155 research outputs found

    Doctor-patient communication and the quality of care : an observation study into affective and instrumental behavior in general practice

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    This thesis is about doctor-patient communication in general practice. It is based on several observation studies of videotaped real-life consultations, collected in a series of consecutive research projects •. The main part of the thesis consists of six articles that have been published in various scientific journals; some were also presented as papers at national or international congresses. Each article can be read independently from the others; together they form an exploratory journey into relevant types of physician behavior in general practice

    The effects of the implementation of snoezelen on the quality of working life in psychogeriatric care

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    BACKGROUND: Dementia among nursing home residents is often accompanied by high care dependency and behavioral disturbances, resulting in an increased workload for the caregivers. Snoezelen, integrated into 24-hour dementia care, is an approach that might improve the quality of working life of dementia caregivers. This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of integrated snoezelen on work-related outcomes (workload and psychological outcomes) of caregivers in psychogeriatric nursing homes. METHODS: A quasi-experimental pre- and post-test design was used, comparing six psychogeriatric wards that implemented snoezelen in 24-hour care to six control wards that continued giving usual care. One hundred and twenty-nine Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) were included in the pre-test and 127 CNAs in the post-test. The six intervention wards received a 4-day in-house training program. The intervention further consisted of implementation activities on the ward (e.g. stimulus preference screening, workgroup), three in-house follow-up meetings and two general meetings. Measurements on workload, perceived problems, stress reactions, job satisfaction and burnout were performed at baseline and after 18 months. RESULTS: A significant treatment effect in favor of the experimental group was found for time pressure, perceived problems, stress reactions and emotional exhaustion. CNAs of the experimental group also improved on their overall job satisfaction score. In particular, they were more satisfied with the quality of care and with their contact with residents. CONCLUSION: The implementation of snoezelen improved the quality of the working life of dementia caregiver

    Formação continuada para físicos educadores : potencializando a integração das TDIC no processo de ensinoaprendizagem de física

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    Este trabalho aproxima duas demandas relacionadas ao processo de ensino-aprendizagem de Física: às mudanças sociais provocadas pelas Tecnologias Digitais de Informação e Comunicação (TDIC) e a falta de profissionais habilitados para o ensino desta disciplina. Seu objetivo principal foi investigar a integração das TDIC nas práticas dos educadores participantes de um curso de formação continuada. A investigação configura uma abordagem qualitativa desenvolvida a partir da análise das atividades planejadas e desenvolvidas pelos educadores em suas práticas e dos questionários aplicados antes e depois da participação no curso em questão. Entre os resultados destacamos que as TDIC utilizadas contribuíram para que os educadores saíssem do isolamento, potencializando as interações com outros professores e contribuindo com o compartilhamento de conhecimentos e práticas

    The Hungarian Legislation Concerning Infanticide A Historical Overview and Criminological Background

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    В статті розглядаються ситуації, які спонукали уповноважених з прав людини при Угорському парламенті створити групу, метою якої є популяризація і розвиток культури прав особистості. Визначаються правові норми професійної діяльності омбудсмена, а також інституту з захисту конституції і прав людини в цілому. Більш детально розглядається результат роботи даної структури, її роль, функції, необхідність захисту культури конституційних прав і їхнього розвитку. Ключові слова: Угорщина, Омбудсменський інститут, культура прав особистості, політичне право, реактивна роль, активна роль, неслухняність громадян, конституційно - правова шкода, легітимність.В статье рассмотрены ситуации, которые побудили уполномоченных в вопросах личных прав человека при Венгерском парламенте, создать группу, цель которой, содействие и развитие культуры прав личности. Здесь вы увидите определения правовых стандартов профессиональной деятельности омбудсмена и института по защите Конституции и прав человека в целом. Более детально рассматриваются вопросы касательно результатов работы данной структуры, ее роли в государстве, функций, потребностей в защите культуры конституционных прав и их развития. Ключевые слова: Венгрия, Омбудсменский институт, культура прав личности, политическое право, реактивная роль, активная роль, непослушность граждан, конституционно-правовой вред, легитимность.In the article reviewed situation, that are prompted the commissioners of personal rights in the Hungarian parliament to create a group for promote and develop the culture of personal rights. Here you see a define of the legal standards of professional activities of the Ombudsman, of the Institute for the Protection of the Constitution and human rights. The more attention paid in questions of the results of this structure, role in the State, functions, needs in the protect the culture of constitutional rights and their development. Key words: Hungary, Ombudsman’s Institution, culture of personal rights, political law, reactive role, proactive role, disobedience of citizens, the constitutional legal injury, and legitimacy

    Reply to letter by O'Donnell et al.

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    Naar een veranderende zorgvraag van morgen.

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    Vermoeidheid bij chronische ziekten.

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