471 research outputs found

    Erratum to nodal management and upstaging of disease. Initial results from the Italian VATS Lobectomy Registry

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    [This corrects the article DOI: 10.21037/jtd.2017.06.12.]

    Tracking occult pN2 disease after mediastinal dissection in early stage lung cancer.

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    Lobectomy with mediastinal lymph node dissection represents the standard treatment approach for patients with resectable non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Defining the stage of a malignant disease is crucial for planning therapy, estimating prognosis and for studies compariso

    Reti in Alta tensione a neutro isolato: Metodi per la rilevazione della distanza di guasto monofase

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    Circa 1.940 chilometri della rete di sub-trasmissione italiana a 50-60 kV, in parte posseduta e gestita da Terna, sono tuttora eserciti a neutro isolato, differentemente da tutta la rete di trasmissione che \ue8 sempre esercita con neutro a terra. Tale sistema di potenza ha struttura radiale e consta principalmente di linee aeree dissimmetriche ed eterogenee con tratti in doppia terna, nonch\ue9 in diversi casi con sezioni derivate dalla linea principale. Attualmente, al verificarsi di un guasto monofase permanente, il guasto \ue8 localizzato off-line a seguito dell\u2019apertura permanente degli interruttori di linea. Questa operazione \ue8 compiuta da Terna utilizzando o elicotteri o mezzi terrestri, a seconda delle condizioni metereologiche e orografiche. Tuttavia, dal momento che l\u2019incidenza di guasti monofase \ue8 spesso legata a condizioni meteo avverse, tale procedura pu\uf2 richiedere molto tempo. Per di pi\uf9 essa pu\uf2 essere pi\uf9 complessa e richiedere pi\uf9 tempo se la corrente di guasto monofase \ue8 tale da non lasciare tracce evidenti del guasto stesso, come nel caso di fessurazione interna dell\u2019isolatore. Il prolungato tempo richiesto per individuare il punto di guasto pu\uf2 rappresentare un problema nel caso in cui la porzione di rete coinvolta nel guasto alimenta in antenna strutturale un cliente AT, un produttore o una cabina primaria (specialmente se la capacit\ue0 di contro-alimentazione lato MT non \ue8 sufficiente ad alimentare tutti i carichi sottesi). Da un punto di vista generale, il processo di localizzazione \ue8 consecutivo a quello di rilevazione e consta di due stadi. Primariamente viene identificata la fase guasta, e successivamente si procede con la stima della distanza del punto di guasto dai terminali di linea. Il primo requisito pu\uf2 essere semplicemente soddisfatto determinando quale fase presenta la minore tensione stellata in modulo in concomitanza al guasto monofase. Per quanto riguarda il secondo passo, in [1] e [2] \ue8 riconosciuto che la configurazione a neutro isolato comporta due limitazioni primarie in condizioni di guasto: la corrente di cortocircuito \ue8 piccola in confronto ad altri tipi di guasto (es. bifase e trifase) e l\u2019influenza delle capacit\ue0 distribuite della linea \ue8 maggiore. Questo implica che i metodi convenzionali di localizzazione di guasto monofase non sono adatti a tale configurazione [1]. Il termine \u201cconvenzionale\u201d si riferisce in questo caso specificamente agli algoritmi basati sul metodo voltamperometrico, recensiti in [3] e [4] e sviluppati principalmente per sistemi di potenza AT o AAT eserciti con neutro francamente a terra. Per superare queste limitazioni ad oggi non si \ue8 imposta una procedura preferenziale, ma al contrario esiste nella letteratura tecnica una grande variet\ue0 di metodologie. L\u2019obiettivo di questo contributo \ue8 dunque selezionare, classificare e confrontare quei metodi di localizzazione di guasto monofase applicabili ad un sistema di potenza esercito a neutro isolato. Dato che questa configurazione non \ue8 comune per un sistema AT, molti algoritmi non sono direttamente applicabili essendo pensati per altre topologie di rete. Ne deriva la necessit\ue0 di specificare per ciascun metodo di rilevazione i requisiti di applicazione e le eventuali modifiche da apportare al fine di garantirne il corretto funzionamento


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    ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the degree of patient satisfaction and complications after endoscopic surgery for the treatment of lumbar disc herniation. Methods: We retrospectively evaluated 94 patients with lumbar disc herniation undergoing endoscopic lumbar discectomy through the MacNab questionnaire and four subjective questions related to the procedure. Results: Approximately 82% of the patients had good and excellent results, and 91.4% reported being satisfied with the surgical result obtained with endoscopy. The rate of complications with the method was 9.5%, with recurrent disc herniation being the most common complication (5.4% of cases). Conclusions: Endoscopic surgery proved to be an effective and safe method, and an alternative to conventional open surgery. Level of evidence; III. Therapeutic studies - Investigation of treatment results

    Trans-thoracic versus retropleural approach for symptomatic thoracic disc herniations: comparative analysis of 94 consecutive cases

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    Purpose: The authors illustrate their results in the surgical treatment of symptomatic thoracic disc herniations (TDHs) by comparing the traditional open to the less invasive retropleural lateral approaches.Methods: Retrospective review of 94 consecutive cases treated at a single Institution between 1988 and 2014. Fifty-two patients were males, 42 females, mean age was 53.9 years. Mean follow-up was 46.9 months (12-79 months). 33 patients were diagnosed with a giant thoracic disc herniation (GTDH). Upon admission, the most common symptoms were: motor impairment (91.4%, n\u2009=\u200986), neuropathic radicular pain with VAS > 4 (50%), bladder and bowel dysfunction (57.4% and 41.4% respectively) and sensory disturbances (29.7%). The surgical approach was based upon level, laterality and presence or absence of calcified lesions.Results: Decompression was performed in 7 cases via a thoraco-laparo-phrenotomy and in 87 cases via an antero-lateral thoracotomy. Out of the latter cases, 49 (56%) were trans-thoracic trans-pleural approaches (TTA) and 38 (44%) were less invasive retropleural approaches (MIRA). At follow-up, there were 59.5% neurologically intact patients according to the McCormick Scale, while 64.8% and 67% had no bladder or bowel dysfunction respectively. Complications occurred in 24 patients (25.5%). Pulmonary complications were the commonest (12.7%) with pleural effusion being significantly more common in patients treated with TTA compared to MIRA (20% vs 5.2%: X2 4.13 P:0.042). Severe post-operative neuralgia (VAS 7-10) was also significantly more frequent in the TTA group (22.4% vs 2.6% X2 7.07 p 0.0078).Conclusions: MIRA is a safe and effective technique to obtain adequate TDH decompression and is associated with lower morbidity compared to TTA

    Post-operative outcomes and quality of life assessment after thoracoscopic lobectomy for Non-small-cell lung cancer in octogenarians: Analysis from a national database

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    Background: Thoracoscopic lobectomy (VATS-L) for non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is a well-established option for early stage NSCLC, but the evidences are limited for octogenarians. Objective: The objectives of this multi-institutional study were to evaluate the post-operative outcomes of VATS-L in octogenarians and to estimate the post-operative quality of life (QoL) using a validated questionnaire (EuroQoL5D). Methods: Data from patients underwent VATS-L between 2014 and 2019 were analysed and divided into two groups: Group A (younger patients) and Group B (octogenarians). To define predictors for complications, univariate and multivariable logistic regression analysis were performed. Results: 7023 patients underwent VATS-L and 329 (4.6%) were octogenarians. 30-day and 90-day post-operative mortality were similar (0.95% vs 0.91%, p = 0.84 and 1.3% vs 1.2%, p = 0.58), whereas the percentage of patients who suffered from any complication (25.5% vs 31.9%, p = 0.012) and the complication rate (31.6% vs 45.2%, p=<0.01) were higher for octogenarians. At discharge, the values of EuroQoL5D were worse in group B, but after one month these levels became similar. Age >80 years had a significant influence on morbidity on both univariate and multivariable analyses (p = 0.025). Conclusions: VATS-L for NSCLC can be performed in selected octogenarians without increased risk of post- operative death, acceptable not-life-threatening complications and a moderate impact on QoL