9 research outputs found

    Cultural adaptation and validation of the Portuguese End of Life Spiritual Comfort Questionnaire in Palliative Care patients

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    AbstractBackgroundHolistic comfort is an important outcome in palliative care and an important goal for patients, relatives and healthcare workers. Holistic comfort considers one's acceptance of life circumstances, support from loved ones and health care professionals, and peaceful resolution of relationships during stressful situations. However, this type of comfort is still difficult to measure, particularly in palliative care patients, as there is a lack of instruments available, especially in the Portuguese language. This study aims to provide an accurate and sensitive instrument to assess the spiritual comfort of Portuguese palliative care patients.ObjectiveTo perform the cultural adaptation and validation of a Portuguese version of the End of Life Comfort Planning Questionnaire in Palliative Care patients.MethodsMethodological research, with analytical approach. The translation, synthesis, back translation, review, pretest, semantic evaluation and analysis of the psychometric properties were performed. A total of 141 palliative care patients from acute medical-surgical settings at a central hospital in the north of Portugal were recruited. The Ethics Committee approved the research.ResultsThe internal consistency analysis of the adapted instrument resulted in a global alpha value of 0.84 and the factor analysis presented a solution with five factors with rational meaning. The Portuguese version comprised 20 items.ConclusionsThe instrument has good psychometric properties. It was reliable, valid and sensitive to the existence of the spiritual comfort of palliative care patients, and appropriate for further research

    Validação do diagnóstico de enfermagem angústia espiritual

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    Introdução: Os diagnósticos de enfermagem constituem um julgamento clínico acerca das respostas humanas aos processos de vida e de saúde, enquadrado em domínios do conhecimento e das competências dos enfermeiros. A identificação de diagnósticos de natureza espiritual é dificultada pela subjetividade e complexidade do conceito de espiritualidade, não obstante os doentes sentirem necessidades espirituais. O diagnóstico de enfermagem angústia espiritual integra a NANDA-I desde 1978 e tem sido submetido a estudos de validação, com escassez de validação clínica que contribua para a melhoria do seu baixo nível de evidência. Objetivos: Realizar a validação de conteúdo e a validação clínica do diagnóstico de enfermagem angústia espiritual da NANDA-I; identificar a prevalência do diagnóstico na amostra de doentes com cancro submetidos a quimioterapia; conhecer a sensibilidade, especificidade e valor preditivo das características definidoras do diagnóstico. Metodologia: A validação baseou-se nos modelos de Richard Fehring. Decorreu entre fevereiro de 2011 e abril de 2012, em três fases distintas. A primeira fase consistiu na revisão integrativa de literatura acerca do conceito e dos indicadores clínicos de angústia espiritual. Na segunda realizou-se a validação de conteúdo com enfermeiros peritos portugueses e decorreu em simultâneo com a terceira fase, de validação clínica, através de entrevista a doentes com cancro submetidos a quimioterapia. Os doentes foram entrevistados para preenchimento de um formulário que, além das características definidoras, incluia três critérios de identificação do diagnóstico: a opinião do doente, o diagnóstico pela investigadora e um questionário de bemestar espiritual. Resultados: Da revisão integrativa de literatura obtivemos uma amostra de 37 artigos entre os quais foram identificados 10 estudos de validação e, entre estes, um estudo de validação clínica. Identificámos 35 indicadores clínicos de angústia espiritual. Foi realizada uma comparação semântica entre estes resultados e os da NANDA-I por investigadores em espiritualidade, da qual resultaram 40 indicadores para validação. Desta revisão resultou uma proposta de uma nova definição para o diagnóstico. Na fase de validação de conteúdo obtevese uma amostra de 42 peritos, dos quais 41 concordaram com a nova proposta para a definição do diagnóstico. Além da classe três do domínio 10, os peritos sugeriram outras classificações para o diagnóstico. Todas as características foram validadas: 18 principais e 22 secundárias. Na terceira fase, obtivémos uma amostra de 170 doentes. O doente típico foi do sexo feminino, católico, com 56,2 anos, com o diagnóstico há 24 meses e em tratamento há 15 meses. A prevalência de angústia espiritual foi de 40,8%. Foram validadas 16 características definidoras. As 12 características classificadas como principais obtiveram valores significativos de sensibilidade e de valor preditivo para o diagnóstico, sendo que 7 destas características não estão classificadas na NANDA-I, porque emergiram da primeira fase do estudo. A característica definidora mais sensível foi expressa sofrimento e a característica definidora mais específica foi falta de sentido na vida. Conclusões: O diagnóstico de enfermagem angústia espiritual da NANDA-I requer revisão da classificação a nível de domínio, classe, definição e características definidoras. A prevalência do diagnóstico confirma que os enfermeiros encontrarão doentes em angústia espiritual e necessitam reunir competências para intervenções adequadas. A validação clínica em outros contextos é fundamental no intuito de acrescentar mais evidência àquela reunida neste estudo e demonstrou ser um método que permite conhecer as características definidoras e o diagnóstico com maior precisão. Outros estudos de validação clínica contribuirão para o desenvolvimento da taxonomia e para a prática clínica, porquanto oferecem ao enfermeiro dados para a definição de diagnósticos num processo de cuidados que se espera eficaz e eficienteIntroduction Nursing diagnoses represent a clinical judgement about human responses to life and health processes, incorporated in domains of nursing knowledge and competencies. Defining diagnoses of spiritual nature is made difficult by the subjectivity and complexity of the concept of spirituality, even though patients have spiritual needs. The nursing diagnosis of spiritual distress is included in NANDA-I since 1978 and has been subject of validation studies with meagre clinical validation to achieve improvement of its low level of evidence. Objectives: To perform the content validation and clinical validation of the NANDA-I nursing diagnosis of Spiritual Distress; to identify the prevalence of this diagnosis in the sample of cancer patients under chemotherapy; to find out the sensitivity, specificity and predictive value of the defining characteristics of the diagnosis. Methodology: The validation is based on the models of Richard Fehring. It was performed between February 2011 and April 2012 in three distinct phases. The first phase consisted of an integrative literature review of the concept and clinical indicators of spiritual distress. During the second phase the content validation with Portuguese expert nurses was carried out and it occurred simultaneously with the third phase of clinical validation through the interview of cancer patients under chemotherapy. The patients were interviewed to fill in a form that included the defining characteristics and the three criteria to identify the diagnosis: the patient’s opinion, the diagnosis by the researcher and a questionnaire of spiritual well-being. Results: From the integrative literature review a sample of 37 articles was identified from which 10 were validation studies, and among these one reported a clinical validation. A total of 35 clinical indicators of spiritual distress were identified. A semantic comparison between the results obtained and NANDA-I was performed by spirituality researchers, resulting in 40 indicators for validation. A suggestion for a new definition of the diagnosis resulted from this revision. During the content validation phase a sample of 42 experts was obtained from these 41 agreed with the suggestion for the new definition of the diagnosis. Additionally to the class 3 of domain 10, the experts suggested other classification for the diagnosis. The totality of characteristics was validated: 18 major characteristics and 22 minor characteristics. On the third phase a sample of 170 patients was obtained. The representative patient was a female, catholic, with 56.2 years of age, diagnosed for 24 months and under treatment for 15 months. The prevalence of spiritual distress was 40.8%. The 16 defining characteristics were validated. The 12 major characteristics of this study obtained considerable values of sensitivity and predictive value for the diagnosis, it being the case that 7 of this characteristics are not included in NANDA-I because they emerged from phase 1 of the study. The highest sensitivity value was from the defining characteristic expresses suffering and the highest specificity value was from the defining characteristic lack of meaning in life. Conclusions: The NANDA-I spiritual distress diagnosis needs a review of its classification regarding domain, definition and defining characteristics. The prevalence of the diagnosis confirms nurses will find patients with spiritual distress and need to gain competences for adequate interventions. Clinical validation in other contexts is paramount to add more evidence to the one gathered with this study and it has proven itself a method that will allow the understanding of the defining characteristics and the diagnosis with enhanced precision. More validation studies will contribute to the development of taxonomy and clinical practice, considering they will offer nurses information to define diagnoses in a process of care that is intended to be effective and efficient

    A espiritualidade no cuidar : um imperativo ético

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    Tese de mestrado em Bioética, apresentada à Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa, 200

    Cancer, Health Literacy, and Happiness: Perspectives from Patients under Chemotherapy

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    Cancer is a dreaded disease that affects all dimensions of human life. In this context, issues related to the quality of life—as happiness, perception about health status, or health literacy—are important. This study aims to analyze the following topics the perception: the Portuguese cancer patients have about their health status while undergoing chemotherapy, the satisfaction with the information relating to their health, their level of happiness, and their vision of the future. An observational, cross-sectional, and descriptive study was developed. Data were collected between May and July 2012 in the day hospital of a central hospital in northern Portugal. The sample was composed of 92 cancer patients who were asked to answer a questionnaire during chemotherapy. The results indicate that, despite this life-threatening disease, patients consider themselves fairly happy and have an optimistic view of the future. Information about their health condition and religious beliefs was important coping mechanisms to help dealing with the suffering caused by the disease. The study highlights the importance of providing care in a holistic way. Nurses must be alert and available to listen, answer questions, provide supporting structures, or refer to other professionals when needed

    Validation of the Falls Efficacy Scale – International in a sample of Portuguese elderly

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    ABSTRACT Objective: to translate and adapt Falls Efficacy Scale – International (FES-I). To analyze the psychometric properties of the FES-I Portugal version. Method: psychometric study. Sample consisting of 170 elderly people residing in the Autonomous Region of Madeira. A two- part form was used (sociodemographic characterization and FES-I Portugal). The cross-cultural adaptation was performed and the following psychometric properties were evaluated: validity (construct, predictive, and discriminant), reliability (Cronbach’s alpha), and inter-rater reliability. Results: the results allow us to verify a dimension of less demanding physical activities and another of more demanding physical activities. The inter-rater reliability study was 0.62, with an interclass correlation coefficient of 0.859, for a 95% confidence interval. The internal consistency of the Portuguese version was 0.962. Conclusion: the validity and reliability of the FES-I Portugal are consistent with the original version and proved to be appropriate instruments for evaluating the “impaired walking” and “risk of falls” nursing diagnoses in the older people

    Competências dos estudantes de licenciatura em enfermagem em cenários de catástrofe: das necessidades educativas à regulamentação curricular

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    Background: Nurses play a central role in disaster preparedness, so appropriate disaster-related education is essential. However, almost all Portuguese undergraduate nursing curricula do not address disaster situations. Objective: To understand nursing schools’ contribution to developing undergraduate students’ knowledge and skills in disaster scenarios and the existing constraints on integrating this content into undergraduate nursing curricula. Methodology: A qualitative study with methodological triangulation, including interviews and focus group, was carried out to explore the perceptions of 35 nurse teachers and 6 nurses with experience in health care provision in disaster scenarios, about integrating disaster-related content into nursing curricula. Results: The study reveals that disaster management and preparedness should be integrated into undergraduate nursing education to guarantee the effective development and more objective regulation of students’ skills in this area. Conclusion: Portuguese nursing schools need to promote and develop undergraduate training in disaster preparedness and a more inclusive and objective regulation of this area.Enquadramento: Os enfermeiros assumem uma responsabilidade determinante na resposta a situações de catástrofe, nesta continuidade torna-se imperativo que recebam formação adequada neste domínio. No entanto, a maioria dos cursos de licenciatura em enfermagem em Portugal não inclui conteúdos no domínio da catástrofe. Objetivo: Este estudo pretende compreender o contributo das escolas de enfermagem para o desenvolvimento dos conhecimentos e das competências dos estudantes de licenciatura no domínio da catástrofe e os obstáculos que se colocam à integração destes conteúdos nos planos curriculares da licenciatura em enfermagem. Metodologia: Estudo qualitativo com recurso à triangulação metodológica, através de entrevistas e grupo focal, com o objetivo de explorar as perceções de 35 professores de enfermagem e 6 enfermeiros com experiência na prestação de cuidados de saúde em situações de catástrofe acerca da introdução de conteúdos neste domínio nos planos. Resultados: O estudo revela que a gestão e preparação para situações de catástrofe deve ser integrada no 1º ciclo em enfermagem de modo a garantir o desenvolvimento efetivo e a regulamentação mais objetiva das competências dos estudantes neste domínio. Conclusão: As escolas de enfermagem portuguesas precisam de promover e desenvolver a formação na resposta em situações de catástrofe em enfermagem e uma regulamentação mais inclusiva e objetiva desta área.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Validation of the Falls Efficacy Scale – International in a sample of Portuguese elderly

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    <div><p>ABSTRACT Objective: to translate and adapt Falls Efficacy Scale – International (FES-I). To analyze the psychometric properties of the FES-I Portugal version. Method: psychometric study. Sample consisting of 170 elderly people residing in the Autonomous Region of Madeira. A two- part form was used (sociodemographic characterization and FES-I Portugal). The cross-cultural adaptation was performed and the following psychometric properties were evaluated: validity (construct, predictive, and discriminant), reliability (Cronbach’s alpha), and inter-rater reliability. Results: the results allow us to verify a dimension of less demanding physical activities and another of more demanding physical activities. The inter-rater reliability study was 0.62, with an interclass correlation coefficient of 0.859, for a 95% confidence interval. The internal consistency of the Portuguese version was 0.962. Conclusion: the validity and reliability of the FES-I Portugal are consistent with the original version and proved to be appropriate instruments for evaluating the “impaired walking” and “risk of falls” nursing diagnoses in the older people.</p></div

    Movimentos de profissionalização histórica: a relação entre as catástrofes sociais e a enfermagem moderna

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    Background: Nurses’ socio-professional affirmation becomes a reference in contexts of social disasters. Objective: To analyze the relationship between social disasters and the importance of the contribution of some nurses to designing/developing nursing as a profession at the end of the 19th century. Methodology: Although the methodological choices in the validation of the scientific nature of this historical study are based on historiography, the facts narrated and interpreted in this study were contextualized according to the historical period, which allowed the development of new meanings that define unities, totalities, series, and innovative relations within the documentary material itself. Results: Several nurses contributed to the development of nursing as a science. They practiced their profession in contexts with a common denominator: armed conflicts that translated into a scenario of social disaster, where the need to care for others was paramount. Conclusion: Contexts of social disasters unquestionably provided modern nursing with a field of action that brought it visibility and allowed its development as a discipline.Contexto: É em contexto de catástrofes sociais que a afirmação socioprofissional do enfermeiro se constitui uma referência. Objetivo: Dimensionar a relação entre as catástrofes sociais e a relevância do trabalho realizado por determinadas enfermeiras, no final do século XIX, com contributo para a construção/evolução da enfermagem enquanto profissão. Metodologia: Embora as opções metodológicas na validação do caráter científico deste estudo histórico assentem na historiografia, os factos narrados e interpretados foram contextualizados em função da época histórica, permitindo o emergir de novos significados que possibilitem definir no próprio tecido documental, unidades, conjuntos, séries, relações inovadoras. Resultados: Foram várias as enfermeiras que contribuíram para a evolução da enfermagem enquanto ciência. Experienciaram a sua profissão em contextos com um denominador comum: os conflitos armados que se traduziram num cenário de catástrofe social, onde imperava a necessidade de cuidar do Outro. Conclusão: É inegável que os contextos de catástrofes sociais permitiram um campo de atuação que conferiu visibilidade à enfermagem moderna e possibilitou um caminho, traçado no sentido de construir a enfermagem enquanto disciplina.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio