16 research outputs found

    The epidemiology of malignant catarrhal fever viruses in bison

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    A competitive inhibition enzyme linked immunosorbent assay was validated and used to estimate the prevalence of MCF-group virus infections in a sample of Alberta farmed bison. Prevalence among 995 slaughterhouse specimens was 21.8%. Among 953 samples from a serum bank the prevalence was 23.9%, and among 646 samples from five bison herds the prevalence was 23.4%. Test results from samples from one isolated bison herd collected over a period of six years provided evidence that an MCF-group virus was being transmitted across generations in the absence of exposure to any other ruminant sources of MCF-group viruses. Study of an outbreak of MCF in bison following a brief exposure to sheep provided very strong evidence that transmission of MCF among bison does not occur. Culturing lymphocytes from 12 healthy adult bison in the presence of the phorbol ester, 12-0-tetradecanoyl phorbol-13-acetate and testing of DNA extracted from these cultures with consensus herpesvirus PCR allowed the identification of viruses very similar to ovine herpesvirus two in five of the bison samples

    The influence of the rearing period on intramammary infections in Swiss dairy heifers: A cross-sectional study

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    Healthy replacement heifers are one of the foundations of a healthy dairy herd. Farm management andrearing systems in Switzerland provide a wide variety of factors that could potentially be associated withintramammary infections (IMI) in early lactating dairy heifers. In this study, IMI with minor mastitispathogens such as coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS), contagious pathogens, and environmentalmajor pathogens were identified. Fifty-four dairy farms were enrolled in the study. A questionnaire wasused to collect herd level data on housing, management and welfare of young stock during farm isitsand interviews with the farmers. Cow-level data such as breed, age at first calving, udder condition andswelling, and calving ease were also recorded. Data was also collected about young stock that spent aperiod of at least 3 months on an external rearing farm or on a seasonal alpine farm. At the quarterlevel, teat conditions such as teat lesions, teat dysfunction, presence of a papilloma and teat lengthwere recorded. Within 24 h after parturition, samples of colostral milk from 1564 quarters (391 heifers)were collected aseptically for bacterial culture. Positive bacteriological culture results were found in 49%of quarter samples. Potential risk factors for IMI were identified at the quarter, animal and herd levelusing multivariable and multilevel logistic regression analysis. At the herd level tie-stalls, and at cow-level the breed category “Brown cattle” were risk factors for IMI caused by contagious major pathogenssuch as Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus). At the quarter-level, teat swelling and teat lesions were highlyassociated with IMI caused by environmental major pathogens. At the herd level heifer rearing at externalfarms was associated with less IMI caused by major environmental pathogens. Keeping pregnant heifersin a separate group was negatively associated with IMI caused by CNS. The odds of IMI with coagulase-negative staphylococci increased if weaning age was less than 4 months and if concentrates were fed tocalves younger than 2 weeks. This study identified herd, cow- and quarter-level risk factors that may beimportant for IMI prevention in the future

    Single-Step Selection of Bivalent Aptamers Validated by Comparison with SELEX Using High-Throughput Sequencing

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    The identification of nucleic acid aptamers would be advanced if they could be obtained after fewer rounds of selection and amplification. In this paper the identification of bivalent aptamers for thrombin by SELEX and single-step selection are compared using next generation sequencing and motif finding informatics. Results show that similar aptamers are identified by both methods. This is significant because it shows that next generation sequencing and motif finding informatics have the potential to simplify the selection of aptamers by avoiding multiple rounds of enzymatic transcription and amplification

    A practical approach to designing syndromic surveillance systems for livestock and poultry

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    The field of animal syndromic surveillance (SyS) is growing, with many systems being developed worldwide. Now is an appropriate time to share ideas and lessons learned from early SyS design and implementation. Based on our practical experience in animal health SyS, with additions from the public health and animal health SyS literature, we put forward for discussion a 6-step approach to designing SyS systems for livestock and poultry. The first step is to formalise policy and surveillance goals which are considerate of stakeholder expectations and reflect priority issues (1). Next, it is important to find consensus on national priority diseases and identify current surveillance gaps. The geographic, demographic, and temporal coverage of the system must be carefully assessed (2). A minimum dataset for SyS that includes the essential data to achieve all surveillance objectives while minimizing the amount of data collected should be defined. One can then compile an inventory of the data sources available and evaluate each using the criteria developed (3). A list of syndromes should then be produced for all data sources. Cases can be classified into syndrome classes and the data can be converted into time series (4). Based on the characteristics of the syndrome-time series, the length of historic data available and the type of outbreaks the system must detect, different aberration detection algorithms can be tested (5). Finally, it is essential to develop a minimally acceptable response protocol for each statistical signal produced (6). Important outcomes of this pre-operational phase should be building of a national network of experts and collective action and evaluation plans. While some of the more applied steps (4 and 5) are currently receiving consideration, more emphasis should be put on earlier conceptual steps by decision makers and surveillance developers (1-3)

    Choosing the best algorithm for event detection based on the intend application: a conceptual framework for syndromic surveillance.

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    There is an extensive list of methods available for the early detection of an epidemic signal in syndromic surveillance data. However, there is no commonly accepted classification system for the statistical methods used for event detection in syndromic surveillance. Comparing and choosing appropriate event detection algorithms is an increasingly challenging task. Although lists of selection criteria, and statistical methods used for signal detection have been reported, selection criteria are rarely linked to a specific set of appropriate statistical methods. The paper presents a practical approach for guiding surveillance practitioners to make an informed choice from among the most popular event detection algorithms based on the intended application of the algorithm. We developed selection criteria by mapping the assumptions and performance characteristics of event detection algorithms directly to important characteristics of the time series used in syndromic surveillance. We also considered types of epidemics that may be expected and other characteristics of the surveillance system. These guidelines will provide decisions makers, data analysts, public health practitioners, and researchers with a comprehensive but practical overview of the domain, which may reduce the technical barriers to the development and implementation of syndromic surveillance systems in animal and human health. The classification scheme was restricted to univariate and temporal methods because they are the most commonly used algorithms in syndromic surveillance

    An investigation into the factors that encourage learner participation in a large group medical classroom

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    BACKGROUND: Effective lectures often incorporate activities that encourage learner participation. A challenge for educators is how to facilitate this in the large group lecture setting. This study investigates the individual student characteristics involved in encouraging (or dissuading) learners to interact, ask questions, and make comments in class. METHODS: Students enrolled in a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine program at Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine, St Kitts, were invited to complete a questionnaire canvassing their participation in the large group classroom. Data from the questionnaire were analyzed using Excel (Microsoft, Redmond, WA, USA) and the R software environment (http://www.r-project.org/). RESULTS: One hundred and ninety-two students completed the questionnaire (response rate, 85.7%). The results showed statistically significant differences between male and female students when asked to self-report their level of participation (P=0.011) and their confidence to participate (P<0.001) in class. No statistically significant difference was identified between different age groups of students (P=0.594). Student responses reflected that an "aversion to public speaking" acted as the main deterrent to participating during a lecture. Female participants were 3.56 times more likely to report a fear of public speaking than male participants (odds ratio 3.56, 95% confidence interval 1.28-12.33, P=0.01). Students also reported "smaller sizes of class and small group activities" and "other students participating" as factors that made it easier for them to participate during a lecture. CONCLUSION: In this study, sex likely played a role in learner participation in the large group veterinary classroom. Male students were more likely to participate in class and reported feeling more confident to participate than female students. Female students in this study commonly identified aversion to public speaking as a factor which held them back from participating in the large group lecture setting. These are important findings for veterinary and medical educators aiming to improve learner participation in the classroom. Potential ways of addressing this challenge include addition of small group activities and audience response systems during lectures, and inclusion of training interventions in public speaking at an early stage of veterinary and medical curricula

    Characteristics of bacterial isolates in Swiss farmed and ornamental fish from a retrospective study from 2000 to 2017.

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    INTRODUCTION Aquaculture is a rapidly growing field of food production of high economic importance. Bacterial infections are an important threat to aquaculture growth and also a common problem in ornamental fish. Some pathogenic agents and aquaculture production types are reported to be associated with increased disease. However, a detailed description of bacterial pathogens causing disease in Swiss aquaculture and ornamental pet fish is still missing. In this study we describe 1448 bacterial isolations originating from 1134 diagnostic laboratory submissions from farmed and ornamental fish in Switzerland for the period from 2000 to 2017. A strong seasonality was observed with submissions peaking in spring and summer. Bacterial isolations in fish submitted from organic farms were approximately six times more frequent than in conventional fish farms. Flavobacteriaceae, aeromonads and Yersinia ruckeri were the most common isolates from aquaculture, and motile aeromonads and Vibrio spp. were most often isolated from ornamental fish. The results of this study provide some interesting hypotheses, but further research is needed to better characterize risk factors for bacterial diseases in both aquaculture and aquarium fish in Switzerland

    An understated danger: Antimicrobial resistance in aquaculture and pet fish in Switzerland, a retrospective study from 2000 to 2017

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    Aquaculture is a rapidly growing field of food production. However, morbidity and mortality are higher in aquaculture species than in domestic animals. Bacterial diseases are a leading cause of farmed fish morbidity and are often treated with antimicrobials. Since most Swiss fish farms release effluents directly into surface water without treatment and since aquaculture fish are consumed by humans, antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and multi-resistance in aquaculture fish are important for environmental and public health. In this study, AMR tests for 14 antimicrobials were performed on 1448 isolates from 1,134 diagnostic laboratory submissions from farmed and ornamental fish submissions for the period from 2000 to 2017. Amoxicillin, gentamycin and norfloxacin had the lowest proportion of resistant samples. However, AMR was highly variable over time. Resistance proportions were higher in: (a) ornamental fish compared with farmed fish, (b) fish from recirculation systems compared with those from other farming systems and (c) isolates originating from skin compared with those originating from inner organs. Multiple resistances were common. The results of this study provide useful data for Swiss fish veterinarians and some interesting hypotheses about risk factors for AMR in aquaculture and pet fish in Switzerland. However, further research is needed to define risk factors