390 research outputs found

    Trio-One: Layering Uncertainty and Lineage on a Conventional DBMS

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    Trio is a new kind of database system that supports data, uncertainty, and lineage in a fully integrated manner. The first Trio prototype, dubbed Trio-One, is built on top of a conventional DBMS using data and query translation techniques together with a small number of stored procedures. This paper describes Trio-One's translation scheme and system architecture, showing how it efficiently and easily supports the Trio data model and query language

    Genetic variation in the interleukin-28B gene is associated with spontaneous clearance and progression of hepatitis C virus in Moroccan patients

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    Genetic variation in the IL28B gene has been strongly associated with treatment outcomes, spontaneous clearance and progression of the hepatitis C virus infection (HCV). The aim of the present study was to investigate the role of polymorphisms at this locus with progression and outcome of HCV infection in a Moroccan population. We analyzed a cohort of 438 individuals among them 232 patients with persistent HCV infection, of whom 115 patients had mild chronic hepatitis and 117 had advanced liver disease (cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma), 68 individuals who had naturally cleared HCV and 138 healthy subjects. The IL28B SNPs rs12979860 and rs8099917 were genotyped using a TaqMan 5' allelic discrimination assay. The protective rs12979860-C and rs8099917-T alleles were more common in subjects with spontaneous clearance (77.9% vs 55.2%; p = 0.00001 and 95.6% vs 83.2%; p = 0.0025, respectively). Individuals with clearance were 4.69 (95% CI, 1.99-11.07) times more likely to have the C/C genotype for rs12979860 polymorphism (p = 0.0017) and 3.55 (95% CI, 0.19-66.89) times more likely to have the T/T genotype at rs8099917. Patients with advanced liver disease carried the rs12979860-T/T genotype more frequently than patients with mild chronic hepatitis C (OR = 1.89; 95% CI, 0.99-3.61; p = 0.0532) and this risk was even more pronounced when we compared them with healthy controls (OR = 4.27; 95% CI, 2.08-8.76; p = 0.0005). The rs8099917-G allele was also associated with advanced liver disease (OR = 2.34; 95% CI, 1.40-3.93; p = 0.0100). In the Moroccan population, polymorphisms near the IL28B gene play a role both in spontaneous clearance and progression of HCV infection

    Pulmonary Lymphangiomyomatosis in Bourneville’s Tuberous Sclerosis: Case Report

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    Lymphangiomyomatosisis a rare disease characterized by a proliferation of abnormal smooth muscle cells responsible for infiltration with the destruction of tissue architecture and genesis of cystic lung and lymphatic lesions. In addition to lung damage, Bourneville’s tuberous sclerosis (BTS) also affects the skin, brain, retina, kidneys, and, less frequently, the heart and bone. We report the case of a young patient with bilateral pneumothorax revealing pulmonary lymphangiomyomatosis in the context of Bourneville’stuberoussclerosis BTS

    Toxicological evaluation of Thymelaea hirsuta and protective effect against CCl4-induced hepatic injury in rats

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    The aerial part of Thymelaea hirsuta (TH) is used as decoction in the treatment of different pathologies in folk medicine in Morocco. The present investigation was carried out to evaluate the potential of toxicity of an aqueous extract of TH and its hepatoprotective activity against CCl4-induced hepatic injury in rats. In the acute study, there were no signs of toxicity observed after oral administration of single dose of the extract (5g/kg body weight). In the sub-chronic dose study, (given by gavages (4 ml/kg) to Wistar rats daily at: 0.0 g/kg, 0.5g/kg, 1 g/kg or 2 g/kg body weight for 4 weeks) no variation on biochemical parameters; serum glucose, creatinine and urea levels was observed compared to the control group. However, the serum levels of alanine aminotransferase (ALAT) and aspartate aminotransferase (ASAT) were markedly decreased (P < 0.05 and P<0.001 respectively) as compared to the controls. There were no significant differences in red blood cells count (p<0.05), in Hemoglobin and Hematocrit serum levels but a significant increase in white blood cells count (p<0.001) and in platelets (p< 0.05) for all doses tested. Histopathological examination of the liver, spleen and kidneys tissues at the end of the study showed normal architecture. The elevated serum enzymatic activities of ALAT and ASAT, due to carbon tetrachloride treatment (1 ml/kg CCl4 every 72 h during 15 days) were restored towards normalization by the plant extracts. The biochemical observations were supplemented with histopathological examination of liver sections. The results indicate that this plant possesses no toxicity effects but hepatoprotective properties.Keywords: Thymelaea hirsuta, Wistar rats, Toxicity, Histopathology, hepatoprotective action, Folk medicin

    Leiomyosarcome Du Cordon Spermatique

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    Introduction: Leiomyosarcoma of the spermatic cord is a rare tumor, develops from the mesenchymal tissues of the spermatic cord, epididymis and  testicular tunics. Its incidence is 0.05 to 0.1% and the occurrence in the testis is rare. In the literature, the testicular leiomyosarcoma (LST) is reported as sporadic cases or as a very limited series. In adults, most testicular sarcomas are the result of a sarcomatous transformation of germ cell tumors (GCT) especially teratomas and spermatocytic sarcomas.Observation: We report on a pure paratesticular leiomyosarcoma and we present the histological, therapeutic and prognostic aspects of this rare tumor

    Le cancer du rein chez l’adulte. Etude rétrospective à propos de 155 cas

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    Objectif: Analyser les différents aspects épidémiologiques, cliniques, radiologiques, pathologiques et thérapeutiques du cancer du rein dans notre contexte. Patients et méthodes: Il s’agit d’une étude rétrospective à partir des dossiers des patients hospitalisés à notre service d’urologie pour tumeurs du rein entre 1990 et 2007. Sur les 155 dossiers consultés, 125 patients ont été traités chirurgicalement, et pour 30 patients, l’abstention a été justifiée par le stade évolué localement ou métastatique et/ou le mauvais état général. Les paramètres étudiés ont été : l’âge, la symptomatologie clinique, le bilan radiologique, le type d’intervention, les résultats anatomopathologiques et le stade histologique TNM. Tous les patients ont été revus avec un examen clinique, une échographie ou tomodensitométrie abdominale avec radiographie thoracique et une créatinémie. Résultats: Il s’agissait de 105 hommes et 50 femmes. L’âge moyen de découverte était de 60 ans (extrêmes : 18 et 85 ans). Le délai moyen entre l’apparition des symptômes et le diagnostic était d’environ 9 mois (extrêmes : 1 et 24 mois). L’hématurie était le signe révélateur le plus important noté chez 45,2% des cas. Le diagnostic a été basé sur le couple échographie – tomodensitométrie chez tous nos patients. La taille tumorale moyenne était de 10 cm (extrêmes 3 et 20 cm) lors du bilan initial. Le rein gauche était touché plus souvent que le rein droit (67% vs. 33%). Le bilan d’extension à distance était négatif chez 95 patients (61,3%), alors que 60 patients avaient des métastases viscérales et/ou ganglionnaires. Parmi ces derniers, 30 avaient un mauvais état général et/ou des métastases viscérales multiples ce qui a contre indiqué le geste opératoire. Les localisations métastatiques des 30 patients opérés étaient les suivantes: poumons (5 cas), ganglions (15 cas), os (2 cas), foie (8 cas). Plus de 80% des tumeurs étaient des carcinomes à cellules claires (carcinomes conventionnels). L’intervention a consisté à une néphrectomie totale élargie à ciel ouvert chez tous nos patients opérés. La médiane de suivi était de 62 mois (extrêmes: 6-72 mois). Trente patients ont été perdus de vue définitivement après l’intervention. Sur l’ensemble de la série, les taux respectifs de survie sans récidive à 3 ans et à 5 ans étaient de 78,4% et 47,2%. Conclusion: Le cancer du rein est une pathologie qui n’est pas rare. Sa symptomatologie est polymorphe. Le traitement de référence est la néphrectomie totale élargie. Les facteurs pronostiques les plus déterminants sont le stade (TNM) et le grade histologique de Fuhrman. Selon notre série, la néphrectomie élargie permet un taux de survie sans récidive supérieur à 85%, tous stades et types histologiques confondus.Mots clés: Cancer, rein, adulte

    Hydatid Cyst of the Rib: A New Case and Review of the Literature

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    The hydatid cyst is not rare in our country, but bone lesions are less common. The disease often takes the appearance of abscess or malignant lesion. We report a case of a 35-year-old man with a hydatid cyst of the rib complicated with cutaneous fistula. The surgery allowed both diagnosis and treatment. Albendazole was then administered to prevent relapse