19 research outputs found

    A hem-oxigenáz és a nitrogén monoxid szintáz reakcióutak szerepe és kölcsönhatásai az agyi vérkeringés szabályozásában = Role of heme oxygenase and nitric oxide synthase pathways and their interactions in the regulation of the cerebral circulation.

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    Megállapítottuk, hogy az endogén CO kettős hatást fejt ki az agyi véráramlására: egyfelől prosztanoidok által közvetített vazodilatációt vált ki, másrészt viszont gátolja az NO szintézisét és így vazokonstrikciót okoz. Leírtuk továbbá az agyi vérkeringés alkalmazkodási képességét az NO hiányához, valamint igazoltuk hogy e folyamat független a hemoxigenáz és ciklooxigenáz reakcióutaktól. NO hiányában az agyi erek érzékennyé válnak a tromboxán A2 vazomóciót kiváltó hatásával szemben, ami az agyi véráramlás oszcillációjához és vazospazmus kialakulásához vezethet különböző kórélettani állapotokban. Leírtuk a prosztaciklin kompenzációs szerepét a koronária-keringés területén NO-hiányában. Igazoltuk, hogy a nikotinsav-okozta flush-reakció a PUMA-G receptorok által aktivált immunsejtekből történő prosztaglandin D2- és E2-felszabadulás következménye. | Our studies have shown that endogenous carbon monoxide (CO) has a dual influence on the cerebral circulation: on one hand it induces prostanoid-mediated vasodilation but on the other hand reduces the blood flow by inhibition of nitric oxide (NO) synthesis. Furthermore, we have demonstrated the ability of the cerebral circulation to compensate the loss of NO availability and that this compensation does not involve the heme oxygenase or cyclooxygenase pathways. In the absence of NO the cerebral vessels become vulnerable to thromboxane A2-induced vasomotion which may lead to cerebrocortical blood flow oscillations and vasospasm in certain pathophysiological states. In the coronary circulation prostacyclin was shown to act as a compensatory mediator in the absence of NO. We have shown that nicotinic acid-induced flushing is mediated by PUMA-G receptor-dependent production of prostaglandin D2 and E2 by bone marrow derived immune cells

    Effects of vitamin D3 derivative--calcitriol on pharmacological reactivity of aortic rings in a rodent PCOS model.

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    Abstract BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to examine the effects of the hyperandrogenic state in dihydrotestosterone (DHT)-induced polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), the vascular responses to different vasoactive agents, and the modulatory role of vitamin D3. METHODS: APCOS model was induced by DHT application in 20 female Wistar rats. Ten of the DHT treated rats simultaneously received calcitriol treatment. After 10 weeks, myographs were used to test the reactivity of isolated thoracic aortic rings to norepinephrine and acetylcholine. Thereafter, the vascular rings were incubated with the NO-synthase blocker (nitro-L-arginine methyl ester) or the cyclooxygenase inhibitor (indomethacin) for 20 min, and the effects of norepinephrine and acetylcholine were re-evaluated. RESULTS: Norepinephrine-induced vasoconstriction was enhanced after DHT treatment, but this effect was attenuated by calcitriol administration. Vasorelaxation of DHT-treated thoracic aortic rings was impaired, but this could be partly reversed by calcitriol application. Impaired NO-dependent vasorelaxation in DHT-treated animals was mostly reversed by concomitant calcitriol administration, but this effect was diminished by prostanoid-dependent vasoconstriction. CONCLUSIONS: These studies show that the enhanced sensitivity to vasoconstrictors and impaired NO-dependent vasorelaxation in hyperandrogenic PCOS rats could be partially reversed by calcitriol treatment

    Effects of vitamin D3 derivate calcitriol on pharmacological reactivity of aortic rings in a rodent PCOS model

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to examine the effects of the hyperandrogenic state in dihydrotestosterone (DHT)-induced polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), the vascular responses to different vasoactive agents, and the modulatory role of vitamin D3. METHODS: APCOS model was induced by DHT application in 20 female Wistar rats. Ten of the DHT treated rats simultaneously received calcitriol treatment. After 10 weeks, myographs were used to test the reactivity of isolated thoracic aortic rings to norepinephrine and acetylcholine. Thereafter, the vascular rings were incubated with the NO-synthase blocker (nitro-L-arginine methyl ester) or the cyclooxygenase inhibitor (indomethacin) for 20 min, and the effects of norepinephrine and acetylcholine were re-evaluated. RESULTS: Norepinephrine-induced vasoconstriction was enhanced after DHT treatment, but this effect was attenuated by calcitriol administration. Vasorelaxation of DHT-treated thoracic aortic rings was impaired, but this could be partly reversed by calcitriol application. Impaired NO-dependent vasorelaxation in DHT-treated animals was mostly reversed by concomitant calcitriol administration, but this effect was diminished by prostanoid-dependent vasoconstriction. CONCLUSIONS: These studies show that the enhanced sensitivity to vasoconstrictors and impaired NO-dependent vasorelaxation in hyperandrogenic PCOS rats could be partially reversed by calcitriol treatment

    Involvement of P2Y 12 receptors in an NTG‐induced model of migraine in male mice

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    Background and purpose: P2Y12 receptors (P2Y12 Rs) are known to regulate different forms of pain and inflammation. In this study we investigated the participation of P2Y12 Rs in an animal model of migraine. Experimental approach: We tested the effect of the centrally administered selective P2Y12 R antagonist PSB-0739, and P2Y12 R gene deficiency in acute nitroglycerin (NTG)-treated mice. Additionally, platelet depletion was used to investigate the role of platelet P2Y12 Rs during migraine-like pain. Key results: NTG induced sensory hypersensitivity of C57BL/6 wild-type (P2ry12+/+ ) mice, accompanied by an increase in c-fos and CGRP expression in the upper cervical spinal cord (C1-C2) and trigeminal nucleus caudalis (TNC). Similar changes were also observed in P2Y12 R gene-deficient (P2ry12-/- ) mice. Prophylactic intrathecal application of PSB-0739 reversed thermal hyperalgesia and head grooming time in wild-type mice but had no effect in P2ry12-/- mice; furthermore, it was also effective when applied as a post-treatment. PSB-0739 administration suppressed the expression of c-fos in C1-C2 and TNC, and decrease C1-C2 levels of dopamine and serotonin in wild-type mice. NTG treatment itself did not change adenosine diphosphate (ADP)-induced platelet activation measured by CD62P upregulation in wild-type mice. Platelet depletion by anti-mouse CD41 antibody and clopidogrel attenuated NTG-induced thermal hypersensitivity and head grooming time in mice. Conclusion and implications: Taken together, our findings show that acute inhibition of P2Y12 Rs alleviates migraine-like pain in mice, by modulating the expression of c-fos, and platelet P2Y12 Rs might contribute to this effect. Hence, it is suggested that the blockade of P2Y12 Rs may have therapeutic potential against migraine

    The personality, motivational, and need-based background of problematic Tinder use

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    Background and aims Tinder is a geo-located online dating application, which is present in almost 200 countries and has 10 million daily users. The aim of the present research was to investigate the motivational, personality, and basic psychological need-related background of problematic Tinder use. Methods After qualitative pretest and item construction, in Study 1 (N = 414), confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to corroborate the different motivational factors behind Tinder use. In Study 2 (N = 346), the associations between Big Five traits, Tinder motivations, and problematic Tinder use were examined with structural equation modeling (SEM). In Study 3 (N = 298), the potential role of general self-esteem, relatedness need satisfaction, and frustration in relation to Tinder-use motivations and problematic Tinder use was examined with SEM. Results In Study 1, a 16-item first-order factor structure was identified with four motivational factors, such as sex, love, self-esteem enhancement, and boredom. In Study 2, problematic Tinder use was mainly related to using Tinder for self-esteem enhancement. The Big Five personality factors were only weakly related to the four motivations and to problematic Tinder use. Counterintuitively, Study 3 showed that instead of global self-esteem, relatedness need frustration was the strongest predictor of self-esteem enhancement Tinder-use motivation which, in turn, was the strongest predictor of problematic Tinder use. Discussion Four motivational factors were identified as predictors of problematic use with need frustration being a relevant background variable instead of general personality traits

    Microglia modulate blood flow, neurovascular coupling, and hypoperfusion via purinergic actions

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    Microglia, the main immunocompetent cells of the brain, regulate neuronal function, but their contribution to cerebral blood flow (CBF) regulation has remained elusive. Here, we identify microglia as important modulators of CBF both under physiological conditions and during hypoperfusion. Microglia establish direct, dynamic purinergic contacts with cells in the neurovascular unit that shape CBF in both mice and humans. Surprisingly, the absence of microglia or blockade of microglial P2Y12 receptor (P2Y12R) substantially impairs neurovascular coupling in mice, which is reiterated by chemogenetically induced microglial dysfunction associated with impaired ATP sensitivity. Hypercapnia induces rapid microglial calcium changes, P2Y12R-mediated formation of perivascular phylopodia, and microglial adenosine production, while depletion of microglia reduces brain pH and impairs hypercapnia-induced vasodilation. Microglial actions modulate vascular cyclic GMP levels but are partially independent of nitric oxide. Finally, microglial dysfunction markedly impairs P2Y12R-mediated cerebrovascular adaptation to common carotid artery occlusion resulting in hypoperfusion. Thus, our data reveal a previously unrecognized role for microglia in CBF regulation, with broad implications for common neurological diseases

    Tréningtranszfer feltételei

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    Szakdolgozatomban a tréning transzferben szerepet játszó egyéni és szervezeti tényezőket vizsgáltam. Az egyéni tulajdonságok mentén kaptam a szakirodalommal egybe hangzó eredményeket. Kiemelkedő befolyásoló tényezőként jelent meg a személy motivációja, a személyek énhatékonyság ítélete önmagukra vonatkozóan, valamint a trénig által kínált tudás vagy készség hasznosságának ítélete. A szervezeti tényezők tekintetében néhány pozitív minta mellett elenyésző tréning transzfer tényező jelent meg

    Több szempontú szociometria elemzés

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    Dolgozatom célja az iskolapszichológusi feladatkörbe való bepillantás, bekapcsolódás a mindennapok gyakorlatába, valamint rutinszerzés és készségfejlesztés egy pedagógus által hozott kérdéskör mentén. A pedagógust aktuálisan foglalkoztató terület az osztályában alakuló kapcsolatok és közösség formálódásának patronálása, így célom a jelenlegi kapcsolati háló feltérképezése, számba vehető eszközök azonosítása a csoport fejlesztése érdekében, az osztályfőnök erőforrásainak kiemelése