2,168 research outputs found

    Risk and Compliance Management for Cloud Computing Services: Designing a Reference Model

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    More and more companies are making use of Cloud Computing Services in order to reduce costs and to increase theflexibility of their IT infrastructures. Currently, the focus is shifting towards problems of risk and compliance which includeas well the realm of Cloud Computing security. For instance, since the storage locations of data may shift or remain unknownto the user, the problem of the applicable jurisdiction arises and impede the adoption and management of Cloud ComputingServices. Therefore, companies need new methods to avoid being fined for compliance violations, to manage risk factors aswell as to manage processes and decision rights. This paper presents a reference model that serves to support companies inmanaging and reducing risk and compliance efforts. We developed the model on the solid basis of a systematic literaturereview and practical requirements by analyzing Cloud Computing Service offers

    Panel: Why do we toil? Benefiting research at the cost of practice or vice versa?

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    In this paper, we present a systematic literature review in the field of IT Outsourcing with a focus on risk management. The source material of the review consists of 97 high quality journal articles published in 18 journals between 2001 and September 2008. Besides an analysis of related work, this review provides an overview of applied research methods and theories in the field of IT Outsourcing. The articles are then analyzed from a risk management point of view to highlight key risk factors and their specific impact on IT Outsourcing. Identified risk factors are further analyzed in order to assign each risk factor to the phases of a typical IT Outsourcing process (life-cycle). The results of the review show that empirical research is the most applied method and that action research and reference modelling have not been used at all so far. Furthermore, elements of a research agenda are discussed in order to determine further steps to the construction of a reference model for risk management in IT Outsourcing. This paper mainly aims at an audience of experienced researchers in the field of IT Outsourcing who are looking for research ideas and at junior scientists (e.g. PhD students) entering this emerging field of research

    Machine Parameters and Projected Luminosity Performance of Proposed Future Colliders at CERN

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    In response to a request from the CERN Scientific Policy Committee (SPC), the machine parameters and expected luminosity performance for several proposed post-LHC collider projects at CERN are compiled: three types of hadron colliders (HL-LHC upgrade, FCC-hh and HE-LHC), a circular lepton collider (FCC-ee), a linear lepton collider (CLIC), and three options for lepton-hadron colliders (LHeC, HE-LHeC, and FCC-eh). Particular emphasis is put on availability, physics run time, and efficiency. The information contained in this document was presented at the SPC Meeting of September 2018. It will serve as one of the inputs to the 2019/20 Update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics

    The future circular collider study

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    At the end of 2018, a large worldwide collaboration, withcontributors from more than 350 institutes completed theconceptual design of the Future Circular Collider (FCC),a∼100 km accelerator infrastructure linked to the existingCERN complex, that would open up the way to the post-LHC era in particle physics. We present an overview of thetwo main accelerator options considered in the design study,namely the lepton collider (FCC-ee), serving as highest-luminosity Higgs and electroweak factory, and the 100-TeVenergy-frontier hadron collider (FCC-hh), along with theongoing technological R&D efforts and the planned nextsteps. A recently approved EU co-funded project, the FCCInnovation Study (FCCIS), will refine the design of the lep-ton collider and prepare the actual implementation of theFCC, in collaboration with European and global partners,and with the local authorities

    IFNα and IFNγ Impede Marek’s Disease Progression

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    Marek’s disease virus (MDV) is an alphaherpesvirus that causes Marek’s disease, a malignant lymphoproliferative disease of domestic chickens. While MDV vaccines protect animals from clinical disease, they do not provide sterilizing immunity and allow field strains to circulate and evolve in vaccinated flocks. Therefore, there is a need for improved vaccines and for a better understanding of innate and adaptive immune responses against MDV infections. Interferons (IFNs) play important roles in the innate immune defenses against viruses and induce upregulation of a cellular antiviral state. In this report, we quantified the potent antiviral effect of IFNα and IFNγ against MDV infections in vitro. Moreover, we demonstrate that both cytokines can delay Marek’s disease onset and progression in vivo. Additionally, blocking of endogenous IFNα using a specific monoclonal antibody, in turn, accelerated disease. In summary, our data reveal the effects of IFNα and IFNγ on MDV infection and improve our understanding of innate immune responses against this oncogenic virus

    Sprachliche und räumlich-visuelle Funktionen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen mit akuten operativen Läsionen des Kleinhirns

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    Das Kleinhirn ist wichtig für die Koordination von Bewegungen. Seit 1986 wird ihm aufgrund seiner reziproken Verbindungen zu verschiedenen nicht primär motorischen Großhirnarealen eine Mitbeteiligung an kognitiven Prozessen zugeschrieben . Angelehnt an das „zerebelläre kognitive affektive Syndrom“, das von Schmahmann und Sherman (1998) eingeführt wurde, soll der Vermis die Rolle des zerebellären limbischen Systems haben, während die rechte laterale Hemisphäre für Sprach­aufgaben und die linke für räumlich-visuelle Prozesse zuständig sein soll. Die Befundlage bei chronischen Patienten ist nicht einheitlich . Befunde bei chronischen Patienten könnten in der akuten Phase anders aussehen, da aufgrund der guten Reorganisationsfähigkeit des Klein­hirns Defizite nach fokalen Läsionen schnell kompensiert werden können. Gut kontrollierte Studien an Patienten mit akuten fokalen Läsionen sind jedoch noch selten, obwohl vor allem im Kindes- und Jugendalter Kleinhirntumore eine der häufigsten Tumorentitäten sind. In der vorliegenden Studie wurden Kinder und Jugendliche mit fokalen Kleinhirnläsionen wenige Tage nach einer neuro-chirurgischen Operation getestet und mit einer orthopädischen Kontrollgruppe verglichen. Während in einer Verbgenerierungsaufgabe keine sicheren sprach­lichen Defizite gefunden werden konnten, waren die zerebellären Patienten mit rechtshemisphärischen Läsionen beim Schriftsprache-Teil eines Aphasietests gering beeinträchtigt. Bei der Testung räumlich-visueller Funktionen wurden zwar Abweichungen bei den zerebellären Probanden gefunden, diese waren jedoch nicht lateralisiert oder in dem Ausmaß vorhanden, wie sie nach zerebralen Läsionen gefunden werden können. Zusammenfassend konnten keine eindeutig abgrenzbaren kognitiven Defizite nach fokalen zerebellären Läsionen nachgewiesen werden. Während in räumlich-visuellen Aufgaben keine klinisch signifikanten Beeinträchtigungen gefunden werden konnten, sind leichte aphasische Symptome nach akuten rechtshemisphärischen Kleinhirnläsionen jedoch nicht sicher auszuschließen