545 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Budaya Organsiasi, Motivasi dan Kedisiplinan terhadap Kinerja Dosen

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    Purpose of this study to analyze how the influence of organizational culture, motivation and discipline to the performance Sailing Science Lecturer at the Polytechnic of Semarang? ". In order for the discussion of issues in research more clearly, the need for the formulation of the problem systematically as follows: 1) the influence of organizational culture on performance lecturer at the Polytechnic Science Shipping Semarang, 2) how the influence of motivation on the performance lecturer at the Polytechnic Science Shipping Semarang, 3) how discipline influence on the performance of Sailing Science Lecturer at the Polytechnic of Semarang, 4) how the influence of organizational culture, motivation and discipline simultaneously on the performance Sailing Science Lecturer at the Polytechnic of Semarang? The data in this study became analyzul with multiple regression. Results of this study found that organizational culture positive and significant impact on performance, motivation positive and significant impact on performance, discipline and significant positive effect on performance, as well as the organizational culture, motivation and discipline simultaneously positive and significant impact on performanc

    Recurrence spectrum in smooth dynamical systems

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    We prove that for conformal expanding maps the return time does have constant multifractal spectrum. This is the counterpart of the result by Feng and Wu in the symbolic setting

    An alternative architecture and control strategy for hexapod positioning systems to simplify structural design and improve accuracy

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    Hexapod systems (6 legged Stewart Platforms), offer advantages in accuracy over other positioning systems and are finding applications in numerous telescopes. However, instruments with increased sophistication for modern telescopes continue to grow in size and required positioning accuracy. This paper details an alternative hexapod configuration and design approach, particularly focused on relatively large, high precision hexapod systems supporting high mass payloads. The new configuration improves accuracy, reduces actuator mass, simplifies design, and reduces system cost but requires modest additional control algorithm sophistication.Center for Electromechanic

    Investigation of A1g phonons in YBa2Cu3O7 by means of LAPW atomic-force calculations

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    We report first-principles frozen-phonon calculations for the determination of the force-free geometry and the dynamical matrix of the five Raman-active A1g modes in YBa2Cu3O7. To establish the shape of the phonon potentials atomic forces are calculated within the LAPW method. Two different schemes - the local density approximation (LDA) and a generalized gradient approximation (GGA) - are employed for the treatment of electronic exchange and correlation effects. We find that in the case of LDA the resulting phonon frequencies show a deviation from experimental values of approximately -10%. Invoking GGA the frequency values are significantly improved and also the eigenvectors are in very good agreement with experimental findings.Comment: 15 page

    Bearing Loads in a Vehicular Flywheel Battery

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    Radial and axial rotor support bearings are critical elements in flywheel batteries for vehicle applications. This paper discusses the quantification of bearing loads required for the development of optimal bearing designs, particularly magnetic bearings. The primary contributors to bearing loads are shown to be vehicle shock, vibration, maneuvering, and gyrodynamics. Emphasis is placed on transit bus applications. Available data for each is presented, including actual measurements made on buses, and a detailed analysis of gyrodynamics.Center for Electromechanic

    Application of Nanometrology for Assessing the Machining Tool Geometry and Analysis of the Micro/Nano-Structure of the End Milling Tool Surfaces 1

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    Abstract. Nanotechnology is an interdisciplinary field developing for the global markets in al

    Influence of radial depth of cut on entry conditions and dynamics in face milling application

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    In this study, acceleration of the workpiece is measured for different radial depths of cut and cutting edge geometries. The influence of the radial depth of cut on the dynamical behavior is evaluated in time and frequency domains. The results for different radial depths of cut and cutting geometries are quantified using the root mean square value of acceleration. The outcome of this research study can be used both for the better cutting data recommendations and improved tool design.У даному дослідженні прискорення оброблюваної деталі вимірювали для різних радіальних глибин різання і геометрії ріжучої кромки фрези. Вплив радіальної глибини різання на динамічну поведінку оцінювали в часових і частотних інтервалах. Отримано кількісні результати для різних радіальних глибин і геометрії різання з використанням середньоквадратичного значення прискорення. Результати цього дослідження можуть бути використані для рекомендацій як покращення процесу різання, так і конструкції інструменту.В данном исследовании ускорение перемещения заготовки измеряли для разных радиальных глубин резания и геометрии режущей кромки фрезы. Влияние радиальной глубины резания на динамическое поведение оценивали во временных и частотных интервалах. Получены количественные результаты для различных радиальных глубин и геометрии резания с использованием среднеквадратичного значения ускорения. Результаты этого исследования могут быть использованы для рекомендаций по улучшению как процесса резания, так конструкции инструмента

    Design of an Agile Unmanned Combat Vehicle - A Product of the DARPA UGCV Program

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    The unmanned ground combat vehicle (UGCV) design evolved by the SAIC team on the DARPA UGCV Program is summarized in this paper. This UGCV design provides exceptional performance against all of the program metrics and incorporates key attributes essential for high performance robotic combat vehicles. This performance includes protection against 7.62 mm threats, C130 and CH47 transportability, and the ability to accept several relevant weapons payloads, as well as advanced sensors and perception algorithms evolving from the PerceptOR program. The UGCV design incorporates a combination of technologies and design features, carefully selected through detailed trade studies, which provide optimum performance against mobility, payload, and endurance goals without sacrificing transportability, survivability, or life cycle cost. The design was optimized to maximize performance against all Category I metrics. In each case, the performance of this design was validated with detailed simulations, indicating that the vehicle exceeded the Category I metrics. Mobility metrics were analyzed using high fidelity VisualNastran vehicle models, which incorporate the suspension control algorithms and controller cycles times. DADS/Easy 5 3-D models and ADAMS simulations were also used to validate vehicle dynamics and control algorithms during obstacle negotiation