197 research outputs found

    Near-Minimum Time Visual Servo Control Of An Underactuated Robotic Arm

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    In industrial robotics, grasping an object is required to happen fast since the position and orientation of such an object is a-priori known. However, if such information about the position and orientation is unavailable and objects are spread randomly on a conveyor, it may be challenging to keep the dexterity and speed at which the task is carried out. Nowadays, the use of vision sensors to compute the position and orientation of an object and to reposition the robotic system is being used accordingly. This technology has indirectly introduced a disparity in time that varies according to the nature of the control technique

    Diabetes Diagnosis by Case-Based Reasoning and Fuzzy Logic

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    In the medical field, experts’ knowledge is based on experience, theoretical knowledge and rules. Case-based reasoning is a problem-solving paradigm which is based on past experiences. For this purpose, a large number of decision support applications based on CBR have been developed. Cases retrieval is often considered as the most important step of case-based reasoning. In this article, we integrate fuzzy logic and data mining to improve the response time and the accuracy of the retrieval of similar cases. The proposed Fuzzy CBR is composed of two complementary parts; the part of classification by fuzzy decision tree realized by Fispro and the part of case-based reasoning realized by the platform JColibri. The use of fuzzy logic aims to reduce the complexity of calculating the degree of similarity that can exist between diabetic patients who require different monitoring plans. The results of the proposed approach are compared with earlier methods using accuracy as metrics. The experimental results indicate that the fuzzy decision tree is very effective in improving the accuracy for diabetes classification and hence improving the retrieval step of CBR reasoning

    On Z2Z4-additive complementary dual codes and related LCD codes

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    Linear complementary dual codes were defined by Massey in 1992, and were used to give an optimum linear coding solution for the two user binary adder channel. In this paper, we define the analog of LCD codes over fields in the ambient space with mixed binary and quaternary alphabets. These codes are additive, in the sense that they are additive subgroups, rather than linear as they are not vector spaces over some finite field. We study the structure of these codes and we use the canonical Gray map from this space to the Hamming space to construct binary LCD codes in certain cases. We give examples of such binary LCD codes which are distance-optimal, i.e., they have the largest minimum distance among all binary LCD codes with the same length and dimension

    Comparative study of proline accumulation of Some varieties of Durum Wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) under water Stress Conditions.

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    Proline accumulation, as a marker of resistance to the abiotic constraints, was evaluated on seventeen genotypes of Durum wheat (Triticum Durum Desf) under water stress conditions. An experiment was implemented at INRAA research station located at Baraki, Algiers. The experimental design adopted is that of split plot design with water regime (irrigated and non irrigated treatments) as main plots and varieties as sub plots and three repetitions. Proline accumulation was significantly increased under water stress (p<0.01). There was differences between varieties and their interaction with water regimes (p<0.001) and 04 groups were identified. When plants are subjected to water stress they increase their rate of proline, this enables to improve the capacity of the cell to maintain it turgor pressure at low water potential. Key words: Durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.), Proline accumulation, resistance, water stress

    An Interactive VR System for Anatomy Training

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    In recent decades, virtual reality (VR) becomes a potential solution to enhance clinical medical (functional reeducation, training, etc.), especially with the growth evolution of technologies form both visualization (e.g., HoloLens, VR in Case, etc.) and 3D gestural interaction (Ray Casting, Free Hand, etc.) point of views. The 3D visualization of the human anatomy could be a serious asset for students in medicine. This new technology could provide a clear and realistic representation of the internal organs of the human body, without having to resort to surgery. 3D organs based-course supports visualization could be a useful tool for students, especially in their first graduate studies, to enhance their perception on human’s internal composition. This system is composed of two modules, 3D human’s anatomy visualization module and interaction module for organs manipulation. Finally, the system will be tested and evaluated with several subjects


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    Genetic improvement of agronomic traits related to yield performance and adaptation to the production environments is conditioned by the presence of phenotypic variability of the targeted characters in the plant material subjected to selection. This research was conducted to assess the magnitude of phenotypic variability, the heritability and the expected genetic gain of selection of agronomic traits in 18 durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf) varieties and segregating lines. The results showed the presence of significant variability for the measured traits. The degree of genetic determination had values greater than 70% for the duration of the vegetative phase and plant height, and below 50% for yield and aboveground biomass. The expected genetic gain ranged from 4.8% for the duration of the vegetative phase to 45.9% for grain yield. Single-character selection identified 6 desirable genotypes which brought increases of 14.9% in harvest index, 3.7 g in 1000 kernel weight, 4.8% in relative water content, and declines of 18.6% in percent cells injury, 2.1 g in yield per plant, 2.1 cm in spike length, and 12.9 grains per spike, and a gain of 1.7 spikes associated to 8.8 g of biomass. Relatively to Bousselam, the check cultivar, the selected lines brought a grain yield advantage ranging from 53.8 to 161.5%. This yield gain is associated with a desirable improvement in heat stress tolerance, and an undesirable reduction in thousand kernel weight. The study of th