64 research outputs found


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    Family position on the board of directors strengthens family influence in corporate decision making This study examines the effect of family involvement on the board of directors on accounting performance in family firms in Indonesia in family firms which only place family members on the board of directors and family firms which place family members on the board of directors and commissioner. The number of companies studied were 122 family companies and the research period was from 2009-2018. Data were analyzed using the Generelized Method of Moments (GMM) estimation method. The results of the research conducted show that family involvement in the board of directors has a positive effect on the company's accounting performance in both groups of family companies. The effect of family involvement on the board of directors is greater in family companies that place family members on the board of directors and commissioners compared to family companies that place family members who only place family members on the board of directors. The findings of this study are important for the competent authorities in formulating family business governance policies.Posisi keluarga dalam dewan direksi memperkuat pengaruh keluarga dalam pengambilan keputusan perusahaan Penelitian ini menguji pengaruh keterlibatan keluarga dalam dewan direksi terhadap kinerja akuntansi pada perusahaan keluarga di Indonesia pada perusahaan keluarga yang hanya menempatkan anggota keluarga dalam dewan direksi dan perusahaan keluarga yang menempatkan anggota keluarga dalam dewan direksi dan komisaris. Jumlah perusahaan yang diteliti adalah 122 perusahaan keluarga dengan jumlah data selama 10 tahun. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode estimasi Generelized Method of Moments (GMM). Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa keterlibtan keluarga dalam dewan direksi berpengaruh positif  signifikan terhadap kinerja akuntansi perusahaan pada kedua kelompok perusahaan keluarga. Pengaruh keterlibtan keluarga dalam dewan direksi lebih besar pada perusahaan keluarga yang menempatkan anggota keluarga dalam dewan direksi dan komisaris dibandingkan dengan perusahaan keluarga yang menempatkan anggota keluarga yang hanya menempatkan anggota keluarga pada dewan direksi. Temuan penelitian ini penting bagi otoritas berwenang dalam merumuskan kebijakan tata kelola perusahaan keluarga dan investor untuk pengambilan keputusan investasi


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    This study investigates the market valuation effect of ownership concentration, financial policy and profitability in a sample of 109 non-family over the period 2012 to 2019. Hence, we used balance panel data to investigate the market value and possible effect of the variables identified using the General Method of Moment (GMM) estimator. The results market value is dynamic in nature, implying that last year's market value significantly affects the current market value. Although the major shareholders are not family members, ownership concentration still has significant negative effects on market value. However, the financial decision shows that leverage gives a positive and significant effect while investment and dividend policy seems to have a negative effect on market value, although the investment is insignificant. Lastly, profitability is positive and has significant effects. Lastly, profitability is positive and significant effects. This study concluded that ownership concentration, leverage and profitability have important factors affect market value. This study contributes to non-family firm’s literature and provides new empirical findings and policy implications of regulators to enhance the market value.JEL: G11, G30, G32

    Pengaruh Corporate Governance, Pengungkapan Environmental Dan Social Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan (Studi Pada Perusahaan Tambang Yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) Periode 2017-2020)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh corporate governance, pengungkapan environmental dan social terhadap nilai perusahaan pada perusahaan sektor pertambangan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun 2017-2020 yang populasinya berjumlah sebanyak 43 perusahaan. Teknik pengambilan sampel mengunakan purposive sampling sehingga mendapatkan 23 sampel perusahaan dengan 92 pengamatan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan data sekunder yang dikumpulkan dengan teknik studi dokumentasi dan penelitian kepustakaan yang diperoleh melalui www.idx.co.id, atau website resmi perusahaan masing-masing yang di analisis menggunakan analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel kepemilikan institusional, dewan komisaris independen, pengungkapan environmental dan social secara parsial tidak berpengaruh dan tidak signifikan terhadap nilai perusahaan. Selanjutnya, variabel kepemilikan manajerial berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap nilai perusahaan

    Le LiDAR : vers une meilleure connaissance des paysages du karst

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    Lorsqu’on parle de paysages de l’eau, les fleuves et riviĂšres, les littoraux ou les zones humides s’imposent Ă  l‘esprit. Pourtant, au-delĂ  de ces paysages « ouverts », on oublie souvent le karst, modelĂ© par l’action Ă©rosive de l’eau. Ce dernier est peu connu et peu visible, car souvent souterrain ou sous le couvert forestier. DĂšs lors, sa mĂ©connaissance, et particuliĂšrement celle du karst aĂ©rien ordinaire, conduit Ă  sa nĂ©gligence, y compris par les Ă©lus et les amĂ©nageurs. Pendant longtemps, sa connaissance impliquait en effet de lourdes campagnes de terrain, rendues complexes et non exhaustives par les difficultĂ©s liĂ©es au contexte naturel. L’apport des nouveaux outils, comme le Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR), change la donne. Il permet de mettre Ă  nu le karst et de visualiser avec prĂ©cision le modelĂ© de surface, et d’en accroĂźtre ainsi la comprĂ©hension. Les modelĂ©s karstiques, porteurs d’enjeux importants, se rĂ©vĂšlent des Ă©lĂ©ments fondamentaux pour la comprĂ©hension de la formation des paysages.When talking about water landscapes, rivers, coastlines or wetlands come to mind. However, apart from these “open” landscapes, there is a landscape that is often forgotten, that of the karst landscape shaped by the erosive action of water. This landscape is little known and not very visible since it is often underground or covered by forest vegetation. This lack of knowledge, and particularly the lack of knowledge of the ordinary open-air karst, leads to it being neglected by elected representatives and urban planners. For a long time, knowledge of this landscape involved major field studies which were complex and lacked exhaustivity because of natural obstacles. The advent of new tools, such as Light Detection and Ranging (Lidar) equipment, has changed the situation. It makes it possible to expose the karst and accurately visualise the contours of the surface, thus making it easier to understand this landscape. Karst surface contours, which present major challenges, are fundamental in understanding landscape formation

    Fuzzy Pattern Recognition Based Fault Diagnosis

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    International audienceIn order to avoid catastrophic situations when the dynamics of a physical system (entity in Multi Agent System architecture) are evolving toward an undesirable operating mode, particular and quick safety actions have to be programmed in the control design. Classic control (PID and even state model based methods) becomes powerless for complex plants (nonlinear, MIMO and ill-defined systems). A more efficient diagnosis requires an artificial intelligence approach. We propose in this paper the design of a Fuzzy Pattern Recognition System (FPRS) that solves, in real time, the main following problems: 1) Identification of an actual state; 2) Identification of an eventual evolution towards a failure state; 3) Diagnosis and decision-making. Simulations have been carried for a fictive complex process plant with the objective to evaluate the consistency and the performance of the proposed diagnosis philosophy. The obtained results seem to be encouraging and very promising for application to fault diagnosis of a real and complex plant process

    De la défiance à la réconciliation : itinéraires des constructions urbaines et rivulaires des villes du Sillon lorrain (Nancy, Metz, Thionville)

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    Cette Ă©tude observe et analyse les relations gĂ©ohistoriques au sein des couples villes-fleuves et de l’hydromorphologie urbaine Ă  l’échelle du Sillon lorrain. Ces relations fondĂ©es souvent sur la dĂ©fiance dans une dĂ©marche d’amĂ©nagement Ă©voluent aujourd’hui vers une approche plus Ă©quilibrĂ©e que par le passĂ©, construite sur la logique de mĂ©nagement des cours d’eau et d’une relation plus apaisĂ©e. Ce nouvel itinĂ©raire implique une transition paysagĂšre en construction des couples villes-fleuves. L’interface rivulaire est valorisĂ©e, facilitant les opĂ©rations de rĂ©habilitation ou de rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ration urbaine, transposĂ©es en tenant compte des hĂ©ritages et des spĂ©cificitĂ©s des villes de Nancy, de Metz et de Thionville. Cette nouvelle approche s’appuie sur un « rĂ©cit » et une « mĂ©moire » qui servent la rĂ©conciliation et la construction ou la consolidation des fronts d’eau urbains.This study observes and analyses geohistorical relationships within cities and their rivers and urban hydromorphology at the scale of the Sillon Lorrain urban cluster. These relationships, which were often conditioned by mistrust within an urban development context, are now evolving towards a more balanced approach to planning based on the logic of river management and are thus towards a more harmonious relationship. This new approach involves a transition in landscape planning involving the pairing of urban centres and their rivers. Riversides are enhanced, facilitating transpositions of urban rehabilitation or regeneration operations which account for the heritages and unique qualities of the cities of Nancy, Metz and Thionville. This new approach is based on a “narrative” and on “memory” which are put at the service of reconciliation and the construction or consolidation of urban waterfronts

    Assessment of salt stress effect on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars at seedling stage

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    Salinity is one of the major abiotic environmental stresses affecting plant crops. The present study was conducted at the regional lab of the National Seed and Plant Control and Certification Center (CNCC) of SĂ©tif, Algeria. The purpose of this study was to assess the behavior of twenty bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties under different salt stress concentrations (0, 50, 100 and 150 mM NaCl) at seedling stage under hydroponic conditions. Accordingly, the results indicated that NaCl induced significant decreases in roots length and number, coleoptile length, root and shoot fresh weights; and each variety reacted differently as indicated by the ‘genotype x salinity’ effect. Moderate (100 mM) and high (150 mM) salt stress were the most discriminating traits between sensitive and tolerant cultivars. Based on salt sensitivity index (SSI), the evaluated genotypes were grouped into three clusters. SSI identified Mezghana (V1), Almirante (V8), Sensas (V18), Florence Aurore (V19) and Pinzon (V20) as the most tolerant cultivars. These genotypes could be used in local wheat breeding programs for the improvement of salt tolerance
