45,624 research outputs found

    An improved bound on distillable entanglement

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    The best bound known on 2-locally distillable entanglement is that of Vedral and Plenio, involving a certain measure of entanglement based on relative entropy. It turns out that a related argument can be used to give an even stronger bound; we give this bound, and examine some of its properties. In particular, and in contrast to the earlier bounds, the new bound is not additive in general. We give an example of a state for which the bound fails to be additive, as well as a number of states for which the bound is additive.Comment: 14 pages, no figures. A significant erratum in theorems 4 and 5 has been fixe

    When only two thirds of the entanglement can be distilled

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    We provide an example of distillable bipartite mixed state such that, even in the asymptotic limit, more pure-state entanglement is required to create it than can be distilled from it. Thus, we show that the irreversibility in the processes of formation and distillation of bipartite states, recently proved in [G. Vidal, J.I. Cirac, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, (2001) 5803-5806], is not limited to bound-entangled states.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, 1 figur

    Irreversibility in asymptotic manipulations of entanglement

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    We show that the process of entanglement distillation is irreversible by showing that the entanglement cost of a bound entangled state is finite. Such irreversibility remains even if extra pure entanglement is loaned to assist the distillation process.Comment: RevTex, 3 pages, no figures Result on indistillability of PPT states under pure entanglement catalytic LOCC adde

    Entanglement Swapping Chains for General Pure States

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    We consider entanglement swapping schemes with general (rather than maximally) entangled bipartite states of arbitary dimension shared pairwise between three or more parties in a chain. The intermediate parties perform generalised Bell measurements with the result that the two end parties end up sharing a entangled state which can be converted into maximally entangled states. We obtain an expression for the average amount of maximal entanglement concentrated in such a scheme and show that in a certain reasonably broad class of cases this scheme is provably optimal and that, in these cases, the amount of entanglement concentrated between the two ends is equal to that which could be concentrated from the weakest link in the chain.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Mixedness and teleportation

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    We show that on exceeding a certain degree of mixedness (as quantified by the von Neumann entropy), entangled states become useless for teleporatation. By increasing the dimension of the entangled systems, this entropy threshold can be made arbitrarily close to maximal. This entropy is found to exceed the entropy threshold sufficient to ensure the failure of dense coding.Comment: 6 pages, no figure

    The trumping relation and the structure of the bipartite entangled states

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    The majorization relation has been shown to be useful in classifying which transformations of jointly held quantum states are possible using local operations and classical communication. In some cases, a direct transformation between two states is not possible, but it becomes possible in the presence of another state (known as a catalyst); this situation is described mathematically by the trumping relation, an extension of majorization. The structure of the trumping relation is not nearly as well understood as that of majorization. We give an introduction to this subject and derive some new results. Most notably, we show that the dimension of the required catalyst is in general unbounded; there is no integer kk such that it suffices to consider catalysts of dimension kk or less in determining which states can be catalyzed into a given state. We also show that almost all bipartite entangled states are potentially useful as catalysts.Comment: 7 pages, RevTe

    Recovery of entanglement lost in entanglement manipulation

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    When an entangled state is transformed into another one with probability one by local operations and classical communication, the quantity of entanglement decreases. This letter shows that entanglement lost in the manipulation can be partially recovered by an auxiliary entangled pair. As an application, a maximally entangled pair can be obtained from two partially entangled pairs with probability one. Finally, this recovery scheme reveals a fundamental property of entanglement relevant to the existence of incomparable states.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, REVTeX; minor correction

    Quantum key distribution with 2-bit quantum codes

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    We propose a prepare-and-measure scheme for quantum key distribution with 2-bit quantum codes. The protocol is unconditionally secure under whatever type of intercept-and-resend attack. Given the symmetric and independent errors to the transmitted qubits, our scheme can tolerate a bit error rate up to 26% in 4-state protocol and 30% in 6-state protocol, respectively. These values are higher than all currently known threshold values for prepare-and-measure protocols. A specific realization with linear optics is given.Comment: Approved for publication in Physical Review Letter

    The asymptotic entanglement cost of preparing a quantum state

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    We give a detailed proof of the conjecture that the asymptotic entanglement cost of preparing a bipartite state \rho is equal to the regularized entanglement of formation of \rho.Comment: 7 pages, no figure

    On the origin of noisy states whose teleportation fidelity can be enhanced through dissipation

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    Recently Badziag \emph{et al.} \cite{badziag} obtained a class of noisy states whose teleportation fidelity can be enhanced by subjecting one of the qubits to dissipative interaction with the environment via amplitude damping channel (ADC). We show that such noisy states result while sharing the states (| \Phi ^{\pm}> =\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(| 00> \pm | 11>)) across ADC. We also show that under similar dissipative interactions different Bell states give rise to noisy entangled states that are qualitatively very different from each other in the sense, only the noisy entangled states constructed from the Bell states (| \Phi ^{\pm}>) can \emph{}be made better sometimes by subjecting the unaffected qubit to a dissipative interaction with the environment. Importantly if the noisy state is non teleporting then it can always be made teleporting with this prescription. We derive the most general restrictions on improvement of such noisy states assuming that the damping parameters being different for both the qubits. However this curious prescription does not work for the noisy entangled states generated from (| \Psi ^{\pm}> =\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(| 01> \pm | 10>)). This shows that an apriori knowledge of the noisy channel might be helpful to decide which Bell state needs to be shared between Alice and Bob. \emph{}Comment: Latex, 18 pages: Revised version with a new result. Submitted to PR
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