25 research outputs found

    Leishmania intracellulare in tre differenti neoplasie canine

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    Concurrent leishmaniasis and neoplasia, although rare, have been already reported in humans and dogs. This study describes the presence of this protozoon within the cytoplasm of neoplastic cells in three different tumors. Specifically, Leishmania amastigotes were detected by immunohistochemistry (IHC) in a T cell lymphoma, a fibrosarcoma and a corticosurrenalic adenoma. Furthermore transmission electron microscopy examination confirmed the intracytoplasmic localization of amastigotes within the neoplastic cells and in occasional mitotic cells. Only two papers have been published in dog describing similar features, but the new interesting finding of this study is the association – never reported before – between this protozoon and neoplasms with different histogenesis. Despite currently it is not possible to explain the relationship between the parasitic infection and the neoplastic disease, we rule out that the co-existence of the Leishmania and neoplasia is merely coincidental. Finally, for the first time the anti-KMP11 antibody is used to detect Leishmania amastigotes in canine tissue by IHC: it could become a powerful diagnostic tool to confirm the presence of the parasite, especially when barely detectable.[...

    Epithelial mesenchymal transition in the progression of renal disease in dogs

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) in dogs is the final common pathway resulting from persistent renal injury and is characterized by progressive tubulointerstitial damage (TID). Pathogenesis of CKD is divided into an initial inflammatory phase with a predominantly mononuclear infiltrate followed by a fibrotic phase with increased numbers of fibroblasts and extracellular matrix deposition that causes a progressive reduction of functional parenchyma. Proteinuria is a common manifestation of renal diseases in dogs, and its role in the pathogenesis of CKD is still uncertain. Nevertheless, the degree of proteinuria in dogs correlates with TID progression. Increased protein filtration may have direct effects on tubular epithelial cells (TECs) that induce them to express the major histocompatibility complex type II, and thereby contribute to lymphocyte recruitment. Thus, an active pro-inflammatory role is proposed for TECs in TID progression. Moreover TECs are believed to actively participate in the mechanisms of renal fibrosis. Epithelial-Mesenchymal-Transition (EMT) of TECs in canine TID has been studied in the last decade. Down-regulation of adhesion molecules and loss of epithelial markers in TECs directly correlate with the severity of TID and with de novo expression of mesenchymal markers. Tubular basement membrane (TBM) disruption is an early EMT event. Increased activity of Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 and its co-localization with TBM splitting suggests an active role for the enzyme in inducing EMT. Processes occurring in canine CKD share many similarities with its human counterpart, making the dog a good model in which to examine the mechanisms of TID progression

    Predicted Thermoelectric Properties of the Layered XBi4S7 (X = Mn, Fe) Based Materials: First Principles Calculations

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    Uvádíme teoretické zkoumání elektronických struktur, optických a termoelektrických vlastností dvou ternárních vrstvených chalkogenidů, MnBi4S7 a FeBi4S7, a to kombinací funkčních výpočtů prvních principů hustoty a nelokální Boltzmannovy transportní teorií. Vypočítaná elektronická struktura pásma prokázala, že obě sloučeniny vykazují nepřímé zakázané pásmo. Optické přechody jsou zkoumány prostřednictvím dielektrické funkce (reálné a imaginární části) spolu s dalšími příbuznými optickými konstantami, včetně indexu lomu, odrazivosti a spektra ztrát energie. Tyto chalkogenidy vykazují zajímavé termoelektrické vlastnosti, jako je Seebeckův koeficient, elektrická a tepelná vodivost a výkonový faktor jako funkce teplotWe report a theoretical investigation of electronic structures, optical and thermoelectric properties of two ternary-layered chalcogenides, MnBi4S7 and FeBi4S7 , by combining the first principles density functional calculations and semi-local Boltzmann transport theory. The calculated electronic band structure have demonstrated that both compounds exhibit indirect band gaps. The optical transitions are explored via the dielectric function (real and imaginary parts) along with other related optical constants including refractive index, reflectivity, and energy loss spectrum. These chalcogenides have exhibited interesting thermoelectric properties such as Seebeck’s coefficient, electrical and thermal conductivity, and power factor as function of temperatures