57 research outputs found

    Gas exchanges in the zucchini culture fertilized with biofertilizers in two types of soil

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    The application of biofertilizers may provide plants similar performance and even superior to the use of mineral fertilizers, therefore, the determination of the most suitable sources to be applied in different crops is relevant. Given the importance of gas exchange in the performance of crops and that biofertilizers can provide increases in these physiological parameters, this study aimed to evaluate gas exchange in zucchini plants cultivated in two types of soil and managed with different aerobic fermentation biofertilizers. The experiment was carried out in full sunlight, in pots, using a randomized blocks design in an arrangement of split plots. The plots consisted of two types of soil (S1: Red-Yellow Argisol and S2: Fluvic Neossol), subdivided plots into five aerobic fermentation biofertilizers (F1 = quail, F2 = sheep, F3 = mixed - bovine + quail + sheep, F4 = bovine, and F5 = enriched crab), with five replicates. At 45 days after transplanting, the following variables were analyzed: photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, transpiration, internal CO2 concentration, leaf temperature, and chlorophyll. Bovine, sheep, and mixed biofertilizers showed the highest rates with the best performance of Italian zucchini cultivation. The types of soil studied concerning the rates did not have a significant effect between treatments on zucchini cultivation. Moreover, Chlorophyll was not significantly influenced by any of the treatments applied.A aplicação de biofertilizantes pode proporcionar às plantas desempenho semelhante e até mesmo superior à aplicação de fertilizantes minerais, sendo de considerável importância a determinação das fontes mais adequadas a serem aplicadas nas diferentes culturas. Sabendo-se da importância das trocas gasosas no desempenho das culturas e que os biofertilizantes podem proporcionar incrementos nesses parâmetros fisiológicos, o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar as trocas gasosas em plantas de abobrinha cultivada em dois tipos de solo e adubadas com diferentes biofertilizantes de fermentação aeróbia. O experimento foi desenvolvido a pleno sol, em vasos, utilizando o delineamento em blocos ao acaso em parcelas subdivididas. As parcelas se constituíram de dois tipos de solo (S1: Argissolo Vermelho Amarelo e S2: Neossolo Flúvico) e as parcelas subdivididas, constituíram-se em cinco biofertilizantes de fermentação aeróbia (F1 = codorna, F2 = ovino, F3 = misto - bovino + codorna + ovino, F4 = bovino e F5 = caranguejo enriquecido), com cinco repetições. Aos 45 dias após o transplantio foram analisadas as seguintes variáveis: fotossíntese, condutância estomática, transpiração, concentração interna de CO2, temperatura foliar e a clorofila. Os biofertilizantes bovino, ovino e misto apresentaram as maiores taxas com melhor desempenho no cultivo da abobrinha italiana. Os tipos de solo estudado em relação às taxas não apresentaram efeito significativo entre os tratamentos no cultivo da abobrinha. A clorofila não foi influenciada significativamente por nenhum dos tratamentos aplicados

    Numerical Analysis of Woltman Meter Accuracy under Flow Perturbations

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    [EN] One of the unknowns in the instrumentation for water measurement is what degree of influence other hydraulic elements exert on the velocity profile and, consequently, on the measurement errors. In this work, the measurement errors of a horizontal-axis Woltman meter produced by a gate valve and by a butterfly valve in different hydraulic configurations were studied using a simplified numerical model. The gate valve was installed beside the meter and three pipe diameters upstream of the meter and were operated with closures of 75%, 50% and 25%, while the butterfly valve was installed at three pipe diameters upstream of the meter with closures of 0 degrees (open) and 30 degrees. The numerical model based on the rotor's torque balance equations and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) was validated by experimental tests. According to the results, it was concluded that the proposed model is valid and capable of estimating the errors caused by the hydraulic fittings arranged next to the meter. In addition, it is evident that for the analysed operating range, both valves must be installed at least three diameters of straight pipe upstream of the meter.Palau, C.; Balbastre Peralta, I.; Manzano Juarez, J.; Moreira De Azevedo, B.; Bomfim, GV. (2019). Numerical Analysis of Woltman Meter Accuracy under Flow Perturbations. Water. 11(12). https://doi.org/10.3390/w11122622111

    Caracterización y metodología de selección de inyectores Venturi en riego presurizado

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    [ES] El inyector para quimigación tipo Venturi tiene ventajas que hacen que sea un dispositivo bastante utilizado; no requiere energía eléctrica y es económico. Por el contrario, genera pérdidas de energía elevadas, afectando a las presiones en la instalación. Para una correcta caracterización de estos equipos deben relacionarse las presiones en los puntos de entrada, salida e inyección con los caudales principales e inyectados. Estas relaciones analíticas, que las introduce la norma de la Organización Internacional de Normalización (ISO 15873:2002), se pueden obtener de forma teórica; aunque es más recomendable que el fabricante establezca mediante ensayos de funcionamiento, el comportamiento real del inyector. Es oportuno que estas relaciones se proporcionen gráficamente, en la forma de nomogramas, para facilitar la asociación de las variables implicadas y la posterior selección de un modelo o clase concretos bajo una tipología de montaje. Así, para que esta selección sea adecuada es necesario también el conocimiento preciso de las subunidades de riego que alimenta y el programa de fertilización de la explotación.[EN] Venturi-type chemigation injectors are widely used due to their advantages: they do not require electric power and are cheap to operate. However, they also generate considerable energy losses which affect the pressure in the system. The correct characterization of these systems requires pressures to be correctly set at the inlet, injector and outlet points in relation to main and injected solution flows. These analytical relationships, as described in the International Organization for Standardization¿s standard ISO 15873:2002, can be obtained theoretically, although it is recommended that the manufacturer should determine the real behavior of the injector by operational tests. These relationships should also be provided graphically in the form of nomograms in order to facilitate the association of the variables involved and the subsequent selection of a specific model or class and type of assembly. In order to make the right choice, it is also necessary to have precise information on the irrigation sub-units that it feeds and the grower¿s fertilization program.Extraído parcialmente de la Tesis del primer autor, con el apoyo financiero de la Universitat Politècnica de València y del Centro Valenciano de Estudios del RiegoManzano Juarez, J.; Palau, C.; Moreira De Azevedo, B.; Do Bomfim, GV.; Vasconcelos, DV. (2018). Characterization and selection method of Venturi injectors for pressurized irrigation. Revista Ciência Agronômica (Online). 49(2):201-210. https://doi.org/10.5935/1806-6690.20180023S20121049

    Methods of application and dosages of insecticides for Aphis gossypii (Glover) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in the yellow melon

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    [PT] - Para aperfeiçoar o manejo fitossanitário de pragas na cultura do melão (Cucumis melo L.), objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos de formas de aplicação e doses de inseticidas sobre a eficiência de controle químico do pulgão A. gossypii. O experimento foi realizado em 2010, na cidade de Fortaleza, Ceará, com melão amarelo cultivado em condições de campo. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, arranjo fatorial 2 x 4, com quatro repetições e parcelas de seis plantas. Os tratamentos foram duas formas de aplicação (pulverização costal manual e insetigação por gotejamento) e quatro doses de inseticida (0; 50; 100; 200% da dose recomendada pelo fabricante). Os inseticidas acefato e tiametoxam, testados separadamente, foram aplicados em manejo de rotação de grupos químicos. A eficiência de controle foi avaliada sete dias após o uso de cada inseticida. O acefato não apresentou diferença significativa entre as formas de aplicação, atingindo eficiências de controle de 88,95 e 84,09% com 100 e 200% da dose recomendada, respectivamente. O tiametoxam não diferiu significativamente quanto às formas de aplicação e doses testadas, apresentando eficiência de 100% em todos os tratamentos. Atualmente, no Brasil, a utilização de acefato no melão está limitada à aplicação mecanizada devido ao risco de contaminação. Diante dessa limitação, o controle do pulgão em meloeiro amarelo pode ser realizado via insetigação por gotejo ou pulverização costal manual, devendo-se empregar, preferencialmente, 100% da dose recomendada de tiametoxam.[EN] In order to perfect the phytosanitary management of pests in the melon crop (Cucumis melo L.), the aim here was to evaluate the effects of different methods of application and dosages of insecticides on the effectiveness of chemical control of the aphid A. gossypii. The experiment was carried out in 2010, in Fortaleza, in the state of Ceara, Brazil, with yellow melon grown under field conditions. The experimental design was of randomised blocks in a 2 x 4 factorial arrangement, with four replications and lots of six plants. Treatments consisted of two methods of application (manual backpack spray and drip insectigation) and four dosages of insecticide (0, 50, 100 and 200% of the dosage recommended by the manufacturer). The insecticides acephate and thiamethoxam, tested separately, were applied in a rotating management of chemical groups. Efficiency of the control was evaluated seven days after the use of each insecticide. The acephate showed no significant difference between the forms of application, reaching control efficiencies of 88.95 and 84.09% with 100 and 200% of the recommended dose respectively. The thiamethoxam did not differ significantly for the application methods and dosages under test, giving 100% efficiency in all treatments. Currently in Brazil the use of acephate in the melon is limited to mechanised application due to the risk of contamination. Because of this limitation, the control of aphids in yellow melon can be carried out via drip insectigation or backsack spray, with preferably 100% of the recommended dose of thiamethoxam.Do Bomfim, G.; Moreira De Azevedo, B.; Viana, TVA.; Manzano Juarez, J.; Vasconcelos, DV. (2015). Formas de aplicação e doses de inseticidas sobre Aphis gossypii (Glover) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) em melão amarelo. Revista Ciencia Agronomica. 46(3):488-496. doi:10.5935/1806-6690.20150030S48849646

    Design and installation alternatives of Venturi injectors in drip irrigation

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    [ES] En la Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, España (39°29¿ N; 0°23¿ W; 20 m), ha sido estudiado el funcionamiento de cuatro prototipos de inyector Venturi y tres formas de instalación distintas. El funcionamiento se ha analizado bajo diversos parámetros, como pérdidas de carga, relación de caudales y rendimiento. Las formas de instalación analizadas han sido: sin inyección y con inyección y presiones negativas o positivas en la garganta. Las presiones se establecieron entre 10 y 40 m.c.a. A partir de los datos experimentales han sido procesados utilizando técnicas de regresión múltiple y análisis de la varianza. Con ellas, fue posible, a través de la integración de geometrías en función de los diámetros, caudales y presiones, obtener expresiones para prever la pérdida de carga o el caudal inyectado. Se pone de manifiesto que la relación de caudales y el rendimiento son mayores cuanto mayor es el diámetro de la aspiración y empeoran al reducirse el diámetro de la garganta, siendo estas las dimensiones que más condicionan la inyección. También, puede afirmarse que la pérdida de carga, para un mismo caudal inyectado, es inferior si la operación se realiza con presiones positivas que con presiones negativas. La relación de caudales o el rendimiento también proporcionan valores más elevados bajo esta forma de instalación propuesta.[EN] The performance and installation alternatives of four Venturi injector prototypes were studied at Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, Spain (39°29¿ N; 0°23¿ W; 20 m). This device performance was studied under several parameters such as head loss, relation of flows and injection efficiency. The installation configurations analyzed were: without the injection of nutrients solution and with the injection either having negative or positive pressure at the Venturi throat. The inlet pressures were established between 10 and 40 m.w.c. The experimental data has been processed using multiple stepwise regression techniques and analysis of variance (ANOVA). Moreover, geometry integration versus diameters, flows and pressures is used to obtain some equations for predicting the head loss and injected flow. The results of the present study showed that the relation between flows and injection efficiency were better when the diameter of inlet nutrient line increases and become worse when decreases the diameter of the Venturi throat. Accordingly, these dimensions become very important in the design prototype and installation configuration. Furthermore, after the analysis of laboratory experiments it can be concluded that head losses, at the same injected flow, were lower if the injection was carried out with positive pressures at the throat than in the case of negative pressures. Also in this case, the relationship between flow rates and injection efficiency leaded to a good performance of the proposed installation.Manzano Juarez, J.; Palau, C.; Moreira De Azevedo, B.; Do Bomfim, G.; Vasconcelos, DV. (2015). Diseño y alternativas en la instalación de inyectores Venturi en riego localizado. Revista Ciencia Agronomica. 46(2):287-298. doi:10.5935/1806-6690.20150008S28729846

    Potassium irrigation and fertigation of grapevine under semiarid conditions

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    The potassium irrigation management and fertigation adjustment may improve grape yield and quality. Aiming at evaluating the biometric and productive characteristics of the 'Ribier' grapevine, under five irrigation levels (50%, 75%, 100%, 125% and 150% of the class A pan evaporation - CAE) and five potassium fertilization doses (2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 days), applied by fertigation, two experiments were carried out in a randomized blocks design, with five treatments and five replications, in Limoeiro do Norte, Ceará State, Brazil. The variables bunch number, size and average weight, soluble solids and yield were evaluated for the five irrigation levels, while the bunch average weight and width, number of berries, soluble solids and yield were evaluated for the five potassium fertigation intervals. The maximum irrigation level (150% of the CAE) and the seven days interval for the potassium fertigations provided the best yield for the 'Ribier' grapevine, under the Ceará State semiarid conditions

    Management of water deficit in the irrigated production of the green pepper

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    ABSTRACT Information on irrigation management is essential for achieving satisfactory results when cultivating the green pepper. The aim of this study, therefore, was to evaluate the effects of water deficit, which varies according to phenological stage, on the production, growth and physiology of a crop of green peppers. The experimental design was completely randomised, with seven treatments, four repetitions, and plots comprising two plants. The treatments consisted of replacing the water demand during phenological phases I, II, III and IV (in terms of percentage ETc): T1 - 100%/I, 100%/II, 100%/III and 100%/IV; T2 - 100%/I, 75%/II, 100%/III and 75%/IV; T3 - 100%/I, 75%/II, 75%/III and 75%/IV; T4 - 100%/I, 75%/II, 75%/III and 50%/IV; T5 - 100%/I, 50%/II, 75%/III and 50%/IV; T6 - 100%/I, 50%/II, 50%/III and 50%/IV; T7 - 100%/I, 50%/II, 50%/III and 25%/IV. The plants were grown in the field under drip irrigation. The following variables were analysed: plant height; stem diameter, leaf area, shoot dry weight, number of fruits per plant, soluble solids, fruit length, fruit diameter, fruit weight, productivity, relative chlorophyll index, gas exchange, and water use efficiency. Compared to T1, management based on T2, T3 and T4 did not reduce expression of the vast majority of the vegetative variables or of gas exchange. The water deficit from T2 can be employed without any significant reduction in productivity and affords water savings of 12.5% in relation to T1. T1 and T2 give the highest values for water use efficiency. Management based on T1 and T2 is therefore recommended for cultivating the green pepper under field conditions

    Características agronômicas do amendoinzeiro sob irrigação com águas salinas em solo com biofertilizantes.

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    Objetivou-se com esse trabalho avaliar o efeito da salinidade da água de irrigação nas características agronômicas do amendoinzeiro (Arachis hypogaea L.) cultivado em solo sem e com biofertilizantes. O experimento foi conduzido em estufa telada na Estação Agrometereológica, Campus do Pici, Fortaleza, CE. A semeadura foi feita em vasos utilizando-se, como substrato, um Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo, com uma planta por vaso. O experimento obedeceu a um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 4 x 3, com cinco repetições. Os fatores referem-se aos valores de condutividade elétrica da água de irrigação: 1,5; 3,0; 4,5 e 6,0 dS m-1 e sem e com biofertilizantes (sem biofertilizante -B0; com biofertilizante anaeróbico-B1; e com biofertilizante aeróbico - B2). Foram avaliadas as seguintes variáveis: pH, condutividade elétrica do solo, crescimento inicial em número de folhas, altura de plantas, diâmetro do colmo, área foliar e matéria seca da parte aérea. O biofertilizante bovino diminuiu os efeitos negativos das concentrações crescentes de sais na água de irrigação nas variáveis estudadas. O nível salino do solo foi maior na presença do biofertilizante anaeróbico. O biofertilizante anaeróbico foi mais eficiente que o aeróbico na redução dos efeitos depressivos dos sais das águas de irrigação às plantas

    Características agronômicas do amendoinzeiro sob irrigação com águas salinas em solo com biofertilizantes = Agronomics Characteristicsof Peanuts under irrigation with saline water on soil with biofertilizers.

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    Objetivou-se com esse trabalho avaliar o efeito da salinidade da água de irrigação nas características agronômicas do amendoinzeiro (Arachis hypogaea L.) cultivado em solo sem e com biofertilizantes. O experimento foi conduzido em estufa telada na Estação Agrometereológica, Campus do Pici, Fortaleza, CE. A semeadura foi feita em vasos utilizando-se, como substrato, um Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo, com uma planta por vaso. O experimento obedeceu a um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 4 x 3, com cinco repetições. Os fatores referem-se aos valores de condutividadeelétrica da água de irrigação: 1,5; 3,0; 4,5 e 6,0 dS m-1 e sem e com biofertilizantes (sem biofertilizante -B0; com biofertilizanteanaeróbico-B1; e com biofertilizante aeróbico - B2). Foram avaliadas as seguintes variáveis: pH, condutividade elétrica do solo, crescimento inicial em número de folhas, altura de plantas, diâmetro do colmo, área foliar e matéria seca da parte aérea. O biofertilizante bovino diminuiu os efeitos negativos das concentrações crescentes de sais na água de irrigação nas variáveis estudadas. O nível salino do solo foi maior na presença do biofertilizante anaeróbico. O biofertilizante anaeróbico foi mais eficiente que o aeróbico na redução dos efeitos depressivos dos sais das águas de irrigação às plantas.This study evaluated the effects of irrigation water salinity on agronomics characteristics of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.), cultivated without and with biofertilizers. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse in the Estação Agrometereológica, Campus do Pici, Fortaleza, CE. The seeds were sown in pots using, as substrate, a Red-Yellow Argisol, with one plant per pot. The experiment followed a completely randomized design set as a 4 x 3 factorial, referring to four irrigation water electrical conductivity values: 1.5, 3.0, 4.5 and 6.0 dS m-1 in three soil configurations: B0(without biofertilizer), B1 (with anaerobic biofertilizer) and B2 (with aerobic biofertilizer), with five repetitions. The following variables were evaluated: pH, soil electrical conductivity, initial growth in number of leaves, plant height, stem diameter, leaf area and dry shoot mass. The bovine biofertilizer reduced the negative effects of increasing saline concentration in irrigation water in the variables evaluated.The soil salinity level was higher in the presence of anaerobic biofertilizer. The anaerobic biofertilizer was more efficient thanaerobic biofertilizer in reducing the depressive effects (to plants) of irrigation water salts