107 research outputs found

    Voices of Dissent: Activists’ Engagements in the Creation of Alternative, Autonomous, Radical and Independent Media

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    In her seminal work on citizens’ media in Latin America, Clemencia Rodriguez points out the pivotal role that alternative media practices have in empowering citizens to develop new understandings and images of themselves outside the corporate space of mediation created by mainstream media channels and outlets. The expression “citizen media”, however, is only one of the many labels employed to speak about alternative media at large. For many years a marginal field of investigation, in recent decades many monographs, special journal issues and edited volumes have been devoted to alternative media. The emancipation of this subject, which is today considered a respectable academic topic across many disciplines, has gone hand in hand with the flourishing of terms and expressions related to those media messages, outlets and channels which are created and diffused outside commercial informational circuits (Atton 2007). In the academic literature, various labels are used to name the grassroots creation of channels and/or contents outside commercial media and/or opposing the dominant system of meanings. These range from “radical media” (Downing 2001) to “citizens media” (Rodriguez 2001) and from “critical media” (Fuchs 2010) to “social movement media” (Atton 2003). Hadl (2007) has addressed the epistemological reasons for such diversity and richness in the academic field. Each expression, obviously, has different connotations and implies a different explanation of the main qualities characterizing alternative media. Without dismissing these important differences and the theoretical debates revolving around them, here we employ the broad and encompassing label “alternative media”, which signals the existence of media that are alternative to corporate media in terms both of their production and their diffusion processes (Atton 2002)

    Mechanisms for Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 Activation of ERK1/2 during Leukocyte Transendothelial Migration

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    Background: During inflammation, adhesion molecules regulate recruitment of leukocytes to inflamed tissues. It is reported that vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) activates extracellular regulated kinases 1 and 2 (ERK1/2), but the mechanism for this activation is not known. Pharmacological inhibitors of ERK1/2 partially inhibit leukocyte transendothelial migration in a multi-receptor system but it is not known whether VCAM-1 activation of ERK1/2 is required for leukocyte transendothelial migration (TEM) on VCAM-1. Methodology/Principal Findings: In this study, we identified a mechanism for VCAM-1 activation of ERK1/2 in human and mouse endothelial cells. VCAM-1 signaling, which occurs through endothelial cell NADPH oxidase, protein kinase Ca (PKCa), and protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B), activates endothelial cell ERK1/2. Inhibition of these signals blocked VCAM-1 activation of ERK1/2, indicating that ERK1/2 is activated downstream of PTP1B during VCAM-1 signaling. Furthermore, VCAM-1-specific leukocyte migration under physiological laminar flow of 2 dynes/cm 2 was blocked by pretreatment of endothelial cells with dominant-negative ERK2 K52R or the MEK/ERK inhibitors, PD98059 and U0126, indicating for the first time that ERK regulates VCAM-1-dependent leukocyte transendothelial migration. Conclusions/Significance: VCAM-1 activation of endothelial cell NADPH oxidase/PKCa/PTP1B induces transient ERK1/2 activation that is necessary for VCAM-1-dependent leukocyte TEM

    Association of citrulline concentration at birth with lower respiratory tract infection in infancy: Findings from a multi-site birth cohort study

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    Assessing the association of the newborn metabolic state with severity of subsequent respiratory tract infection may provide important insights on infection pathogenesis. In this multi-site birth cohort study, we identified newborn metabolites associated with lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI) in the first year of life in a discovery cohort and assessed for replication in two independent cohorts. Increased citrulline concentration was associated with decreased odds of LRTI (discovery cohort: aOR 0.83 [95% CI 0.70-0.99], p = 0.04; replication cohorts: aOR 0.58 [95% CI 0.28-1.22], p = 0.15). While our findings require further replication and investigation of mechanisms of action, they identify a novel target for LRTI prevention and treatment

    The Morphology of the Rat Vibrissal Array: A Model for Quantifying Spatiotemporal Patterns of Whisker-Object Contact

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    In all sensory modalities, the data acquired by the nervous system is shaped by the biomechanics, material properties, and the morphology of the peripheral sensory organs. The rat vibrissal (whisker) system is one of the premier models in neuroscience to study the relationship between physical embodiment of the sensor array and the neural circuits underlying perception. To date, however, the three-dimensional morphology of the vibrissal array has not been characterized. Quantifying array morphology is important because it directly constrains the mechanosensory inputs that will be generated during behavior. These inputs in turn shape all subsequent neural processing in the vibrissal-trigeminal system, from the trigeminal ganglion to primary somatosensory (“barrel”) cortex. Here we develop a set of equations for the morphology of the vibrissal array that accurately describes the location of every point on every whisker to within ±5% of the whisker length. Given only a whisker's identity (row and column location within the array), the equations establish the whisker's two-dimensional (2D) shape as well as three-dimensional (3D) position and orientation. The equations were developed via parameterization of 2D and 3D scans of six rat vibrissal arrays, and the parameters were specifically chosen to be consistent with those commonly measured in behavioral studies. The final morphological model was used to simulate the contact patterns that would be generated as a rat uses its whiskers to tactually explore objects with varying curvatures. The simulations demonstrate that altering the morphology of the array changes the relationship between the sensory signals acquired and the curvature of the object. The morphology of the vibrissal array thus directly constrains the nature of the neural computations that can be associated with extraction of a particular object feature. These results illustrate the key role that the physical embodiment of the sensor array plays in the sensing process

    Nonclassical Ly6C(-) Monocytes Drive the Development of Inflammatory Arthritis in Mice

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    Different subsets and/or polarized phenotypes of monocytes and macrophages may play distinct roles during the development and resolution of inflammation. Here, we demonstrate in a murine model of rheumatoid arthritis that non-classical Ly6C(−) monocytes are required for the initiation and progression of sterile joint inflammation. Moreover, non-classical Ly6C(−) monocytes differentiate into inflammatory macrophages (M1), which drive disease pathogenesis and display plasticity during the resolution phase. During the development of arthritis, these cells polarize toward an alternatively activated phenotype (M2), promoting the resolution of joint inflammation. The influx of Ly6C(−) monocytes and their subsequent classical and then alternative activation occurs without changes in synovial tissue-resident macrophages, which express markers of M2 polarization throughout the course of the arthritis and attenuate joint inflammation during the initiation phase. These data suggest that circulating Ly6C(−) monocytes recruited to the joint upon injury orchestrate the development and resolution of autoimmune joint inflammation

    Nutrition and lung cancer: a case control study in Iran

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    Background: Despite many prospective and retrospective studies about the association of dietary habit and lung cancer, the topic still remains controversial. So, this study aims to investigate the association of lung cancer with dietary factors. Method: In this study 242 lung cancer patients and their 484 matched controls on age, sex, and place of residence were enrolled between October 2002 to 2005. Trained physicians interviewed all participants with standardized questionnaires. The middle and upper third consumer groups were compared to the lower third according to the distribution in controls unless the linear trend was significant across exposure groups. Result: Conditional logistic regression was used to evaluate the association with lung cancer. In a multivariate analysis fruit (Ptrend < 0.0001), vegetable (P = 0.001) and sunflower oil (P = 0.006) remained as protective factors and rice (P = 0.008), bread (Ptrend = 0.04), liver (P = 0.004), butter (Ptrend = 0.04), white cheese (Ptrend < 0.0001), beef (Ptrend = 0.005), vegetable ghee (P < 0.0001) and, animal ghee (P = 0.015) remained as risk factors of lung cancer. Generally, we found positive trend between consumption of beef (P = 0.002), bread (P < 0.0001), and dairy products (P < 0.0001) with lung cancer. In contrast, only fruits were inversely related to lung cancer (P < 0.0001). Conclusion: It seems that vegetables, fruits, and sunflower oil could be protective factors and bread, rice, beef, liver, dairy products, vegetable ghee, and animal ghee found to be possible risk factors for the development of lung cancer in Iran

    Peculiarities of the Translation of Fantasy Genre: A. Sapkowski's "The Witcher: The Last Wish".

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    Fantāzijas literatūras tulkošanas īpatnības: A. Sapkovska “Pēdējā vēlēšanās”: bakalaura darbs. – Rīga, 2018. – 47 lpp. Bakalaura darbs tiek veltīts fantāzijas literatūras tulkošanas īpatnību izpētei, par piemēru ņemot Andžeja Sapkovska romānu “Pēdējā vēlēšanās”. Pētījuma mērķis ir atklāt un raksturot fantāzijas žanra literatūras tulkošanas īpatnības. Autors noskaidro daiļdarba tulkošanas procesa īpatnības un salīdzina romāna tekstu oriģinālvalodā un krievu tulkojumā. Liela uzmanība tiek pievērsta bezekvivalenta leksikai, galvenokārt personvārdiem, kas ir raksturīga dotajam literatūras žanram. Darbs sastāv no divām nodaļām. Pirmā nodaļa sniedz pārskatu par šā pētījuma svarīgākajiem teorētiskajiem jautājumiem. Otrā nodaļa ir veltīta romāna oriģinālvalodas un krievu tulkojuma teksta salīdzināšanai un analīzei. Darbs var ieinteresēt filologus, kas nodarbojas ar līdzīgu problemātiku, kā arī citus interesentus.Peculiarities of the Translation of Fantasy Genre: A. Sapkowski's "The Witcher: The Last Wish": bachelor’s thesis. – Riga, 2018. – 47 p. The thesis focuses on fantasy translation’s features based on example of A. Sapkowski’s “The Witcher: The Last Wish”. The goal of this research is to determine the peculiarities of the translation of fantasy genre. The paper’s author compiles features of a literature translation, compares original novel’s text with its translated version and determines fantasy translation features. Lexical units that don’t have an equivalent counterpart in language which the text is translated to require a special attention in this research. The emphasis was laid upon the examination of proper nouns. This thesis is divided into two parts. The first part examines the theoretical part of the question. The second part is focused on translation analysis and further determination of the fantasy literature translation’s peculiarities. This thesis may be of interest to philologists researching literature translation