786 research outputs found

    On the Relationship Between Determinate and MSV Solutions in Linear RE Models

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    This paper considers the possibility that, in linear rational expectations (RE) models, all determinate (uniquely non-explosive) solutions coincide with the minimum state variable (MSV) solution, which is unique by construction. In univariate specifications of the form yt = AEtyt+1 + Cyt-1 + ut that result holds: if a RE solution is unique and non-explosive, then it is the same as the MSV solution. Also, this result holds for multivariate versions if the A and C matrices commute and a certain regularity condition holds. More generally, however, there are models of this form that possess unique non-explosive solutions that differ from their MSV solutions. Examples are provided and a strategy for easily constructing others is outlined.

    On the Relationship Between Determinate and MSV Solutions in Linear RE Models

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    This paper considers the possibility that, in linear rational expectations (RE) models, all determinate (uniquely non-explosive) solutions coincide with the minimum state variable (MSV) solution, which is unique by construction. In univariate specifications of the form y(t) = AE(t)y(t+1) + Cy(t-1) + u(t) that result holds: if a RE solution is unique and non-explosive, then it is the same as the MSV solution. Also, this result holds for multivariate versions if the A and C matrices commute and a certain regularity condition holds. More generally, however, there are models of this form that possess unique non-explosive solutions that differ from their MSV solutions. Examples are provided and a strategy for easily constructing others is outlined.

    Multiple-Solution Indeterminacies in Monetary Policy Analysis

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    This paper discusses four current topics in monetary policy analysis, each of which hinges on the possibility of multiple solutions in rational expectations (RE) models. In three of these cases-involving inflation forecast targeting, the zero-lower bound deflation trap, and the fiscal theory of the price level-analysis based on E-stability and adaptive learnability of the solutions suggests that only one of them is a viable equilibrium candidate. Thus the dangers alleged to prevail, in these cases, are not ones with which actual policymakers need to be concerned. In the case of the Taylor principle, by contrast, policy behavior that violates the principle is genuinely undesirable, since all of the RE equilibria fail to be learnable.

    Price Level Determinacy with an Interest Rate Policy Rule and Rational Expectations

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    This paper reconsiders a result obtained by Sargent and Wallace, namely, that price level indeterminacy obtains in their well-known model if the monetary authorities adopt a policy feedback rule for the interest rate rather than the money stock. Since the Federal Reserve seems often to have used the federal funds rate as its operating instrument, with the money stack determined by the quantity demanded, this result suggests that the Sargent-Wallace model -- as well as others incorporating rational expectations -- is inconsistent with U.S. experience. It is here shown, however, that the indeterminacy result vanishes if the interest rate rule is chosen so as to have some desired effect on the expected quantity of money demanded. This revised conclusion holds even if considerable weight is given, in the choice of a rule, to the aim of smoothing interest rate fluctuations.

    The case for rules in the conduct of monetary policy: a concrete example

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    A policy rule can be activist; the distinction between rules and discretion depends on the stage at which optimization calculations enter the policy process. Here a specific monetary rule is proposed, one that sets the monetary base each quarter in a manner designed to keep nominal aggregate demand growing smoothly at a noninflationary rate. Simulations with a simple estimated model suggest that the proposed rule would have performed well over the period 1954-85, despite financial innovations and regulatory change.Monetary policy ; Inflation (Finance) ; Monetary theory

    A Linearized Version of Lucas's Neutrality Model

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    The model developed in Robert Lucas's influential "Expectations and the Neutrality of Money" has not been widely used for extensions or modifications of the original analysis, in part because of its difficulty of manipulation.The present paper describes a linearized version that--unlike other models prominent in the rational expectations literature--retains the original's mainfeatures yet is comparatively easy to manipulate.Two examples of modifications facilitated by this linearization are included. These involve an autoregressive money growth specification and the assumption of lump-sum (rather than proportional)monetary transfers.

    A Semi-Classical Model of Price Level Adjustment

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    This paper investigates the theoretical and empirical properties of a model of aggregate supply behavior that was introduced in the 1970s but has received inadequate attention. The model postulates that price changes occur so as to gradually eliminate discrepancies between actual and market-clearing values and to reflect expected changes in market-clearing values. Its implications are more 'classical' than most alternative formulations that reflect gradual price adjustment. Empirical results, which utilize a proxy for market-clearing output that is a function of fixed capital and the real price of oil, are moderately encouraging but not entirely supportive.

    Macroeconomics after a decade of rational expectations : some critical issues

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    An abstract for this article is not available.Macroeconomics

    Introductory Remarks

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    These remarks were presented at the 2008 International Conference, gFrontiers in Monetary Theory and Policy,h held by the Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of Japan, in Tokyo on May 28-29, 2008. I am grateful to Marvin Goodfriend for many helpful discussions.

    Should central banks raise their inflation targets? Some relevant issues

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    Several arguments are relevant. (1) In the absence of the zero lower bound (ZLB), the optimal steady-state inflation rate, according to standard reasoning, lies between deflation at the steady-state real interest rate and the Calvo-model value of zero, with calibration indicating a larger weight on the latter. (2) An attractive modification of the Calvo equation would imply that the weight on the second of these should be zero. (3) There may be some scope for monetary policy to be effective even at the ZLB. (4) Elimination of currency is feasible and would remove the ZLB constraint. (5) Increasing target inflation would undermine the rationale for central bank independence and constitute an additional movement away from intertemporal discipline.Inflation (Finance) ; Monetary policy ; Banks and banking, Central