9 research outputs found

    The evolution of the P2P accommodation sector in Spain during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    In the last few years, the development of disruptive business models, such as the sharing economy, had an important impact on all economic sectors. Within the tourism sector, collaborative tourism was one pillar of the unstoppable digitization process that has restructured the sector, giving rise to new services and business models and a transformation of its value chain. Motivated by the appearance of P2P platforms, the accommodation sector was especially affected by this phenomenon. This work aims to analyze the most recent evolution of the accommodation sector in Spain. The so called “P2P accommodation” had a very remarkable growth in the last decade, both from the supply side, which currently exceeds that of hotel accommodation, and from the demand side. Using a descriptive statistical analysis of data drawn from the Spanish Institute of Statistics (INE), we will focus on the evolution of the accommodation sector during the last two years, in order to know the situation of P2P accommodation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our results show the strength of this accommodation sector, as demand data show that rented dwellings have gained weight both in absolute and relative terms among residents in Spain. Among international tourists, the use of P2P accommodation is also relevant and with higher growth than that of the hospitality sector, as well as the length of the stay, while in terms of expenditure the relevance of this type of accommodation is confirmed, although it is still not comparable with the figures for hotel accommodation. Supply data show a decrease in the number of rented dwellings and the available bed-places during 2020 but an increase during the reactivation of the tourism sector in 2021.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Calidad y productividad en el sector hotelero andaluz

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    Este trabajo estudia la relación existente entre la calidad en establecimientos hoteleros y la productividad del trabajo. Para ello, se parte del estudio de la problemática del tratamiento de la productividad en hoteles. A continuación, se abordan cuestiones relacionadas con la calidad y en especial, su gestión en el sector hotelero. La relación entre ambas variables se explica a través de una revisión de la literatura. Por último, se analiza dicha relación desde un punto de vista empírico

    Boosting innovation through gender and ethnic diversity in management teams

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    Purpose: This study investigates the link between diversity in management and CEO positions and firm innovation. The purpose of this paper is to examine the effect that women and ethnic diversity in management and CEO positions have on the development of outstanding innovation in firms. Design/methodology/approach: This paper conducts an empirical analysis to investigate these relationships over time using a large panel database of 1,345 publicly US traded firms. Findings: Results revealed that gender and ethnic diversity at all levels of management exhibited a robust positive association with superior innovation competence. This finding remains robust when alternative proxies for innovation are employed. In contrast, the authors found that women and ethnic minorities at the CEO level had no significant influence. Originality/value: Considering an output measure of innovation, the authors explore the effect of gender and ethnic minority groups in management positions as well as at the CEO level, rather than focusing only on top management teams or board of directors. The authors offer new practical insights regarding the manager selection process that are also useful to support public policy initiatives.The authors acknowledge the financial support of the COMPSOS Project (PID 2020-117313RB-I00), funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and of the SOSTEMPRE (B-SEJ-682-UGR20) Project, funded by PROGRAMA OPERATIVO FEDER ANDALUCIA 2014–2020. Additionally, the study has been partially supported by Santander Center for Corporate Social Responsibility at the University of Málaga (Spain). // Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    Towards sustainable development: Environmental innovation, cleaner production performance, and reputation

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    The growing concerns regarding sustainability and a firm's effects on the environment explain the important role that environmental management may play in corporate reputation. Following the premises of the stakeholder approach and dynamic capability theory, we explore how a comprehensive environmental management (environmental innovation [EI] and cleaner production [CP]) impacts a firm's reputation. By analyzing a panel data of European manufacturing firms, we show that EIs benefit corporate reputation. Results also confirm that the higher effectiveness of CP initiatives, the higher a firm's reputation. Both dynamic capabilities improve the firm's legitimacy and stakeholders' perceptions concerning the firm's commitment to environmental sustainability. We offer relevant insights for the academic community as to how EI and CP represent proactive strategies that enhance reputation and provide practical implications for managers in order to respond to stakeholders' demands.Santander Center for Corporate SocialResponsibility, University of Málaga; Ministeriode Ciencia e Innovaci on, Grant/AwardNumber: PID2020-117313RB-I00; ProgramaOperativo Feder Andalucía 2014-2020, Grant/Award Number: B-SEJ-682-UGR20. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    Herramientas pedagógicas para el fomento de la sostenibilidad y el aprendizaje del inglés

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    Este trabajo describe los resultados de un proyecto de innovación docente orientado al diseño de herramientas pedagógicas que fomenten el desarrollo de dos competencias transversales: la educación en sostenibilidad y el aprendizaje del inglés como lengua extranjera. En concreto, se ha pretendido aumentar el conocimiento de los ámbitos que caracterizan a la sostenibilidad (económico, social y ambiental) utilizando el inglés como herramienta aplicada y basándonos en el método de Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP). Para ello, se han promovido actividades en 25 asignaturas de 15 titulaciones diferentes, a través de las “wikis” y los foros disponibles en campus virtual.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Bottom-of-the-pyramid innovations: the impact of gender diversity.

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    This study is aimed at exploring the factors that can promote the fulfilment of the “bottom-of-the-pyramid” approach (BoP). We focus on the intra-organizational dimensions that might impact inclusive innovation developed by firms. Given that managers and upper echelons are responsible for resource allocation and strategic decisions, they have a key role to play in fostering inclusive innovation. Therefore, we explore: (i) the influence of gender diversity in management positions and on the board of directors (BoD) in the deployment of inclusive innovation; (ii) the relationship between inclusive innovation and a company’s performance. Multiple theories support the effect of gender diversity on corporate governance. This study is based on the expectation states theory (EST), and the signalling theory. Drawing on the EST, we argue that the presence of women in management positions is identified with higher expectations given their competences and performance in social matters, such as inclusive innovation. In turn, the second theoretical lens, the signalling theory, explains inclusive innovation as an external signal for stakeholders. Thus, they identify inclusive innovation as a company's commitment to the BoP, allowing the firm to obtain better results. We study a panel dataset of European public manufacturing firms for the period 2008-2017. Our findings reveal that gender diversity in management positions and the presence of at least one woman on the BoD have a positive effect on inclusive innovation. Furthermore, our results also highlight the economic value of such strategy. By measuring its impact on business results, we provide evidence that inclusive innovation positively influences performance. This result is worthy to overcome the traditional assumption regarding the trade-off between social and economic value creation goals in firms.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Normalización, integración de sistemas de gestión, principios cooperativos y sostenibilidad de las empresas turísticas

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    El estándar internacional ISO 9000 define la gestión como “actividades coordinadas para dirigir y controlar una organización”. Los sistemas de gestión han ido proliferando; en principio, se trataron de integrar tres: calidad, medio ambiente y prevención de riesgos laborales. Con el tiempo, debido al trabajo de los Comités Técnicos de ISO, se han ido generando nuevos sistemas de gestión: compliance (ISO 19600), servicios (ISO 20000-1), seguridad alimentaria (ISO 22000), continuidad en el negocio (ISO 22301), seguridad en la información (ISO 27001), riesgos (ISO 31000), contra el soborno (ISO 37001), seguridad y salud en el trabajo (ISO 45001), energética (ISO 50001), etc. Incluso, han surgido sistemas de gestión de ámbito exclusivamente nacional, como: sistema de gestión de las actividades de I+D+i (UNE 166002) o de vigilancia e inteligencia (UNE 166006). Hasta 2012, los estándares internacionales de sistemas de gestión se desarrollaron procurando su compatibilidad con los pioneros, ISO 9001 e ISO 14001. Tenían puntos comunes, pero no la misma estructura, dificultando su integración, suponiendo un problema para la empresa la utilización de más de un sistema de gestión. Tal problema fue subsanado, en gran medida, al introducir la estructura de alto nivel, el “Anexo SL de las directivas ISO/IEC”. En este punto, consideramos que la aplicación de los principios cooperativos inspiradores de las normas de comportamiento ético de las cooperativas junto con la Guía de Responsabilidad Social (ISO 26000), proporcionan el marco idóneo que facilita la integración de los diferentes sistemas de gestión aplicables a las empresas turísticas contribuyendo a su sostenibilidad.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Innovación, actividades intensivas en conocimiento y productividad en el sector servicios

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    En este trabajo pretendemos determinar si el proceso de innovación y su impacto sobre la productividad del trabajo en empresas de servicios difieren según el grado de intensidad en conocimiento de los distintos subsectores de actividad. Para ello, se han utilizado los microdatos del Panel de Innovación Tecnológica (PITEC) para la economía española durante el periodo 2008-2013, y aplicado el modelo estructural CDM, que incluye ecuaciones sobre la decisión de realizar I+D, el nivel del esfuerzo innovador, la producción de innovación y la productividad empresarial. En las dos submuestras de empresas analizadas, cuya distinción radica en el grado de intensidad en conocimiento que incorporan, se observan similitudes en cuanto a los factores determinantes de la innovación y la intensidad de la misma; un efecto positivo del valor predicho de la intensidad en I+D sobre el output del proceso innovador, y un impacto positivo de este último sobre la productividad, si bien en estas dos últimas etapas del modelo, las diferencias entre las submuestras son notables.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Innovation, knowledge intensity and productivity in the Spanish services sector

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    This study aims to determine whether there are significant differences in the innovation process and its impact on the productivity of Spanish services firms, according to the level of knowledge intensity of the various sub-branches of services. To this end, microdata from the Technological Innovation Panel (PITEC) for the Spanish economy during the period of 2008-2013 were used, and the Crépon, Duguet and Mairesse (CDM) structural model was applied. The model incorporates the decision of the firm to innovate or perform R&D, the amount of the innovative effort, the production of innovation considered as an output of the investment in R&D, and the impact of such innovation on the productivity of the firm. The use of panel data for services firms with this structural model contributes to the scarce literature regarding innovation and productivity in the services sector. Following the classification of economic activities according their technology level prepared by Eurostat, we considered two subsamples, knowledge intensive service firms and less knowledge intensive service firms. In the two subsamples, it was found that there are similarities in the determinants of innovation and its intensity, that the predicted value of R&D intensity has a positive effect on the output of the innovative process, and that the latter has a positive impact on productivity. In these last two stages of the model the differences between the subsamples are considerable. In addition, heterogeneous patterns were observed at every stage of the model regarding the regional location of the firms.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech