809 research outputs found
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The effects of competiton on adult circumstantial efficacy
The purpose of this study was to expand the knowledge and understanding of circumstantial efficacy and replicate and expand on the findings of Ganzach et al (2008). The author designed a computer dice game specifically for this study to examine how the size of a win or loss moderates the effects performance on curcumstantial and internal efficacy beliefs
Table of Contents and Prologue
Editorial board, Table of contents, and Prologue, an introduction to volume 2
Session 1: Innovation in Legal Services
This panel featured two “disrupters” who detailed their experiences innovating in the legal services space. The first panelist spoke about data-driven regulatory reform and the other spoke as an entrepreneur whose product introduces artificial intelligence (AI) into the legal recruiting process. Two additional panelists provided commentary regarding the second panelist’s presentation.
The panel provided insight on the topics of: (1) the legal regulatory process at large; (2) how a data-driven and feedback-oriented sandbox provides an alternative regulatory process; (3) the legal hiring and recruiting process and (4) how AI allows law firms to consider alternative hiring metrics when assessing candidates and determining the likelihood of a candidate’s success at the firm. During the commentary, a client of the platform spoke about his experiences with the platform. An expert in legal hiring who has worked both on the academic side as well as with firms, asked additional questions about the platform. In the Q&A portions of each presentation, the panelists addressed questions from symposium organizers and attendees regrading equity and validity of their proposed “disruptions.
Stomatal Conductance of Malosma laurina in Frequently Burned and Non-frequently Burned Sites
In the months following the Malibu fires, the fire zones have experienced and abundance of new growth. Among this new growth, there are differences that can be observed when comparing the top of the Malibu hill (frequent fire zone) to the base of the hill (nonfrequent fire zone). As the chaparral resprouted we noticed the behavior of the Malosma laurina in both frequent and non-frequent fire zones and stomatal conductance, height, and water potential were tested for plants in the two varying zones, with plants in the non-frequent fire zone outperforming their counterparts
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Prove Once, Run Efficiently Anywhere: Tools for Lock-free Concurrent Algorithms
The multi-core revolution has pushed programmers and algorithm designers to build algorithms that leverage concurrency. This notoriously difficult task is futher complicated by the existence of weak architecture and language memory models. The presence of many such memory models has traditionally forced correctness proofs for lock-free concurrent algorithms to be performed on a per-model basis, resulting in a significant duplication of effort. We demonstrate that the correctness of lock-free concurrent algorithms can be proved once for implementations that can be compiled to run correctly and efficiently on all mainstream memory models
The Indistinct Edge: Reconnecting Experience in Nature and Architecture
This thesis explores how architectures sense of place is rooted in the natural environment. The built environment has been constructed to protect and sustain human culture from the weathering of nature. Separating experience from the natural environment removes a sense of place and belonging in the natural and reinforces architectural dominance. This separation distinguishes the natural world as an article of spectacle and gives the human experience an unnatural voyeurship to natural changes. By examining the fusion of architectural and natural edges this thesis analyzes how the human experience can reconnect with a naturalistic sense of place through architecture, blending the finite edge where architecture maintains nature, and adapting buildings to the cycles of the environment. Removing dominance of man-made spaces and replacing them with the cohabitation of the edge between built and natural forms
Making sense of the divergent series for reconstructing a Hamiltonian from its eigenstates and eigenvalues
In quantum mechanics the eigenstates of the Hamiltonian form a complete
basis. However, physicists conventionally express completeness as a formal sum
over the eigenstates, and this sum is typically a divergent series if the
Hilbert space is infinite dimensional. Furthermore, while the Hamiltonian can
be reconstructed formally as a sum over its eigenvalues and eigenstates, this
series is typically even more divergent. For the simple cases of the
square-well and the harmonic-oscillator potentials this paper explains how to
use the elementary procedure of Euler summation to sum these divergent series
and thereby to make sense of the formal statement of the completeness of the
formal sum that represents the reconstruction of the Hamiltonian.Comment: 5 pages, version to appear in American Journal of Physic
Radion Induced Brane Preheating
When the interbrane separation in compact Randall-Sundrum models is
stabilized via the Goldberger-Wise mechanism, a potential is generated for the
four dimensional field that encodes this geometric information, the so-called
radion. Due to its origin as a part of the full five dimensional metric, the
radion couples directly to particles on both branes. We exhibit the exponential
growth in the number of brane particles due to parametric amplification from
radion oscillations and discuss some of the consequences of this process for
brane cosmology.Comment: 4 pages, uses ReVTeX, 3 postscript figure
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