54 research outputs found

    Інструментальна оротерапія в комплексній реабілітації дитячого церебрального паралічу

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    Работа посвящена вопросу о возможности использования метода прерывистой нормобарической оротерапии в комплексной реабилитации детей с разными формами церебрального паралича. Для оценки эффективности реабилитации использовали клинические данные, характеризующие динамику заболевания, полученные до и после проведения курса инструментальной оротерапии. Группа сравнения получала лишь традиционное комплексное лечение. Оценку неврологического статуса осуществляли на основании динамики уровня моторного развития. Инструментальная оротератя, основу которой составляет активация защитных сил и физиологических резервов организма больного, является эффективным немедикаментозным методом восстановительного лечения больных ДЦП путем стимуляции естественных механизмов саногенеза

    Роздуми про музичну бібліографію

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    У статті розглянуто особливості розвитку музичної бібліографії в Україні – від доби “радянського часу” до сучасності. В даному контексті висвітлюється науковий доробок у цій царині А. І. Мухи.В статье рассмотрены особенности развития музыкальной библиографии в Украине, начиная с эпохи “советского времени” до современного этапа. В данном контексте освещено научное наследие в этой области А. И. Мухи.The peculiarities of music bibliography development in the Ukraine are investigated in the article (from epoch “Soviet Union” to modern period of time). Connected with music bibliography some books by A. Mukha are examined in this context

    High Production of LukMF' in Staphylococcus aureus Field Strains Is Associated with Clinical Bovine Mastitis

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    Staphylococcus aureus, a major cause of bovine mastitis, produces a wide range of immune-evasion molecules. The bi-component leukocidin LukMF' is a potent killer of bovine neutrophils in vitro. Since the role of LukMF' in development of bovine mastitis has not been studied in natural infections, we aimed to clarify whether presence of the lukM-lukF' genes and production levels of LukMF' are associated with clinical severity of the disease. Staphylococcus aureus was isolated from mastitis milk samples (38 clinical and 17 subclinical cases) from 33 different farms. The lukM-lukF' genes were present in 96% of the isolates. Remarkably, 22% of the lukM-lukF'-positive S. aureus isolates displayed a 10-fold higher in vitro LukMF' production than the average of the lower-producing ones. These high producing isolates were cultured significantly more frequently from clinical than subclinical mastitis cases. Also, the detection of LukM protein in milk samples was significantly associated with clinical mastitis and high production in vitro. The high producing LukMF' strains all belonged to the same genetic lineage, spa-type t543. Analysis of their global toxin gene regulators revealed a point mutation in the Repressor of toxins (rot) gene which results in a non-functional start codon, preventing translation of rot. This mutation was only identified in high LukMF' producing isolates and not in low LukMF' producing isolates. Since rot suppresses the expression of various toxins including leukocidins, this mutation is a possible explanation for increased LukMF' production. Identification of high LukMF' producing strains is of clinical relevance and can potentially be used as a prognostic marker for severity of mastitis

    Colonization of Extramammary Sites with Mastitis-Associated S. aureus Strains in Dairy Goats.

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    Staphylococcus aureus ( S. aureus), a major mastitis pathogen in dairy goats, is classified as a contagious pathogen. Although previous research has shown that extramammary body sites can be colonized with S. aureus, it is unknown whether these sites are reservoirs for intramammary infections. The aim of this research was to determine whether extramammary sites can be colonized with mastitis-associated S. aureus strains in dairy goats. Milk samples were collected from 207 primiparous goats and from 120 of these goats, extramammary site samples (hock, groin, nares, vulva and udder) were collected from a large commercial dairy goat herd in the Netherlands during four sampling visits. Extramammary site swabs and milk samples were (selectively) cultured and S. aureus isolates were spa genotyped. The prevalence of colonization of the extramammary sites at goat level was 51.7% and the prevalence of S. aureus intramammary infections was 7.2%. The nares were colonized most frequently (45%), while the groin area was colonized the least (2.5%). Six spa genotypes were identified in this herd and there was no significant difference in the distribution of spa genotypes between the milk or the extramammary sites ( p = 0.141). Both in the extramammary sites and in the milk, spa genotypes t544 (82.3% and 53.3%) and t1236 (22.6% and 33.3%) were the dominant genotypes. These results show that in goats, extramammary sites, particularly the nares, are frequently colonized with mastitis-associated S. aureus strains. Extramammary sites may, thus, be a source of S. aureus intramammary infections that are not targeted by the intervention measures aimed at preventing transmission from infected udder glands

    Hydrophobic Mycobacterial Antigens Elicit Polyfunctional T Cells in Mycobacterium bovis Immunized Cattle:Association With Protection Against Challenge?

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    Bovine tuberculosis (bTB), caused by Mycobacterium bovis, is a chronic disease of cattle with a detrimental impact on food quality and production. Research on bTB vaccines has predominantly been focused on proteinaceous antigens. However, mycobacteria have a thick and intricate lipid outer layer and lipids as well as lipopeptides are important for immune-evasion and virulence. In humans, lipid extracts of M. tuberculosis have been shown to elicit immune responses effective against M. tuberculosisin vitro. Chloroform-methanol extraction (CME) was applied to M. bovis BCG to obtain a hydrophobic antigen extract (CMEbcg) containing lipids and lipopeptides. CMEbcg stimulated IFN-γ+IL-2+ and IL-17A+IL-22+ polyfunctional T cells and elicited T cell responses with a Th1 and Th17 cytokine release profile in both M. bovis BCG vaccinated and M. bovis challenged calves. Lipopeptides were shown to be the immunodominant antigens in CMEbcg, stimulating CD4 T cells via MHC class II. CMEbcg expanded T cells killed CMEbcg loaded monocytes and the CMEbcg-specific CD3 T cell proliferative response following M. bovis BCG vaccination was the best predictor for reduced pathology following challenge with M. bovis. Although the high predictive value of CMEbcg-specific immune responses does not confirm a causal relationship with protection against M. bovis challenge, when taking into account the in vitro antimycobacterial phenotype of CMEbcg-specific T cells (e.g. Th1/Th17 cytokine profile), it is indicative that CMEbcg-specific immune responses could play a functional role in immunity against M. bovis. Based on these findings we conclude that lipopeptides of M. bovis are potential novel subunit vaccine candidates and that further studies into the functional characterization of lipopeptide-specific immune responses together with their role in protection against bovine tuberculosis are warranted

    Моделирование изменения цен финансовых активов

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    В работе представлена модель процесса изменения цен финансовых активов на рынке. Описан путь построения модели, ее экономическая интерпретация, найдены моменты процесса и исследовано его поведение в предельном случае. Для сравнения с данной моделью приведены примеры некоторых других существующих моделей.У рoботi представлена модель процесу змiни цiн фiнансових активiв на ринку. Описано шлях побудови моделi, її економiчна iнтерпретацiя, знайдено моменти процесу, дослiджено його поведiнку у граничному випадку. Для порiвняння з даною моделлю наведено приклади деяких iнших моделей, що iснують.A model of process for financial assets — prices changing on market is presented. The way of the model’s construction is described, its economic interpretation, a moments of the process are obtained, its behavior in limit case is investigated. For comparison with the given model examples of other models are presented

    Association of Staphylococcus aureus genotypes with milk or colonization of extramammary sites in Dutch dairy cattle indicates strain variation in reservoirs for intramammary infections

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    Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) is a major mastitis pathogen with a detrimental impact on udder health in dairy cattle. Although S. aureus is generally classified as a contagious mastitis pathogen, control measures aimed at preventing contagious transmission are not always effective. Previous studies showed that various extramammary sites can be colonized with S. aureus and could be a reservoir for S. aureus intramammary infections (IMI). The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of S. aureus extramammary site colonization in Dutch dairy cattle and to compare the spa genotypes of S. aureus isolates from IMI to spa genotypes of isolates from extramammary sites. Six herds were visited and from cows with a composite milk somatic cell count ≥200,000 cells/mL quarter milk samples and swabs from various extramammary sites (hock, groin, udder cleft, nares, and feces) were taken. Extramammary site samples were processed by a two-step high salt selective culture and presence of S. aureus was confirmed by femA PCR. S. aureus isolates from milk and extramammary sites were compared by spa typing. The cow level colonization varied from 0% to 73%, and the prevalence of IMI in the sampled cows varied from 0% to 61% between herds. The extramammary site with the highest prevalence of colonization was the hock (23%) and the lowest prevalence of colonization was found for the nares (5%) and feces (5%). Spa typing of S. aureus isolates from either extramammary sites or milk showed that in most herds there were one or two predominant S. aureus spa genotypes present. Different S. aureus spa genotypes could be categorized into three groups based on the distribution between milk or extramammary sites: i) predominantly milk associated, ii) associated with both milk and extramammary sites, and iii) associated with extramammary sites. In conclusion, we showed that the prevalence of extramammary site colonization differed significantly between herds and extramammary sites and that specific S. aureus spa genotypes were associated with milk (IMI) or extramammary site colonization. Extramammary S. aureus reservoirs could be a source for IMI that cannot be eradicated by intervention measures aimed at contagious mastitis pathogens

    Genetic diversity of Cameroon cattle and a putative genomic map for resistance to bovine tuberculosis

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    Bovine Tuberculosis (bTB) caused by Mycobacterium bovis is a livestock disease of global economic and public health importance. There are currently no effective vaccines available for livestock and so control relies on animal level surveillance and pasteurization of dairy products. A new alternative control approach is to exploit the genetic variability of the host; recent studies have demonstrated that breeding European taurine cattle, such as Holsteins for increased resistance to bTB is feasible. The utility of such an approach is still unknown for African cattle populations. This study aims to assess genetic variation in bTB resistance and the underlying genomic architecture of cattle in Cameroon. We conducted a cross-sectional study of 2,346 slaughter cattle in Cameroon. Retropharyngeal lymph node samples were collected and cultured on Lowenstein Jensen media and the BACTEC MGIT 960 system, and M. bovis was identified using the Hain® Genotype kits. A total of 153 cattle were positive for M. bovis and were archived along with a random selection of negative samples. In this study, we genotyped archived samples from 212 cattle. Their genomic diversity was characterized using PCA, hierarchical clustering and admixture analysis. We assessed genetic variation in bTB resistance using heritability analysis and compared quantitative trait loci. Previous research on this study population have shown that Fulani cattle are more susceptible to bTB than mixed breeds. However, here we show that these apparent phenotypic differences in breeds are not reflected by clear genomic differences. At the genetic level, both the Fulani and mixed cattle show similar patterns of admixture with evidence of both taurine and indicine ancestry. There was little European taurine introgression within the studied population. Hierarchical clustering showed clusters of cattle that differed in their susceptibility to bTB. Our findings allude to bTB resistance being polygenic in nature. This study highlights the potential for genetic control of bTB in Africa and the need for further research into the genetics of bTB resistance within African cattle populations