923 research outputs found

    Combinatorial simplex algorithms can solve mean payoff games

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    A combinatorial simplex algorithm is an instance of the simplex method in which the pivoting depends on combinatorial data only. We show that any algorithm of this kind admits a tropical analogue which can be used to solve mean payoff games. Moreover, any combinatorial simplex algorithm with a strongly polynomial complexity (the existence of such an algorithm is open) would provide in this way a strongly polynomial algorithm solving mean payoff games. Mean payoff games are known to be in NP and co-NP; whether they can be solved in polynomial time is an open problem. Our algorithm relies on a tropical implementation of the simplex method over a real closed field of Hahn series. One of the key ingredients is a new scheme for symbolic perturbation which allows us to lift an arbitrary mean payoff game instance into a non-degenerate linear program over Hahn series.Comment: v1: 15 pages, 3 figures; v2: improved presentation, introduction expanded, 18 pages, 3 figure

    Relocation in Carsharing Systems using Flows in Time-Expanded Networks

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    A manuscript on this topic can be found at: http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00908242International audienceIn a carsharing system, a fleet of cars is distributed at stations in an urban area, customers can take and return cars at any time and station, provided that there is a car available at the start station and a free place at the final station. To ensure the latter, customers have to book their demands in advance; hereby, customer requests can be accepted or rejected by the operator. The stations have to keep a good ratio between available cars and free places in each station, in order to serve already accepted customer requests and to refuse as few new customer requests as possible. This leads to the problem of relocating cars between stations, which can be modeled as Pickup and Delivery Problem in a metric space induced by the urban area or, alternatively, by means of flows of cars in convoys in a time-expanded network.Note that we consider an innovative carsharing system with partly autonomous cars which allows to build convoys of cars, each moved by only one driver. This leads to a similar situation as in bikesharing systems, where trucks can simultaneously move several bikes, but no requests are booked in advance. Hereby, two flows are coupled in the sense that the flow of cars is dependent from the flow of drivers (since cars can only be moved in convoys); the flow coupling constraints reflect the complexity of the studied problem.We present integer programming formulations for two variants of the relocation problem: a min-cost flow problem to serve a given set of customer requests at minimal costs (quality of service aspect), and a max-profit flow problem to additionally solve the decision problem of accepting or rejecting customer requests (economic aspect). Both models take advantage of users booking their demands in advance and can be applied to the offline as well as the online version of the relocation problem in order to fully capture the dynamic evolution of the system over time.</p

    Avaliação de clones de cupuacuzeiro (Theobroma grandiflorum (Willd. ex Spreng) K. Schumm.) quanto a tolerância a vassoura-de-bruxa (Crinipellis perniciosa (Stahel) Singer).

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    Utilização de substâncias naturais para o controle de doenças de plantas na região Amazônica.

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    bitstream/item/28297/1/Doc346.pdfVersão eletrônica. 1ª impressão: 2010

    Potencialidade da casca de caranguejo na redução da incidência de fusariose e na promoção do crescimento de mudas de pimenteira-do-reino.

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    A casca de caranguejo-do-mangue (Ucides cordatus) foi testada como aditivo ao solo para reduzir a incidência de fusariose (Fusarium solani f.sp. piperis) e para promover o crescimento de mudas de pimenteira-do-reino (Piper nigrum). A pré-incubação da casca de caranguejo no solo (1,0% m/m; 15 dias) antes do transplantio aumentou em 20% a sobrevivência da pimenteira-do-reino, cultivada em solo infestado com Fusarium solani f. sp. piperis, durante 90 dias. A produção de massa seca das plantas aumentou na presença de casca de caranguejo, independente da concentração e do tempo de incubação no solo. As plantas alocaram biomassa preferencialmente para a parte aérea, na presença de casca de caranguejo. A taxa de fotossíntese líquida das plantas tendeu a aumentar ou permaneceu inalterada na presença de casca de caranguejo. Conclui-se que a casca de caranguejo tem potencial para auxiliar na redução da incidência de fusariose e no desenvolvimento de mudas de pimenteira-do-reino

    Reporting transparency: making the ethical mandate explicit.

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    Improving the transparency and quality of reporting in biomedical research is considered ethically important; yet, this is often based on practical reasons such as the facilitation of peer review. Surprisingly, there has been little explicit discussion regarding the ethical obligations that underpin reporting guidelines. In this commentary, we suggest a number of ethical drivers for the improved reporting of research. These ethical drivers relate to researcher integrity as well as to the benefits derived from improved reporting such as the fair use of resources, minimizing risk of harms, and maximizing benefits. Despite their undoubted benefit to reporting completeness, questions remain regarding the extent to which reporting guidelines can influence processes beyond publication, including researcher integrity or the uptake of scientific research findings into policy or practice. Thus, we consider investigation on the effects of reporting guidelines an important step in providing evidence of their benefits

    Diagnóstico fitossanitário em sementes de cedro e tachi branco.

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    O trabalho objetivou diagnosticar fitopatógenos presentes em sementes de cedro vermelho (Cedrela odorata L.) e tachi branco (Sclerolobium paniculatum Vogel), espécies florestais nativas da Amazônia. A importância da patologia de sementes relaciona-se com a disseminação de doenças pelo fruto quando este é levado para beneficiamento e para evitar o apodrecimento das sementes, o que pode ocasionar perda pela presença de fitopatógenos nas mesmas. Os testes foram feitos com base nas Regras de Análise de Sementes (RAS) do Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento ? MAPA, pelo método de incubação em papel filtro ?Blotter Test?. Foram detectados os seguintes gêneros de fungos: Aspergillus sp., Penicillium spp. e Lasiodiplodia sp. em sementes de cedro e Penicillium spp. e Aspergillus sp. em tachi branco. As sementes de cedro apresentaram maiores níveis de incidência de fungos.PIBIC-2011