21 research outputs found

    Structural Determiants Of Adenophostin a Activity. Proposal and Synthetic Approach to new Adenophostin a Analogues

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    1D-myo-Inositol 1,4,5-trisfosfat (IP3) 茅s un segon missatger que t茅 un paper molt important en l'activitat dels magatzems de calci intracel路lulars aix铆 com en l'entrada de calci al citoplasma.Est铆muls extracel路lulars tals com hormones, neurotransmissors or factors de creixement (primers missatgers) s贸n capa莽os d'unir-se a receptors espec铆fics localitzats a la part exterior de la membrana cel路lular. Com a resultat d'aquesta uni贸 t茅 lloc l'activaci贸 de la fosfolipasa C localitzada a la membrana cel路lular. Aquesta, al seu torn, catalitza la hidr贸lisi de fosfol铆pids, alliberant-se diacilglicerol (DAG) i IP3 (segon missatger).L'any 1993, Takahashi i col路laboradors a茂llaren d'un cultiu de Penicillium brevicompactum, dos potents gliconucle貌tids trisfosfat: Adenofostina A i B. Aquests compostos s贸n els agonistes m茅s potents descrits fins ara, presentant activitats de 10 a 100 vegades superiors a les del propi IP3.Des d'un punt de vista qu铆mic, les adenofostines comparteixen amb l'IP3 l'agrupaci贸 bisfosfat trans-diequatorial flanquejada per un grup hidroxil a la posici贸 C-2'' (veure figura). A m茅s a m茅s, les adenofostines s贸n resistents als enzims que metabolitzen l'IP3 com per exemple IP3-fosfatasa i IP3-quinasa. S'han sintetizat molts an脿legs de les adenofostines amb la finalitat per una banda d'elucidar les caracter铆stiques estructurals responsables de la seva activitat i per l'altra d'obtenir compostos m茅s actius. Tantmateix, fins a dia d'avui, solament pocs an脿legs han superat l'activitat de l'IP3 i cap d'ells ha conseguit superar l'activitat de les adenofostines.Estudis d'estructura-activitat han perm茅s dissenyar un model farmac贸for per a l'adenofostina A. Les principals caracter铆stiques del qual s贸n:La unitat bisfosfat trans-diequatorial flanquejada pel grup 2''-OH, el qual 茅s un punt clau en la'activitat de l'adenofostina i mimetitzaria la unitat 4,5-bisfosfat-6-OH de l' IP3.La pres猫ncia de l'adenina (o qualsevol estructura equivalent) incrementa l'activitat respecte a la de l' IP3. En aquesta direcci贸, s'han proposat dos possibles papers per a l'adenina. Per una banda, l'adenina podria permetre un millor posicionament de 2'-fosfat mitjan莽ant una conformaci贸 C2'-endo (paper indirecte). Per l'altra, l'adenina podria estar implicada directament en interaccions complement脿ries amb una regi贸 localitzada prop del centre d'uni贸 (paper directe) permetent d'aquesta manera evitar l'efecte del domini inibidor C-terminal. Concretament, s'ha proposat l'exist猫ncia d'una interacci贸 cati贸-entre l'adenina i un residu d'argininia (Arg 504).Un estudi recent dut a terme en col路laboraci贸 amb el Dr. Mor猫re, ha mostrat que els receptors de la manosa-6-fosfat s贸n capa莽os de recon茅ixer an脿legs de manosa que incorporen grups carboxilats is貌sters. En concret, s'ha mostrat que els an脿legs carboxilats tenen la mateixa afinitat per receptor que la manosa-6-fosfat. A m茅s a m茅s, amb aquesta substituci贸 (fosfat-carboxilat) 茅s pot evitar la labilitat dels grups fosfat.Com s'ha mencionat anteriorment, les adenofostines s贸n resistents als enzimes que metabolitzen l' IP3. En aquest sentit, 茅s ben conegut que la pres猫ncia d'un 脿tom de fl煤or a la posici贸 2' en un glic貌sid incrementa l'estabilitat de l'enlla莽 glicos铆dic especialment davant la hidr貌lisi 脿cida.Amb aquests antecedents, es va proposar estudiar la capacitat del IP3R per recon茅ixer efetivament an脿legs d'adenofostina en els quals un o m茅s grups fosfats han estat reempla莽ats per unitats metilencarboxilat. D'altra banda, tamb茅 es va proposar incrementar l'estabilitat de l'adenofostina mitjan莽ant la introducci贸 d'un 脿tom de fluor a la posici贸 C-2''.D'aquesta manera, el present treball s'ha centrat en dos punts principals:El primer 茅s confirmar les interaccions de l'adenina amb el receptor i el paper del fosfat 2' en l'activitat de l'adenofostina. En aquest sentit, s'ha dut a terme l'evaluaci贸 biol貌gica de: IP3, adenofostina A, inositol 4,5-bisfosfate (IP2), and 2'-defosfo-adenophostina A. Els primers assaigs es van dur a terme utilitzant el receptor en la seva forma completa, el fragment corresponent al domini d'uni贸 i aquest mateix fragment incorporant una mutaci贸 a la posici贸 568 (Arg a Gln). Aquest residu interacciona amb el fosfat 1 de l'IP3 i es creu que interaccionaria tamb茅 amb el fosfat 2' de l'adenofostina. Els seg眉ents assajos es van realitzar utilitzant el mateix fragment anteriorment citat, per貌 aquest cop incorporant una mutaci贸 a la posici贸 504 (Arg a Gln). Es creu que aquest residu podria formar una interacci贸 tipus cati贸- "stacking" amb l'adenina. Del resultat d'aquestes evaluacions biol貌giques, es pot deduir que l'activitat de l'adenofostina es deguda principalment a la pres猫ncia de l'adenina i, a m茅s a m茅s, la suposada 貌ptima disposici贸 del fosfat 2' no es determinant per a l'elevada afinitat de l'adenofostina. Tamb茅 s'ha confirmat la pres猫ncia de la intercci贸 cati贸- al centre d'uni贸 del receptor.El segon punt de l'estudi presentat ha estat el disseny i la s铆ntesi de nous an脿legs d'adenofostina basats en els resultats dels estudis biol貌gics anteriorment mencionats.Aix铆 doncs, s'ha sintetitzat el precursor d'un an脿leg d'adenofostina que incorpora un 脿tom de fl煤or a la posici贸 C-2'' amb la finalitat de conferir-li major estabilitat a l'enlla莽 glicos铆dic i evaluar el paper del grup 2''-OH en la formaci贸 de ponts d'hidrogen. La introducci贸 del fl煤or a l'estructura de l'adenofostina es va dur a terme mitjan莽ant la fluoraci贸 electr貌fila del 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-D-glucal amb Selectfluor庐. El qual, posteriorment, es va convertir en el corresponent bromur de glicosil.Per altra banda, l'adenosina va ser convenientment protegida i utilitzada com a acceptor de glicosil amb el fragment fluorat. Els seg眉ents passos posteriors a la glicosilaci贸 foren la manipulaci贸 de grups protectors amb la finalitat d'obtenir el substrat apropiat par a la introducci贸 dels grups fosfat a les posicions desitjades (2', 3', 4'').Aix铆 tamb茅, considerant el paper secundari del fosfat 2' en l'activitat de l'adenofostina, ens vam centrar en la s铆ntesi de dos nous an脿legs en els quals els grups fosfat de les posicions 3'' i 4'' van ser substituits per un grup metilencarboxilat. Aix铆, a banda d'incorporar funcionalitats no metabolitzables, la substituci贸 alternada permetria saber el paper de cadasc煤n dels fosfats en la uni贸 amb el receptor. L'estructura b脿sica per als dos an脿legs es va obtenir de la glicosilaci贸 de l'adenosina convenientment protegida amb un tioglicosid que incorporava la unitat metilencarboxilat en la seva estructura. El methyl (4,6-O-benzilidene)-1-O--gluc貌sid va ser el matrial de partida per a la s铆ntesi dels dos fragments de carbohidrat, els quals es van obtenir variant la seq眉猫ncia de grups protectors utilitzada.La introducci贸 del precursor de la unitat metilencarboxilat a les unitats de carbohidrat es va fer mitjan莽ant al路lilaci贸 radical脿ria, obtenint-se els al路lil derivats amb la estereoqu铆mica desitjada. La posterior ruptura oxidativa del grup al路lil don脿 lloc a l'脿cid. Les etapes finals de la s铆ntesi dels fragments de carbohidrat implicaven la hidr貌lisi de la posici贸 anom猫rica i la formaci贸 del tioglic貌sid. Finalment, els tioglic貌sids aix铆 obtinguts es van fer reacionar amb el derivat d'adenosina obtenint-se l'estructura b脿sica per tots dos an脿legs. Despr茅s de v脿ries etapes de desprotecci贸, es van obtenir els substrats apropiats per a la fosforilaci贸.En resum, el present treball ha perm猫s:1. Establir les caracter铆stiques estructurals que confereixen a les adenofostines la seva elevada activitat, fins i tot superior a la del propi IP3.2. Sintetitzar els precursors de tres nous an脿legs d'adenofostina els quals presenten modificacions estructurals que haurien de permetre: a) saber el paper independent de cadasc煤n dels fosfats en el producte natural; i b) saber el paper del grup 2''-OH en les interaccions amb el receptor.During the past decades, much progress has been made in the knowlledge of calcium signalling and how cells employ calcium in order to regulate their processes. 1D-myo-Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) is a second messenger that plays an important role in intracellular calcium stores activity as well as in extracellular calcium entry. Extracellular stimuli such as hormones, neurotransmitters or growing factors (first messengers) are capable to bind to specific receptors located a the outer face of cell membrane. This bind results in an activation of Phospholipase C located on the cell membrane, which in turn catalyses the hydrolysis of phospholipids, releasing diacyl-glycerol (DAG) and IP3 (second messenger). In 1993, Takahashi et al. isolated from a Penicillium brevicompactum, culture, two potent glyconucleotides trisphosphate: Adenophostin A and B. These compounds are the most potent IP3 agonists ever reported until now, being from 10 to 100 fold times more active than IP3 itself.From a chemical point of view, Adenophostins share with IP3 a trans-diequatorial bis-phosphate moiety flanked by an hydroxyl group at C-2".(see Figure) Moreover, Adenophostins are resistent to enzymes that metabolize IP3 such as IP3-phosphatase and IP3-kinase. Many Adenophostin analogues have been synthesized in order to elucidate strucural features responsible of Adenophostin activity, and to obtain more active compounds. However, until now, only few analogues has overcome IP3 activity and none of them has reach Adenophostine activity. Structure-activity-relationship studies has allowed to design a pharmacophore model for Adenophostin A. Main features of this model are: The trans-diequatorial bis-phosphate moiety flanked by 2''-OH, which is a key point for Adenophostin biological activity, and mimics 4,5-bisphosphate-6-hydroxyl groups in IP3.The presence of adenine (or any equivalent structure) increases its activity respect to IP3. In that direction to possible adenine roles have been proposed. Adenine would allow to position 2'-phosphate in an optimal disposition through a C2'-endo conformation (indirect role). On the other hand, adenine could be directly involved in complementary interactions with a region located near the binding site (direct role) allowing to avoid the effect of C-terminal inhibitory domain. In particular, it is proposed the existence of a cation- interaction between adenine ring and an arginine residue (Arg504).A recent study carried out in collaboration with Dr. Mor猫re, has allow to show that that mannose-6-phosphate receptors are capable of recognize mannose analogues incorporating carboxylate isoster groups. In particular, it has been showed that carboxyl analogues have same affinity for the receptor as mannose-6-phosphate. Moreover, with this substitution (phosphate-carboxylate) lability of phosphate groups can be avoided.As has been mencioned before, Adenophostins are resistent to IP3 metabolizing enzymes. In that direction, it is well known that the presence of a fluorine atom at 2' position of glycosides increases glycosidic bond stability specially towards acidic hydrolysis.With this background in mind, it was proposed to study whether IP3R are capable of recongnising effectively Adenophostin analogues in which one or more phosphate groups have been replaced by methylene carboxylate moieties. On the other hand, it was also proposed to increase Adenophostin stability by means of fluorine introduction at position C-2''.Present work has been focused in two points:The first one was focused in confirming the interactions of adenine with the receptor and the role of 2'-phosphate in Adenophostin activity. In this sense, biological avaluation of IP3, Adenophostin A, inositol 4,5-bisphosphate (IP2), and 2'-dephospho-Adenophostin A has been carried out. First assays were made with using full lenght receptor, binding domain fragment and binding domain fragment incorporating a mutation at position 568 (from Arg to Gln). This residue interacts with phosphate 1 of IP3 and it is supposed to interact with Adenophostin 2'-phosphate as well. Second assays were made using binding domain receptor fragment incorporating a mutation at position 504 (from Arg to Gln). This residue it is supposed to form a cation- stacking with adenine moiety. With this biological avaluations, it can be deduced that Adenophostin A activity is mainly due to the adenine presence, and moreover, the supposed optimal 2'-phosphate disposition is not determinant in Adenophostin high affinity. Furthermore, it has been confirmed the presence of cation- stacking interaction at the binding core.The second point of the present work has been the design and synthesis of new Adenophostin analogues based in biological study results and antecendents mentioned above.Thus, it has been synthesized the precursor of an Adenophostin analogue incorporatin a fluorine atom at C-2'' in order to confer more stability to the glycosydic bond and avaluate the role of 2''-OH in hydrogen bonding. The introduction of fluorine into Adenophostin structure was carried out by means of electrophilic fluorination with Selectfluor庐 of 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-D-glucal, which lately was transformed into the corresponding glycosyl bromide. On the other hand, adenosine was conveniently protected and used as glycosyl acceptor in the glycosylation with fluorinated building block. Next steps after glycosylation were protecting group manipulation in order to afford a suitable substrate for phosphate group introduction at desired positions (2', 3', 4''). Furthermore, considering the secundary role of 2'-phosphate in Adenophostin activity, we focused in the synthesis of two Adenophostin analogues in which phosphate groups at position 3'' and 4'' were replaced by a methylenecarboxylate moiety. Thus, a part from incorporate non metabolizable groups, alternate substitution would allow to know the independent role of each phosphate in receptor binding. Basic structure for two analogues was afforded from the glycosylation of conveniently protected adenosine with a thioglycoside derivative incorporating the methylenecarboxylate moiety in its structure. Methyl (4,6-O-benzylidene)-1-O--glucoside was used as starting material for both carbohydrate fragments, which were afforded depending on the protecting groups sequence used. Introduction of methylencarboxylate precursor into the scaffolds was made via radical allylation, affording allylderivatives with desired stereochemistry. The acid was obtained upon oxidative cleavage of allyl group. Lasts steps of the carbohydrate fragment synthesis involved the hydrolysis of anomeric position and thioglycoside synthesis. Finally, thioglycoside obtained was reacted with adenosine derivative affording the basic structure for both analogues. After several deprotection steps, apropiate substrates for phosphorilation at desired positions were afforded. In summary, the present work has allowed to:1. Stablish the structural features that confere to Adenophostins a activity higher than IP3.2. Synthesize three precursors of Adenophostin analogues presenting new structural modifications that would allow to a) know the independet role of each phosphate in the natural product and b) the role of 2''-OH in receptor interaction

    Direct evidence of lack of colocalisation of fluorescently labelled gold labels used in correlative light electron microscopy

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    Fluorescently labelled nanoparticles are routinely used in Correlative Light Electron Microscopy (CLEM) to combine the capabilities of two separate microscope platforms: fluorescent light microscopy (LM) and electron microscopy (EM). The inherent assumption is that the fluorescent label observed under LM colocalises well with the electron dense nanoparticle observed in EM. Herein we show, by combining single molecule fluorescent imaging with optical detection of the scattering from single gold nanoparticles, that for a commercially produced sample of 10鈥塶m gold nanoparticles tagged to Alexa-633 there is in fact no colocalisation between the fluorescent signatures of Alexa-633 and the scattering associated with the gold nanoparticle. This shows that the attached gold nanoparticle quenches the fluorescent signal by ~95%, or less likely that the complex has dissociated. In either scenario, the observed fluorescent signal in fact arises from a large population of untagged fluorophores; rendering these labels potentially ineffective and misleading to the field

    Synthetic mechanism studies of iron selenides: an emerging class of materials for electrocatalysis

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    Solution-processed iron selenide nanocrystals (NCs) have recently attracted considerable attention in electrocatalysis water splitting. Nevertheless, a primary challenge in current iron-based NCs chemical synthesis is controlling phase purities between each chalcogen (monochalcogenide, dichalcogenides, and oxides), which requires a comprehensive understanding of the reaction mechanisms at the early stages of nucleation. Herein, we investigate the fundamental steps in transforming molecular organoiron and organoselenium precursors to iron selenides NCs with the view of developing universal synthesis protocols for phase pure metal selenium and metal oxides NCs. The main intermediate species and volatile by-products are identified by high-resolution electron microscopy and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy (1H, 13C, and 31P). Experimental evidence suggests that the phase determining factor is the coordinating reactivity difference between olefins (1-octadecene, oleylamine), tributylphosphine and trioctylphosphine associated with their corresponding Se bond cleavage. This work proposes organoselenium interconversion reaction mechanisms during iron selenides synthesis, offering a universal synthetic strategy for other electrocatalytically or photocatalytically active layered metal selenides materials

    Imidazolium-tagged glycan probes for non-covalent labeling of live cells

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    The use imidazolium tagged-mannosamine derivative for the non-covalent, rapid and site-specific labeling of sialic acid containing glycoproteins using commercialN-nitrilotriacetate fluorescent reagents in a range of live cells is reported.</p

    Three-minute synthesis of sp<sup>3</sup> nanocrystalline carbon dots as non-toxic fluorescent platforms for intracellular delivery

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    A one-pot, three-minute, gram-scale synthesis of novel sp3-nanocrystalline, water-soluble, and fluorescent carbon dots (FCDs), from simple and cheap sugar starting materials is described. Mechanism studies showed that NH2-FCD formation proceeds via a crucial imine intermediate derived from reaction between a sugar hemiacetal and an amine. Moreover, we successfully demonstrate the utility of lactose functionalized FCDots (Lac-FCDots) as non-toxic fluorescent intracellular delivery vehicles

    Practical Three-Minute Synthesis of Acid-Coated Fluorescent Carbon Dots with Tuneable Core Structure

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    We report a one-pot, three-minute synthesis of carboxylic acid-decorated fluorescent carbon dots (COOH-FCDs) with tuneable core morphology dependent on the surface passivating agent. Mechanism investigations highlighted the presence of key pyrazine and polyhydroxyl aromatic motifs, which are formed from the degradation of glucosamine in the presence of a bifunctional linker bearing acid and amine groups. The novel COOH-FCDs are selective Fe3+ and hemin sensors. Furthermore, the FCDs are shown to be non-toxic, fluorescent bioimaging agents for cancer cells

    Selective Photothermal Killing of Cancer Cells Using LED-Activated Nucleus Targeting Fluorescent Carbon Dots

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    The development of effective theranostic probes in cancer therapy is hampered due to issues with selectivity and off-target toxicity. We report the selective LED-photothermal ablation of cervical (HeLa) cancer cells over human dermal fibroblasts (HDF) using a new class of green-emissive fluorescent carbon dots (FCDs). The FCDs can be easily prepared in one-pot using cheap and commercial starting materials. Physico-chemical characterization revealed that a surface coating of 2,5-deoxyfructosazine on a robust amorphous core renders the nanomaterial鈥檚 unique properties. We show that intracellular uptake mostly involves passive mechanisms in combination with intracellular DNA interactions to target the nucleus and that cancer cell selective killing is likely due to an increase in intracellular temperature in combination with ATP depletion, which is not observed upon of exposure to either the core FCD or the surface component individually. The selectivity of these nanoprobes and the lack of apparent production of toxic metabolic byproducts, makes these new nanomaterials promising agents in cancer therapy

    Br酶nsted and Lewis Acid Catalyzed Glycosylation

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