214 research outputs found

    Hydrocarbons, Rent and the Algerian Growth Strategy: A Critical Appraisal of the Process of Building an Independent and National Economy

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    After its independence in 1962, Algeria experienced a growth process which was supposed to bring about qualitative and quantitative changes in both the structural features of the domestic economy and its position within the international division of labour. To that extent, introversion and integration of the economy emerged as basic themes upon which Algerian policymakers sought to justify the adopted growth process. This was based on the development of heavy industries as a matter of priority. Export of hydrocarbons and appropriation of the oil rent by the state were presented as the means by which financial constraints would be overcome and a productive base erected. The oil rent could, however, yield an opposite discourse whereby the rentier ideology would become dominant and relegate the implantation of an efficient productive apparatus to a secondary position. The emphasis, in the official discourse, on the development of the forces of production, and the absence of an unambiguous social project did, in fact, present the appropriate setting for the development of a rentier ideology. By the end of the 1970s, Algeria exhibited the essential features of a rentier economy to the extent that neither the agricultural nor the industrial sector could perform without support from the oil rent. Thus, rather than favouring the realisation of an integrated economy, the appropriation of the oil rent by a state which had no social project, inhibited the search for radical solutions to objective problems. The reduction of the magnitude of the oil rent during the 1980s would, then, call into question the inefficient functioning of the domestic productive base. The same reduction would require a repositioning of the dominant social groups and the development of a new ideological discourse to advance an appropriate social project

    Imagerie de la Tumeur Phyllode chez une jeune adolescente de 16 ans: Étude d'un Cas Clinique et revue de la littérature

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    La tumeur phyllode est une tumeur à double composante fibro épithéliale ,rare du sein qui se développe principalement chez les femmes adultes. l ‘ étude anatomo pathologique du tissus conjonctif permet de la différentier de l ‘ adénofibrome et du tissus glandulaire de la grade en phyllode bénin , intermédiaire et malin . Toutefois, des cas de tumeur phyllode chez les adolescentes ont également été rapportés. Leur diagnostic est essentiellement histologique, l’imagerie aidant à approcher le diagnostic positif. Cet article présente une étude de cas d'une adolescente présentant une tumeur phyllode et met l'accent sur l'utilisation de diverses modalités d'imagerie pour le diagnostic, la caractérisation et la prise en charge de cette lésion rare chez les jeunes patient

    78. Traitement locorégional et oncoplastie

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    67 – Cancer du sein associé à la grossesse, à propos de 213 cas

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    Evolution inhabituelle d’un adénofibrome mammaire A propos d'un cas et revue de la littérature

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    Le fibroadénome est une lésion bénigne fréquente rencontrées chez l’adolescente et la jeunefemme jeune. L’adénofibrome est une lésion épithéliale bénigne sans risque carcinologique. Lefibroadénome contenant des foyers de carcinome canalaire in situ (CCIS) sont de diagnosticdifficile. Nous illustrons un cas clinique du service, d’une patiente suivie pour mastopathiesfibrokystique, chez qui, à la suite de l’apparition d’une induration mammaire gauche, sagynécologue lui préconise de faire une mammographie et une échographie mammaire.L’imagerie standard met en évidence une masse suspecte intra mammaire gauche et une autremasse du prolongement axillaire homolatérale, connue et étiquetée adénofibrome contenantactuellement des microcalcifications.La microbiopsies des deux masses est revenue en faveur d’ un carcinome canalaire infiltrant etd’un adénofibrome avec hyperplasie canalaire avec atypie. La patiente est opérée. L’étudeanatomopathologique de la pièce opératoire retrouve un carcinome infiltrant type non spécifiquepour la masse du QSE et un fibroadénome axillaire avec un contingent épithélial colonisé pardes lésions de carcinome canalaire in situ

    PSpice Implementation and Simulation of a New Electro-Thermal Modeling for Estimating the Junction Temperature of Low Voltage Power MOSFET

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    The estimation of the junction temperature (Tj) is very important factor for improving the reliability and efficiency of the power electronic converters. A new electro-thermal (ET) model of low voltage power MOSFET is described in this paper. The electro-thermal model allows fast estimation of the junction temperature, based on the transient thermal impedances (Zth) using the (RC) Foster thermal network model and total power losses. The parameters of the (RC) Foster thermal network model are extracted from the data provided by the manufacturer’s datasheet using particle swarm optimization (PSO) method. Moreover, a dc/dc Buck converter is also analyzed by simulation to evaluate the electro-thermal model. The simulation results indicate a good agreement between the proposed model and manufacturer’s data. Finally, the electro-thermal (ET) model simulation using this (RC) Foster thermal network model shows a reasonable accuracy for estimating the junction temperature in a Dc/Dc buck converter

    Improved Fuzzy Logic MPPT Controller of Stand-alone WECS-based PMSG under Stochastic Wind Environment

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    This paper discusses the modeling and control of a Standalone WECS-based PMSG, the aim is to achieve an optimal operation of the studied WECS under a typically stochastic wind environment. The Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) is guaranteed through the tracking of an optimal generator speed using an Improved Fuzzy Logic Controller (IFLC) based on intelligent algorithms. The effectiveness and the benefits of the proposed approach are demonstrated by numerical simulation using Matlab/SIMULINK. The obtained results indeed confirm a good tracking performance of the proposed controller

    Monitoring dynamics of single-cell gene expression over multiple cell cycles

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    Recent progress in reconstructing gene regulatory networks has established a framework for a quantitative description of the dynamics of many important cellular processes. Such a description will require novel experimental techniques that enable the generation of time-series data for the governing regulatory proteins in a large number of individual living cells. Here, we utilize microfabrication to construct a Tesla microchemostat that permits single-cell fluorescence imaging of gene expression over many cellular generations. The device is used to capture and constrain asymmetrically dividing or motile cells within a trapping region and to deliver nutrients and regulate the cellular population within this region. We illustrate the operation of the microchemostat with Saccharomyces cerevisiae and explore the evolution of single-cell gene expression and cycle time as a function of generation. Our findings highlight the importance of novel assays for quantifying the dynamics of gene expression and cellular growth, and establish a methodology for exploring the effects of gene expression on long-term processes such as cellular aging