20 research outputs found

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationTopographic connections of retinal axons with their brain targets allow us to perceive a spatially organized image of the visual world. Achieving this precise retinotopic axon targeting during development first requires the patterning of origin (retina) and target (brain) tissues along anterior-posterior (A-P) and dorsal-ventral (D-V) axes, such that individual cells of both tissues acquire a molecularly specified positional identity. The research presented in my dissertation addresses the processes involved in patterning the dorsal-ventral axis of the retina and forming dorsal-ventral retinotopic projections. First, I studied what tissues and signals are involved in the initiation of dorsal polarity. I found that the dorsolateral region of the optic vesicle is the first domain to upregulate dorsal-specific transcription factors. My expression studies, combined with my fate map experiments, suggested that these dorsolateral optic vesicle cells continue expressing dorsal markers throughout optic vesicle morphogenesis, and eventually contribute to dorsal and central retina. I also showed that the BMP family gene gdf6a is necessary for initiation of dorsal retinal fate. Importantly, I found that gdf6a acts early during optic vesicle evagination (10-12 hpf) when it is expressed in the extraocular head ectoderm overlying the region of dorsolateral optic vesicle that first expresses dorsalspecific transcription factors. Finally, I showed that the bmp2b gene is also necessary for dorsal retinal fate initiation, acting upstream of gdf6a. iv Secondly, I performed a forward genetic screen to search for novel genes that specify the dorsal-ventral axis of the retina. By screening for mutants with altered expression of D-V markers, I identified a novel gene, bigtop, required for dorsal-ventral retinal patterning, eye development, and retinotectal projections. This mutation was mapped to a four-megabase region on chromosome two. My studies addressed the following question: how is the retina patterned early during development in order to specify retinal ganglion cells with positional fate? Altogether, my studies advanced the field of D-V retinal patterning by identifying an extraocular dorsal retinal initiation signal, uncovering the role of bmp2b in dorsal retinal initiation, and identifying a novel mutant necessary for D-V patterning

    Extraocular ectoderm triggers dorsal retinal fate during optic vesicle evagination in zebrafish

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    pre-printDorsal retinal fate is established early in eye development, via expression of spatially restricted dorsal‐specific transcription factors in the optic vesicle; yet the events leading to initiation of dorsal fate are not clear. We hypothesized that induction of dorsal fate would require an extraocular signal arising from a neighboring tissue to pattern the prospective dorsal retina, however no such signal has been identified. We used the zebrafish embryo to determine the source, timing, and identity of the dorsal retina‐inducing signal. Extensive cell movements occur during zebrafish optic vesicle morphogenesis, however the location of prospective dorsal cells within the early optic vesicle and their spatial relationship to early dorsal markers is currently unknown. Our mRNA expression and fate mapping analyses demonstrate that the dorsolateral optic vesicle is the earliest region to express dorsal specific markers, and cells from this domain contribute to the dorsal retinal pole at 24 hpf. We show that three bmp genes marking dorsal retina at 25 hpf are also expressed extraocularly before retinal patterning begins. We identified gdf6a as a dorsal initiation signal acting from the extraocular non‐neural ectoderm during optic vesicle evagination. We find that bmp2b is involved in dorsal retina initiation, acting upstream of gdf6a. Together, this work has identified the nature and source of extraocular signals required to pattern the dorsal retina

    Histone H3.3 beyond cancer: Germline mutations in Histone 3 Family 3A and 3B cause a previously unidentified neurodegenerative disorder in 46 patients

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    Although somatic mutations in Histone 3.3 (H3.3) are well-studied drivers of oncogenesis, the role of germline mutations remains unreported. We analyze 46 patients bearing de novo germline mutations in histone 3 family 3A (H3F3A) or H3F3B with progressive neurologic dysfunction and congenital anomalies without malignancies. Molecular modeling of all 37 variants demonstrated clear disruptions in interactions with DNA, other histones, and histone chaperone proteins. Patient histone posttranslational modifications (PTMs) analysis revealed notably aberrant local PTM patterns distinct from the somatic lysine mutations that cause global PTM dysregulation. RNA sequencing on patient cells demonstrated up-regulated gene expression related to mitosis and cell division, and cellular assays confirmed an increased proliferative capacity. A zebrafish model showed craniofacial anomalies and a defect in Foxd3-derived glia. These data suggest that the mechanism of germline mutations are distinct from cancer-associated somatic histone mutations but may converge on control of cell proliferation

    Extraocular ectoderm triggers dorsal retinal fate during optic vesicle evagination in zebrafish

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    AbstractDorsal retinal fate is established early in eye development, via expression of spatially restricted dorsal-specific transcription factors in the optic vesicle; yet the events leading to initiation of dorsal fate are not clear. We hypothesized that induction of dorsal fate would require an extraocular signal arising from a neighboring tissue to pattern the prospective dorsal retina, however no such signal has been identified. We used the zebrafish embryo to determine the source, timing, and identity of the dorsal retina-inducing signal.Extensive cell movements occur during zebrafish optic vesicle morphogenesis, however the location of prospective dorsal cells within the early optic vesicle and their spatial relationship to early dorsal markers is currently unknown. Our mRNA expression and fate mapping analyses demonstrate that the dorsolateral optic vesicle is the earliest region to express dorsal specific markers, and cells from this domain contribute to the dorsal retinal pole at 24hpf.We show that three bmp genes marking dorsal retina at 25hpf are also expressed extraocularly before retinal patterning begins. We identified gdf6a as a dorsal initiation signal acting from the extraocular non-neural ectoderm during optic vesicle evagination. We find that bmp2b is involved in dorsal retina initiation, acting upstream of gdf6a. Together, this work has identified the nature and source of extraocular signals required to pattern the dorsal retina

    Structural deficits in key domains of Shank2 lead to alterations in postsynaptic nanoclusters and to a neurodevelopmental disorder in humans

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    Postsynaptic scaffold proteins such as Shank, PSD-95, Homer and SAPAP/GKAP family members establish the postsynaptic density of glutamatergic synapses through a dense network of molecular interactions. Mutations in SHANK genes are associated with neurodevelopmental disorders including autism and intellectual disability. However, no SHANK missense mutations have been described which interfere with the key functions of Shank proteins believed to be central for synapse formation, such as GKAP binding via the PDZ domain, or Zn2+-dependent multimerization of the SAM domain. We identify two individuals with a neurodevelopmental disorder carrying de novo missense mutations in SHANK2. The p.G643R variant distorts the binding pocket for GKAP in the Shank2 PDZ domain and prevents interaction with Thr(−2) in the canonical PDZ ligand motif of GKAP. The p.L1800W variant severely delays the kinetics of Zn2+-dependent polymerization of the Shank2-SAM domain. Structural analysis shows that Trp1800 dislodges one histidine crucial for Zn2+ binding. The resulting conformational changes block the stacking of helical polymers of SAM domains into sheets through side-by-side contacts, which is a hallmark of Shank proteins, thereby disrupting the highly cooperative assembly process induced by Zn2+. Both variants reduce the postsynaptic targeting of Shank2 in primary cultured neurons and alter glutamatergic synaptic transmission. Super-resolution microscopy shows that both mutants interfere with the formation of postsynaptic nanoclusters. Our data indicate that both the PDZ- and the SAM-mediated interactions of Shank2 contribute to the compaction of postsynaptic protein complexes into nanoclusters, and that deficiencies in this process interfere with normal brain development in humans

    Pathogenic WDFY3 variants cause neurodevelopmental disorders and opposing effects on brain size

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    The underpinnings of mild to moderate neurodevelopmental delay remain elusive, often leading to late diagnosis and interventions. Here, we present data on exome and genome sequencing as well as array analysis of 13 individuals that point to pathogenic, heterozygous, mostly de novo variants in WDFY3 (significant de novo enrichment P = 0.003) as a monogenic cause of mild and non-specific neurodevelopmental delay. Nine variants were protein-truncating and four missense. Overlapping symptoms included neurodevelopmental delay, intellectual disability, macrocephaly, and psychiatric disorders (autism spectrum disorders/attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). One proband presented with an opposing phenotype of microcephaly and the only missense-variant located in the PH-domain of WDFY3. Findings of this case are supported by previously published data, demonstrating that pathogenic PH-domain variants can lead to microcephaly via canonical Wnt-pathway upregulation. In a separate study, we reported that the autophagy scaffolding protein WDFY3 is required for cerebral cortical size regulation in mice, by controlling proper division of neural progenitors. Here, we show that proliferating cortical neural progenitors of human embryonic brains highly express WDFY3, further supporting a role for this molecule in the regulation of prenatal neurogenesis. We present data on Wnt-pathway dysregulation in Wdfy3-haploinsufficient mice, which display macrocephaly and deficits in motor coordination and associative learning, recapitulating the human phenotype. Consequently, we propose that in humans WDFY3 loss-of-function variants lead to macrocephaly via downregulation of the Wnt pathway. In summary, we present WDFY3 as a novel gene linked to mild to moderate neurodevelopmental delay and intellectual disability and conclude that variants putatively causing haploinsufficiency lead to macrocephaly, while an opposing pathomechanism due to variants in the PH-domain of WDFY3 leads to microcephaly