5 research outputs found

    Emerging technologies for learning in occupational safety and health: the experience of the videogame “Becoming safe”

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    [EN] In the paths for transversal skills and orientation (PCTO), italian students are considered like workers and therefore they must receive adequate information and training on occupational safety and health (OSH). These methods allow the students not to be excluded from the preventive measures of the health and safety at work by directing them towards self-protection.Today, this process can be supported through the use of digital tools such as videogames. The study describes a participative research and co-design work in 7 Italian high schools of agricultural, construction and manufacturing sectors, in order to co-create an educational tool (videogame) to promote OSH during the PCTO. The format could be a support for training and usable both in the classroom and in internship, according to the indications for the serious game’s design.The study applied qualitative and quantitative methods: survey (277 students), word cafés/focus groups (50 students), 10 semi-structured interviews and 3 WhatsApp groups (12 students) to facilitate the participation and the engagement of teachers, students and OSH experts. Learning by playing has always been an activity, technologies today make it easy and funny, while gaming can offer cognitive and operational elements suitable for recognizing and therefore preventing the occupational risks.Pietrafesa, E.; Bentivenga, R.; Stabile, S. (2021). Emerging technologies for learning in occupational safety and health: the experience of the videogame “Becoming safe”. En 7th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'21). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1011-1018. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd21.2021.12936OCS1011101


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    Information and communication technologies can improve the quality of the educational process. Serious games support the learning as they promote learner engagement and motivation by fostering social integration, sharing and cooperation through play and fun. This paper describes a research experience for the co-design of a digital serious game, aimed at students in the last three classes of Italian secondary education institutions, to increase awareness of the risks and value of health and safety in the workplace. This tool represents a valid support to the specific compulsory training in occupational health and safety for students involved in the paths for transversal skills and orientation

    Alternanza Scuola Lavoro: sviluppo di nuove competenze e tutela della salute e sicurezza sul lavoro

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    Through the dual system work-based learning (WBL), students carry out part of their formative curriculum in working contexts. In this way, the traditional learning model linked to the individual disciplines is renovating into a new model that includes, at the same time, informal and non-formal learning competences too. It can also be highlighted that in the WBL, technology is progressively more used to support innovative teaching that allows young people to acquire new skills also to meet the needs of the changing labor market. Obviously, the training experience in a working context requires a particular attention to the protection of the scholar’s health and safety too, so that the acquisition of specific ability has to be assured for acting in aware and responsible way and at the same time the suitability of the external learning places to the educational circle must to be guaranteed.Attraverso i progetti di alternanza scuola-lavoro gli studenti realizzano parte del proprio percorso formativo in contesti lavorativi. In questo modo il modello di apprendimento legato alle singole discipline si trasforma in un modello che riconosce in termini di competenze l’apprendimento informale e non formale. Bisogna, inoltre, sottolineare che nell’alternanza sempre più spesso viene utilizzata la tecnologia a supporto di una didattica innovativa che consente ai giovani l’acquisizione di nuove competenze più rispondenti alle richieste dell’attuale mondo del lavoro. La presenza degli studenti in contesti lavorativi richiede anche che venga garantita la tutela della salute e sicurezza dei discenti e l’idoneità dei luoghi di apprendimento esterni all’ambito scolastico e che venga assicurata l’acquisizione di capacità specifiche che li renda in grado di agire in modo consapevole e responsabile

    Becoming Safe: A Serious Game for Occupational Safety and Health Training in a WBL Italian Experience

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    Through the work-based learning (WBL), students carry out part of their formative curriculum into working contexts, so that the traditional learning, linked to the individual disciplines, is renovating into a new path that includes informal and non-formal competences. Technology is progressively more used to support innovative teaching that allows young people to acquire new skills to meet the needs of the changing labor market. The study describes a participative research and co-design work realized into seven Italian high schools in the agricultural, construction and manufacturing sectors, to co-create an educational tool (videogame) in order to promote occupational safety and health (OSH). The study applied qualitative and quantitative methods to facilitate the participation and the engagement of teachers and students. Learning by playing has always been an activity, today technologies and gaming can offer cognitive and operational elements suitable for recognizing and therefore preventing the occupational risks

    \u201cSicuri si diventa\u201d: il gaming per la formazione sulla salute e sicurezza sul lavoro in alternanza scuola-lavoro

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    Le nuove generazioni mostrano una sempre maggiore propensione verso le piattaforme di gioco online. Nella ricerca qui presentata ci si accosta a tale orizzonte per verificare se possibile utilizzarlo con finalit\ue0 formative per promuovere consapevolezza sui temi della salute e sicurezza sul lavoro. Si \ue8 sperimentato un percorso di ricerca partecipativa e co-costruzione di un videogioco educativo utilizzabile nei percorsi di alternanza scuola-lavoro. Attraverso la collaborazione con Inail e tre ASL si \ue8 condotto un lavoro di ascolto e rilevazione in sette scuole nei settori agrario, edile e manifatturiero per individuare esigenze e rappresentazioni di studenti e docenti, con riferimento alla conoscenza delle norme sulla sicurezza sul lavoro ma soprattutto al tipo di atteggiamento verso il rischio. Il metodo di rilevazione ha utilizzato strumenti qualitativi e quantitativi: questionario, world caf\ue9, interviste semi-strutturate, gruppi di messaggistica istantanea. L\u2019analisi ha portato a ideare e realizzare il videogioco Sicuri si diventa, una cui prima versione \ue8 stata testata con gli studenti