18 research outputs found

    Band-center metal-insulator transition in bond-disordered graphene

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    We study the transport properties of a tight-binding model of non-interacting fermions with random hopping on the honeycomb lattice. At the particle-hole symmetric chemical potential, the absence of diagonal disorder (random onsite potentials) places the system in the well-studied chiral orthogonal universality class of disordered fermion problems, which are known to exhibit both a critical metallic phase and a dimerization-induced localized phase. Here, our focus is the behavior of the two-terminal conductance and the Lyapunov spectrum in quasi-1D geometry near the dimerization-driven transition from the metallic to the localized phase. For a staggered dimerization pattern on the square and honeycomb lattices, we find that the renormalized localization length ξ/M\xi/M (MM denotes the width of the sample) and the typical conductance display scaling behavior controlled by a crossover length-scale that diverges with exponent ν1.05(5)\nu \approx 1.05(5) as the critical point is approached. However, for the plaquette dimerization pattern, we observe a relatively large exponent ν1.55(5)\nu \approx 1.55(5) revealing an apparent non-universality of the delocalization-localization transition in the BDI symmetry class.Comment: 7+2 pages, 6 figure

    Rényi entanglement entropy of Fermi and non-Fermi liquids: Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model and dynamical mean field theories

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    We present a method for calculating Rényi entanglement entropies for fermionic field theories originating from microscopic Hamiltonians. The method builds on an operator identity, which leads to the representation of traces of operator products, and thus Rényi entropies of a subsystem, in terms of fermionic-displacement operators. This allows for a very transparent path-integral formulation, both in and out of equilibrium, having a simple boundary condition on the fermionic fields. The method is validated by reproducing well-known expressions for entanglement entropy in terms of the correlation matrix for noninteracting fermions. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the method by explicitly formulating the field theory for Rényi entropy in a few zero- and higher dimensional large-N interacting models akin to the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model and for the Hubbard model within the dynamical mean field theory (DMFT) approximation. We use the formulation to compute Rényi entanglement entropy of interacting Fermi liquid (FL) and non-Fermi liquid (NFL) states in the large-N models and compare the results successfully with those obtained via exact diagonalization for finite N. We elucidate the connection between Rényi entanglement entropy and residual entropy of the NFL ground state in the SYK model and extract sharp signatures of quantum phase transition in the entanglement entropy across an NFL to FL transition. Furthermore, we employ the method to obtain nontrivial system-size scaling of entanglement in an interacting diffusive metal described by a chain of SYK dots

    Quench, thermalization and residual entropy across a non-Fermi liquid to Fermi liquid transition

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    We study the thermalization, after sudden and slow quenches, of an interacting model having a quantum phase transition from a Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) non-Fermi liquid (NFL) to a Fermi liquid (FL). The model has SYK fermions coupled to non-interacting lead fermions and can be realized in a graphene flake connected to external leads. After a sudden quench to the NFL, a thermal state is reached rapidly via collapse-revival oscillations of the quasiparticle residue of the lead fermions. In contrast, the quench to the FL, across the NFL-FL transition, leads to multiple prethermal regimes and much slower thermalization. In the slow quench performed over a time τ\tau, we find that the excitation energy generated has a remarkable intermediate-τ\tau non-analytic power-law dependence, τη\tau^{-\eta} with η<1\eta<1, which seemingly masks the dynamical manifestation of the initial residual entropy of the SYK fermions. The power-law scaling is expected to eventually break down for τ\tau\to\infty, signaling a violation of adiabaticity, due to the residual entropy present in the SYK fermions

    PKDL--A Silent Parasite Pool for Transmission of Leishmaniasis in Kala-azar Endemic Areas of Malda District, West Bengal, India.

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    Post Kala-azar Dermal Leishmaniasis (PKDL) is a chronic but not life-threatening disease; patients generally do not demand treatment, deserve much more attention because PKDL is highly relevant in the context of Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL) elimination. There is no standard guideline for diagnosis and treatment for PKDL. A species-specific PCR on slit skin smear demonstrated a sensitivity of 93.8%, but it has not been applied for routine diagnostic purpose. The study was conducted to determine the actual disease burden in an endemic area of Malda district, West Bengal, comparison of the three diagnostic tools for PKDL case detection and pattern of lesion regression after treatment. The prevalence of PKDL was determined by active surveillance and confirmed by PCR based diagnosis. Patients were treated with either sodium stibogluconate (SSG) or oral miltefosine and followed up for two years to observe lesion regression period. Twenty six PKDL cases were detected with a prevalence rate of 27.5% among the antileishmanial antibody positive cases. Among three diagnostic methods used, PCR is highly sensitive (88.46%) for case confirmation. In majority of the cases skin lesions persisted after treatment completion which gradually disappeared during 6-12 months post treatment period. Reappearance of lesions noted in two cases after 1.5 years of miltefosine treatment. A significant number of PKDL patients would remain undiagnosed without active mass surveys. Such surveys are required in other endemic areas to attain the ultimate goal of eliminating Kala-azar. PCR-based method is helpful in confirming diagnosis of PKDL, referral laboratory at district or state level can achieve it. So a well-designed study with higher number of samples is essential to establish when/whether PKDL patients are free from parasite after treatment and to determine which PKDL patients need treatment for longer period

    Quantum fluctuations lead to glassy electron dynamics in the good metal regime of electron doped KTaO3

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    Abstract One of the central challenges in condensed matter physics is to comprehend systems that have strong disorder and strong interactions. In the strongly localized regime, their subtle competition leads to glassy electron dynamics which ceases to exist well before the insulator-to-metal transition is approached as a function of doping. Here, we report on the discovery of glassy electron dynamics deep inside the good metal regime of an electron-doped quantum paraelectric system: KTaO3. We reveal that upon excitation of electrons from defect states to the conduction band, the excess injected carriers in the conduction band relax in a stretched exponential manner with a large relaxation time, and the system evinces simple aging phenomena—a telltale sign of glassy dynamics. Most significantly, we observe a critical slowing down of carrier dynamics below 35 K, concomitant with the onset of quantum paraelectricity in the undoped KTaO3. Our combined investigation using second harmonic generation technique, density functional theory and phenomenological modeling demonstrates quantum fluctuation-stabilized soft polar modes as the impetus for the glassy behavior. This study addresses one of the most fundamental questions regarding the potential promotion of glassiness by quantum fluctuations and opens a route for exploring glassy dynamics of electrons in a well-delocalized regime