329 research outputs found

    A useful tool to identify recessions in the euro area

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    This paper investigates the identification and dating of the European business cycle, using different methods. We concentrate on methods and statistical series that provide timely and accurate information about the contemporaneous state of the economy in order to provide the reader with a useful tool that allows him or her to analyze current business conditions and make predictions about the future state of the economy. In this spirit, we find that the European Commission industrial confidence indicator (ICI) is useful in providing that information.business cycle, confidence indicators, markov switching, turning points, recession, tool to identify recessions in the euro area, Bengoechea, P�rez Quir�s,

    Adolescents’ perceptions of long-term effects of cycle skilltraining

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    Cycling to school is uncommon among adolescents in most developed countries. Development of cycling skills through cycle skills training (CST) can reduce cycling-related safety concerns. This study examined long-term effects of CST retrospectively by comparing adolescents’ perceptions of cycling to school and their confidence to cycle to school among those who participated in CST in primary and/or intermediate school with non-participants. Adolescents (n=1,260; 51% female; 12 schools) from Dunedin (New Zealand) completed an online survey at school. Adolescents self-reported transport modes to school, perceptions of cycling to school and CST, and previous participation in and perceived benefits of school-based CST programmes. Only 1-2% adolescents usually cycled to school. Overall, 42% agreed CST would make them safer in traffic (no significant difference between CST participants (n=512) and non-participants (n=748)). Among CST participants, 32% reported that CST increased their confidence to cycle to school and those adolescents had more favourable attitudes towards CST than participants who reported no effects. In a multivariable analysis, adolescents’ perceptions that CST increased their cycling confidence were positively associated with self-efficacy for cycling to school (odds ratio (OR) (95% confidence interval (CI)): 1.33 (1.07, 1.67)), perceived school support (1.51 (1.01, 2.25)), parental cycling-related safety concerns (1.84 (1.25, 2.69)) and being Māori (6.47 (2.36, 17.7)) or other ethnic origins (2.26 (1.00, 5.10); reference: New Zealand Europeans). Therefore, CST could be a useful strategy to support adolescents’ cycling to school, ideally (as suggested in the literature) in combination with appropriate infrastructure changes and speed management measures

    Elucidation of the RamA Regulon in Klebsiella pneumoniae Reveals a Role in LPS Regulation

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    Klebsiella pneumoniae is a significant human pathogen, in part due to high rates of multidrug resistance. RamA is an intrinsic regulator in K. pneumoniae established to be important for the bacterial response to antimicrobial challenge; however, little is known about its possible wider regulatory role in this organism during infection. In this work, we demonstrate that RamA is a global transcriptional regulator that significantly perturbs the transcriptional landscape of K. pneumoniae, resulting in altered microbe-drug or microbe-host response. This is largely due to the direct regulation of 68 genes associated with a myriad of cellular functions. Importantly, RamA directly binds and activates the lpxC, lpxL-2 and lpxO genes associated with lipid A biosynthesis, thus resulting in modifications within the lipid A moiety of the lipopolysaccharide. RamA-mediated alterations decrease susceptibility to colistin E, polymyxin B and human cationic antimicrobial peptide LL-37. Increased RamA levels reduce K. pneumoniae adhesion and uptake into macrophages, which is supported by in vivo infection studies, that demonstrate increased systemic dissemination of ramA overexpressing K. pneumoniae. These data establish that RamA-mediated regulation directly perturbs microbial surface properties, including lipid A biosynthesis, which facilitate evasion from the innate host response. This highlights RamA as a global regulator that confers pathoadaptive phenotypes with implications for our understanding of the pathogenesis of Enterobacter, Salmonella and Citrobacter spp. that express orthologous RamA proteins

    Analyzing climate change adaptation in the agriculture and water sectors: screening risks and opportunities.

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    As part of the Mediterranean area, the Guadiana basin in Spain is particularly exposed to increasing water stress due to climate change. Future warmer and drier climate will have negative implications for the sustainability of water resources and irrigation agriculture, the main socio- economic sector in the region. This paper illustrates a systematic analysis of climate change impacts and adaptation in the Guadiana basin based on a two-stage modeling approach. First, an integrated hydro-economic modeling framework was used to simulate the potential effects of regional climate change scenarios for the period 2000-2069. Second, a participatory multi-criteria technique, namely the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), was applied to rank potential adaptation measures based on agreed criteria. Results show that, in the middle-long run and under severe climate change, reduced water availability, lower crop yields and increased irrigation demands might lead to water shortages, crop failure, and up to ten percent of income losses to irrigators. AHP results show how private farming adaptation measures, including improving irrigation efficiency and adjusting crop varieties, are preferred to public adaptation measures, such as building new dams. The integrated quantitative and qualitative methodology used in this research can be considered a socially-based valuable tool to support adaptation decision-making

    Estudio teórico y experimental de la respuesta a cortante en juntas secas de puentes de dovelas

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    En este artículo se presentan los estudios realizados en el proyecto de investigación PB98-0927 financiado por el Ministerio de Educación y Cultura en el periodo 1999 a 2002. En este proyecto se ha realizado una extensa campaña experimental, así como un profundo estudio teórico, del comportamiento en ELU, frente a solicitaciones combinadas de cortante y flexión, de juntas secas en puentes construidos mediante dovelas prefabricadas.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Factors associated with compliance with physical activity recommendations among adolescents in Huesca.

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    BACKGROUND: Schools have been identified as environments of choice for physical activity promotion. This study examines factors associated with compliance with objectively assessed physical activity recommendations for early adolescents taking part in “Sigue la Huella”, a school-based intervention guided by a social ecological framework and Self-Determination Theory (Deci & Ryan, 2002). METHODS: A total of 200 students (108 boys) aged 12-13 years (M = 12.16; SD = ± 0.51), wore accelerometers during a 7-day period and completed a questionnaire. Participants were considered compliant to the recommendations if their moderate to vigorous physical activity, averaged over 7 days, was =60 minutes a day. RESULTS: 57.4% of boys and 9.9% of girls met recommendations. In a mixed logistic regression model, compliance was higher among boys and students attending private schools, and lower for obese students. Compliance was also associated with higher perceptions of physical competence, higher perceptions of autonomy in physical education, greater importance attached to physical education and less sedentary behavior. CONCLUSIONS: Assessed objectively, gender differences in compliance with physical activity recommendations were greater than expected. Self-Determination Theory emerged as a useful framework to identify motivational factors that can be addressed in school-based physical activity interventions and programs for early adolescents

    Turning the Tide from Cars to Active Transport: Policy Recommendations for New Zealand

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    Background: Despite national-level efforts to encourage active transport in New Zealand since 2005, rates of active transport have continued to decline in most parts of the country, with negative impacts on health and the environment. / Purpose: We describe the development of key policy recommendations for active transport in New Zealand as an outcome of multi-sectoral discussions held at The Active Living and Environment Symposium (TALES; www.otago.ac.nz/active-living-2019; Dunedin, New Zealand; February 2019). The goal was to establish a set of priority recommendations to inform active transport decision-making in central and local government, public health units and regional sports trusts in New Zealand. / Project Description: The development of recommendations was planned and led by a working group consisting of ten TALES symposium delegates working in academia, industry and non-governmental organisations with prior work experience in central/local government and the private sector. Symposium delegates provided input prior to the symposium (delegates submitted 1-3 policy recommendations); during the symposium (delegates challenged/discussed/modified the first draft of recommendations at a dedicated final day session); and after the symposium (delegates provided feedback on the second draft of recommendations and associated actions). Using an online survey, the working group members also independently evaluated importance and feasibility of each recommended action before inclusion in the document. The final 13 recommendations (and 39 associated actions) were grouped across four broad categories: A) Evaluation, governance and funding; B) Education and encouragement/promotion; C) Engineering (infrastructure, built environment); and D) Enforcement and regulations. The report aligns with the New Zealand government’s increased focus on wellbeing, walking, cycling, public transport and Vision Zero approach, and recommends national targets for walking, cycling and public transport by 2050. The report was officially launched in April 2019. Initial discussions of recommendations with relevant stakeholders were conducted in four major urban centres in April-May 2019. / Conclusions: This cross-sector effort resulted in a report that has the potential to stimulate the development of a new active transport strategy for New Zealand; prompt setting of targets and monitoring progress/outcomes; and inform New Zealand’s response to the World Health Organization’s Global Action Plan on Physical Activity 2018-2030. Key policy recommendations for active transport in New Zealand include: making a national-level commitment to change; establishing a nationally coordinated and funded programme of education and promotion of active transport; creating a commitment to design cities for people and not for cars; and developing a regulatory system that encourages the use of active transport

    Development of key policy recommendations for active transport in New Zealand: A multi-sector and multidisciplinary endeavour

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    Background: Despite national-level initiatives to encourage active transport (AT) in New Zealand since 2005, rates of AT have continued to decline in most parts of the country, with negative impacts on health and the environment. This article describes the development of key policy recommendations for increasing AT in New Zealand. The goal was to establish a cohesive set of priority recommendations to inform AT decision-making in central and local government, district health boards, public health units and regional sports trusts in New Zealand. Project description: The development of policy recommendations was a planned outcome of multi-sectoral discussions held at The Active Living and Environment Symposium (TALES; Dunedin, New Zealand; February 2019). A ten-member working group consisting of TALES symposium delegates working in academia, industry and non-governmental organisations led the development of the recommendations. Symposium delegates contributed their expertise to draft recommendations and reports prior to, during and after the symposium. Importance and feasibility of each recommended action were independently evaluated by working group members. The final set of 13 policy recommendations (and 39 associated actions) included: making a national-level commitment to change; establishing a nationally coordinated and funded programme of education and promotion of AT; making a commitment to design cities for people, not cars; and developing a regulatory system that encourages AT. The report aligns with the current New Zealand government's increased focus on wellbeing, walking, cycling, public transport and the Vision Zero approach. A final report was officially launched in April 2019 with presentations to stakeholders April-May 2019. Conclusions: This cross-sector effort resulted in a report with a set of recommendations designed to stimulate the development of a new AT strategy for New Zealand; prompt setting of targets and monitoring progress/outcomes; and inform New Zealand's response to the World Health Organization's Global Action Plan on Physical Activity 2018–2030

    How can irrigated agriculture adapt to climate change? Insights from the Guadiana Basin in Spain

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    Climate change is already affecting many natural systems and human environments worldwide, like the semiarid Guadiana Basin in Spain. This paper illustrates a systematic analysis of climate change adaptation in the Guadiana irrigation farming region. The study applies a solution-oriented diagnostic framework structured along a series of sequential analytical steps. An initial stage integrates economic and hydrologic modeling to evaluate the effects of climate change on the agriculture and water sectors. Next, adaptation measures are identified and prioritized through a stakeholder-based multi-criteria analysis. Finally, a social network analysis identifies key actors and their relationships in climate change adaptation. The study shows that under a severe climate change scenario, water availability could be substantially decreased and drought occurrence will augment. In consequence, farmers will adapt their crops to a lesser amount of water and income gains will diminish, particularly for smallholder farms. Among the various adaptation measures considered, those related to private farming (new crop varieties and modern irrigation technologies) are ranked highest, whereas public-funded hard measures (reservoirs) are lowest and public soft measures (insurance) are ranked middle. In addition, stakeholders highlighted that the most relevant criteria for selecting adaptation plans are environmental protection, financial feasibility and employment creation. Nonetheless, the social network analysis evidenced the need to strengthen the links among the different stakeholder groups to facilitate the implementation of adaptation processes. In sum, the diagnostic framework applied in this research can be considered a valuable tool for guiding and supporting decision making in climate change adaptation and communicating scientific results