10 research outputs found

    Sociability (A) and preference for social novelty (B) in the three compartment test.

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    <p>Exploration of each stimulus was assessed by measuring the time spent in each contact area, i.e., a 20×22 cm area containing the stimulus cage. Data are mean ± SEM. *p<0.05. The dotted line represents chance level (50%).</p

    EEG analysis.

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    <p>Left: Examples of bipolar electrocorticographic recordings from each experimental group, illustrating the clear absence of any seizures, absences, or interictal events. Right: Electrode placements. 1 and 2: frontal cortex. 3 and 4: parietal cortex. Ref: cerebellar reference electrode.</p

    Locomotor habituation and circadian modulation of activity.

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    <p>A-B: Locomotion during the first testing hour; C–D: Total activity during the subsequent 24 hrs; E: 24 hr activity profile. Data are mean ± SEM. *p<0.05.</p

    Schematic representation of the apparatus used for the three compartment test.

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    <p>The apparatus consisted of three rectangular compartments made of transparent Plexiglas. A stimulus cage (wire mesh, 10 cm in diameter, here represented as a dark grey circle) allowing visual, olfactory and partial tactile contact was placed in each side compartment. Performance in the task was evaluated across three 5-min trials, based on the relative time spent in the contact areas (highlighted in light grey).</p

    Social and non-social behaviors in the direct social interaction with an adult female.

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    <p>A: Time spent on affiliative behaviors towards an adult female. B: Frequency of attempts to mount the female. C: Self-grooming. D. Time spent on non-social activities. Data are mean ± SEM. *p<0.05.</p