18 research outputs found
Una reflexión sobre las cadenas productivas
Desde que se creó la ley 811 del 2003 donde se definió la formación de las cadenas productivas el MADR se dio a la tarea de apoyar el establecimiento de las mismas, con la convicción que ese modelo de integración de los interesados pudiera ser la solución para el desarrollo del campo colombiano, entendiendo que ese sistema es la respuesta al proceso de industrialización de la producción de alimentos para los seres humanos. “Originalmente, la palabra cadena se ha utilizado para referirse a un objeto constituido por una serie de eslabones, generalmente metálicos, enlazados entre sí”. La cadena de la que hablamos los eslabones son personas naturales o jurídicas que intervienen directa o indirectamente en el producción de alimento
Characteristics of Buffalo Production and Research Systems in Southern Mexico
Background: This research aimed to characterize the production units of water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) and review the published scientific literature in southeastern Mexico.
Methods: Between May and June 2020, a questionnaire was created in Google forms, distributed through social networks, and emailed to buffalo breeders. In addition, a review of different scientific databases on the experimental studies developed in Mexico on buffalo was performed.
Results: Data was collected from 8,867 animals from 13 producers located in southeastern Mexico; dual-purpose (milk-meat) is the primary zootechnical purpose (69.24%), and the rest is meat production. The buffalo herd is mainly composed of females (72.09%). Females are used primarily to repopulate the herd and males for meat production. Mortality in adults remained between 2 to 5%. 30.76% of the producers produce milk (495 females) with 5.1 L/d on average. 100% of the producers stated that they transform the milk into dairy products, mainly cheeses and other products. In the case of meat production, 31.97% of the males are fattened based on pastures with a weight range between 400-600 kg at the age of 22 months (range 18-30 months). Between 2012-and 2021, 19 studies related mainly to herd health (63.15%) were registered.
Conclusion: It is concluded that this Mexican species has great productive potential with different areas for improvement. Due to sanitary management and rusticity, mortality is low. It is necessary to develop other lines of research associated with the reproduction, production of milk/meat, health, quality of products, safety, and sustainability of buffalo activity in Mexico
Efficacy and Safety of Topical Fipronil 1% and Deltamethrin 0.1% in Water Buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) Naturally Infested by Haematopinus tuberculatus
Haematopinus tuberculatus is the main arthropod affecting buffaloes around the world. It causes intense itching and restlessness, altering feeding habits, thus reducing animal productivity. This parasitosis is seldom studied, as it does not lead to significant animal mortality or financial losses. In this project, we evaluated the efficacy and safety of two commercially available products for control of pediculosis in naturally infested buffaloes. A total of 24 milk producing, clinically healthy female buffaloes that were naturally infested by lice were included in this study. Animals were equally distributed into two groups: group 1 was treated with a single dose of pour on Fipronil (1%, Carval de Colombia, 1 ml of product per 10 kg of live weight). Group 2 was treated with a single dose of deltamethrin (5%, Bioara, SA), at a final concentration of 0,1% applied with an aspersion pump as a single bath of 4 liters of diluted solution per animal. Lice were counted weekly from day 1 to day 58 post-treatment. Up to day 23 post-treatment, no significant differences in efficacy were observed between products.Fipronil 1% consistently exhibited an efficacy above 70% from day 8 and until 30 day of the study. These results suggest that both products are efficient and safe to control lice infestations in buffaloes. However, fipronil 1% exhibited a greater residual effect, which reduces the number of baths required to treat infested animals, and reduces the probability of selecting for drug-resistant lice populations
Análisis in silico de la expresión génica en células de granulosa de folículos preovulatorios en dos especies de bovinos
Buffaloes and cattle are two species of bovines with great similarity in their reproductive physiology, but at the same time with great difference in their reproductive parameters. The objective of this work is to compare gene expression in granulosa cells of preovulatory follicles of these two species, based on information available in the literature, existing transcriptome repositories and functional analysis using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis. Only two independent studies comparing buffalo and cattle in terms of gene expression in granulosa cells of preovulatory follicles were found. Expression data were analyzed independently and in combination. It was found that, between buffaloes and cattle, there is practically no correspondence between the processes evaluated, neither in the canonical pathways, nor in the upstream regulators, only some correspondence is found between the networks and physiological aspects of each process. It is concluded that each species has a different way of carrying out the same process and that each event should be studied according to the needs of the researchers.Los búfalos y vacunos son dos especies de bovinos con gran parecido en su fisiología reproductiva, pero a la vez con gran diferencia en sus parámetros reproductivos. El objetivo del presente trabajo es comparar la expresión génica en células de granulosa de folículos preovulatorios de estas dos especies, basados en información disponible en la literatura, los repositorios de transcriptomas existentes y en el análisis funcional usando Ingenuity Pathway Analysis. Sólo se encontraron dos estudios independientes en los que se comparan búfalos y vacunos en cuanto a la expresión génica en células de la granulosa de folículos preovulatorios. Se analizaron los datos de expresión de forma independiente y combinada. Se encontró que, entre búfalos y vacunos, prácticamente no hay correspondencia entre los procesos evaluados, ni en las vías canónicas, ni en los reguladores corriente arriba, solamente se encuentra alguna correspondencia entre las redes y aspectos fisiológicos de cada proceso. Se concluye que cada especie tiene forma diferente de realizar el mismo proceso y que debe investigarse cada evento de acuerdo con las necesidades de los investigadores
Evaluation of Three Deworming Methods and their Long-Term Effect on the Weight of Buffaloes Raised in Silvopastoral Systems
Purpose of the Study: The present work aimed to evaluate the effect of three deworming methods on body weight gains in buffaloes raised in silvopastoral systems (SPS).
Methods: Thirty buffaloes were divided into three groups (ten per group) as follows: 1) Albendazole 10 g + 1.3 g of cobalt sulfate at one week of age and 14 days later; 2) Albendazole 10 g + 1.3 g of cobalt sulfate at one week of age and 14 days later, then at 6 months and 14 days later; 3) Ivermectin 1 g at 30 days of age and then at six months of age. Birth, weaning (9 months), and final (18 months) weight were registered, and daily weight gains were calculated. The McMaster technique was used to evaluate the presence of parasites.
Results: The overall prevalence of parasites in the animals evaluated was 93.33%. The most common parasites were: Strongylus sp., Neoascaris sp., Moniezia sp., and Eimeria sp. Before the application of the dewormers, initial values in G1, G2, and G3 were 360, 350, and 210 hpg/opg; after the application of the treatments, 60, 25, and 20 hpg/opg were obtained, respectively. Buffaloes in G2 showed significantly (P=0.046) high final weights (415.10±23.76 kg) compared to G1 (354.80±46.71 kg) but showed no difference with G3 (374.80±43.60k).
Conclusion: It is concluded that albendazole at 10 g and a repeat at six months of age can be used in buffalo breeding in SPS, which could help to implement regenerative livestock programs, decreasing the use of Ivermectin
Behaviour and Welfare of Dairy Buffaloes: Pasture or Confinement?
This review seeks to integrate recent scientific findings on the behaviour of buffalo cows in different production systems. These issues are discussed in relation to the level of welfare that buffalo cows experience under different production systems. In extensive conditions, the level of welfare is high because the animals are free to express natural behaviours related to feeding (grazing, ruminating) and rest. In contrast, intensified livestock-raising methods and techniques (machine-milking, artificial breeding etc.), first developed for dairy cattle are increasingly being used with water buffaloes in order to increase milk production. Greater knowledge of the biology of dairy buffaloes in aspects linked to physiology, behaviour, and health, together with needed adjustments to their production systems, will indicate options for improving the levels of comfort and welfare of these animals and contribute to increasing the efficiency of this type of dairy production. It is necessary to appreciate the importance of welfare within the entire chain of animal production since each of the scientific aspects considered in this manuscript reflects that animal welfare is not an absolute term, but multidisciplinary, with direct consequences on productivity. The welfare of animals in the production systems must be considered with the aim of ensuring an adequate nutritional, clinical, sanitary and behavioural status of the animals. When these aspects are achieved, production can be maximized and, for this reason, it is essential to maintain a balance between welfare and productivity
TRY plant trait database – enhanced coverage and open access
Plant traits - the morphological, anatomical, physiological, biochemical and phenological characteristics of plants - determine how plants respond to environmental factors, affect other trophic levels, and influence ecosystem properties and their benefits and detriments to people. Plant trait data thus represent the basis for a vast area of research spanning from evolutionary biology, community and functional ecology, to biodiversity conservation, ecosystem and landscape management, restoration, biogeography and earth system modelling. Since its foundation in 2007, the TRY database of plant traits has grown continuously. It now provides unprecedented data coverage under an open access data policy and is the main plant trait database used by the research community worldwide. Increasingly, the TRY database also supports new frontiers of trait‐based plant research, including the identification of data gaps and the subsequent mobilization or measurement of new data. To support this development, in this article we evaluate the extent of the trait data compiled in TRY and analyse emerging patterns of data coverage and representativeness. Best species coverage is achieved for categorical traits - almost complete coverage for ‘plant growth form’. However, most traits relevant for ecology and vegetation modelling are characterized by continuous intraspecific variation and trait–environmental relationships. These traits have to be measured on individual plants in their respective environment. Despite unprecedented data coverage, we observe a humbling lack of completeness and representativeness of these continuous traits in many aspects. We, therefore, conclude that reducing data gaps and biases in the TRY database remains a key challenge and requires a coordinated approach to data mobilization and trait measurements. This can only be achieved in collaboration with other initiatives
Historia de la aplicación de biotecnologías reproductivas en la cría del búfalo en Colombia
La ganadería en el mundo ha adquirido la responsabilidad de producir un alimento para los millones de seres humanos que habitan el planeta. Este alimento, que se visualiza en formade carne y de leche, debe tener unos requisitos mínimos: ser producido en cantidad suficiente para cubrir las necesidades de las personas y tener la calidad necesaria para cumplir su función nutritiva. Los productores o ganaderos deben mejorar la comida de los animales, aumentar el número de animales por unidad de área, trabajar la parte sanitaria y, finalmente, usar la reproducción como un elemento de la producción. Para ello, se han desarrollado las biotecnologías reproductivas quecombinan los avances en genética, en biología celular y en biofísica, para intervenir el hecho fundamental de la permanencia de los seres vivos en la naturaleza: la reproducción. En este documento nos dedicaremos a revisarlas en una especie animal, el búfalo, que está trabajando por mejorar el primer requisito y cumple con creces el segundo: carne y leche de excelente calidad nutricional
Historia de la aplicación de biotecnologías reproductivas en la cría del búfalo en Colombia
La ganadería en el mundo ha adquirido la responsabilidad de producir un alimento para los millones de seres humanos que habitan el planeta. Este alimento, que se visualiza en formade carne y de leche, debe tener unos requisitos mínimos: ser producido en cantidad suficiente para cubrir las necesidades de las personas y tener la calidad necesaria para cumplir su función nutritiva. Los productores o ganaderos deben mejorar la comida de los animales, aumentar el número de animales por unidad de área, trabajar la parte sanitaria y, finalmente, usar la reproducción como un elemento de la producción. Para ello, se han desarrollado las biotecnologías reproductivas quecombinan los avances en genética, en biología celular y en biofísica, para intervenir el hecho fundamental de la permanencia de los seres vivos en la naturaleza: la reproducción. En este documento nos dedicaremos a revisarlas en una especie animal, el búfalo, que está trabajando por mejorar el primer requisito y cumple con creces el segundo: carne y leche de excelente calidad nutricional
Comparative studies of antimullerian hormone levels (AMH), antral follicle count and gene expression in ovaries from buffaloes and cattle ovaries
Búfalos y vacunos son bovinos con gran relación filogenética, han sido usados por años para la producción de carne, leche y trabajo. Los búfalos llegaron a Colombia hace 50 años y se caracterizan por producir en condiciones medioambientales hostiles donde los vacunos no pueden hacerlo o lo hacen deficientemente, su reproducción natural es superior a la de los vacunos, pero su respuesta frente a las biotecnologías reproductivas es menor. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue la búsqueda de explicaciones a ese fenómeno de las diferencias reproductivas de estas dos especies de bovinos, a la aparente paradoja reproductiva mediante el estudio comparativo entre las dos especies. Inicialmente evaluando la reserva ovárica en diferentes etapas de la vida reproductiva tomando como base de comparación la concentración de hormona antimulleriana (AMH), relacionándola con los parámetros reproductivos y finalmente en la producción in vitro de embriones. Además, en la parte molecular se evaluó en el DNA de ambas especies si existían polimorfismos en genes asociados al desarrollo folicular, y a nivel del RNA la expresión génica en de las células de granulosa de folículos preovulatorios (in silico) y en crecimiento (in vivo). Se encontró que la reserva ovárica queda establecida al destete, los vacunos tienen una mayor reserva ovárica y producen más embriones por biotecnologías in vitro. Los valores de AMH (ρg/mL promedio ± desviación estándar) para búfalas de 0, 8, 18 y 24 meses fueron: 182,6 ± 293, 323,16 ± 235, 205 ± 133 y 134 ± 98 respectivamente, mientras que para los vacunos los niveles fueron 283 ± 367, 1353,53± 773, 1513,16 ± 133, 1212,91 ± 663. El número de blastocistos por animal fue 1,5±3,6 vs 0,1±0,6 para vacas y búfalas, respectivamente. No se logró confirmar en búfalos, ni en vacas indicus, la presencia de los polimorfismos en genes asociados al desarrollo folicular que fueron observados en bovinos Holstein. El análisis in silico e in vivo de los genes expresados en folículos mostraron que en ambos casos los genes diferencialmente expresados no son los mismos en las dos especies y que genes asociados al desarrollo folicular como las gonadotropinas, no tienen expresión diferencial en estas dos especies, del trabajo in vivo se encontraron 6217 genes expresados diferencialmente cuyas principales funciones fueron: organización de componentes celulares o biogénesis, regulación positiva de procesos biológicos, procesos de desarrollo y desarrollo de estructuras anatómicas. En conclusión, con este trabajo se logró confirmar los resultados obtenidos por otros autores sobre la aparente paradoja en la reproducción de especies de bovinos tan cercanos como lo son los búfalos y los vacunos, que el estudio de la expresión génica permite obtener valiosa información desde el punto de vista de la biología celular, pero no dio respuestas directas sobre estas diferencias, lo que recuerda lo complejo del fenómeno estudiado y que para mejorar los parámetros y explicar los fenómenos estudiados se requieren otras formas de abordaje del problema y análisis de la informaciónBuffaloes and cattle are bovines with a great phylogenetic relationship, they have been used for years to produce meat and milk. Buffaloes arrived in Colombia 50 years ago and are characterized by producing in environmental conditions where cattle cannot do it or do it poorly, their natural reproduction is superior, but their behavior when reproductive biotechnologies is applied are lower. The objective of the present work is the search for explanations of this apparent reproductive paradox through the comparative study between the two species. Initially evaluating the ovarian reserve at different stages of reproductive life, relating it to reproductive parameters and finally in the in vitro production of embryos. In the molecular part it was evaluated, polymorphisms in genes associated with follicular development, gene expression in granulosa cells of preovulatory (in silico) and growing follicles (in vivo). It was found that the ovarian reserve is established at weaning, the cattle have a greater ovarian reserve and that produce more embryos. The antimullerian hormone (AMH) values (ρg / mL average ± standard deviation) for buffaloes of 0, 8, 18 and 24 months were: 182.6 ± 293, 323.16 ± 235, 205 ± 133 and 134 ± 98 respectively , while for cattle the levels were 283 ± 367, 1353.53 ± 773, 1513.16 ± 133, 1212.91 ± 663. The number of blastocysts produced in vitro per animal was 1.5±3,6 vs. 0.1±0,6 for cows and buffaloes, respectively. It was not possible to confirm the presence of polymorphisms in genes associated with follicular development that were observed in Holstein cattle. In silico and in vivo analysis of genes expressed in follicles showed that in both cases differentially expressed genes are mostly associated with different aspects of cellular and molecular biology, that genes associated with follicular development have very little participation in The results of the work in vivo found 6217 differentially expressed genes whose main functions were: organization of cellular components or biogenesis, organization of cellular components, positive regulation of biological processes, development processes and development of anatomical structures. In conclusion, it was possible to confirm the results obtained by other authors about the apparent paradox in the reproduction of such close species, that the study of gene expression allows obtaining valuable information from the point of view of cell biology, that recalls the complexity of the phenomenon studied and that to improve the parameters and explain the phenomena studied, other ways of approaching the problem and analyzing the information are requiredAsociación Colombiana de Criadores de BúfalosEl contenido de la tesis esta conformado por seis artículos de varios autores de los cuales se tienen las autorizaciones de los respectivos autores, y estas se encuentran en el archivo para su verificación.Doctorad