22 research outputs found

    The iron phosphate CaFe3(PO4)3O

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    A new iron phosphate, calcium triiron(III) tris­(phosphate) oxide, CaFe3(PO4)3O, has been isolated and shown to exhibit a three-dimensional structure built by FeO6 octa­hedra, FeO5 trigonal bipyramids and PO4 tetra­hedra. The FeOx (x = 5, 6) polyhedra are linked through common corners and edges, forming [Fe6O28]∞ chains with branches running along [010]. Adjacent chains are connected by the phosphate groups via common corners and edges, giving rise to a three-dimensional framework analogous to those of the previously reported SrFe3(PO4)3O and Bi0.4Fe3(PO4)3O structures, in which the Ca2+ cations occupy a single symmetry non-equivalent cavity

    Standardization of geospatial data of water sources and springs collected in the Andalusian Gazetteer (Spain)

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    Los nomenclĂĄtores requieren de topĂłnimos oficiales o normalizados por un organismo competente segĂșn los estĂĄndares, las recomendaciones y las normativas aplicables. El NomenclĂĄtor GeogrĂĄfico de AndalucĂ­a (NGA) es un registro georreferenciado, en continua actualizaciĂłn, conforme a la directiva INSPIRE. Tiene como objetivo ser la base de datos toponĂ­mica de referencia de AndalucĂ­a, una de las comunidades autĂłnomas de España. El control de calidad de la toponimia es una tarea compleja en la que intervienen problemĂĄticas como la ausencia de los lĂ­mites fĂ­sicos de una entidad geogrĂĄfica (p.e. un paraje natural), la inexistencia de topĂłnimos oficiales o normalizados de la misma, la necesidad de realizar un estudio onomĂĄstico individualizado o la desapariciĂłn de aquellas personas que conocen el lugar y su historia. Todo ello dificulta la verificaciĂłn y normalizaciĂłn toponĂ­mica. Cada vez es mĂĄs comĂșn que los nomenclĂĄtores, como el NGA, se vinculen con otros conjuntos de datos geoespaciales, reutilizando sus nombres geogrĂĄficos para su enriquecimiento y actualizaciĂłn. A la espera de la aplicaciĂłn de identificadores Ășnicos, permanentes y universales para las entidades geoespaciales, el nombre y su localizaciĂłn, mĂĄs su tipologĂ­a, son los elementos esenciales en la vinculaciĂłn entre estos conjuntos de datos. Se presentan en este artĂ­culo los problemas, soluciones y las propuestas de normalizaciĂłn, siguiendo la norma tĂ©cnica NTCA 02-021, adoptadas en la vinculaciĂłn anual del NGA con la base de geodatos “Conoce tus Fuentes”, un catĂĄlogo online colaborativo de manantiales y fuentes de AndalucĂ­a. Este proceso estĂĄ permitiendo transmitir la importancia de la normalizaciĂłn, ejemplificada en esta tipologĂ­a de nombres, y como la existencia de identificadores Ășnicos y persistentes contribuye positivamente en las vinculaciones anuales entre dicho proyecto y el nomenclĂĄtor andaluz.Gazetteers require official or standardized toponyms by a competent organization according to standards, recommendations and applicable regulations. The Geographic Gazetteer of Andalusia (NGA) is a georeferenced registry, in continuous updating and in accordance with INSPIRE Directive. It aim is to be the reference toponymic database of Andalusia, a Spanish autonomous community. The toponymic quality control of is a complex task involving problems such as the absence of physical limits of a geographical entity (e.g. a natural site), the non existence of official or standardized toponyms, the need to carry out an onomastic study or the disappearance of people who know the places and its history. All of this make toponymic verification and its standardization even more difficult. It is increasingly common for gazetteers, such as the NGA, to be linked to other geospatial datasets, reusing their geographic names for enrichment and updating. Without the application of universal identifiers, unique and permanent, for entities, its name and its location, plus its typology, are essential elements in the linkage between these datasets. This article presents some problems, solutions and standardization proposals, following the NTCA 02-021 technical standard, adopted in the annual linking of NGA with the geodatabase "Conoce tus Fuentes", a collaborative online catalogue of water sources and springs of Andalusia. This process is allowing transmitting: the importance of standardization, exemplified in this typology of names; and how the existence of unique and persistent identifiers has helped in the linkages between this project and NGAJunta de AndalucĂ­a PRJ20180330

    RÎle de la sous-unité sigma de l'ARN polymérase bactérienne dans la tolérance aux antibiotiques

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    The RNA polymerase (RNAP) is the central enzyme for genes expression. All forms of life own RNAP. It is a multi-protein complex composed of several subunits responsible of the process of the transcription. The prokaryotes have only one type of RNAP responsible of synthesis of all RNAs in the cells, whereas eukaryotes have three types of RNAPs for the synthesis of the various types of RNAs.RNAP is the target of a large number of proteins and small regulatory molecules including antibiotics used the treatment of various infectious diseases. The sigma subunit of the bacterial RNAP is implicated in all steps of transcription initiation which is the crucial point of genes expression.For example some of the sigma subunits activate genes of virulence in pathogenic bacteria and are implied in the persistence which is a form of survival to the antibiotic treatments.This project aimed to explore the role of the sigma subunits of RNAP bacterial polymerase in resistance to the lipiarmycine (Fidaxomicin). We used biochemical approaches, biophysics and genetics for the study of the dynamic of the interactions DNA-protein in the complexes formed by RNA polymerase, the antibiotic and the promoter DNA. The results of our study show that sensitivity of RNAP to the drug strongly depends on the structure of the sigma region 3.2 and that the regions 1.2 and 3.2 of the sigma subunit are implied in the formation of the RNAP-promoter open complex. Mutations in these regions allosterically affected action of lipiarmycin by impairing the formation of the open complex.These results suggest that conformation and mobility of the region 3.2 depend on its sequence. The outcomes of our work could be used for development of new more effective drugs and could help to progress the studies of the fundamental mechanisms of the transcription.L’ARN polymĂ©rase (ARNP) est l'enzyme centrale d'expression des gĂšnes. Toutes les formes de vie possĂšdent de l’ARNP. C’est un complexe protĂ©ique formĂ© de plusieurs sous-unitĂ©s responsables du processus de transcription qui aboutit Ă  la synthĂšse de l’ARN Ă  partir d’une matrice ADN. Les procaryotes possĂšdent un seul type d’ARNP responsable de la synthĂšse de tous les ARNs de la cellule, alors que les eucaryotes possĂšdent trois types d’ARNPs pour la synthĂšse des diffĂ©rents types d’ARNs.L’ARNP est la cible d’un grand nombre de protĂ©ines et de petites molĂ©cules de rĂ©gulation dont certains antibiotiques utilisĂ©s en premiĂšre ligne pour le traitement de diverses maladies infectieuses. La sous-unitĂ© sigma de l’ARN polymĂ©rase bactĂ©rienne est impliquĂ©e dans toutes les Ă©tapes de l'initiation de la transcription qui est le point crucial de l'expression des gĂšnes. Les sous-unitĂ©s sigma activent par exemple les gĂšnes de virulence des bactĂ©ries pathogĂšnes et sont impliquĂ©es dans la persistance qui est une forme de survie aux traitements antibiotiques.Ce projet a permis de dĂ©terminer le rĂŽle de la sous-unitĂ© sigma de l'ARN polymĂ©rase bactĂ©rienne dans la rĂ©sistance Ă  la lipiarmycine (Fidaxomicin). Nous avons utilisĂ© des approches biochimiques, biophysiques et gĂ©nĂ©tiques pour l’étude de la dynamique des interactions ADN-protĂ©ine dans les complexes formĂ©s par l’ARN polymĂ©rase, l’antibiotique et de l’ADN des promoteurs.Les rĂ©sultats de cette Ă©tude montrent que la sensibilitĂ© de l’ARNP dĂ©pend fortement de la structure de la rĂ©gion 3.2 de sigma et que les rĂ©gions 1.2 et 3.2 de la sous-unitĂ© sigma sont impliquĂ©es dans la formation du complexe d’initiation de la transcription. Les mutations au niveau de ces rĂ©gions affectent allostĂ©riquement l'action de la lipiarmycine en compromettant la formation du complexe ouvert. Ces rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent que la conformation et la mobilitĂ© de la rĂ©gion 3.2 dĂ©pendent fortement de sa sĂ©quence. Ces travaux contribueront de maniĂšre significative Ă  la comprĂ©hension des bases molĂ©culaires de la rĂ©sistance aux antibiotiques; Les approches mĂ©thodologiques dĂ©veloppĂ©es pendant ce projet pourront ĂȘtre Ă©tendues Ă  l'analyse d’autres antibiotiques ciblant l’ARNP bactĂ©rienne et Ă  l’analyse des autres facteurs de transcription

    TapahtumanjÀrjestÀjÀn työkalupakki : case LAB-ammattikorkeakoulun NiemiCampus

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    Toiminnallinen opinnÀytetyön tavoitteena oli rakentaa tapahtumanjÀrjestÀjÀn työkalupakki LAB-ammattikorkeakoulun NiemiCampukselle. Tapahtuman jÀrjestÀmiseen liittyvÀ tieto kampuksella on ollut hajanaista ja vaikeasti löydettÀvissÀ. Työkalupakin tarkoituksena oli kasata tapahtumanjÀrjestÀjÀlle hyödylliset yhteystiedot, linkit ja tiedostot yhdelle alustalle. Työkalupakki on tarkoitettu vain organisaation sisÀiseen kÀyttöön. Se ei ole LAB-ammattikorkeakoulun virallinen ohjeistus tapahtumanjÀrjestÀmistÀ varten. OpinnÀytetyön toimeksiantaja on LAB-ammattikorkeakoulun ja LUT-yliopiston HyTeLab-hanke. Aloitin projektisuunnittelijan tehtÀvissÀ HyTeLab-hankkeessa marraskuussa 2019. JÀrjestimme 19.2.2020 HyvinvointiteknologiapÀivÀn, joka oli kaksiosainen tapahtuma. PÀivÀ koostui opiskelijoille suunnatusta koko pÀivÀn työpajasta ja erillisestÀ yritystilaisuudesta. Työkalupakin sisÀltö rakentui pitkÀlti kyseisen tapahtuman suunnitteluprosessin pohjalta. OpinnÀytetyön teoriaosuudessa kÀydÀÀn lÀpi tapahtumien jÀrjestÀmisen vaiheita ja muutamia tapahtumajÀrjestÀjÀlle hyödyllisiÀ työkaluja. TÀmÀn jÀlkeen kuvataan prosessi, jonka pohjalta lopullinen opinnÀytetyön aihe muotoutui ja kÀydÀÀn lÀpi opinnÀytetyön lopputuotos eli tapahtumanjÀrjestÀjÀn työkalupakki. Työ pÀÀttyy pohdintalukuun

    Role of the RNAP sigma subunit in tolerance to antibiotics

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    L’ARN polymĂ©rase (ARNP) est l'enzyme centrale d'expression des gĂšnes. Toutes les formes de vie possĂšdent de l’ARNP. C’est un complexe protĂ©ique formĂ© de plusieurs sous-unitĂ©s responsables du processus de transcription qui aboutit Ă  la synthĂšse de l’ARN Ă  partir d’une matrice ADN. Les procaryotes possĂšdent un seul type d’ARNP responsable de la synthĂšse de tous les ARNs de la cellule, alors que les eucaryotes possĂšdent trois types d’ARNPs pour la synthĂšse des diffĂ©rents types d’ARNs.L’ARNP est la cible d’un grand nombre de protĂ©ines et de petites molĂ©cules de rĂ©gulation dont certains antibiotiques utilisĂ©s en premiĂšre ligne pour le traitement de diverses maladies infectieuses. La sous-unitĂ© sigma de l’ARN polymĂ©rase bactĂ©rienne est impliquĂ©e dans toutes les Ă©tapes de l'initiation de la transcription qui est le point crucial de l'expression des gĂšnes. Les sous-unitĂ©s sigma activent par exemple les gĂšnes de virulence des bactĂ©ries pathogĂšnes et sont impliquĂ©es dans la persistance qui est une forme de survie aux traitements antibiotiques.Ce projet a permis de dĂ©terminer le rĂŽle de la sous-unitĂ© sigma de l'ARN polymĂ©rase bactĂ©rienne dans la rĂ©sistance Ă  la lipiarmycine (Fidaxomicin). Nous avons utilisĂ© des approches biochimiques, biophysiques et gĂ©nĂ©tiques pour l’étude de la dynamique des interactions ADN-protĂ©ine dans les complexes formĂ©s par l’ARN polymĂ©rase, l’antibiotique et de l’ADN des promoteurs.Les rĂ©sultats de cette Ă©tude montrent que la sensibilitĂ© de l’ARNP dĂ©pend fortement de la structure de la rĂ©gion 3.2 de sigma et que les rĂ©gions 1.2 et 3.2 de la sous-unitĂ© sigma sont impliquĂ©es dans la formation du complexe d’initiation de la transcription. Les mutations au niveau de ces rĂ©gions affectent allostĂ©riquement l'action de la lipiarmycine en compromettant la formation du complexe ouvert. Ces rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent que la conformation et la mobilitĂ© de la rĂ©gion 3.2 dĂ©pendent fortement de sa sĂ©quence. Ces travaux contribueront de maniĂšre significative Ă  la comprĂ©hension des bases molĂ©culaires de la rĂ©sistance aux antibiotiques; Les approches mĂ©thodologiques dĂ©veloppĂ©es pendant ce projet pourront ĂȘtre Ă©tendues Ă  l'analyse d’autres antibiotiques ciblant l’ARNP bactĂ©rienne et Ă  l’analyse des autres facteurs de transcription.The RNA polymerase (RNAP) is the central enzyme for genes expression. All forms of life own RNAP. It is a multi-protein complex composed of several subunits responsible of the process of the transcription. The prokaryotes have only one type of RNAP responsible of synthesis of all RNAs in the cells, whereas eukaryotes have three types of RNAPs for the synthesis of the various types of RNAs.RNAP is the target of a large number of proteins and small regulatory molecules including antibiotics used the treatment of various infectious diseases. The sigma subunit of the bacterial RNAP is implicated in all steps of transcription initiation which is the crucial point of genes expression.For example some of the sigma subunits activate genes of virulence in pathogenic bacteria and are implied in the persistence which is a form of survival to the antibiotic treatments.This project aimed to explore the role of the sigma subunits of RNAP bacterial polymerase in resistance to the lipiarmycine (Fidaxomicin). We used biochemical approaches, biophysics and genetics for the study of the dynamic of the interactions DNA-protein in the complexes formed by RNA polymerase, the antibiotic and the promoter DNA. The results of our study show that sensitivity of RNAP to the drug strongly depends on the structure of the sigma region 3.2 and that the regions 1.2 and 3.2 of the sigma subunit are implied in the formation of the RNAP-promoter open complex. Mutations in these regions allosterically affected action of lipiarmycin by impairing the formation of the open complex.These results suggest that conformation and mobility of the region 3.2 depend on its sequence. The outcomes of our work could be used for development of new more effective drugs and could help to progress the studies of the fundamental mechanisms of the transcription

    Insights for developing nature and culture trails : based on benchmarking Finnish nature destinations

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    This publification presents insights for developing nature and culture trails based on benchmarking Finnish nature destinations. Advices have been collected from 18 Finnish nature destinations, which include national parks, ecological and cultural trails, and ecological education and visiting centers. Most of the presented destinations are located in Eastern, South-Eastern or Southern Finland. After each of the benchmarked destination there is a compilation of lessons learned from that specific location. At the end of the report, recommendations about actions and other things to take into a consideration for developing trails, are presented more specifically. Insights for developing nature and culture trails based on benchmarking Finnish nature destinations has been written as a part of the project Kurenniemi – Cultural value of Russia and Finland through M. Agricola trail. The aim of the project is to establish a nature reserve status on the area and create a basis for developing sustainable ecotourism and related business. The objective of the project is to create an ecological tourist route to the area. The project collects and documents historical and experience information of the territory through which the route will pass. Expertise in developing ecotourism and nature trails in Russia and Finland are collected and exchanged during the project. The project is funded by the European Union, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Finland in the framework of the South-East Finland – Russia CBC 2014-2020 cross-border co-operation program. The duration of the project is 23 months. All-Russian Society of Nature Protection, Leningrad Region office is developing the area in co-operation with the Directorate of protected areas of Leningrad region, Pushkin Leningrad State University and LAB University of Applied Sciences. LAB will provide expertise in developing sustainable and eco-friendly tourism routes and services based on culture-historical and ecological values of the region. Part of the contribution to the project by LAB University of Applied Sciences is this report which concentrates on the Finnish experience in creating nature parks and hiking trails. The Cape Kyrönniemi area is located near the Finnish-Russian border in Leningrad Region in Russia. The area is important because of its cultural, historical and ecological heritage. The area plays a part in Finnish history too as Mikael Agricola, the father of literary Finnish, died at the location on the 9th of April 1557 (HĂ€kkinen 2007). In Finnish Kurenniemi translates to Kyrönniemi

    Crystal chemical and dielectric properties of Pb_{0.5(5\mbox{-}x)} Lax_x Nb_{5\mbox{-}x} Fex_x O15_{15} system with “tetragonal tungsten bronze” structural type

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    The lanthanum-lead and iron-niobium coupled substitution in PbNb2_{2}O6_{6} have allowed to isolate new materials of a general formula Pb0.5(5−x)_{0.5(5-{\rm x})}Lax_{\rm x}Nb5−x_{5-{\rm x}}Fex_{\rm x}O15_{15} crystallising with the "tetragonal tungsten bronze” structural type. The resulting influence on the lattice parameters, the ferroelectric Curie temperature and Cole - Cole plots are presented. A typical ferroelectric - paraelectric behaviour occurs in the composition range 0 ≀\le x ≀\le 0.33 while, a relaxor behaviour is observed in the composition range 0.33 << x ≀\le 1

    Structural study and luminescence of TlSrLa(AsO4)2

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    This work presents the crystal structure and luminescent properties of TlSrLa(AsO4)2. In this phase Tl+ ions are located in large tunnels delimited by chains of alternating (AsO4) and (Sr,La)O8 polyhedra. Thallium atoms are eightfold coordinated with C1 symmetry. Large Tl---O distances are observed revealing a low stereochemical activity of the 6s2 lone pair..