8,499 research outputs found

    Chaotic itinerancy and power-law residence time distribution in stochastic dynamical system

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    To study a chaotic itinerant motion among varieties of ordered states, we propose a stochastic model based on the mechanism of chaotic itinerancy. The model consists of a random walk on a half-line, and a Markov chain with a transition probability matrix. To investigate the stability of attractor ruins in the model, we analyze the residence time distribution of orbits at attractor ruins. We show that the residence time distribution averaged by all attractor ruins is given by the superposition of (truncated) power-law distributions, if a basin of attraction for each attractor ruin has zero measure. To make sure of this result, we carry out a computer simulation for models showing chaotic itinerancy. We also discuss the fact that chaotic itinerancy does not occur in coupled Milnor attractor systems if the transition probability among attractor ruins can be represented as a Markov chain.Comment: 6 pages, 10 figure

    q_T Uncertainties for W and Z Production

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    Analysis of semi-inclusive DIS hadroproduction suggests broadening of transverse momentum distributions at small x below 1E-3 ~ 1E-2 which can be modeled in the Collins-Soper-Sterman formalism by a modification of impact parameter dependent parton densities. We investigate these consequences for the production of electroweak bosons at the Tevatron and the LHC. If substantial small-x broadening is observed in forward Z boson production in the Tevatron Run-2, it will strongly affect the predicted q_T distributions for W and Z boson production at the LHC.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; contribution to the XIII International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS 2005

    Sensitivity of future collider facilities to WIMP pair production via effective operators and light mediators

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    We present extrapolations of the current mono-jet searches at the LHC to potential future hadron collider facilities: LHC14, as well as pppp colliders with s=33\sqrt{s}=33 or 100 TeV. We consider both the effective operator approach as well as one example of a light mediating particle

    Bell's Theorem and Nonlinear Systems

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    For all Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-type experiments on deterministic systems the Bell inequality holds, unless non-local interactions exist between certain parts of the setup. Here we show that in nonlinear systems the Bell inequality can be violated by non-local effects that are arbitrarily weak. Then we show that the quantum result of the existing Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-type experiments can be reproduced within deterministic models that include arbitrarily weak non-local effects.Comment: Accepted for publication in Europhysics Letters. 14 pages, no figures. In the Appendix (not included in the EPL version) the author says what he really thinks about the subjec

    Neutrino-Nucleus Cross Section Measurements using Stopped Pions and Low Energy Beta Beams

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    Two new facilities have recently been proposed to measure low energy neutrino-nucleus cross sections, the nu-SNS (Spallation Neutron Source) and low energy beta beams. The former produces neutrinos by pion decay at rest, while the latter produces neutrinos from the beta decays of accelerated ions. One of the uses of neutrino-nucleus cross section measurements is for supernova studies, where typical neutrino energies are 10s of MeV. In this energy range there are many different components to the nuclear response and this makes the theoretical interpretation of the results of such an experiment complex. Although even one measurement on a heavy nucleus such as lead is much anticipated, more than one data set would be still better. We suggest that this can be done by breaking the electron spectrum down into the parts produced in coincidence with one or two neutrons, running a beta beam at more than one energy, comparing the spectra produced with pions and a beta beam or any combination of these.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Working Children: their Agency and self-organization

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    In recent years, ā€˜agencyā€™ has appeared in academic writings as a new way of referring to active involvement from below in development interventions. The concept of ā€˜agencyā€™ starts from the assumption that people are actually agents themselves, continuously acting in and reacting to circumstances. In child labour activism, this concept has been applied to working children in the understanding that, in order to improve their working conditions, children should be organised in organizations that are exclusively for and (ideally) run by working children. This paper aims to evaluate the extent to which child labourers can become agents of change through their own organizations. The paper will draw on two studies carried out by the IREWOC foundation. In 2002 a study was undertaken in Bolivia to give practical meaning to the concept of child agency. Secondly, in 2004/2005 an investigation was carried out on the functioning and impact of childrenā€™s organizations in Peru, Bolivia and Brazil. The applied research methods were mainly anthropological and used participant observation, (semi-) informal interviews and group interviewing with working children, their parents and adult representatives of the working childrenā€™s organizations. Both investigations show that in focussing on children as active participants, the structural constraints under which children have to live also need to be highlighted. One needs to understand how material poverty, mental deprivation and disempowerment help to shape resilience and defiance, but also anger, distrust and marginalisation.Ces dernieĢ€res anneĢes le terme ā€˜agencyā€™ est apparu dans les eĢcrits acadeĢmiques comme une nouvelle manieĢ€re de se reĢfeĢrer aĢ€ lā€™implication active de la base dans les interventions de deĢveloppement. Le terme ā€˜agencyā€™ part de lā€™hypotheĢ€se que les gens sont agents eux-meĢ‚mes, agissant et reĢagissant continuĢ‚ment aux circonstances. Dans lā€™activisme du travail des enfants, le concept a eĢteĢ appliqueĢ aux enfants travailleurs dans le but de comprendre que, et dans le but dā€™ameĢliorer leurs conditions de travail, les enfants doivent eĢ‚tre organiseĢs dans des organisations qui sont exclusivement et (ideĢalement) conduites par des enfants travailleurs. Ce papier tente dā€™eĢvaluer dans quelle mesure les enfants travailleurs peuvent devenir agents du changement aĢ€ travers leurs propres organisations. Le papier sā€™appuie sur deux eĢtudes de cas meneĢes par la fondation IREWOC. En 2002, une eĢtude a eĢteĢ meneĢe en Bolivie pour donner un sens concret au concept dā€™agenceĢiteĢ des enfants. DeuxieĢ€mement, en 2004/2005, une enqueĢ‚te a eĢteĢ reĢaliseĢe sur le fonctionnement et lā€™impact des organisations dā€™enfants au PeĢrou, en Bolivie et au BreĢsil. La meĢthode de recherche appliqueĢe est essentiellement anthropologique et utilise lā€™observation participante, les entrevues informelles (semi- informelles) et les entrevues de groupes avec des enfants travailleurs, leurs parents et des adultes repreĢsentant les organisations dā€™enfants travailleurs. Les deux enqueĢ‚tes montrent quā€™en se focalisant sur les enfants en tant que participants actifs, les contraintes structurelles dans lesquelles les enfants vivent doivent eĢgalement eĢ‚tre mises en eĢvidence. On doit comprendre comment la pauvreteĢ mateĢrielle, la privation mentale et lā€™absence de capaciteĢ aĢ€ se donner le pouvoir participent aĢ€ modeler la reĢsilience et la deĢfiance, mais aussi la coleĢ€re, la perte de confiance et la marginalisation

    Microstructure and Magnetic Properties of Very Thin CoCr Films Deposited on Different Underlayers by rf-Sputtering

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    Very thin CoCr films deposited on different underlayers on glass disk substrates were studied by the magneto-optic Kerr effect, VSM, torque magnetometry and TEM selected area diffraction. Square or near square perpendicular loops were obtained from Co/Ti, CoCr/Au, CoCr/Al, CoCr/C and CoCr/Si films. TEM SAD study revealed that the crystalline structure is a key factor determining the magnetic anisotropy of the very thin CoCr films. In particular, the c-axis of the hep CoCr films which exhibit square perpendicular loops is perpendicular to the film plane whilst that of the CoCr films which exhibit a thin and flat perpendicular loop lies in the film plane. The texture of the very thin CoCr films deposited on different underlayers is mainly dependent on the structure and texture of underlayers. The relation between the structure of CoCr and its underlayers is discussed

    Observation of Ising-like critical fluctuations in frustrated Josephson junction arrays with modulated coupling energies

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    We report the results of ac sheet conductance measurements performed on fully frustrated square arrays of Josephson junctions whose coupling energy is periodically modulated in one of the principal lattice directions. Such systems are predicted to exhibit two distinct transitions: a low-temperature Ising-like transition triggered by the proliferation of domain walls and a high-temperature transition driven by the vortex unbinding mechanism of the Beresinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) theory. Both the superfluid and dissipative components of the conductance are found to exhibit features which unambiguously demonstrate the existence of a double transition whose properties are consistent with the Ising-BKT scenario.Comment: To be published in Physica C (Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference in School Format 'Vortex Matter in Superconductors'
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