23 research outputs found

    Antimicrobial Resistance of Cattle Mastitis-Causing Bacteria: How to Treat?

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    Cattle mastitis continues to be a global burden for the dairy industry, and its control depends on preventive measures, rapid detection and identification of involved pathogens and accurate antimicrobial treatment. The (mis)use of antimicrobials initiated a rapid evolutionary process of bacterial resistance by natural selection and led to the increased frequency and spread of bacterial antimicrobial resistance (AMR). The global AMR emergency and the prudent use of antimicrobials in cows have raised questions about alternative treatment approaches; however, the use of antimicrobials remains the principal method for mastitis therapy. This chapter summarise the current knowledge on AMR in cattle mastitis as a multifactorial global problem, the trends in AMR patterns in the most common mastitis-causing bacterial pathogens and altering factors, the policies and actions restricting the use of antimicrobials in cows and related challenges in the treatment. The reasons influencing the outcome of treating an intramammary infection, such as the selection of appropriate antimicrobial agents, optimal drug regimens, the gaps in antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) of mastitis pathogens and interpretation criteria, and the paradoxical relationship between antimicrobial in vitro activity and in vivo efficacy are discussed. The importance of effective mastitis control programmes is emphasised by an overview of (accurate) diagnosis, the evaluation of the therapy, cow health control and farm management practices

    Istraživanje prisustva različitih serovarova Leptospirae Interrogans u lovačkih pasa u Bosni i Hercegovini

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    Leptospirosis is an acute, subacute and chronical contagious disease of animals and humans. Causative agents of this disease belong to the genus Leptospira, family Leptospiraca. As a disease of wild animals, leptospirosis is widespread through Europe. Certain wild animals (rodents, fox and wild boars) are important reservoirs and highly probable vectors for the spread of infection into domestic animals and humans. During the hunting season, hunting dogs are often in direct or indirect contact with wild animals that could be carriers of this disease, and the possibility of appearance and spreading within this cohort of dogs is very high. The main reasons for this study on the prevalence of Leptospirosis in Bosnia and Herzegovina are the regular contact between hunting dogs and wild animals (carriers), and the lack of data about Leptospirosis in hunting dogs. In total, 175 serum samples from 15 towns of Bosnia and Herzegovina were tested. Twelve serovars of L. interrogans were used in the microscopic agglutination test. Presence of antibodies of four serovars was confirmed. Prevalence of seropositive dogs was 15.4% (27/175). Most positive dogs had a reaction to the Pomona serovar 51.8% (n=14), while the prevalence of the Sejroe serovar was 33.3%, Icterohaemorrhagiae serovar 11.1% and Bratislava serovar 3.7%. The highest number of positive reactions 55.5% (n=15) was with serum dilution of 1:200. This study showed that most infections in dogs were caused by serovars that are currently not included in commercial vaccines. One of the most efficient preventive measure could be vaccination with the serovars most often found in wild animals, as they appear to be the most common source of the infection.Leptospiroza je akutna, subakutna i kronična zarazna bolest životinja i ljudi. Uzročnici ove bolesti pripadaju rodu Leptospira, porodici Leptospiraca. Leptospiroza kao bolest divljih životinja široko je rasprostranjena u Europi. Određene divlje životinje (glodavci, lisice i divlje svinje) kao važan rezervoar i vrlo vjerojatan vektor zaraze proširile su bolest na domaće životinje i ljude. Lovački psi tijekom sezone lova često su u direktnom ili indirektnom kontaktu s divljim životinjama koje bi mogle biti nositelji ove bolesti, a mogućnost pojave i širenja unutar kategorije takvih pasa vrlo je velika. Glavni razlozi ove studije o učestalosti leptospiroze na području Bosne i Hercegovine su redoviti kontakti lovačkih pasa i divljih životinja (nositelji) i nedovoljni podatci o prisutnosti leptospiroze u kategoriji lovačkih pasa. Ukupno je istraženo 175 uzoraka seruma iz 15 gradova Bosne i Hercegovine. U mikroskopskom testu aglutinacije korišteno je dvanaest serovara L. Interrogans. Potvrđena je prisutnost antitijela na četiri serovara. Prevalencija seropozitivnih pasa bila je 15,4 % (27/175). Većina pozitivnih pasa imala je reakciju na serovar Pomona 51,8 % (n=14), dok je u serovaru Sejroe prevalencija 33,3 %, serovar Icterohaemorrhagiae 11,1 % i serovar Bratislava 3,7 %. Najveći broj pozitivnih reakcija bio je s razrjeđivanjem seruma od 1:200 ili 55,5 % (n=15). Studije pokazuju da su većinu infekcija u pasa prouzročili serovari koji nisu uključeni u komercijalna cjepiva. Jedna od najučinkovitijih preventivnih mjera mogla bi biti cijepljenje sa serovarovima koji se najčešće nalaze u divljih životinja jer su one najčešći izvor zaraze

    Istraživanje klamidioze u populaciji pasa lutalica u Bosni i Hercegovini

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    Our research describe epidemiological presence of Chlamydiosis in different categories of dogs in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Problem of stray dogs, inordinately examined and not vaccinated dogs is one of the most complex problems among citizens, nongovernment organisations and institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Chlamydiosis is zoonotic disease caused by Gram-negative, intracellulare bacteria, which include strains: Chlamydophila felis, Chlamydophila abortus, Chlamydophila psittaci and Chlamydophila caviae. Disease have endemic characteristics and there is little information about natural infections in dogs, which were mostly related to conjuctivitis, encephalitis and symptoms characteristic for pneumonia. In Europe, research of clamidiosis in dogs has been conducted in a small number of countries which include Germany, Slovakia, Sweden and Lithuania. This was a first of its kind study of Clamidiosis in dog population, carried out in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The study was conducted in twelve cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina with cooperation between two departments for contagious disease in Veterinary faculty of Sarajevo and Veterinary faculty of Ljubljana. The aim of the research was to determine presence of Chlamydial infections in different categories of dogs, using modern serological and molecular diagnostic methods. Blood serum samples were taken during 2012/2013. In total, 294 samples were assessed for presence of specific Chlamydial antibodies using method of indirect immunofluorescence, while method of RT- PCR was used for determination of antigen. After assessing 294 blood serum samples, 2.04% (6 samples) were positive for Cp. psittaci. Most of the positive samples originated from stray dogs. From serology positive animals, nose swabs were taken and assessed using RT-PCR. The presence of nucleic acid from Cp. psittaci was not confirmed in any of them.Naše istraživanje opisuje epidemiološko prisuće klamidioze u različitim kategorijama pasa u Bosni i Hercegovini. Problem pasa lu- talica koji nisu redovito pregledavani i necije- pljenih jedan je od najkompleksnijih proble- ma među građanima, problema nevladinih organizacija i institucija u Bosni i Hercegovi- ni. Klamidioza je zoonotska bolest koju izazi- va Gram-negativna, intracelularna bakterija, a koja uključuje sojeve: Chlamydophilia felis, Chlamydophilia abortus, Chlamydophilia psittaci i Chlamydophilia caviae. Bolest je endemičnog karaktera i malo je dostupnih informacija o prirodnim infekcijama u pasa, koje su obič- no bile povezivane s konjuktivitisom, ence- falitisom i simptomima karakterističnim za pneumoniju. Mali je broj europskih zemalja istraživao klamidiozu u pasa. Istraživali su ju: Njemačka, Slovačka, Švedska i Litva. Ovo je prvo istraživanje ovog tipa, provedeno na psima u Bosni i Hercegovini. Istraživanje je provedeno u dvanaest gradova Bosne i Her- cegovine u suradnji odjela za zarazne bolesti Veterinarskog fakulteta u Sarajevu i Veteri- narskog fakulteta u Ljubljani, Slovenija. Cilj je istraživanja bio uporabom metoda serolo- gije i molekularne dijagnostike odrediti pri- suće klamidijalnih infekcija među različitim kategorija pasa. Krvni serumi su uzorkovani tijekom 2012./2013. godine. Ukupno je pre- gledavano 294 uzoraka na prisuće specifičnih klamidijalnih protutijela metodom indirektne fluoroscence, dok je RT-PCR metoda korište- na za određivanje antigena. Nakon pregleda 294 uzoraka seruma, 2,04 % (6 uzorka) su bila pozitivna na Cp. psittaci. Većina pozitivnih uzoraka je imala podrijetlo od uličnih pasa. Od serološki pozitivnih životinja, uzimani su brisevi nosne sluznice i pregledani upo- rabom RT-PCR metode. Prisuće nukleinske kiseline od Cp. psittaci nije potvrđena niti u jednoj od životinja

    Istraživanje klamidioze u populaciji pasa lutalica u Bosni i Hercegovini

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    Our research describe epidemiological presence of Chlamydiosis in different categories of dogs in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Problem of stray dogs, inordinately examined and not vaccinated dogs is one of the most complex problems among citizens, nongovernment organisations and institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Chlamydiosis is zoonotic disease caused by Gram-negative, intracellulare bacteria, which include strains: Chlamydophila felis, Chlamydophila abortus, Chlamydophila psittaci and Chlamydophila caviae. Disease have endemic characteristics and there is little information about natural infections in dogs, which were mostly related to conjuctivitis, encephalitis and symptoms characteristic for pneumonia. In Europe, research of clamidiosis in dogs has been conducted in a small number of countries which include Germany, Slovakia, Sweden and Lithuania. This was a first of its kind study of Clamidiosis in dog population, carried out in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The study was conducted in twelve cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina with cooperation between two departments for contagious disease in Veterinary faculty of Sarajevo and Veterinary faculty of Ljubljana. The aim of the research was to determine presence of Chlamydial infections in different categories of dogs, using modern serological and molecular diagnostic methods. Blood serum samples were taken during 2012/2013. In total, 294 samples were assessed for presence of specific Chlamydial antibodies using method of indirect immunofluorescence, while method of RT- PCR was used for determination of antigen. After assessing 294 blood serum samples, 2.04% (6 samples) were positive for Cp. psittaci. Most of the positive samples originated from stray dogs. From serology positive animals, nose swabs were taken and assessed using RT-PCR. The presence of nucleic acid from Cp. psittaci was not confirmed in any of them.Naše istraživanje opisuje epidemiološko prisuće klamidioze u različitim kategorijama pasa u Bosni i Hercegovini. Problem pasa lu- talica koji nisu redovito pregledavani i necije- pljenih jedan je od najkompleksnijih proble- ma među građanima, problema nevladinih organizacija i institucija u Bosni i Hercegovi- ni. Klamidioza je zoonotska bolest koju izazi- va Gram-negativna, intracelularna bakterija, a koja uključuje sojeve: Chlamydophilia felis, Chlamydophilia abortus, Chlamydophilia psittaci i Chlamydophilia caviae. Bolest je endemičnog karaktera i malo je dostupnih informacija o prirodnim infekcijama u pasa, koje su obič- no bile povezivane s konjuktivitisom, ence- falitisom i simptomima karakterističnim za pneumoniju. Mali je broj europskih zemalja istraživao klamidiozu u pasa. Istraživali su ju: Njemačka, Slovačka, Švedska i Litva. Ovo je prvo istraživanje ovog tipa, provedeno na psima u Bosni i Hercegovini. Istraživanje je provedeno u dvanaest gradova Bosne i Her- cegovine u suradnji odjela za zarazne bolesti Veterinarskog fakulteta u Sarajevu i Veteri- narskog fakulteta u Ljubljani, Slovenija. Cilj je istraživanja bio uporabom metoda serolo- gije i molekularne dijagnostike odrediti pri- suće klamidijalnih infekcija među različitim kategorija pasa. Krvni serumi su uzorkovani tijekom 2012./2013. godine. Ukupno je pre- gledavano 294 uzoraka na prisuće specifičnih klamidijalnih protutijela metodom indirektne fluoroscence, dok je RT-PCR metoda korište- na za određivanje antigena. Nakon pregleda 294 uzoraka seruma, 2,04 % (6 uzorka) su bila pozitivna na Cp. psittaci. Većina pozitivnih uzoraka je imala podrijetlo od uličnih pasa. Od serološki pozitivnih životinja, uzimani su brisevi nosne sluznice i pregledani upo- rabom RT-PCR metode. Prisuće nukleinske kiseline od Cp. psittaci nije potvrđena niti u jednoj od životinja

    Parameters of the metabolic profile in cow blood during the dry period

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    Metabolizam visokomliječnih krava, obzirom na njihovu genetsku predispoziciju za visoku proizvodnju mlijeka s jedne i reproduktivnih zahtjeva s druge strane, često je opterećen te izložen promjenama koje za posljedicu mogu imati poremećaj funkcionalnog stanja pojedinih organa, a najčešće jetre i genitalnih organa. Fiziološke vrijednosti biokemijskih parametara krvi krava, koje nude različiti izvori, često znaju znatno varirati. U tom smislu, osobito su interesantni parametri metaboličkog profila u muznih krava, koji imaju višestruko značenje: od pokazatelja hranidbenog statusa i uvjeta držanja životinja do pokazatelja kliničkih bolesti. Cilj je ovog rada bio ustvrditi koncentraciju nekih biokemijskih parametara u krvnoj plazmi krava holštajn-frizijske pasmine tijekom perioda zasušenja. Ispitivanja koncentracije pojedinih sastojaka u krvnoj plazmi radi određivanja metaboličkog profila krava važna su, ne samo za postavljanje objektivne dijagnoze i određivanje težine poremećaja u životinja s izraženim simptomima, već i u prevenciji i rasvjetljavanju mehanizama nastanka novih, metaboličkih i drugih bolesti. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno ukupno 46 krava u zasušenju holštajn-frizijske pasmine iz dva farmska uzgoja. Istraženo je 20 krava s farme „A“ i 26 krava s farme „B“. U krvnoj plazmi su spektrofotometrijski određivane vrijednosti parametara koncentracija: glukoze, ukupnih proteina, albumina, kolesterola, triglicerida, bilirubina i ureje. Na temelju rezultata našeg istraživanja, zaključili smo da su krvni parametri koje smo pratili adekvatni za praćenje funkcionalnog stanja jetre i metabolizma u krava, a koji mogu biti od koristi i u procjeni očekivane dužine servis perioda.Due to their genetic predisposition for high milk production on the one hand and reproductive demands on the other, the metabolism of high yield dairy cows is often overloaded and under various effects. This may result in the disorder of organ functions, particularly the liver and reproductive system. Physiological values of biochemical parameters in cow’s blood may vary widely. The parameters of the metabolic profile in dairy cows have multiple significance, such as indicators of nutritional status and housing, and may also indicate clinical disorders. The aim of this study was to determine the concentrations of certain biochemical parameters in the blood plasma of Holstein- Friesian cows during the dry period. Assessment of the concentration of biochemical components in blood plasma to assess the metabolic profile is significant for diagnostics, determining the degree of disorders in animals with expressed symptoms, and in preventing metabolic and other diseases. In total, 46 cows were included in the study from two farms, with 20 cows from farm A and 26 cows from farm B. Blood plasma was tested using the spectrophotometry method to determine the concentrations of glucose, total protein, albumin, cholesterol, triglycerides, bilirubin and urea. Based on the results, it can be stated that the monitored blood parameters are adequate for screening the functional state of the liver and metabolism in cows, and can show the expected length of the service period


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    Govedarstvo kao jedna od najznačajnijih grana stočarske proizvodnje se dugosuočava sa hroničnim problemom pada reproduktivnih performansi. U 2005 godini broj govedaširom svijeta je iznosio oko 1.370.000.000 grla, dok je u 2012 taj broj iznosio tek nešto iznadmilijarde, što govori o važnosti primjene različitih reproduktivnih protokola u cilju povećanjabrojnosti proizvodnih jedinki. Toplotni stres dovodi do poremećaja fizioloških i reproduktivnihprocesa, jer rast tjelesne temperature uzrokovan toplotnim stresom ima direktne negativne posljedicena brojne ćelijske funkcije. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno ukupno 54 krave Holštajn-Frizijskepasmine, 28 eksperimentalnih i 26 kontrolnih krava, uzgojenih na PD Butmir sa prosječnomiskoristljivošću od 5. laktacija. Hormonalni protokoli sinhronizacije estrusa i ovulacije su korišteniu mjesecima juni i juli 2013. godine. Krave u eksperimentalnoj grupi su podvrgavanepresynch+5dCoS2 hormonalnom protokolu. Krave koje nisu ostale gravidne nakon ovog protokolaodmah su podvrgnute resinhronizaciji sa hormonalnim protokolom Cosynch 72. Uspješnostpresynch+5dCoS2 hormonalnog protokola je bila 19%, dok je u slućaju Cosynch 72 ona iznosila33%, a što je bilo statistički signifikantno (p< 0,05). Prvi presinhronizacijski i sinhronizacijskiprotokol (5dCoS2) nisu značajnije pomogli u poboljšanju koncepcije nakon prvog osjemenjavanjapostpartum, ali na osnovu rezultata evidentno je da su imali pozitivni efekt na drugi protokol(COS72) u vidu smanjenja embrionalnog mortaliteta u ljetnim mjesecima, kada je on najizražajniji.Protokol COS72, daje zadovoljavajuće rezultate u ljetnom periodu, ali preduvjeti za uspješanprogram sinhronizacije estrusa i ovulacije uoči vještačkih osjemenjavanja su dobra kondicija izdravstveni menadžment, kao i smanjenje toplotnog stresa u skladu s lokacijom i dizajnom farme

    Biodiversity of herpetofauna of the Prenj and Čvrsnica Mts. (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

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    Herpetološka istraživanja planina Prenj i Čvrsnica imaju relativno dugu tradiciju, no znanje o njima još uvijek nije zadovoljavajuće. Literaturni podaci o herpetofauni Prenja i Čvrsnice su stari, sporadični i rijetki. Cilj istraživanja bio je prikupiti sve dostupne podatke o herpetofauni navedenih planina i odrediti važnost područja za bioraznolikost herpetofaune Bosne i Hercegovine (BiH). Analiza podataka je pokazala da na Prenju i Čvrsnici živi 11 vrsta vodozemaca (55 % od ukupnog broja vodozemaca u BiH) i 24 vrste gmazova (82.7% od ukupnog broja gmazova u BiH) te da se razlikuju po vertikalnoj i horizontalnoj distribuciji. Opažena je izuzetno visoka bioraznolikost koja je posljedica zemljopisnog položaja planina koje graniče sa mediteranskom klimatskom zonom u BiH.Herpetological research of the Prenj and Čvrsnica mountains has a relatively long tradition, but not enough scientific attention was devoted to them. Literature data on herpetofauna of Prenj and Čvrsnica is old, sporadic and rare. The aim of this research was to collect all data on the herpetofauna for the given mountains and determine the importance of the area for the herpetofaunal biodiversity of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B-H). The analysis of data showed that the area of Prenj and Čvrsnica is inhabited by 11 species of amphibians (55 % of the total number of amphibians in B-H) and 24 species of reptiles (82.7% of the total number of reptiles in B-H) which differ in vertical and horizontal distribution. The registered biodiversity is extremely high and is a consequence of the geographical position of these mountains which border the Mediterranean climate zone in B-H


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    Cattle farming, as one of the most important branches of livestock production, has longbeen confronted with the chronic problem of the decline in reproductive performances. In 2005, thenumber of cattle around the world amounted to about 1,370,000,000 heads of cattle, while in 2012this number was just over a billion, which indicates the importance of applying differentreproductive protocols in order to increase production. Heat stress leads to disorders of thephysiological and reproductive processes, as the rise in body temperature caused by heat stress hasdirect negative consequences on numerous cell functions. The study included a total of 54 Holstein-Friesian cows, 28 experimental and 26 control cows from PD Butmir farm with 5 lactations onaverage. Hormone protocols for estrus and ovulation were used in June and July 2013. Cows in theexperimental group were subjected to a Presynch + 5dCoS2 protocol. Cows that did not conceiveafter this protocol were immediately subjected to resynchronization with Cosynch -72 protocol. Thesuccess rate of the Presynch + 5dCoS2 protocol was 19%, while in the case of Cosynch 72 it was33%, which was statistically significant (p <0,05). The first presynchronization and synchronizationprotocol (5dCoS2) did not significantly help to improve the conception rate after the firstinsemination postpartum, but it is evident that they had a positive effect on another protocol (COS72)in the form of reduction in embryonic mortality in the summer months when embryonic loss is thegreatest.The COS72 protocol provides satisfactory results in the summer, but good fitness and healthmanagement, as well as heat stress reduction in accordance with the location and farm design arethe preconditions for a successful estrus and ovulation synchronization program prior to artificialinsemination

    Biodiversity of herpetofauna of the Prenj and Čvrsnica Mts. (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

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    Herpetološka istraživanja planina Prenj i Čvrsnica imaju relativno dugu tradiciju, no znanje o njima još uvijek nije zadovoljavajuće. Literaturni podaci o herpetofauni Prenja i Čvrsnice su stari, sporadični i rijetki. Cilj istraživanja bio je prikupiti sve dostupne podatke o herpetofauni navedenih planina i odrediti važnost područja za bioraznolikost herpetofaune Bosne i Hercegovine (BiH). Analiza podataka je pokazala da na Prenju i Čvrsnici živi 11 vrsta vodozemaca (55 % od ukupnog broja vodozemaca u BiH) i 24 vrste gmazova (82.7% od ukupnog broja gmazova u BiH) te da se razlikuju po vertikalnoj i horizontalnoj distribuciji. Opažena je izuzetno visoka bioraznolikost koja je posljedica zemljopisnog položaja planina koje graniče sa mediteranskom klimatskom zonom u BiH.Herpetological research of the Prenj and Čvrsnica mountains has a relatively long tradition, but not enough scientific attention was devoted to them. Literature data on herpetofauna of Prenj and Čvrsnica is old, sporadic and rare. The aim of this research was to collect all data on the herpetofauna for the given mountains and determine the importance of the area for the herpetofaunal biodiversity of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B-H). The analysis of data showed that the area of Prenj and Čvrsnica is inhabited by 11 species of amphibians (55 % of the total number of amphibians in B-H) and 24 species of reptiles (82.7% of the total number of reptiles in B-H) which differ in vertical and horizontal distribution. The registered biodiversity is extremely high and is a consequence of the geographical position of these mountains which border the Mediterranean climate zone in B-H

    Comparative anatomical studies on ductus venosus in fetuses of domestic ruminants

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    The study has aimed to investigate and determine the anatomical position, shape, size, and histological features of the ductus venosus, and its role as a shunt in the fetal circulatory system in domestic ruminants. The research was conducted on 19 bovine, 11 sheep and 5 goat fetuses, aborted at the late stage of pregnancy or deceased just after delivery. The general anatomy of the ductus venosus was investigated by in-situ dissection of the corrosive cast obtained by injection of 25% solution of Vinylite mass through the umbilical vein. For histological examination, the fetal tissue samples were stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin, Masson's trichrome, Verhoeff-Van Gieson and Gomori.s silver stain. The results showed that ruminant fetal ductus venosus is a curved, trumpet-shaped vessel, situated in the central part of the liver, above the porta hepatis. Its ventral part is constricted in the form of an isthmus, having a prominent lip-like thickening at the junction with the portal sinus. Histological examination showed the dominant presence of collagen and elastic fibers in its tunica media, with thin bands of smooth muscle fibers oriented in a longitudinal and circular direction indicating ability for vasoconstriction and vasodilatation. © 2021 Sciendo. All rights reserved