5 research outputs found


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    For the establishment of the water right of use concession’s process, it makes necessary to define criteria and to establish a mechanism or to adopt a tool that in such a way allows the agility of the process as also its transparency, avoiding conflicts between the distinct users. The Watershed’s Committees have the responsibility to define politics to the water resources management in the scope of the basin, consisting, therefore a legal site to discuss the water grant problematic, that, for its complexity, does not possess local studies that incorporates the values and aspects of each region. This article presents an evaluation multicriteria model to evaluate potential candidates to the water grant of the river Cubatão do Sul for human supplying. It presents the evaluation of two potential alternatives, the “status quo” and “with improvements in some considered aspects essential”. The global model demonstrated that the performance of the "status quo" is below of the decision maker expectations. Its performance was bellow of the competitive level in several evaluation criteria. Key-words: Decision aiding, water resources management, water grant.Para a implantação da outorga de uso da água se faz necessário definir critérios e estabelecer um mecanismo ou adotar uma ferramenta que permita tanto a agilidade do processo como também a sua transparência de maneira a não suscitar conflitos entre os distintos usuários. Os Comitês de Bacia Hidrográfica têm a responsabilidade de definir políticas para a gestão dos recursos hídricos no âmbito da bacia. Portanto, podem ser considerados como um fórum legal para a discussão da problemática da outorga, que, por sua complexidade, não possui estudos locais que incorporem os valores e aspectos importantes de cada região na análise para a emissão da outorga. Este artigo apresenta um modelo multicritério para avaliação de candidatos potenciais à outorga de uso da água da bacia do rio Cubatão do Sul, especificamente para abastecimento humano. Foi realizada uma avaliação do desempenho de duas alternativas potenciais, o “status quo” e “com melhoramentos em alguns aspectos considerados essenciais”. O modelo global demonstrou que o desempenho do “status quo” está abaixo das expectativas do decisor, pois em vários critérios de avaliação o seu desempenho foi abaixo do nível competitivo. mercado. Palavras-chave: Apoio à decisão, gestão de recursos hídricos, outorga de água

    Percepciones ambientales de la calidad del agua superficial en la microcuenca del río Fogótico, Chiapas

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    En este artículo se exponen las percepciones de la calidad del agua de los ríos y arroyos de la microcuenca del río Fogótico desde la perspectiva de grupos sociales usuarios del agua, representantes de colectivos, políticos e institucionales. El área pertenece a la red hidrográfica que conforma la cuenca de San Cristóbal, localizada en la región hidrológico-administrativa XI Frontera Sur, de la mesorregión hidrológica sur-sureste y se localiza en la parte centro-norte del estado de Chiapas, dentro de la región socioeconómica denominada Altos de Chiapas. La investigación reveló que las percepciones son heterogéneas en la mayoría de las veces, entre los grupos y dentro de los mismos, y permitió conocer diferentes aspectos de la problemática en relación con los problemas y soluciones, prevaleciendo una actitud crítica hacia las acciones de los demás. Aunado a esto, identificó aspectos que influyen en el proceso perceptivo como la cosmovisión y la localización en la microcuenca

    El estudio de las percepciones de la gestión de la calidad del agua, una herramienta para fortalecer la participación pública en la microcuenca del río Fogótico, Chiapas

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    Existen diferencias en las percepciones de los grupos sociales del tipo político , institucional y usuarios del agua acerca de la gestión actual de la calidad del agua y la esperada a futuro, en la microcuenca del río Fogótico en San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas. El objetivo del presente artículo es mostrar estas discrepancias. Los resultados de la investigación, fundamentada en herramientas cualitativas, permitieron identificar la relación de dichos grupos con la desarticulación y omisión de acciones por parte de las autoridades responsables del manejo del agua, el marco legal en la materia, la organización de la comunidad y las cuestiones de género que también influyen. Lo anterior llevó a reflexionar sobre la contribución potencial de los estudios sobre las percepciones acerca del medio ambiente para la gestión de cuencas hidrográficas y la participación pública

    Avaliação temporal do uso e ocupação do solo na microbacia Ribeirão Gustavo, município de Massaranduba, SC

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    The space-time analysis of the land use and occupation contributes to support relationships between the type of use and sustainability of natural resources. In this context, this work evaluated, by means of remote sensing techniques, changes in the land use in the Ribeirão Gustavo watershed, municipality of Massaranduba SC, resulting from human activities occurred between the years of 1957, 1978 and 2008. Aerial photographs and satellite images were used to elaborate in a SIG, maps of land use and cover for the three different periods in order to analyze the temporal variation of the use and occupancy of these areas over 51 years. The use classes defined were reforestation, flooded rice, annual crops, banana, pasture, subsistence farming, agroforestry system, primary and secondary forest at early, intermediate and advanced stages of regeneration. The results showed that there were changes in the land use and occupation between the years of 1957, 1978 and 2008. The main changes were: i) regeneration of natural forest, especially of areas with higher slopes, ii) increase in flooded rice and flat areas, iii) disappearance of areas with annual crops and increase of areas dedicated to subsistence farming and iv) emergence of new agricultural activities.Pages: 6309-631

    Uso e ocupação do solo em Áreas de Preservação Permanente na microbacia Ribeirão Gustavo, município de Massaranduba, SC

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    The human action has led to a sharp and accelerated environmental degradation of areas of permanent preservation (APP). In this context, the objective of this study was to identify and map the possible use conflicts in APPs of the Ribeirão Gustavo watershed, city of Massaranduba, SC. The analysis of the current use required QuickBird high-resolution satellite imagery with orthorectification from the year 2008, with confirmation of the use classes and field occupancy. The following mapping classes were identified: reforestation, flooded rice, banana, fields, annual crops, subsistence household complex, agroforestry system, in addition to categories based on the CONAMA Resolution number 10 (Brazil, 1993): primary forest and secondary forest at initial, intermediate and advanced stages of regeneration. PPAs were mapped using SIG ArcGIS 9.3, considering the limits set by law (Law 4.771/65 and CONAMA Resolution 303/02). Among the possible categories of APPs foreseen by legislation, the following were identified and mapped in the watershed at the banks of watercourses, buffer of 30 m: springs, buffer of 50 m: hilltops, through the delimitation of the upper third. The predominant land use of the watershed is forest, which represents 66.38% of the study area. APPs represent 660.35 ha, which corresponds to approximately 22.72% of the total area of the Ribeirão Gustavo watershed. Of this total, 80.32% of APPs are covered by primary and secondary forests, showing the high conservation level of the area. In the riparian forest, flooded rice is the culture causing the highest environmental degradation in the watershed.Pages: 6317-632