16 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Produktivitas Kerja Struktur Kolom, Balok, Dan Plat Di Proyek Tunjungan Plaza 6

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    Berkembangnya zaman tentu akan diikuti dengan perkembangan dunia konstruksi. Dalam perkembangan dunia konstruksi, produktivitas tenaga kerja memiliki peranan yang besar. Produktivitas tenaga kerja yang baik tentu akan membuat Perubahan yang signifikan dalam proses konstruksi. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui nilai produktivitas aktual di lapangan di kota Surabaya dengan melakukan studi kasus di proyek office Tunjungan Plaza 6. Nilai produktivitas aktual lapangan didapatkan melalui pengamatan langsung di lapangan dengan menggunakan metode Time Study, diperoleh melalui pengamatan terhadap pekerjaan beton bertulang, khususnya pekerjaan balok, kolom dan plat mulai dari proses bekisting, pembesian hingga pengecoran. Hasil yang didapatkan kemudian dianalisa dan dihitung menjadi indeks lapangan, kemudian dibandingkan dengan indeks SNI 2008 sebagai acuan standar. Hasil akhir penelitian ini merupakan nilai produktivitas aktual pekerjaan struktur beton bertulang dan perbandingan dengan indeks SNI 2008. Dari perbandingan, hasil yang didapat indeks aktual di lapangan mayoritas lebih baik dibanding indeks SNI 2008. Hal ini disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor, antara lain metode kerja, kesiapan material, peralatan dan juga pengalaman tenaga kerja

    Kebiasaan Makan Hiu Kejen (Carcharinus Falciformis): Studi Kasus Pendaratan Hiu Di Ppp Muncar Jawa Timur (Feeding Habit of Silky Shark (Carcharinus Falciformis): Case Study of Landing Shark in Muncar Coastal Fishing Port East Java)

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    Indonesia is the biggest country which produced shark in the world. Muncar Coastal Fishing Port, Banyuwangi, is a shark fishing center in East Java. Caught sharks were dominated by silky shark (Carcharinus falciformis). Primary data collected by in situ sampling and stomach content analysis. Stomach content was collected by sectio. It preserved by 10% formaline in coolbox. Silky shark had caught by shark long line and gillnet. Shark is the fish target of longline and by-catch of gillnet. Silky shark preys were grouper fish (Epinephelus sp.) as main prey and squid (Loligo sp.), beltfish (Trichiurus lepturus), sardine (Sardinella lemuru) as complementary preys. Based on stomach content analysis, silky shark was identified on 4.7 trophic level. Silky shark preys were grouper on trophic level 4.1, squid, beltfish on trophic level 4.4, sardine on trophic level 2.1. Silky shark as apex predator could be found in Bali Strait and Makassar Strait, which it classified as fertility water. The existence of silky sharks whicht prey fish in several trophic level layers made silky shark as one of the key species in Bali Strait and Makassar Strait. Catching sharks will have implications for trophic level is high or low

    KEBIASAAN MAKAN HIU KEJEN (Carcharinus falciformis): STUDI KASUS PENDARATAN HIU DI PPP MUNCAR JAWA TIMUR (Feeding habit of Silky Shark (Carcharinus falciformis): Case Study of Landing Shark in Muncar Coastal Fishing Port East Java)

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    ABSTRACTIndonesia is the biggest country which produced shark in the world. Muncar Coastal Fishing Port, Banyuwangi, is a shark fishing center in East Java. Caught sharks were dominated by silky shark (Carcharinus falciformis). Primary data collected by in situ sampling and stomach content analysis. Stomach content was collected by sectio. It preserved by 10% formaline in coolbox. Silky shark had caught by shark long line and gillnet. Shark is the fish target of longline and by-catch of gillnet. Silky shark preys were grouper fish (Epinephelus sp.) as main prey and squid (Loligo sp.), beltfish (Trichiurus lepturus), sardine (Sardinella lemuru) as complementary preys. Based on stomach content analysis, silky shark was identified on 4.7 trophic level. Silky shark preys were grouper on trophic level 4.1, squid, beltfish on trophic level 4.4, sardine on trophic level 2.1. Silky shark as apex predator could be found in Bali Strait and Makassar Strait, which it classified as fertility water. The existence of silky sharks whicht prey fish in several trophic level layers made silky shark as one of the key species in Bali Strait and Makassar Strait. Catching sharks will have implications for trophic level is high or low.Keywords: feeding habit, silky shark, trophic level-------ABSTRAKIndonesia merupakan negara penghasil hiu terbesar di dunia. PPP Muncar, Banyuwangi merupakan salah satu pusat penangkapan hiu di Jawa Timur. Hiu yang tertangkap oleh nelayan didominasi oleh hiu kejen (Carcharinus falciformis). Data primer didapatkan dari pengambilan sampel dan analisis isi lambung. Isi lambung didapatkan dari proses pembedahan. Isi lambung diawetkan dalam formalin 10% dalam coolbox. Hiu kejen tertangkap menggunakan rawai dan gillnet. Hiu menjadi ikan target pada alat tangkap rawai dan by-catch pada gillnet. Mangsa hiu kejen adalah kerapu sebagai makanan utama dan lemuru, cumi-cumi, layur merupakan makanan pelengkap. Hiu kejen (C.falciformis) yang tertangkap di Selat Bali berada pada trofik level 4,7. Mangsa utama hiu kejen adalah kerapu (trofik level 4,1) dan mangsa pelengkap lemuru (trofik level 2,1), layur (trofik level 4,4) dan cumi-cumi. Hiu kejen sebagai salah satu apex predator dapat ditemukan di Selat Bali maupun Selat Makassar yang memiliki kesuburan tinggi. Keberadaan hiu kejen yang memangsa beberapa ikan di beberapa lapisan trofik level menjadikan hiu kejen sebagai salah satu spesies kunci di perairan Selat Bali dan Selat Makassar. Penangkapan hiu akan memberi implikasi terhadap trofik level yang tinggi maupun rendah.Kata kunci: kebiasaan makan, hiu kejen, trofik leve

    Aplikasi Smartphone Untuk Anti Bully

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    Bullying is aggressive activities not only among school aged children but it can be happened in higher education, office or even in family on daily basis. Bullying involves physical and non physical action which is repeated acted and can be represented in verbal, social and physical thing. Bullying has negative for both perpetrators and victims, the perpetrators will have bad habit which can influence the way their living in the future and particularly for victim it will make them become alone and not open to surrounding relationships.In this paper, we proposed an application which can help to reduce the negative effect of bullying by reporting any bullying happened and do the next action based on meeting result. Moreover, this application will give open private consultation for both perpetrators and victims in order to reduce bullying activities and recognized as bullying. Creating forum for both community who are interested to reduce bullying negatve effect and provide information regarding with negative effect of bullying will help people to educate themselves regarding with bullying. Anti Bully application, IT for Anti Bully, physiatrist Computer Scienc

    Opportunities and challenges in value chain analysis for sustainable management of sharks and rays

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    Studies on elasmobranch trade have often focused on a single commodity, shark fins. Such a narrow focus can result in an incomplete understanding of the socio-cultural importance of sharks, limiting discussion on the range and efficacy of potential management interventions. Assessments must be performed across the value chain from fisher to retail vendor to better conserve vulnerable elasmobranch species, offering a broader view of capture, use, and trade. Here, we collate insights from shark value chain assessments conducted in eight countries (Mexico, Peru, Guinea-Bissau, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and Fiji) spanning five continents. Approaches and processes implemented in a shark value chain analysis (VCA) were reviewed to: (1) understand better approaches and tools and (2) collate shared experiences. Our results demonstrate that VCAs broaden the outlook of fishery and trade assessments when capturing a more comprehensive range of economic and socio-cultural aspects (e.g., livelihoods, cultural use of commodities) of trade in all shark commodities. Time invested in various components of assessments produced different outcomes, with considerable returns from stakeholder selection, survey design, and assessor/stakeholder relationship building. Contrastingly, results demonstrated that efforts in communication with stakeholder groups and policymakers could be further streamlined to focus on key results using a variety of communication formats. Outcomes from this study offer guidance to those embarking on shark VCAs, facilitating improving the assessment process and outcomes