846 research outputs found

    Bubbling solutions, entropy enhancement and the fuzzball proposal

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    In this short note we explain the main idea of the work done in arXiv:0804.4487[hep-th] and arXiv:0812.2942[hep-th]. We present a family of black hole microstates, the bubbling solutions. We then explain how supertubes placed in such backgrounds have their entropy enhanced by the presence of the background dipole charges. This indicates this could account for a large amount in the entropy of the three charge black hole.Comment: 2 pages, contribution to the Cargese 2008 proceedings: Theory and Particle Physics: the LHC perspective and beyon

    Regular 3-charge 4D black holes and their microscopic description

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    The perturbative α′\alpha^{\prime} corrections to Type-IIA String Theory compactified on a Calabi-Yau three-fold allow the construction of regular three-charge supersymmetric black holes in four dimensions, whose entropy scales with the charges as S∼(p1p2p3)23S \sim \left( p^1 p^2 p^3\right)^{\frac{2}{3}} . We construct an M-theory uplift of these quantum black holes and show that they can be interpreted as arising from three stacks of M2 branes on a conical singularity. This in turns allow us relate them via a series of dualities to a system of D3 branes carrying momentum and thus to give a microscopic interpretation of their entropy.Comment: 20 pages, LaTe

    From Andreev bound states to Majorana fermions in topological wires on superconducting substrates : a story of mutation

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    We study the proximity effect in a topological nanowire tunnel coupled to an s-wave superconducting substrate. We use a general Green's function approach that allows us to study the evolution of the Andreev bound states in the wire into Majorana fermions. We show that the strength of the tunnel coupling induces a topological transition in which the Majorana fermionic states can be destroyed when the coupling is very strong. Moreover, we provide a phenomenologial study of the effects of disorder in the superconductor on the formation of Majorana fermions. We note a non-trivial effect of a quasiparticle broadening term which can take the wire from a topological into a non-topological phase in certain ranges of parameters. Our results have also direct consequences for a nanowire coupled to an inhomogenous superconductor

    Determining the spin-orbit coupling via spin-polarized spectroscopy of magnetic impurities

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    We study the spin-resolved spectral properties of the impurity states associated to the presence of magnetic impurities in two-dimensional, as well as one-dimensional systems with Rashba spin-orbit coupling. We focus on Shiba bound states in superconducting materials, as well as on impurity states in metallic systems. Using a combination of a numerical T-matrix approximation and a direct analytical calculation of the bound state wave function, we compute the local density of states (LDOS) together with its Fourier transform (FT). We find that the FT of the spin-polarized LDOS, a quantity accessible via spin-polarized STM, allows to accurately extract the strength of the spin-orbit coupling. Also we confirm that the presence of magnetic impurities is strictly necessary for such measurement, and that non-spin-polarized experiments cannot have access to the value of the spin-orbit coupling.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figure

    Majorana Fermions in Honeycomb Lattices

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    We study the formation of Majorana fermions in honeycomb-lattice structures in the presence of a Zeeman field, Rashba spin-orbit coupling, and in the proximity of an s-wave superconductor. We show that an exact mapping exists between an anisotropic hexagonal-lattice nanoribbon at k = 0 and a one-dimensional chain, for which the existence of Majorana fermions has been extensively discussed. Consequently we can predict the conditions for the emergence of Majorana fermions at the edges of such ribbon, and relate the existence of Majoranas to a band inversion in the bulk band structure. Moreover we find that similar situations arise in isotropic lattices and we give some examples which show the formation of Majorana fermions in these structures.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figure

    Double-gap superconducting proximity effect in nanotubes

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    We theoretically explore the possibility of a superconducting proximity effect in single-walled metallic carbon nanotubes due to the presence of a superconducting substrate. An unconventional double-gap situation can arise in the two bands for nanotubes of large radius wherein the tunneling is (almost) symmetric in the two sublattices. In such a case, a proximity effect can take place in the symmetric band below a critical experimentally-accessible Coulomb interaction strength in the nanotube. Furthermore, due to interactions in the nanotube, the appearance of a BCS gap in this band stabilizes superconductivity in the other band at lower temperatures. We also discuss the scenario of highly asymmetric tunneling and show that this case too supports double-gap superconductivity.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Majorana bound states in open quasi-1D and 2D systems with transverse Rashba coupling

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    We study the formation of Majorana states in quasi-1D and 2D square lattices with open boundary conditions, with general anisotropic Rashba coupling, in the presence of an applied Zeeman field and in the proximity of a superconductor. For systems in which the length of the system is very large (quasi-1D) we calculate analytically the exact topological invariant, and we find a rich phase diagram which is strongly dependent on the width of the system. We compare our results with previous results based on a few-band approximation. We also investigate numerically open 2D systems of finite length in both directions. We use the recently introduced generalized Majorana polarization, which can locally evaluate the Majorana character of a given state. We find that the formation of Majoranas depends strongly on the geometry of the system and if the length and the width are comparable no Majorana states can form, however, one can show the formation of "quasi-Majorana" states that have a local Majorana character, but no global Majorana symmetry.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figure

    Jarzynski equality for the Jepsen gas

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    We illustrate the Jarzynski equality on the exactly solvable model of a one-dimensional ideal gas in uniform expansion or compression. The analytical results for the probability density P(W)P(W) of the work WW performed by the gas are compared with the results of molecular dynamics simulations for a two-dimensional dilute gas of hard spheres.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Europhys. Let

    Stochastically perturbed flows: Delayed and interrupted evolution

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    We present analytical expressions for the time-dependent and stationary probability distributions corresponding to a stochastically perturbed one-dimensional flow with critical points, in two physically relevant situations: delayed evolution, in which the flow alternates with a quiescent state in which the variate remains frozen at its current value for random intervals of time; and interrupted evolution, in which the variate is also re-set in the quiescent state to a random value drawn from a fixed distribution. In the former case, the effect of the delay upon the first passage time statistics is analyzed. In the latter case, the conditions under which an extended stationary distribution can exist as a consequence of the competition between an attractor in the flow and the random re-setting are examined. We elucidate the role of the normalization condition in eliminating the singularities arising from the unstable critical points of the flow, and present a number of representative examples. A simple formula is obtained for the stationary distribution and interpreted physically. A similar interpretation is also given for the known formula for the stationary distribution in a full-fledged dichotomous flow.Comment: 27 pages; no figures. Submitted to Stochastics and Dynamic
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