1,072 research outputs found


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    Agricultural and Food Policy,

    Methods Used by Dr. R. K. Benjamin, and Other Mycologists, to Isolate Zygomycetes

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    The methods that Dr. Richard K. Benjamin used to isolate Zygomycetes are discussed. These processes involved the following five steps: (1) collection, (2) plating, (3) isolation, (4) culture, and (5) maintenance. Additional methods, materials, and modifications used to isolate Zygomycetes are summarized. The author considers the flattening of the aerial hyphae onto the substrate of the faster- and higher-growing Mucorales for several consecutive days to be the critical step in isolating species of Coemansia, Piptocephalis, Syncephalis, and Dimargaritales. The methods used by other scholars to isolate, culture, and study many taxa in Zygomycetes also are discussed

    Uniform Consumer Credit Code and National Consumer Act: Some Objective Comparisons

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    The Uniform Consumer Credit Code was approved by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws on July 30, 1968, and by the American Bar Association on August 7, 1968. Many state legislatures are today actively considering the measure, with Utah and Oklahoma having already enacted it. The National Consumer Act was promulgated in 1969 by the National Consumer Law Center, an Office of Economic Opportunity funded project at Boston College Law School. It too, is under active consideration around the country. Both Acts are comprehensive revisions of the hodge-podge of consumer credit state laws that are on the statute books today. In some respects, the two Acts are similar; in many ways, however, they differ. Both Acts are quite lengthy and complex, and contain many provisions on a number of subjects. The purpose of this material is not to examine in detail each section of both Acts, but rather to highlight the coverage of the two Acts, comparing their differences where important

    From: Benny L. Stephens

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    Empirical Investigation Of Determinant Factors Of Company Delisting: Evidence From Indonesia

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    The main purpose of the research is to evaluate determinant factors which contribute to companies being delisted from Stock Exchange Market in Indonesia. The samples are taken from the delisted companies list in IDX for a period year 2007-2011. The matching companies are then selected based on the company size to make an equivalent comparison for each delisted companies sample. The total final samples consist of 58 companies, 29 delisted companies and 29 matching companies. This research analyzes the company's financial status by using descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, and logistic regression model to find the effect of each determinant to the probability of delisting. The shares liquidity is a significant determinant to company's delisting in Indonesia. Meanwhile, profitability and leverage seems to be determinant factors for delisted, but appear to be insignificant. Other examined factors, market capitalization and growth opportunity appear to insignificant determinants. This manager implication of this research is that the strong delisting factor is the external company factor, in this case, the market factor