518 research outputs found

    Remittance Recipients in Brazil

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    Results and analysis of a poll in Brazil of remittance recipients.Remittances, survey, Brazil, immigrants Remesas, encuesta, Brasil, inmigrantes

    Do audio-visual motion cues promote segregation of auditory streams?

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    An audio-visual experiment using moving sound sources was designed to investigate whether the analysis of auditory scenes is modulated by synchronous presentation of visual information. Listeners were presented with an alternating sequence of two pure tones delivered by two separate sound sources. In different conditions, the two sound sources were either stationary or moving on random trajectories around the listener. Both the sounds and the movement trajectories were derived from recordings in which two humans were moving with loudspeakers attached to their heads. Visualized movement trajectories modeled by a computer animation were presented together with the sounds. In the main experiment, behavioral reports on sound organization were collected from young healthy volunteers. The proportion and stability of the different sound organizations were compared between the conditions in which the visualized trajectories matched the movement of the sound sources and when the two were independent of each other. The results corroborate earlier findings that separation of sound sources in space promotes segregation. However, no additional effect of auditory movement per se on the perceptual organization of sounds was obtained. Surprisingly, the presentation of movement-congruent visual cues did not strengthen the effects of spatial separation on segregating auditory streams. Our findings are consistent with the view that bistability in the auditory modality can occur independently from other modalities

    Enviando dinero a América Latina: La cara humana de las remesas

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    Esta presentación contiene un perfil de los latinoamericanos en los Estados Unidos, España, y Japón que envían remesas a sus países de origen. Incluye estadísticas sobre edad, educación, ingreso anual, país de origen, entre otros datos. Esta presentación fue producida por el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) y la firma consultora Bendixen & Associates (B&A).Remesas, Ingresos, consumo y ahorro, Migración y migrantes, Remesas

    Receptores de remesas en Centroamérica

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    Resultados y análisis de una encuesta en Centroamérica sobre receptores de remesas. (Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras)Remesas, Bendixem. MIF. FOMIN Remittances

    The effects of rhythm and melody on auditory stream segregation

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    Whilst many studies have assessed the efficacy of similarity-based cues for auditory stream segregation, much less is known about whether and how the larger-scale structure of sound sequences support stream formation and the choice of sound organization. Two experiments investigated the effects of musical melody and rhythm on the segregation of two interleaved tone sequences. The two sets of tones fully overlapped in pitch range, but differed from each other in interaural time and intensity. Unbeknownst to the listener, separately, each of the interleaved sequences was created from the notes of a different song. In different experimental conditions, the notes and/or their timing could either follow those of the songs, or they could be scrambled or, in case of timing, set to be isochronous. Listeners were asked to continuously report whether they heard a single coherent sequence (integrated) or two concurrent streams (segregated). Although temporal overlap between tones from the two streams proved to be the strongest cue for stream segregation, significant effects of tonality and familiarity with the songs were also observed. These results suggest that the regular temporal patterns are utilized as cues in auditory stream segregation and that long-term memory is involved in this process

    Purifying Selection and Molecular Adaptation in the Genome of Verminephrobacter, the Heritable Symbiotic Bacteria of Earthworms

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    While genomic erosion is common among intracellular symbionts, patterns of genome evolution in heritable extracellular endosymbionts remain elusive. We study vertically transmitted extracellular endosymbionts (Verminephrobacter, Betaproteobacteria) that form a beneficial, species-specific, and evolutionarily old (60–130 Myr) association with earthworms. We assembled a draft genome of Verminephrobacter aporrectodeae and compared it with the genomes of Verminephrobacter eiseniae and two nonsymbiotic close relatives (Acidovorax). Similar to V. eiseniae, the V. aporrectodeae genome was not markedly reduced in size and showed no A–T bias. We characterized the strength of purifying selection (ω = dN/dS) and codon usage bias in 876 orthologous genes. Symbiont genomes exhibited strong purifying selection (ω = 0.09 ± 0.07), although transition to symbiosis entailed relaxation of purifying selection as evidenced by 50% higher ω values and less codon usage bias in symbiont compared with reference genomes. Relaxation was not evenly distributed among functional gene categories but was overrepresented in genes involved in signal transduction and cell envelope biogenesis. The same gene categories also harbored instances of positive selection in the Verminephrobacter clade. In total, positive selection was detected in 89 genes, including also genes involved in DNA metabolism, tRNA modification, and TonB-dependent iron uptake, potentially highlighting functions important in symbiosis. Our results suggest that the transition to symbiosis was accompanied by molecular adaptation, while purifying selection was only moderately relaxed, despite the evolutionary age and stability of the host association. We hypothesize that biparental transmission of symbionts and rare genetic mixing during transmission can prevent genome erosion in heritable symbionts

    Predictive regularity representations in deviance detection and auditory stream segregation: from conceptual to computational models

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    Predictive accounts of perception have received increasing attention in the past twenty years. Detecting violations of auditory regularities, as reflected by the Mismatch Negativity (MMN) auditory event-related potential, is amongst the phenomena seamlessly fitting this approach. Largely based on the MMN literature, we propose a psychological conceptual framework called the Auditory Event Representation System (AERS), which is based on the assumption that auditory regularity violation detection and the formation of auditory perceptual objects are based on the same predictive regularity representations. Based on this notion, a computational model of auditory stream segregation, called CHAINS, has been developed. In CHAINS, the auditory sensory event representation of each incoming sound is considered for being the continuation of likely combinations of the preceding sounds in the sequence, thus providing alternative interpretations of the auditory input. Detecting repeating patterns allows predicting upcoming sound events, thus providing a test and potential support for the corresponding interpretation. Alternative interpretations continuously compete for perceptual dominance. In this paper, we briefly describe AERS and deduce some general constraints from this conceptual model. We then go on to illustrate how these constraints are computationally specified in CHAINS

    Congenital bovine spinal dysmyelination is caused by a missense mutation in the SPAST gene

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    Bovine spinal dysmyelination (BSD) is a recessive congenital neurodegenerative disease in cattle (Bos taurus) characterized by pathological changes of the myelin sheaths in the spinal cord. The occurrence of BSD is a longstanding problem in the American Brown Swiss (ABS) breed and in several European cattle breeds upgraded with ABS. Here, we show that the disease locus on bovine chromosome 11 harbors the SPAST gene that, when mutated, is responsible for the human disorder hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP). Initially, SPAST encoding Spastin was considered a less likely candidate gene for BSD since the modes of inheritance as well as the time of onset and severity of symptoms differ widely between HSP and BSD. However, sequence analysis of the bovine SPAST gene in affected animals identified a R560Q substitution at a position in the ATPase domain of the Spastin protein that is invariant from insects to mammals. Interestingly, three different mutations in human SPAST gene at the equivalent position are known to cause HSP. To explore this observation further, we genotyped more than 3,100 animals of various cattle breeds and found that the glutamine allele exclusively occurred in breeds upgraded with ABS. Furthermore, all confirmed BSD carriers were heterozygous, while all affected calves were homozygous for the glutamine allele consistent with recessive transmission of the underlying mutation and complete penetrance in the homozygous state. Subsequent analysis of recombinant Spastin in vitro showed that the R560Q substitution severely impaired the ATPase activity, demonstrating a causal relationship between the SPAST mutation and BSD