69 research outputs found

    Household living conditions and individual behaviours associated with malaria risk : a community-based survey in the Limpopo River Valley, 2020, South Africa

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    AVAILABILITY OF DATA AND MATERIALS : The datasets generated during and/or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.BACKGROUND : Over the past decade, implementation of multiple malaria control strategies in most countries has largely contributed to advance the global malaria elimination agenda. Nevertheless, in some regions, seasonal epidemics may adversely affect the health of local populations. In South Africa, Plasmodium falciparum malaria is still present, with the Vhembe District experiencing an incidence rate of 3.79 cases/1000 person-years in 2018, particularly in the Limpopo River Valley, bordering Zimbabwe. To elucidate the complexity of the mechanisms involved in local regular malaria outbreaks, a community-based survey was implemented in 2020 that focused on the relationship between housing conditions and malaria risky behaviours. METHODS : The community-based cross-sectional survey was conducted among the population of three study sites in the Vhembe District, which were selected based on malaria incidence rate, social and health characteristics of inhabitants. The household survey used a random sampling strategy, where data were collected through face-to-face questionnaires and field notes; to described the housing conditions (housing questionnaire), and focus on individual behaviours of household members. Statistical analyses were performed combining hierarchical classifications and logistic regressions. RESULTS : In this study, 398 households were described, covering a population of 1681 inhabitants of all ages, and 439 adults who participated in community-based survey. The analysis of situations at risk of malaria showed that the influence of contextual factors, particularly those defined by the type of habitat, was significant. Housing conditions and poor living environments were factors of malaria exposure and history, regardless of site of investigation, individual preventive behaviours and personal characteristics of inhabitants. Multivariate models showed that, considering all personal characteristics or behaviours of inhabitants, housing conditions such as overcrowding pressures were significantly associated with individual malaria risk. CONCLUSIONS : The results showed the overwhelming weight of social and contextual factors on risk situations. Considering the Fundamental Causes Theory, malaria control policies based on health behaviour prevention, should reinforce access to care or promoting health education actions. Overarching economic development interventions in targeted geographical areas and populations have to be implemented, so that malaria control and elimination strategies can be efficiently and effectively managed.The “GeoPal” project leading to this publication has received funding from the A*Midex Foundation of Aix-Marseille University, funded by socio-economic partners.https://malariajournal.biomedcentral.comhj2023School of Health Systems and Public Health (SHSPH)UP Centre for Sustainable Malaria Control (UP CSMC

    Geo-epidemiology of malaria incidence in the Vhembe District to guide targeted elimination strategies, South-Africa, 2015-2018 : a local resurgence

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    DATA AVAILABILITY : The datasets analysed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.In South Africa, the population at risk of malaria is 10% (around six million inhabitants) and concern only three provinces of which Limpopo Province is the most affected, particularly in Vhembe District. As the elimination approaches, a finer scale analysis is needed to accelerate the results. Therefore, in the process of refining local malaria control and elimination strategies, the aim of this study was to identify and describe malaria incidence patterns at the locality scale in the Vhembe District, Limpopo Province, South Africa. The study area comprised 474 localities in Vhembe District for which smoothed malaria incidence curve were fitted with functional data method based on their weekly observed malaria incidence from July 2015 to June 2018. Then, hierarchical clustering algorithm was carried out considering different distances to classify the 474 smoothed malaria incidence curves. Thereafter, validity indices were used to determine the number of malaria incidence patterns. The cumulative malaria incidence of the study area was 4.1 cases/1000 person-years. Four distinct patterns of malaria incidence were identified: high, intermediate, low and very low with varying characteristics. Malaria incidence increased across transmission seasons and patterns. The localities in the two highest incidence patterns were mainly located around farms, and along the rivers. Some unusual malaria phenomena in Vhembe District were also highlighted as resurgence. Four distinct malaria incidence patterns were found in Vhembe District with varying characteristics. Findings show also unusual malaria phenomena in Vhembe District that hinder malaria elimination in South Africa. Assessing the factors associated with these unusual malaria phenome would be helpful on building innovative strategies that lead South Africa on malaria elimination.The A*MIDEX Foundation of Aix-Marseille University, funded by socio-economic partners.https://www.nature.com/srephj2023School of Health Systems and Public Health (SHSPH)UP Centre for Sustainable Malaria Control (UP CSMC

    BMJ Open

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    In low-income settings with limited access to diagnosis, COVID-19 information is scarce. In September 2020, after the first COVID-19 wave, Mali reported 3086 confirmed cases and 130 deaths. Most reports originated from Bamako, with 1532 cases and 81 deaths (2.42 million inhabitants). This observed prevalence of 0.06% appeared very low. Our objective was to estimate SARS-CoV-2 infection among inhabitants of Bamako, after the first epidemic wave. We assessed demographic, social and living conditions, health behaviours and knowledges associated with SARS-CoV-2 seropositivity. We conducted a cross-sectional multistage household survey during September 2020, in three neighbourhoods of the commune VI (Bamako), where 30% of the cases were reported. We recruited 1526 inhabitants in 3 areas, that is, 306 households, and 1327 serological results (≥1 years), 220 household questionnaires and collected answers for 962 participants (≥12 years). We measured serological status, detecting SARS-CoV-2 spike protein antibodies in blood sampled. We documented housing conditions and individual health behaviours through questionnaires among participants. We estimated the number of SARS-CoV-2 infections and deaths in the population of Bamako using the age and sex distributions. The prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 seropositivity was 16.4% (95% CI 15.1% to 19.1%) after adjusting on the population structure. This suggested that ~400 000 cases and ~2000 deaths could have occurred of which only 0.4% of cases and 5% of deaths were officially reported. Questionnaires analyses suggested strong agreement with washing hands but lower acceptability of movement restrictions (lockdown/curfew), and mask wearing. The first wave of SARS-CoV-2 spread broadly in Bamako. Expected fatalities remained limited largely due to the population age structure and the low prevalence of comorbidities. Improving diagnostic capacities to encourage testing and preventive behaviours, and avoiding the spread of false information remain key pillars, regardless of the developed or developing setting. This study was registered in the registry of the ethics committee of the Faculty of Medicine and Odonto-Stomatology and the Faculty of Pharmacy, Bamako, Mali, under the number: 2020/162/CA/FMOS/FAPH

    Is the French palliative care policy effective everywhere? Geographic variation in changes in inpatient death rates among older patients in France, 2010–2013

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    ADInternational audienceBackground: Recently, French policymakers have tried to improve care at the end-of-life, by improving access to community-based palliative care, particularly for patients with cancer and neurological diseases. If effective, these efforts should reduce the proportion of such patients who die in the hospital. In light of these policies, we sought to determine the effectiveness of these efforts on reducing inpatient deaths by conducting a retrospective, observational analysis of patients aged 65 and older who were admitted to hospitals in France between 2010 and 2013 for 1 of 3 non-surgical conditions. Methods: We calculated department-specific age- and sex-adjusted inpatient death rates for 3 types of non-surgical admissions and modeled expected number of inpatient deaths had their rates for patients with cancer or neurological disease tracked those of patients with non-cancer non-neurological diseases. Results: We found that patients admitted with a cancer diagnosis experienced 20,394 (13.0%) fewer inpatient deaths that expected had non-surgical cancer diagnosis admission rates tracked those of non-surgical non-cancer and non-neurological admission rates; patients admitted with a primary neurological disease diagnosis experienced 513 (4.5%) fewer inpatient deaths than expected. During the study period, observed-to-expected inpatient deaths fell more dramatically and consistently for patients admitted with cancer diagnoses than for those admitted with neurological diseases. Observed-to-expected ratios fell least in departments that were on the periphery of the French mainland. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that, in France, efforts to reduce inpatient death rates among patients with cancer or neurological disease diagnoses appear to be effective. However, their effectiveness varies geographically, suggesting that targeted efforts to improve lower performing departments may generate substantial performance improvements

    Physician and patient's adherence to antiretroviral prophylaxis after sexual exposure to HIV: results from south-eastern France AIDS IMPACT

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    International audienceFrench national guidelines for the management of HIV non-occupational post-exposure (nPEP) were issued in 1998 and updated in 2003. NPEP is available and free of charge in all emergency or AIDS care units of French hospitals. A regional survey was carried out to study physicians' adherence to national guidelines, and determinants of adherence to nPEP follow-up in individuals sexually exposed to HIV. The survey was based on retrospective data collection of all consultations for nPEP made in the 3 AIDS information centers in south eastern France (January 2001- December 2002). Information included personal data, type of exposure, and treatment at the first visit after exposure and during follow-up. Exposures were classified into high risk (treatment highly recommended), moderate risk (treatment possibly recommended) and negligible risk (treatment never recommended) categories, according to the level of HIV risk of sexual transmission as indicated by the French national nPEP guidelines. Among the 910 sexual exposures, 56%, 37% and 4% were classified as cases with high, moderate and no risk respectively. NPEP was prescribed to 85% of cases. HIV risk of sexual exposure was significantly associated with nPEP receipt though more than half cases with negligible risk received nPEP. Independent characteristics associated with non adherence to nPEP follow up were younger age, being referred to hospital by a physician, sexual exposure with a casual partner or sexual assault, and “moderate risk” exposure. Better information should be provided to physicians prescribing nPEP to limit over-prescription while new strategies should be implemented to improve follow-up of individuals receiving nPEP, especially those who are younger or survivors of sexual assault

    Inequality in income change among cancer survivors five years after diagnosis: Evidence from a French national survey

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    International audienceWorldwide, around 18 million people receive a cancer diagnosis each year, most of whom survive long enough to face additional cancer-related costs. In France, most costs directly related to cancer are covered by the National Health Insurance Fund, and cancer patients can receive treatments without paying advance fees. In this context, the costs faced by cancer survivors are mostly social costs. Drawing on fundamental cause theory, this study aimed to explore the socially-differentiated evolution of cancer survivor's income five years after diagnosis. Our study draws on the findings of VICAN5, a French national survey that was conducted in 2015/2016 in a representative sample of 4,174 cancer survivors to obtain information on living conditions five years after diagnosis, and that was restricted to 12 tumour sites accounting for 88% of global cancer incidence in France. We used the multiple imputation method and the Heckman selection model to identify the factors associated with a decrease in household income per consumption unit (HICU), while accounting for missing data. Among survivors still working five years after diagnosis, 17.6% reported lower income at survey than at diagnosis. After adjustment for socio-demographic and medical characteristics, the decrease in HICU was more frequent in women, singles, low educated survivors, and survivors with reduced working time. Finally, subjective measures of income variation and economic well-being were a useful complement to objective measures since 31.6% of cancer survivors still working five years after diagnosis reported a perceived decrease in household income. In conclusion, inequalities in economic well-being persist long after diagnosis in France, and this despite the fact that most cancer-related costs are covered by the French National Health Insurance Fund. Consequently, more attention should be paid to cancer patients with low socio-economic status to help reduce inequalities in post-diagnosis living conditions

    Social and sexual health of thyroid cancer survivors 2 and 5 years after diagnosis: the VICAN survey

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    International audiencePurpose: Thyroid cancer (TC) incidence is increasing. With its good prognosis and the young population concerned, the number of survivors is rising. However, their quality of life appears worse than expected. This study aims to assess the social and sexual health (SSH) of TC survivors and associated factors after a 2- and 5-year follow-up.Methods: This study belongs to the National VICAN Survey implemented in France among TC patients diagnosed between January and June 2010. Data were collected via phone interviews, medical surveys, and from medico-administrative register in 2012 and 2015. We used multivariable logistic regressions to qualify TC impact on SSH.Results: Across 146 patients, 121 were women, 50.7% were less than 42 years old, 77.5% were diagnosed at an early-stage, and 97.6% underwent thyroidectomy. At 2 years, 60.0% experienced social life discomfort because of cancer, 40.6% reported a decreased sexual desire, 37.4% fewer intercourse, 31.9% felt dissatisfied with this frequency, 30% reported difficulties achieving orgasm, and 15.2% considered that cancer had a negative influence for procreation. No significant difference was observed at 5 years. SSH was never discussed with medical professionals for 96.7% patients, as it was not proposed as a topic of concern (79.1%). In multivariable analysis, depression, embarrassment regarding their physical appearance since treatment, and reduced gestures of affection remained associated with decreased sexual desire.Conclusion: This study highlights that TC is associated with an alteration of SSH which remains even at 5 years post-diagnosis. SSH should be discussed during diagnosis and considered during follow-up

    Colorectal cancer screening practices among cancer survivors five years after diagnosis

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    International audienceBackgroundColorectal cancer (CRC) has a high incidence worldwide, especially in high-income countries. In France, a national CRC screening program targeting residents aged 50–74 years has been in place since 2009. Little is known about CRC screening practices in cancer survivors, even though some have an increased risk of developing a second cancer in the colorectum. This study aims to identify the barriers to CRC screening among cancer survivors.MethodsThis cross-sectional study based on the French national VICAN survey included individuals diagnosed in 2010 with a cancer in 1 of 11 locations other than the colorectum and interviewed 5 years after diagnosis about various health-related issues. Binary logistic regression was used to identify the factors associated with lack of up-to-date CRC screening in cancer survivors without cancer progression.ResultsOf the 2935 cancer survivors included in the study, 35.3% reported undergoing a screening test in the previous 2 years. The rate of up-to-date CRC screening rose to 49.3% in survivors aged 51–75 years. Among these, lack of CRC screening in the recommended time frame was associated with obesity, current smoking, non-use of complementary medicine, perceived financial difficulties, and poor access to general practitioners.ConclusionsBarriers to CRC screening can be personal and/or institutional

    The positive effect of workplace accommodations on the continued employment of cancer survivors five years after diagnosis

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    International audiencePurpose To address the gap highlighted in the literature on the effect of professional interventions to facilitate continued employment, this study aims to evaluate the effect of workplace accommodations on the continued employment 5 years after a cancer diagnosis. Methods This study is based on VICAN5, a French survey conducted in 2015-2016 to examine the living conditions of cancer survivors 5 years after diagnosis. Two subsamples, one with and one without workplace accommodations, were matched using a propensity score to control for the individual, professional, and medical characteristics potentially associated with receipt of workplace accommodations. Results The study sample was composed of 1514 cancer survivors aged 18-54 and employed as salaried at diagnosis. Among them, 61.2% received workplace accommodations within 5 years after diagnosis: 35.5% received a modified workstation, 41.5% received a modified schedule, and 49.2% received reduced hours. After matching, receipt of workplace accommodations appeared to improve the continued employment rate 5 years after cancer diagnosis from 77.8% to 95.0%. Conclusions Receipt of workplace accommodations strongly increases the continued employment of cancer survivors 5 years after diagnosis. More research is needed to better understand the differences in receipt of workplace accommodations along with the related selection effect

    Factors associated with mammography screening among Reunionese women : a cross-sectional study

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    International audienceObjective: To explore the factors associated with the uptake of mammography screening in Reunionese women aged 50-65 years.Methods: This study included all women aged 50 to 65 years participating in a population-based cross-sectional study "FOSFORE". Participants were recruited between March and June 2017 using two sampling frames. The first frame consisted of households with a landline telephone, with or without a mobile line, by first randomly generating a telephone number and then randomly selecting an individual from among all eligible women in the household. The second sampling frame was constituted of women with an exclusive mobile line, who were selected directly if they met the eligibility criteria. Data were weighted for age and socio-professional status to ensure representativeness at the Reunion Island level. Weighted logistic regression was used to calculate odds ratios while adjusting for confounders.Results: 417 women were included in the study; 63.8% were up to date with guidelines on mammography screening and 36.2% were not up to date. Four factors were significantly associated with mammography screening, with an adjusted odds ratio of 2.92 (95% CI 1.51-5.61) for not having an Active Solidarity Income, 1.98 (95% CI 1.22-3.23) for having a regular gynecological follow-up by a physician, 6.53 (95% CI 3.23-13.21) for performing a Pap smear test in the past two years, and 2.07 (95% CI 1.21-3.52) for having an adequate literacy level (HLQ3).Conclusion: The findings of this study suggest that higher socio-economic status is an indicator of participation in mammography screening in La RĂ©union, and future educational and intervention programs should target women in deprived areas
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