723 research outputs found

    Bosons Doubling

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    It is shown that next-nearest-neighbor interactions may lead to unusual paramagnetic or ferromagnetic phases which physical content is radically different from the standard phases. Actually there are several particles described by the same quantum field in a manner similar to the species doubling of the lattice fermions. We prove the renormalizability of the theory at the one loop level.Comment: 12 page

    Noncommutative Quantum Mechanics Viewed from Feynman Formalism

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    Dyson published in 1990 a proof due to Feynman of the Maxwell equations. This proof is based on the assumption of simple commutation relations between position and velocity. We first study a nonrelativistic particle using Feynman formalism. We show that Poincar\'{e}'s magnetic angular momentum and Dirac magnetic monopole are the direct consequences of the structure of the sO(3) Lie algebra in Feynman formalism. Then we show how to extend this formalism to the dual momentum space with the aim of introducing Noncommutative Quantum Mechanics which was recently the subject of a wide range of works from particle physics to condensed matter physics.Comment: 11 pages, To appear in the Proceedings of the Lorentz Workshop "Beyond the Quantum", eds. Th.M. Nieuwenhuizen et al., World Scientific, Singapore, 2007. Added reference

    Resolutions of Cones over Einstein-Sasaki Spaces

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    Recently an explicit resolution of the Calabi-Yau cone over the inhomogeneous five-dimensional Einstein-Sasaki space Y^{2,1} was obtained. It was constructed by specialising the parameters in the BPS limit of recently-discovered Kerr-NUT-AdS metrics in higher dimensions. We study the occurrence of such non-singular resolutions of Calabi-Yau cones in a more general context. Although no further six-dimensional examples arise as resolutions of cones over the L^{pqr} Einstein-Sasaki spaces, we find general classes of non-singular cohomogeneity-2 resolutions of higher-dimensional Einstein-Sasaki spaces. The topologies of the resolved spaces are of the form of an R^2 bundle over a base manifold that is itself an S2S^2 bundle over an Einstein-Kahler manifold.Comment: Latex, 23 page

    Spectral geometry, homogeneous spaces, and differential forms with finite Fourier series

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    Let G be a compact Lie group acting transitively on Riemannian manifolds M and N. Let p be a G equivariant Riemannian submersion from M to N. We show that a smooth differential form on N has finite Fourier series if and only if the pull back has finite Fourier series on

    A G_2 Unification of the Deformed and Resolved Conifolds

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    We find general first-order equations for G_2 metrics of cohomogeneity one with S^3\times S^3 principal orbits. These reduce in two special cases to previously-known systems of first-order equations that describe regular asymptotically locally conical (ALC) metrics \bB_7 and \bD_7, which have weak-coupling limits that are S^1 times the deformed conifold and the resolved conifold respectively. Our more general first-order equations provide a supersymmetric unification of the two Calabi-Yau manifolds, since the metrics \bB_7 and \bD_7 arise as solutions of the {\it same} system of first-order equations, with different values of certain integration constants. Additionally, we find a new class of ALC G_2 solutions to these first-order equations, which we denote by \wtd\bC_7, whose topology is an \R^2 bundle over T^{1,1}. There are two non-trivial parameters characterising the homogeneous squashing of the T^{1,1} bolt. Like the previous examples of the \bB_7 and \bD_7 ALC metrics, here too there is a U(1) isometry for which the circle has everywhere finite and non-zero length. The weak-coupling limit of the \wtd\bC_7 metrics gives S^1 times a family of Calabi-Yau metrics on a complex line bundle over S^2\times S^2, with an adjustable parameter characterising the relative sizes of the two S^2 factors.Comment: Latex, 14 pages, Major simplification of first-order equations; references amende

    Berry Curvature in Graphene: A New Approach

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    In the present paper we have directly computed the Berry curvature terms relevant for Graphene in the presence of an \textit{inhomogeneous} lattice distortion. We have employed the generalized Foldy Wouthuysen framework, developed by some of us \cite{ber0,ber1,ber2}. We show that a non-constant lattice distortion leads to a valley-orbit coupling which is responsible to a valley-Hall effect. This is similar to the valley-Hall effect induced by an electric field proposed in \cite{niu2} and is the analogue of the spin-Hall effect in semiconductors \cite{MURAKAMI, SINOVA}. Our general expressions for Berry curvature, for the special case of homogeneous distortion, reduce to the previously obtained results \cite{niu2}. We also discuss the Berry phase in the quantization of cyclotron motion.Comment: Slightly modified version, to appear in EPJ

    Pseudo-Riemannian manifolds with recurrent spinor fields

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    The existence of a recurrent spinor field on a pseudo-Riemannian spin manifold (M,g)(M,g) is closely related to the existence of a parallel 1-dimensional complex subbundle of the spinor bundle of (M,g)(M,g). We characterize the following simply connected pseudo-Riemannian manifolds admitting such subbundles in terms of their holonomy algebras: Riemannian manifolds; Lorentzian manifolds; pseudo-Riemannian manifolds with irreducible holonomy algebras; pseudo-Riemannian manifolds of neutral signature admitting two complementary parallel isotropic distributions.Comment: 13 pages, the final versio
