equation. In the limit of high energy barriers, the law of thermal agitation is derived. We find that the N\'{e}el-Brown relaxation formula remains valid as long as we replace the temperature by an effective one that is linearly dependent of the spin torque. We carry out the numerical integration of the stochastic Landau-Lifshitz equation to support our theory. Our results agree with existing experimental data.Comment: 5 figure

    Magnetization dynamics with a spin-transfer torque

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    The magnetization reversal and dynamics of a spin valve pillar, whose lateral size is 64Ă—\times64 nm2^2, are studied by using micromagnetic simulation in the presence of spin transfer torque. Spin torques display both characteristics of magnetic damping (or anti-damping) and of an effective magnetic field. For a steady-state current, both M-I and M-H hysteresis loops show unique features, including multiple jumps, unusual plateaus and precessional states. These states originate from the competition between the energy dissipation due to Gilbert damping and the energy accumulation due to the spin torque supplied by the spin current. The magnetic energy oscillates as a function of time even for a steady-state current. For a pulsed current, the minimum width and amplitude of the spin torque for achieving current-driven magnetization reversal are quantitatively determined. The spin torque also shows very interesting thermal activation that is fundamentally different from an ordinary damping effect.Comment: 15 figure

    Properties of mesoscopic superconducting thin-film rings. London approach

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    Superconducting thin-film rings smaller than the film penetration depth (the Pearl length) are considered. The current distribution, magnetic moment, and thermodynamic potential F(H,N,v){\cal F}(H,N,v) for a flat, washer-shaped annular ring in a uniform applied field HH perpendicular to the film are solved analytically within the London approach for a state with winding number NN and a vortex at radius vv between the inner and outer radii.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Current-Driven Magnetization Dynamics in Magnetic Multilayers

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    We develop a quantum analog of the classical spin-torque model for current-driven magnetic dynamics. The current-driven magnetic excitation at finite field becomes significantly incoherent. This excitation is described by an effective magnetic temperature rather than a coherent precession as in the spin-torque model. However, both the spin-torque and effective temperature approximations give qualitatively similar switching diagrams in the current-field coordinates, showing the need for detailed experiments to establish the proper physical model for current-driven dynamics.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Localization corrections to the anomalous Hall effect in a ferromagnet

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    We calculate the localization corrections to the anomalous Hall conductivity related to the contribution of spin-orbit scattering into the current vertex (side-jump mechanism). We show that in contrast to the ordinary Hall effect, there exists a nonvanishing localization correction to the anomalous Hall resistivity. The correction to the anomalous Hall conductivity vanishes in the case of side-jump mechanism, but is nonzero for the skew scattering. The total correction to the nondiagonal conductivity related to both mechanisms, does not compensate the correction to the diagonal conductivity.Comment: 7 pages with 7 figure

    Spin diffusion at finite electric and magnetic fields

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    Spin transport properties at finite electric and magnetic fields are studied by using the generalized semiclassical Boltzmann equation. It is found that the spin diffusion equation for non-equilibrium spin density and spin currents involves a number of length scales that explicitly depend on the electric and magnetic fields. The set of macroscopic equations can be used to address a broad range of the spin transport problems in magnetic multilayers as well as in semiconductor heterostructure. A specific example of spin injection into semiconductors at arbitrary electric and magnetic fields is illustrated
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