37 research outputs found

    Generating indicative-informative summaries with SumUM

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    We present and evaluate SumUM, a text summarization system that takes a raw technical text as input and produces an indicative informative summary. The indicative part of the summary identifies the topics of the document, and the informative part elaborates on some of these topics according to the reader's interest. SumUM motivates the topics, describes entities, and defines concepts. It is a first step for exploring the issue of dynamic summarization. This is accomplished through a process of shallow syntactic and semantic analysis, concept identification, and text regeneration. Our method was developed through the study of a corpus of abstracts written by professional abstractors. Relying on human judgment, we have evaluated indicativeness, informativeness, and text acceptability of the automatic summaries. The results thus far indicate good performance when compared with other summarization technologies

    Difficultés Relatives A L’enseignement-Apprentissage De La Géologie En Classes Secondaires Qualifiantes Cas De La Délégation d’Inzegane Ait Melloul

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    The present study attempts to identify the difficulties of teaching and learning geology in Moroccan secondary qualifying classes. Teachers of the Life Sciences and Earth Sciences and their pupils at the Inzegane Ait Melloul delegation were administered questionnaires. Based on the analysis of the themes taught and the typologies of obstacles evoked, a bibliographic synthesis allowed us to list the notions which are likely to pose the difficulties presumed in geology. Thus, 23 open and closed questions were distributed to seven teachers. Also, ten questions were distributed to students. The results showed that both pupils and teachers experience several difficulties in the teaching and learning of geology. Thus, the various means of continuing education in geology which are made available to teachers were disqualified. It involves only a minority of them. This is in addition to the complexity of the geological content and the insufficiency of its hourly volume. The excessive number of pupils causes the classes to be overloaded, in which the weak prerequisite is added in the geology of these pupils. The difficulties of learning geology are largely related to the relationship that this discipline maintains with space and long time. This, therefore, make it difficult for pupils to understand several complex geological phenomena. The ineffectiveness of teaching methods tailored to the classroom by teachers, the absence, failure or lack of mobilization of teaching and ICT resources, inadequacy or absence of field trips, and the manipulations and negligence of scientific modeling in majority of the classes surveyed influences the learning of geology as well as the students' interest in these courses. This makes it a boring and unwelcome matter for most students

    Low incidence of SARS-CoV-2, risk factors of mortality and the course of illness in the French national cohort of dialysis patients

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    Automatic Text Summarisation Through Lexical Cohesion Analysis.

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    A methodology for automatically summarising scientific texts is presented using the patterns of lexical cohesion found in such texts. Lexical cohesion is a type of cohesion whereby certain lexical features of the text connect sentences with each other in the text. An analysis of lexical cohesion in text, primarily by counting repetitions, synonyms, and paraphrase, leads to the establishment of a network of sentences, some tightly bonded through lexical cohesion relations, some others having weak bonds or no bonds at all. The strength of connections in this cohesion network is used to identify key sentences in a text. Some sentences open key topics, some close topics, whilst others consolidate a given topic. Topic opening, closing, and consolidating, or central sentences, have different strengths and different connectivity patterns. A selection of these sentences can be construed as a summary of a given text. TELE-PATTAN (TExt and LExical cohesion PATTerns ANalysis), a system for summarising text automatically, extracts patterns of lexical cohesion in a text, categorises its sentences, and subsequently produces summaries of the text on the basis of these patterns. Experiments were conducted with human subjects to evaluate the summaries. The results of this preliminary evaluation are encouraging

    Automatic Text Summarisation Through Lexical Cohesion Analysis.

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    A methodology for automatically summarising scientific texts is presented using the patterns of lexical cohesion found in such texts. Lexical cohesion is a type of cohesion whereby certain lexical features of the text connect sentences with each other in the text. An analysis of lexical cohesion in text, primarily by counting repetitions, synonyms, and paraphrase, leads to the establishment of a network of sentences, some tightly bonded through lexical cohesion relations, some others having weak bonds or no bonds at all. The strength of connections in this cohesion network is used to identify key sentences in a text. Some sentences open key topics, some close topics, whilst others consolidate a given topic. Topic opening, closing, and consolidating, or central sentences, have different strengths and different connectivity patterns. A selection of these sentences can be construed as a summary of a given text. TELE-PATTAN (TExt and LExical cohesion PATTerns ANalysis), a system for summarising text automatically, extracts patterns of lexical cohesion in a text, categorises its sentences, and subsequently produces summaries of the text on the basis of these patterns. Experiments were conducted with human subjects to evaluate the summaries. The results of this preliminary evaluation are encouraging


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    LYON1-BU Santé (693882101) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocPARIS-BIUP (751062107) / SudocSudocFranceF

    A GaAs Low Noise Amplifier for 2.4 GHz ISM band Applications

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    In this paper, a Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) operating in the Industrial Scientific and Medical (ISM) band of 2.45 GHz is proposed. The designed LNA is based on GaAs ATF21170 active device. To improve gain and matching parameters, a hybrid matching technique based on smith chart and optimization is used. The proposed biasing network as well as the stabilization circuit allow achieving a minimum noise figure with an unconditionally stability over the whole operating frequency ranging from 2.25 GHz to 2.55 GHz. Finally, some tradeoffs were done to obtain the minimum noise figure with the greatest available power gain. In terms of performances, the proposed structure shows an excellent noise figure of ~1Db.The simulated results show an excellent input/output return loss under -15 dB over the operation frequency band with an excellent small signal gain ranging between 17 dB and 15 dB. In terms of large signal performance, the proposed LNA achieves an output power of 17 dBm (52 mW) with a PAE of 22% and an output intercept IP3 around 27 dBm

    Design of High-Power High-Efficiency Broadband GaN HEMT Power Amplifier for S Band Applications using Load-Pull Technique

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    This work reveals the design for broadband high-power high-efficiency GaN HEMT power amplifier, operating in the frequency band ranging from 2.15 GHz to 2.65 GHz. The proposed structure is implemented using Cree GaN HEMT CGH40010 transistor. The high-power and high-efficiency performances over the broadband bandwidth are achieved using the load-pull technique. The proposed power amplifier is unconditionally stable over the entire operating frequency band. With the neatly designed matching circuits, the introduced power amplifier shows an excellent input/output matching. The simulated results show a flat power gain of 15 dB with an output 1-dB compression point of 14 dB. In terms of largesignal performance, the proposed amplifier reaches a saturated output power of 41.3 dBm (~13.6 Watts) with a PAE of 64% and a drain efficiency of 72%. The proposed design achieves an excellent linearity with an output third order two-tone intercept point TOI of 48 dBm