265 research outputs found

    Environmental contaminants exposure and preterm birth: a systematic review

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    Preterm birth is an obstetric condition associated with a high risk of infant mortality and morbidities in both the neonatal period and later in life, which has also a significant public health impact because it carries an important societal economic burden. As in many cases the etiology is unknown, it is important to identify environmental factors that may be involved in the occurrence of this condition. In this review, we report all the studies published in PubMed and Scopus databases from January 1992 to January 2019, accessible as full-text articles, written in English, including clinical studies, original studies, and reviews. We excluded articles not written in English, duplicates, considering inappropriate populations and/or exposures or irrelevant outcomes and patients with known risk factors for preterm birth (PTB). The aim of this article is to identify and summarize the studies that examine environmental toxicants exposure associated with preterm birth. This knowledge will strengthen the possibility to develop strategies to reduce the exposure to these toxicants and apply clinical measures for preterm birth prevention

    Artificial Neural Network Detects Hip Muscle Forces as Determinant for Harmonic Walking in People after Stroke

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    Many recent studies have highlighted that the harmony of physiological walking is based on a specific proportion between the durations of the phases of the gait cycle. When this proportion is close to the so-called golden ratio (about 1.618), the gait cycle assumes an autosimilar fractal structure. In stroke patients this harmony is altered, but it is unclear which factor is associated with the ratios between gait phases because these relationships are probably not linear. We used an artificial neural network to determine the weights associable to each factor for determining the ratio between gait phases and hence the harmony of walking. As expected, the gait ratio obtained as the ratio between stride duration and stance duration was found to be associated with walking speed and stride length, but also with hip muscle forces. These muscles could be important for exploiting the recovery of energy typical of the pendular mechanism of walking. Our study also highlighted that the results of an artificial neural network should be associated with a reliability analysis, being a non-deterministic approach. A good level of reliability was found for the findings of our study

    Muscle activations during functional tasks in individuals with chronic ankle instability: a systematic review of electromyographical studies

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    Background: It has been reported that individuals with chronic ankle instability (CAI) show motor control ab-normalities. The study of muscle activations by means of surface electromyography (sEMG) plays a key role in understanding some of the features of movement abnormalities. Research question: Do common sEMG activation abnormalities and strategies exists across different functional movements? Methods: Literature review was conducted on PubMed, Web-of-Science and Cochrane databases. Studies pub-lished between 2000 and 2020 that assessed muscle activations by means of sEMG during any type of functional task in individuals with CAI, and used healthy individuals as controls, were included. Methodological quality was assessed using the modified Downs&Black checklist. Since the methodologies of different studies were hetero-geneous, no meta-analysis was conducted. Results: A total of 63 articles investigating muscle activations during gait, running, responses to perturbations, landing and hopping, cutting and turning; single-limb stance, star excursion balance task, forward lunges, ball- kicking, y-balance test and single-limb squatting were considered. Individuals with CAI showed a delayed activation of the peroneus longus in response to sudden inversion perturbations, in transitions between double- and single-limb stance, and in landing on unstable surfaces. Apparently, while walking on ground there are no differences between CAI and controls, walking on a treadmill increases the variability of muscles activations, probably as a “safety strategy” to avoid ankle inversion. An abnormal activation of the tibialis anterior was observed during a number of tasks. Finally, hip/spine muscles were activated before ankle muscles in CAI compared to controls. Conclusion: Though the methodology of the studies herein considered is heterogeneous, this review shows that the peroneal and tibialis anterior muscles have an abnormal activation in CAI individuals. These individuals also show a proximal muscle activation strategy during the performance of balance challenging tasks. Future studies should investigate whole-body muscle activation abnormalities in CAI individuals

    Increased levels of interleukin-6 exacerbate the dystrophic phenotype in mdx mice

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    Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is characterized by progressive lethal muscle degeneration and chronic inflammatory response. The mdx mouse strain has served as the animal model for human DMD. However, while DMD patients undergo extensive necrosis, the affected muscles of adult mdx mice rapidly regenerates and regains structural and functional integrity. The basis for the mild effects observed in mice compared with the lethal consequences in humans remains unknown. In this study, we provide evidence that interleukin-6 (IL-6) is causally linked to the pathogenesis of muscular dystrophy. We report that forced expression of IL-6, in the adult mdx mice, recapitulates the severe phenotypic characteristics of DMD in humans. Increased levels of IL-6 exacerbate the dystrophic muscle phenotype, sustaining inflammatory response and repeated cycles of muscle degeneration and regeneration, leading to exhaustion of satellite cells. The mdx/IL6 mouse closely approximates the human disease and more faithfully recapitulates the disease progression in humans. This study promises to significantly advance our understanding of the pathogenic mechanisms that lead to DMD

    Muscle synergies for the control of single-limb stance with and without visual information in young individuals

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    Purpose: Single-limb stance is a demanding postural task featuring a high number of daily living and sporting activities. Thus, it is widely used for training and rehabilitation, as well as for balance assessment. Muscle activations around single joints have been previously described, however, it is not known which are the muscle synergies used to control posture and how they change between conditions of normal and lack of visual information. Methods: Twenty-two healthy young participants were asked to perform a 30 s single-limb stance task in open-eyes and closed-eyes condition while standing on a force platform with the dominant limb. Muscle synergies were extracted from the electromyographical recordings of 13 muscles of the lower limb, hip, and back. The optimal number of synergies, together with the average recruitment level and balance control strategies were analyzed and compared between the open- and the closed-eyes condition. Results: Four major muscle synergies, two ankle-dominant synergies, one knee-dominant synergy, and one hip/back-dominant synergy were found. No differences between open- and closed-eyes conditions were found for the recruitment level, except for the hip/back synergy, which significantly decreased (p = 0.02) in the closed-eyes compared to the open-eyes condition. A significant increase (p = 0.03) of the ankle balance strategy was found in the closed-eyes compared to the open-eyes condition. Conclusion: In healthy young individuals, single-limb stance is featured by four major synergies, both in open- and closed-eyes condition. Future studies should investigate muscle synergies in participants with other age groups, as well as pathological conditions

    Fertility preservation in gynaecologic cancers

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    Due to substantial improvement in the diagnosis and treatment of gynaecologic cancers, a better understanding of patient care needs to be revised. We reviewed the literature related to fertility preservation strategies in gynaecological cancer and discussed current general management approaches. New technical modalities and patients’ own desire for motherhood should be integral and paramount in the clinical evaluation to significantly contribute to preserving fertility in those women diagnosed with gynaecologic cancers during the reproductive years

    Psychological Well-Being, Self-Esteem, Quality of Life and Gender Differences as Determinants of Post-Traumatic Growth in Long-Term Knee Rotationplasty Survivors: A Cohort Study

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    : Rotationplasty (RP) is a special surgical technique for bone tumors of the lower limb and is the chosen procedure for children under 6 with bone sarcoma in the distal femur. Leg reconstruction results in an unusual aspect of the limb potentially giving life-long emotional outcomes, especially considering the young age of most RP patients. Although the high level of the quality of life of these patients has been previously reported, aspects related to long-term psychological well-being, self-esteem and life satisfaction, particularly regarding the gender, procreation and parenting, have never been explored. The aim of this study was to assess the general degree of psychological well-being of RP patients, with specific reference to gender, procreation and parenting. Twenty long-term RP survivors of high-grade bone sarcoma participated in the study. They were administered the following validated questionnaires: HADS for psychological well-being (degree of anxiety and depression), Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI), RSES for self-esteem, SF-36 for quality of life, SWLS extended to life satisfaction, and ABIS for body image integration. Data on education, marriage, employment and parenthood were gathered. All the scores obtained were very close to normal references. The only gender difference was found for the TCI Cooperativeness scale, which was higher in women than in men. A satisfactory psychological well-being in terms of both self-esteem and integration of the prosthetic joint limb into one's body image, with relatively limited amount of anxiety/depression, good quality of life, and good temperament and character traits, was found. No major gender differences were reported

    Phleboviruses detection in Phlebotomus perniciosus from a human leishmaniasis focus in South-West Madrid region, Spain

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    Phlebotomus-borne (PhB-) viruses are distributed in large areas of the Old World and are widespread throughout the Mediterranean basin, where recent investigations have indicated that virus diversity is higher than initially suspected. Some of these viruses are causes of meningitis, encephalitis and febrile illnesses. In order to monitor the viral presence and the infection rate of PhB-viruses in a recently identified and well characterized human zoonotic leishmaniasis focus in southwestern Madrid, Spain, a sand fly collection was carried out. Methods Sand fly insects were collected in four stations using CDC light traps during 2012–2013 summer seasons. Screening for Phlebovirus presence both via isolation on Vero cells and via polymerase chain reaction (PCR), using degenerated primers targeting a portion of the L segment, was performed. The serological identity and phylogenetic relationships on the three genomic segments of the viral isolates were carried out. Results Six viral isolates belonging to different serological complexes of the genus Phlebovirus were obtained from fifty pools on a total of 963 P. perniciosus (202 females). Phylogenetic analysis and serological assays allowed the identification of two isolates of Toscana virus (TOSV) B genotype, three isolates strongly related to Italian Arbia virus (ARBV), and one isolate of a novel putative Phlebovirus related to the recently characterized Arrabida virus in South Portugal, tentatively named Arrabida-like virus. Positive male sand fly pools suggested that transovarial or venereal transmission could occur under natural conditions. Conclusions Our findings highlighted the presence of different Phlebovirus species in the South-West area of the Madrid Autonomous Community where an outbreak of cutaneous and visceral human leishmaniasis has been recently described. The evidence of viral species never identified before in Spain, as ARBV and Arrabida-like virus, and TOSV B genotype focus stability was demonstrated. Environmental aspects such as climate change, growing urbanization, socio-economic development could have contributed to the genesis of this wide ecological niche of PhB-viruses and Leishmania spp. The potential role of vertebrates as reservoir for the phleboviruses identified and the possibility of Phleboviruses-Leishmania co-infection in the same sand fly should be assessed. Furthermore the PhB-viruses impact on human health should be implemented.This study was funded by EU grant FP7-261504 EDENext and is catalogued by the EDENext Steering Committee as EDENext432 (http://www.edenext.eu). The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.S

    Hip subluxation in Italian cerebral palsy children and its determinants: a retrospective cohort study

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    The study's aim was two-fold: to describe the trend of hip subluxation in the largest sample of Italian nonambulatory cerebral palsy (CP) children ever published; to investigate its determinants. This single-centre retrospective cohort study included patients with spastic or dyskinetic CP, Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) level IV or V, age 0-18 years, having been referred to our unit before March 2020. The hip subluxation was measured by means of the migration percentage (MP). Other data were gathered such as sex, CP subtype, GMFCS level, presence of drug-resistant epilepsy, age, use of walkers with weight relief or standing devices, previous botulinum injection or hip surgery, oral or intrathecal baclofen and hip pain. Multiple linear stepwise regression was performed and descriptive statistics are provided. Spastic CP had MP maximum increase in early ages, with GMFCS level V values persistently higher than level IV. The dyskinetic subtype showed a slower increase of the MP, with GMFCS level IV presenting similar or higher values, compared to level V. Age, CP severity and spastic subtype are the main determinants. The stepwise multiple regression analysis demonstrated that weight relief walking and standing assistive devices, combined with botulinum contributed to reduce the MP progression. Dyskinetic CP showed overall lower MP values and a more variable behaviour relative to age and GMFCS level, compared to the spastic subtype. Standing and walking assistive devices, with partial or total weight relief, combined with individually targeted botulinum injections, should be considered in the management of bilateral nonambulatory CP patients, to prevent hip subluxation or its recurrence after surgery
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