5 research outputs found
Autonomia financeira: uma questão de gênero / Financial autonomy: a gender issue
O acesso ao mercado de trabalho e possibilidades de empreender é um caminho que se apresenta diferentemente a cada grupo ou individuo, dependendo da origem, cor e principalmente gênero. Muitos foram os avanços na inserção das mulheres nesses espaços, mas ainda insuficiente e precarizados quando se trata de mulheres com determinados marcadores sociais. A autonomia financeira para as mulheres se mostra em muitos casos como uma necessidade estruturante para que essa consiga sair da situação de violência. Este trabalho apresenta o Ela Pode, atividade de capacitação promovida pelo Instituto Rede Mulher Empreendedora com o apoio da Google, em parceria com o Instituto de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Mamirauá, realizada no mês de maio de 2019. Para compreender o envolvimento das mulheres partícipes, nos embasamos na educação popular feminista como uma ferramenta metodológica e descrevemos o perfil das 65 participantes, entre elas estavam mulheres de áreas indígenas, das Reservas de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Mamirauá e Amanã, Floresta Nacional de Tefé e residentes de Tefé. Para isso, foram avaliadas as fichas de inscrição e recolhidos depoimentos das mulheres que estiveram na capacitação que teve duração de dois dias. Os temas abordados na capacitação foram empoderamento feminino, liderança, comunicação assertiva, redes de contato, negociação, finanças, liderança, ferramentas digitais e marca pessoal. Em uma prévia da análise das fichas de inscrição temos que das 112 mulheres inscritas apenas 6 possuem ensino superior e 15 delas são as únicas que contribuem para a renda mensal em suas famílias. Nos relatos de experiência, observa-se de forma geral o agradecimento das mulheres pelo momento vivido e oportunidade de aprendizado. Os dados evidenciam a necessidade no investimento em políticas públicas que acolham as mulheres em suas diversidades e crie incentivo às empreendedoras. Assim, olhando-se num recorte microrregional, lançamos luz as experiências dessas participantes na capacitação como ponto inicial num trabalho em construção
Estimation of the DNA damage in Girardia tigrina (Girard, 1850) after exposure to radiation under extreme conditions / Estimativa dos danos do DNA em Girardia tigrina (Girard, 1850) após exposição à radiação em condições extremas
The use of planarians as experimental models has been increased worldwide especially due to their high capacity of tissue regeneration and ease of laboratory maintenance. The current study aims to assess the genetic damage of Girardia tigrina after exposure of stressors in conditions such as: critical temperature, critical pH, hypergravity (4.4G) and low power laser (685nm). 18 specimens of G. tigrina were used, the extreme conditions mentioned were experimental group with 3 specimens each, and 3 for the control group, all specimens were submitted to the Comet Assay after exposure of stressors, and control group with no extreme condition exposure. The extreme stimuli of critical temperature and pH, hypergravity and low power laser irradiation, caused genetic damages to the G. tigrina, for hypergravity and low-power laser stressors the damage was higher in the pharyngeal and post-pharyngeal regions of the animal with a greatest area of comet tail dragging for the post-pharyngeal region. The extreme stimuli of critical temperature and pH, hypergravity and low power laser irradiation caused genetic damages in planarians Brazilian Journal of Development ISSN: 2525-8761 12160 Brazilian Journal of Development, Curitiba, v.8, n.2, p.12159-12177 feb. 2022. G. tigrina, especially in samples from the pharyngeal and post-pharyngeal regions of the flatworms body assessed by the Comet Assay
La difficile transparence des statistiques épidémiologiques de la COVID-19 ou comment les minorités peinent à exister dans la bataille des chiffres en Amazonie
En Amazonie, l’une des régions du Brésil les plus touchées par l’épidémie de COVID-19, les statistiques épidémiologiques publiées par les autorités brossent un tableau de la crise sanitaire qui interroge, car il ne considère pas ou trop partiellement le sort des populations issues des minorités ethniques et culturelles qui habitent la région. Au cours de la première vague épidémique (de février à juillet 2020), une équipe de 11 chercheurs a recensé et analysé la mobilisation des populations autochtones et quilombolas, et leur appropriation de l’outil statistique, pour apparaître dans les chiffres officiels. En réaction à ces mobilisations, les bulletins épidémiologiques publiés par les États et les communes amazoniennes ont fortement évolué d’un mois sur l’autre, faisant apparaître différentes lectures de la crise sanitaire, ancrées dans les imaginaires et les enjeux de pouvoir des régions amazoniennes. L’analyse met en évidence ce combat, discret mais essentiel, des minorités ethniques du pays, pour que soient actées, par les chiffres et dans les discours, les conséquences de l’épidémie sur leurs populations.In Amazonas, one of the regions of Brazil most affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, epidemiological statistics published by authorities paint a picture of the health crisis that must be called into question, as it does not or only partially considers the situation of ethnic and cultural minorities living in the region. During the first wave of the pandemic (from February to July 2020), a team of 11 researchers documented and analyzed the protests of Indigenous populations and quilombolas and their appropriation of statistical tools, to appear in the official statistics. As a response to these protests, epidemiological updates published by the states and Amazonian municipalities evolved greatly from one month to the next, reflecting the different interpretations of the health crisis anchored in the imaginations and power interests of Amazonian regions. The analysis underscores the subtle but essential fight of the country’s ethnic minorities to ensure that the consequences of the epidemic on their population are recorded both in the official numbers and in policies
La difficile transparence des statistiques épidémiologiques de la Covid-19, ou comment les minorités peinent à exister dans la bataille des chiffres en Amazonie
International audienceIn the Amazon, one of the regions of Brazil most affected by the COVID‑19 epidemic, epidemiological statistics published by authorities paint a picture of the health crisis that must be called into question, as it does not or only partially considers the situation of ethnic and cultural minorities living in the region. During the first wave of the pandemic (from February to July 2020), a team of 11 researchers documented and analyzed the protests of Indigenous populations and quilombolas and their appropriation of statistical tools, to appear in the official statistics. As a response to these protests, epidemiological updates published by the states and Amazonian municipalities evolved greatly from one month to the next, reflecting the different interpretations of the health crisis anchored in the imaginations and power interests of Amazonian regions. The analysis underscores the subtle but essential fight of the country’s ethnic minorities to ensure that the consequences of the epidemic on their population are recorded both in the official numbers and in policies.En Amazonie, l’une des régions du Brésil les plus touchées par l’épidémie de COVID-19, les statistiques épidémiologiques publiées par les autorités brossent un tableau de la crise sanitaire qui interroge, car il ne considère pas ou trop partiellement le sort des populations issues des minorités ethniques et culturelles qui habitent la région. Au cours de la première vague épidémique (de février à juillet 2020), une équipe de 11 chercheurs a recensé et analysé la mobilisation des populations autochtones et quilombolas, et leur appropriation de l’outil statistique, pour apparaître dans les chiffres officiels. En réaction à ces mobilisations, les bulletins épidémiologiques publiés par les États et les communes amazoniennes ont fortement évolué d’un mois sur l’autre, faisant apparaître différentes lectures de la crise sanitaire, ancrées dans les imaginaires et les enjeux de pouvoir des régions amazoniennes. L’analyse met en évidence ce combat, discret mais essentiel, des minorités ethniques du pays, pour que soient actées, par les chiffres et dans les discours, les conséquences de l’épidémie sur leurs populations
La difficile transparence des statistiques épidémiologiques de la Covid-19, ou comment les minorités peinent à exister dans la bataille des chiffres en Amazonie
International audienceIn the Amazon, one of the regions of Brazil most affected by the COVID‑19 epidemic, epidemiological statistics published by authorities paint a picture of the health crisis that must be called into question, as it does not or only partially considers the situation of ethnic and cultural minorities living in the region. During the first wave of the pandemic (from February to July 2020), a team of 11 researchers documented and analyzed the protests of Indigenous populations and quilombolas and their appropriation of statistical tools, to appear in the official statistics. As a response to these protests, epidemiological updates published by the states and Amazonian municipalities evolved greatly from one month to the next, reflecting the different interpretations of the health crisis anchored in the imaginations and power interests of Amazonian regions. The analysis underscores the subtle but essential fight of the country’s ethnic minorities to ensure that the consequences of the epidemic on their population are recorded both in the official numbers and in policies.En Amazonie, l’une des régions du Brésil les plus touchées par l’épidémie de COVID-19, les statistiques épidémiologiques publiées par les autorités brossent un tableau de la crise sanitaire qui interroge, car il ne considère pas ou trop partiellement le sort des populations issues des minorités ethniques et culturelles qui habitent la région. Au cours de la première vague épidémique (de février à juillet 2020), une équipe de 11 chercheurs a recensé et analysé la mobilisation des populations autochtones et quilombolas, et leur appropriation de l’outil statistique, pour apparaître dans les chiffres officiels. En réaction à ces mobilisations, les bulletins épidémiologiques publiés par les États et les communes amazoniennes ont fortement évolué d’un mois sur l’autre, faisant apparaître différentes lectures de la crise sanitaire, ancrées dans les imaginaires et les enjeux de pouvoir des régions amazoniennes. L’analyse met en évidence ce combat, discret mais essentiel, des minorités ethniques du pays, pour que soient actées, par les chiffres et dans les discours, les conséquences de l’épidémie sur leurs populations