727 research outputs found

    Organizational Commitment and Perceived Organizational Performance Among Health Care Professionals: Empirical Evidence From A Private Hospital in Northern Cyprus

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    Organizational commitment plays an important role in employee behavior. It is related with self identification of the employee with his/her organization. Self-identified employee, with higher scores of commitment, is expected to be more motivated, retaining at the organization and performing at significant levels of performance. Perceived organizational performance, on the other hand, is concerned with how employees are observing their organizations in terms of success, sustainability and development. The aim of this study was to assess the hypothesized relationship between organizational commitment and perceived organizational performance among health care professionals, by taking a small-sized private hospital in North Cyprus as the setting. The study was conducted by utilizing structured, self-administered questionnaires and collected data was analyzed by using SPSS. Study revealed that in this case, there is a positive significant relationship between organizational commitment and perceived organizational performance and organizational commitment is affecting the perceived organizational performance of the health care workers

    Evaluation of irrigation systems in Tennessee

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    The necessity and value of irrigation, which has already been proved by experiments, and the improvements in systems and methods of application to particular areas, prompted this study. By evaluation of present irrigation systems now in use throughout the state of Tennessee, it may be indicated which type is more adaptable for practical and economical use. The purposes of this study ares (1) analysis of different irrigation methods, (2) comparison in detail of sprinkler systems with other irrigation methods, and (3) evaluation of sprinkler irrigation systems in Tennessee. With the advancement of agriculture comes the necessity of guaranteeing the farmer adequate moisture for optimum plant growth,thereby increasing the production. The purpose of irrigation is to artificially apply water to the soil when and where necessary and in proper quantities essential to optimum plant growth where there is insufficient natural rainfall to support adequately the growth of crops during the growing season. From an economic viewpoint it has been proved by experimental and survey data that generally there is an increased yield of crops through the application of water lay supplemental irrigation over and above the yield resulting from normal rainfall

    Long-term survival analysis of dental implants & implant-supported prostheses in patients after squamous cell carcinoma in head and neck region

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    Purpose: The prosthetic rehabilitation of head and neck cancer patients following ablative surgery and possible radiochemotherapy can be extremely challenging for the surgeons and prosthetists. A conventional prosthetic solution is often not feasible due to the alteration of anatomical conditions following surgical rehabilitation. In such cases, implant-retained prostheses are often the only option for the successful rehabilitation of patients in the long-term. In this study, the long-term clinical success of dental implants and implant-supported prostheses in patients following surgical resection are evaluated and analyzed. Additionally, potential influencing factors were evaluated. Material and Methods: In this study, 60 patients (20 women, 40 men) with the mean age of 62.75 years (41-88 years) were included. Prior to implant placement, 35 patients also received radiotherapy and cisplatin-based chemotherapy postoperatively. Overall, 330 implants were inserted in these patients. The mean observation period was 86 months (4-272 months). The patients were examined every 6 months at the first 3 years and then every 12 months according to a standard protocol and complications were documented. In the clinical examinations, the implant success was regularly assessed according to the criteria of Buser. Kaplan-Meier Curve was used for the evaluation of implant survival and the Log Rank test for overall differences according to gender, radiotherapy, localization (maxilla/mandible) and vestibuloplasty. Results: Of the 330 implants examined, 122 were placed in the maxilla and 208 in the mandible. Overall, 212 implants were placed in 35 irradiated patients. A total of 27 implants were lost during the observation period. The cumulative survival rate was 99.7% after 3 years, 92.7% after 7 years and 88.3% after 10 years. Gender and radiotherapy did not have a significant influence of the survival of dental implants in oral cancer patients. However, age, localization of the implants (maxilla/mandible) and a vestibuloplasty according to Heberer and Nelson as soft tissue management showed a significant difference. Discussion: This study reveals a high and steady cumulative survival rate of dental implants after 10 years following ablative surgery in non-irradiated and irradiated head and neck cancer patients. The requirements for long-term success are: optimal soft tissue management, recall system and excluding irradiated patients with a smoking habit from the study.Zielstellung: Die prothetische Rehabilitation von Patienten mit Tumoren im Kopf- Halsbereich nach erfolgter chirurgischer Behandlung und etwaiger Radiochemotherapie stellt eine große Herausforderung fĂŒr die Chirurgen und Prothetiker dar. Eine konventionelle prothetische Lösung ist oftmals aufgrund der therapiebedingten VerĂ€nderungen der anatomischen VerhĂ€ltnisse durch Defektrekonstruktionen nicht durchfĂŒhrbar. Die Verankerung des Zahnersatzes mit dentalen Implantaten stellt in solchen FĂ€llen meist die einzige Möglichkeit dar, die Patienten langfristig suffizient zu rehabilitieren. In der vorliegenden Studie wird der klinischer Langzeiterfolg dentaler Implantate und implantat-prothetischer Versorgungen von Patienten nach Tumorresektionen untersucht und ausgewertet. ZusĂ€tzlich sollen mögliche Einflussfaktoren evaluiert werden. Material und Methoden: In die vorliegende Studie wurden 60 Patienten (20 Frauen, 40 MĂ€nner) mit einem Durchschnittsalter von 62.75 Jahren (41 - 88 Jahre) involviert. PrĂ€ implantationem wurden 35 Patienten zusĂ€tzlich bestrahlt und erhielten eine cisplatinbasierte Chemotherapie. Insgesamt wurden bei diesen Patienten 330 Implantate inseriert. Der Nachuntersuchungszeitraum betrug durchschnittlich 86 Monate (4 – 272 Monate). Die Patienten wurden anhand eines Standardprotokolls klinisch alle 6 Monate in den ersten 3 Jahren und dann alle 12 Monaten nachuntersucht und die Komplikationen wurden dokumentiert. Bei den klinischen Untersuchungen wurde der Implantaterfolg entsprechend den Erfolgskriterien nach Buser bewertet. Die Kaplan-Meier-Kurve wurde fĂŒr die Auswertung der Überlebensrate dentaler Implantate und Log Rank Test fĂŒr den Gesamtvergleich nach Geschlecht, Radiotherapie, Lokalisation (Oberkiefer/Unterkiefer) und Vestibulumplastik benutzt. Ergebnisse: Insgesamt wurden 330 Implantate untersucht, 122 Implantate wurden in den Oberkiefer und 208 Implantate in den Unterkiefer eingesetzt. 212 Implantate wurden bei 35 bestrahlten Patienten inseriert. 27 Implantate gingen innerhalb des Nachuntersuchungszeitraumes zu Verlust. Die kumulative Überlebensrate lag nach 3 Jahren bei 99.7%, nach 7 Jahren bei 92.7% und nach 10 Jahren bei 88.3%. Das Geschlecht und die Radiotherapie hatten keinen Einfluss auf den Langzeiterfolg der Implantate bei Tumorpatienten. Jedoch hatten das Alter, die Lokalisation (Oberkiefer/Unterkiefer) und eine Vestibulumplastik nach Heberer und Nelson als Weichgewebsmanagement einen Einfluss auf den Langzeiterfolg gezeigt. Diskussion: Die Studie zeigt guten klinischen Langzeiterfolg dentaler Implantate nach 10 Jahren bei bestrahlten Patienten und nicht bestrahlten Patienten nach Tumortherapie im Kopf-Hals-Bereich. Die Voraussetzung fĂŒr den Langzeiterfolg ist optimales Weichgewebsmanagement, ein engmaschigem Recallsystem und das Ausschlusskriterium Nikotinabusus bei bestrahlten Patienten

    The Effect of Compensation, Training and Knowledge Transfer, and Creativity Culture on Employee Performance within the hotel industry in Lebanon

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    Within the current stormy economic situation, organizations struggle to survive. They tend to achieve their organizational goals and develop their competencies to meet future demands. Enhancing employees’ performance is one way to secure the achievement of organizational goals and development. That been said, all organizations strive to boost the performance of their employees. Noting that, several strategies are applied. Among them, compensation, training and knowledge transfer, and creativity culture tend to increase employees performance. The aim of this study is to assess the effect of these variables on employees’ performance. Accordingly, secondary research has been done to come up with dimensions that evaluate the variables of the study. Furthermore, a quantitative approach was done via a questionnaire. Compensation was measured through monetary and non-monetary compensation; Training and knowledge transfer was measured through training provision, feedback, and self-efficacy; Creativity culture was measured through space of creativity, relationship with supervisor, and job structure. Finally, employees’ performance was measured through timeliness, quality, and quantity of work. The questionnaire was randomly distributed over a sample of 400 employees working within the hotel industry in Lebanon. Data was analyzed through SPSS, using correlation, and regression tests. The findings of the study approved the positive correlation between the dependent and independent variables. The results proved that compensation, training and knowledge transfer, and creativity culture positively influence employees’ performance. Thus managers should take these variables into account when aiming to boost their employees’ performance Keywords: Compensation, monetary compensation, non-monetary compensation, training and knowledge transfer, training provision, feedback, self-efficacy, creativity culture, space of creativity, relationship with supervisor, job structure, and employee performance DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/12-15-05 Publication date:May 31st 202

    An Exploration of Affective and Demographic Factors Regarding Mathematical Thinking and Reasoning of University Students

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    AbstractThe purpose of this study is two-fold: It aims to determine the factors that are influential in undergraduate students’ approaches to studying, self-efficacy, problem solving strategies, competency in mathematical thinking and reasoning; to identify any gender, grade level, and regional differences among the identified factors and on the overall competency in mathematical thinking and reasoning of undergraduate students and prospective teachers. The factors were identified through the adopted survey of approaches to studying and the competency test on mathematical thinking nd reasoning that was designed by the researcher. The scales were administered to 431 undergraduate students of mathematics, elementary and secondary mathematics education in Ankara and in Northern Cyprus and to prospective teachers of classroom teacher education and early childhood education of teacher training academy in Northern Cyprus. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were employed to determine the factors and the differences with respect to gender, region and grade level separately and their dual, triple interaction effects were investigated through two two-way MANOVA and a three-way ANOVA analyses. Results showed that significant gender, grade level differences across identified dimensions of the survey and region, gender and grade level differences across the dimensions of the test and on the total test

    Fuel Production Using Concentrated Solar Energy

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    Classification methodology for land cover mapping of Seyhan Watershed using spectral, spatial and ancillary data.

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    Genetic association between sexual maturity and weekly live-weights in laying-type Japanese quail

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    This study focused on the estimation of genetic relationships between weekly live weights and sexual maturity of male and female Japanese quail. The live body weight data of a laying-type quail line over time were collected from hatching to six weeks of age. Sexual maturity was determined as the day of production of cloacal gland foam for males, and the day of laying the first egg for females. (Co)Variance components and genetic parameters were estimated, using MTDFREML, a restricted maximum likelihood (REML) procedure using a model with direct and maternal genetic effects. Heritability estimates of weekly live weights ranged from moderate to high (0.20 - 0.60), and were higher for males than for females. The variance due to maternal effects disappeared gradually for males but rapidly for females as the chicks grew older. Heritability of age of sexual maturation was 0.24 ± 0.008 and 033 ± 0.136 for males and females, respectively. Genetic correlations between ages of reaching sexual maturity and live weights (except hatchling weight) were favourable for males (-0.16 to –0.45) and unfavourable for females (0.14 to 0.22). Genetic correlations between males and females ranged from moderate (0.46 ± 0.083) to high (0.98 ± 0.139) for weekly live weights, and were 0.71 ± 0.24 for age of reaching sexual maturity. Sexual size dimorphism can be explained by the differences in pattern of heritability and correlation estimates between reaching sexual maturity and live weights for males and females. South African Journal of Animal Science Vol. 36(2) 2006: 142-14

    Understanding vertebrate embryonic development under conditions present in outer space

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    The ability of humans to survive, thrive, and sustain life in outer space requires that human embryos develop normally under conditions such as microgravity. We are using the zebrafish model system due to the fact that they share similarities with humans during development. The larval zebrafish will be used to assess embryonic and neural development under simulated microgravity conditions, with specific focus on neural development which has not been well studied. Before performing these experiments, it is critical that histological procedures, including cryosectioning and immunohistochemistry, are up and running in our lab for stages of early zebrafish development. This includes immunohistochemistry for the neuronal marker HuC/D (commonly used to label neurons in zebrafish), and RNA-binding proteins Rbfox1l and Rbfox2 (label neuronal populations). Cryosectioning of 7 day post-fertilization (dpf) larval zebrafish was performed, followed by immunohistochemistry for HuC/D in conjunction with Rbfox labeling, and samples will be imaged on a compound fluorescent microscope to determine whether the protocol is working. Our work aims to better understand vertebrate embryonic development under conditions present in outer space

    Photobiological Solar Energy Harvest

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