317 research outputs found

    Entanglement in fermion systems and quantum metrology

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    Entanglement in fermion many-body systems is studied using a generalized definition of separability based on partitions of the set of observables, rather than on particle tensor products. In this way, the characterizing properties of non-separable fermion states can be explicitly analyzed, allowing a precise description of the geometric structure of the corresponding state space. These results have direct applications in fermion quantum metrology: sub-shot noise accuracy in parameter estimation can be obtained without the need of a preliminary state entangling operation.Comment: 26 pages, LaTe

    Entangling two unequal atoms through a common bath

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    The evolution of two, non-interacting two-level atoms immersed in a weakly coupled bath can be described by a refined, time coarse grained Markovian evolution, still preserving complete positivity. We find that this improved reduced dynamics is able to entangle the two atoms even when their internal frequencies are unequal, an effect which appears impossible in the standard weak coupling limit approach. We study in detail this phenomenon for an environment made of quantum fields.Comment: 18 pages, LaTe

    Sub-shot-noise quantum metrology with entangled identical particles

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    The usual notion of separability has to be reconsidered when applied to states describing identical particles. A definition of separability not related to any a priori Hilbert space tensor product structure is needed: this can be given in terms of commuting subalgebras of observables. Accordingly, the results concerning the use of the quantum Fisher information in quantum metrology are generalized and physically reinterpreted.Comment: 17 pages, LaTe

    Squeezing Inequalities and Entanglement for Identical Particles

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    By identifying non-local effects in systems of identical Bosonic qubits through correlations of their commuting observables, we show that entanglement is not necessary to violate certain squeezing inequalities that hold for distinguishable qubits and that spin squeezing may not be necessary to achieve sub-shot noise accuracies in ultra-cold atom interferometry.Comment: 13 pages, LaTe

    Entanglement and non-locality in quantum protocols with identical particles

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    We study the role of entanglement and non-locality in quantum protocols that make use of systems of identical particles. Unlike in the case of distinguishable particles, the notions of entanglement and non-locality for systems whose constituents cannot be distinguished and singly addressed are still debated. We clarify why the only approach that avoids incongruities and paradoxes is the one based on the second quantization formalism, whereby it is the entanglement of the modes that can be populated by the particles that really matters and not the particles themselves. Indeed, by means of a metrological and of a teleportation protocol, we show that inconsistencies arise in formulations that force entanglement and non-locality to be properties of the identical particles rather than of the modes they can occupy. The reason resides in the fact that orthogonal modes can always be addressed while identical particles cannot

    Bipartite entanglement in systems of identical particles: the partial transposition criterion

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    We study bipartite entanglement in systems of N identical bosons distributed in M different modes. For such systems, a definition of separability not related to any a priori Hilbert space tensor product structure is needed and can be given in terms of commuting subalgebras of observables. Using this generalized notion of separability, we classify the states for which partial transposition turns out to be a necessary and sufficient condition for entanglement detection.Comment: LaTeX, 22 page

    Exact dynamics of interacting qubits in a thermal environment: Results beyond the weak coupling limit

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    We demonstrate an exact mapping of a class of models of two interacting qubits in thermal reservoirs to two separate spin-bath problems. Based on this mapping, exact numerical simulations of the qubits dynamics can be performed, beyond the weak system-bath coupling limit. Given the time evolution of the system, we study, in a numerically exact way, the dynamics of entanglement between pair of qubits immersed in boson thermal baths, showing a rich phenomenology, including an intermediate oscillatory behavior, the entanglement sudden birth, sudden death, and revival. We find that stationary entanglement develops between the qubits due to their coupling to a thermal environment, unlike the isolated qubits case in which the entanglement oscillates. We also show that the occurrence of entanglement sudden death in this model depends on the portion of the zero and double excitation states in the subsystem initial state. In the long-time limit, analytic expressions are presented at weak system-bath coupling, for a range of relevant qubit parameters

    Multi-mode entanglement of N harmonic oscillators coupled to a non-Markovian reservoir

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    Multi-mode entanglement is investigated in the system composed of NN coupled identical harmonic oscillators interacting with a common environment. We treat the problem very general by working with the Hamiltonian without the rotating-wave approximation and by considering the environment as a non-Markovian reservoir to the oscillators. We invoke an NN-mode unitary transformation of the position and momentum operators and find that in the transformed basis the system is represented by a set of independent harmonic oscillators with only one of them coupled to the environment. Working in the Wigner representation of the density operator, we find that the covariance matrix has a block diagonal form that it can be expressed in terms of multiples of 3×33\times 3 and 4×44\times 4 matrices. This simple property allows to treat the problem to some extend analytically. We illustrate the advantage of working in the transformed basis on a simple example of three harmonic oscillators and find that the entanglement can persists for long times due to presence of constants of motion for the covariance matrix elements. We find that, in contrast to what one could expect, a strong damping of the oscillators leads to a better stationary entanglement than in the case of a weak damping.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure