746 research outputs found


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    Nursing Care of HIV-Positive Women: A Scoping Literature Review on the Emotional Challenges for Women Living with a Chronic Disease

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    Living with HIV seems to be more stressful for women than men. Women exhibit higher levels of depression, lower levels of well-being and lower quality of life than HIV-infected men do. The aim of the review is to provide a comprehensive gender specific knowledge about the emotional challenges HIV infected women face in their daily lives. Across all articles one theme that emerged was the challenges about the social environment after being diagnosed with HIV. Three identified show what challenges women with HIV are facing in relation to employment, in relation to other people and a fear of stigma. Another theme that emerged was the challenges of different coping mechanisms. There was an evolution in how an HIV diagnosis had affected women´s lives and their ability to cope with their diagnoses. Three identified subthemes show what challenges women with HIV are facing in relation to aiming to improve quality of life after being diagnosed with HIV, a sharp distinction between HIV and AIDS and a religious and spiritually coping. Identifying the emotional challenges women living with HIV face in their daily lives may help nurses obtain a clearer understanding and greater knowledge of how to provide HIV-positive women with effective care that empower and support these women in managing their chronic disease. However to ensure that nurses have the proper tools for effective care for women living with HIV European studies are essentials in relation to what emotional challenges these women are facing in their daily lives

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    Arctic Fox (Alopex Lagopus) Dens in the Disko Bay Area, West Greenland

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    Seventeen arctic fox (Alopex lagopus) dens in the Disko Bay area, West Greenland are described regarding location, type, size and vegetation cover. The dens were found in ridges, screes and level ground, mainly of dwarf-scrub heath. The mean number of entrances was 17.8±18.4 SD (range 1-63), with more than half of the dens having fewer than 10 entrances. For dens in slopes, there was a prevalence for south-facing slopes, but for dens with an open exposure, entrances were most frequently oriented towards the north and east. The dens were not found to be lush green, as reported from several other areas. A visual difference between the den vegetation and the surrounding vegetation could only be recognized at a few den sites. A vegetation analysis revealed a significant difference between the den and the surrounding area in the occurrence of eight plant species. Among the species occurring more frequently on the den than in the adjacent area, Stellaria longipes was the most conspicuous because of its white flowers. This species is therefore suggested as a guide species in the search for new dens in the Disko Bay area. Dens with recent fox activity were larger and more conspicuous than dens without sign of recent activity.Key words: Arctic fox, Alopex lagopus, den site, den vegetation, Disko Bay, West GreenlandOn donne une description des terriers de 17 renards arctiques (Alopex lagopus) dans la région de la baie de Disko, à l'ouest du Groenland, selon l'emplacement, le type, la dimension et le couvert végétal. Ces terriers avaient été creusés dans des crêtes, des éboulis et en terrain plat, surtout dans des zones où la végétation se composait d'arbustes nains. Le nombre d'entrées était de 17,8, avec un écart-type de 18,4 (gamme de 1 à 63), plus de la moitié des terriers ayant moins de 10 entrées. Les terriers creusés dans les talus étaient plutôt exposés au sud, mais ceux qui étaient ouverts avaient leurs entrées orientées le plus fréquemment vers le nord et vers l'est. On n'a pas trouvé de végétation très dense autour du terrier, comme cela avait été rapporté pour plusieurs autres endroits. On n'a pu faire de différence visuelle entre la végétation du terrier et la végétation à l'entour que sur quelques sites. Une analyse de la végétation a révélé une différence significative entre le terrier même et la zone à l'entour dans la présence de huit espèces de plantes. Parmi les espèces apparaissant plus fréquemment sur le site du terrier que dans la zone à l'entour, Stellaria longipes était la plus visible en raison de ses fleurs blanches. C'est pourquoi on suggère d'utiliser cette espèce comme un guide dans la recherche de nouveaux terriers creusés dans la région de la baie de Disko. Les terriers qui portaient des traces de la présence récente des renards étaient plus grands et plus visibles que les terriers qui ne montraient pas de traces de présence récente.Mots clés: renard arctique, Alopex lagopus, site du terrier, végétation de terrier, baie de Disko, Groenland occidenta

    History Dependence of Freely Chosen Index Finger Tapping Rhythmicity

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    Highlights: Voluntary, rhythmic, stereotyped, automated motor activities are basic to humans Participants did initial submaximal tapping at low and high target tapping rates Subsequently, they tapped at a freely chosen rate The freely chosen rate was relatively low following the initial low tapping rate The freely chosen tapping rate was found to be history dependent Objective: To test the following hypothesis. Initial submaximal tapping at preset relatively low and high target tapping rates causes a subsequent freely chosen tapping rate to be relatively low and high, respectively, as compared with a reference freely chosen tapping rate. Methods: Participants performed three 3-min bouts of submaximal index finger tapping on separate days. In one bout (C, considered reference), the rate was freely chosen, throughout. In another bout (A), initial tapping was performed at a relatively low target rate and followed by freely chosen tapping. In yet another bout (B), initial tapping was performed at a relatively high target rate, followed by freely chosen tapping. Results: At the end of bout A, the rate was 14.6±23.7% lower than the reference value during bout C (p = 0.023). At the end of bout B, the rate was similar to the rate during bout C (p = 0.804). Conclusions: Initial tapping at a preset relatively low target rate caused a subsequent freely chosen rate to be lower than a reference freely chosen rate. The observation was denoted a phenomenon of motor behavioural history dependence. Initial tapping at a preset relatively high target rate did not elicit history dependence