4,275 research outputs found

    Bridging the Gap: A Comprehensive Guide to Implementing an Internship Program for Businesses

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    This thesis outlines a comprehensive plan for implementing an internship program, from the perspective of a former intern. The paper emphasizes the importance of internships for businesses and aims to create a program that generates value for both the business and the intern. The plan is divided into three stages: Planning and Designing, Recruiting and Selecting, and Managing and Supervising. Each stage provides detailed steps for successfully implementing an internship program, including identifying needs and objectives, determining a timeline and structure, defining roles and responsibilities, developing a budget, setting performance expectations and goals, providing training and support, evaluating performance, and managing relationships. Through performing an internal needs assessment and aligning the program with the needs and objectives of the business, the program will provide interns with meaningful work and bring value to the company. Overall, this paper serves as an actionable plan for businesses looking to implement a successful supply chain internship program

    Bridging the Gap: A Comprehensive Guide to Implementing an Internship Program for Businesses

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    This thesis outlines a comprehensive plan for implementing an internship program, from the perspective of a former intern. The paper emphasizes the importance of internships for businesses and aims to create a program that generates value for both the business and the intern. The plan is divided into three stages: Planning and Designing, Recruiting and Selecting, and Managing and Supervising. Each stage provides detailed steps for successfully implementing an internship program, including identifying needs and objectives, determining a timeline and structure, defining roles and responsibilities, developing a budget, setting performance expectations and goals, providing training and support, evaluating performance, and managing relationships. Through performing an internal needs assessment and aligning the program with the needs and objectives of the business, the program will provide interns with meaningful work and bring value to the company. Overall, this paper serves as an actionable plan for businesses looking to implement a successful supply chain internship program

    Working Paper 118 - Assessment of the Trade Finance Market in Africa Post-Crisis

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    The financial crisis, which began to hit the trade finance markets in 2008, caused a sharp slow-down in trade in 2008 and 2009. The tightening of global credit reduced capital inflows and curtailed the availability of trade finance. This sudden shortage of trade finance negatively impacted African economies. In response, the African Development Bank (AfDB) established, on March 2009, a multiphase USD 1 billion Trade Finance Initiative (TFI). As part of the Trade Finance Initiative, AfDB commissioned a trade finance survey conducted three times between 2009 and 2010. The financial institutions contacted during these market surveys are listed at the end of this document. During this research, banks in Senegal, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Nigeria, Egypt, Morocco, Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania and Rwanda were contacted. In addition, financial institutions active in the international and regional trade finance markets based in the USA, UK, France, Germany and the Netherlands were contacted. Finally, development finance institutions active in supporting trade both within Africa and without were interviewed. Generally trade operations officers, international department management, treasury officers or senior commercial bankers were contacted. Participants were asked to: • Describe their trade finance related activities • Describe the state of the market for trade finance products • Describe how availability of facilities has changed •Describe how terms and conditions of facilities have changed •Discuss overall economic activity in their markets • Discuss potential roles for AfDB to play to facilitate access to trade finance The overall conclusions of these surveys are: • African trade grew rapidly during the pre-crisis period, spurred by growing south-south trade and the emergence of Asia as a major purchaser of African raw materials and primary products. Anecdotally, it appears that trade finance was increasingly available during this period. • The crisis has had a negative impact on African trade due to falling demand for African primary product exports. Trade finance availability was sharply constrained during the initial crisis period. • It is difficult to discern real trends in African trade finance as markets remain highly volatile. Liquidity and risk appetite vary widely across markets and counterparties. Across all markets, trade finance tenors have shortened. • There is an overall decrease in demand for trade products due to decreased economic activity but a higher proportion of the current transactions are using trade instruments. • International commercial banks that historically provided confirmation lines for trade instruments remain risk averse and seek to maintain/increase returns. • Low income countries and the smaller Regional Member Countries are hit hardest by the lack of availability of trade finance due to higher perceived risk, even for low risk transactions. • Basel II related capital allocation rules will have a negative impact on the cost and availability of trade finance across the continent. • Multilateral Development Banks in other regions play a variety of roles to support trade finance availability, from which AfDB could learn some lessons. • The African Development Bank can have a significant impact on trade finance availability and, consequently, RMC economic performance over the short/medium term.

    The effects of land transfer taxes on real estate markets: Evidence from a natural experiment in Toronto

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    Taxes levied on the sale or purchase of real estate are pervasive but little studied. By exploiting a natural experiment arising from Toronto’s imposition of a Land Transfer Tax (LTT) in early 2008, we estimate the impact of real estate transfer taxes on the market for single family homes. Our data show that Toronto’s 1.1% tax caused a 15% decline in the number of sales and a decline in housing prices about equal to the tax. Relative to an equivalent property tax, the associated welfare loss is substantial, about 1forevery 1 for every 8 in tax revenue. The magnitude of this welfare loss is comparable to those associated with better known interventions in the housing market. Unlike many possible tax reforms, eliminating existing LTTs in favour of revenue equivalent property taxes appears straightforward.Land transfer tax, property tax, land regulation

    The Combined Elevation Test (CET) in Adolescent School Children: A Pilot Study

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    The Combined Elevation Test (CET) is a musculoskeletal screening technique (MST) that replicates the streamline position in swimming and is commonly used in various sports. Although CET is widely used, no normative data exist within an adolescent population. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to develop a large data set for the CET within an adolescent population and to evaluate the influence of various demographic and anthropometric variables. Data were collected for 416 participants aged between 8 and 18 years old. Age and arm span showed a significant correlation with CET scores (arm span rs (105) = 0.478, p = 0.000; age rs (416) = 0.238, p = 0.000). Regression analysis further quantified the influence of arm span and age on CET scores, accounting for 23.1% and 5.3% of variability respectively. These results can be used as a reference point for clinicians and coaches who are using the CET within their assessments

    A Comparison of Dynamics in Major- and Minor-key Works

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    An analysis of dynamic markings in 24 paired preludes in major and minor keys shows that the minor mode is associated with a generally lower dynamic level than the major mode. The results are consistent with observations in speech prosody, where sad or depressed speakers show reduced acoustic energy compared with normal or happy speakers

    A Senior Recital

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    Gelfand-Tsetlin modules: canonicity and calculations

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    In this paper, we give a more down-to-earth introduction to the connection between Gelfand-Tsetlin modules over gln\mathfrak{gl}_n and diagrammatic KLRW algebras, and develop some of its consequences. In addition to a new proof of this description of the category Gelfand-Tsetlin modules appearing in earlier work, we show three new results of independent interest: (1) we show that every simple Gelfand-Tsetlin module is a canonical module in the sense of Early, Mazorchuk and Vishnyakova, and characterize when two maximal ideals have isomorphic canonical modules, (2) we show that the dimensions of Gelfand-Tsetlin weight spaces in simple modules can be computed using an appropriate modification of Leclerc's algorithm for computing dual canonical bases, and (3) we construct a basis of the Verma modules of sln\mathfrak{sl}_n which consists of generalized eigenvectors for the Gelfand-Tsetlin subalgebra. Furthermore, we present computations of multiplicities and Gelfand-Kirillov dimensions for all integral Gelfand-Tsetlin modules in ranks 3 and 4; unfortunately, for ranks >4>4, our computers are not adequate to perform these computations.Comment: preliminary version; comments encouraged. 51 pages of usual text and some giant tables of multiplicities; if you want to avoid these, download source and follow instructions in main.te

    One night of sleep fragmentation does not affect exercise-induced leukocyte trafficking or mitogen-stimulated leukocyte oxidative burst in healthy men

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    Purpose: This study examined whether one night of sleep fragmentation alters circulating leukocyte counts and mitogen-stimulated oxidative burst by leukocytes at rest and in response to an acute bout of vigorous exercise. Methods: In a randomised crossover design, nine healthy men (mean ± SD: age 22 ± 2 years; BMI 24.9 ± 1.9 kg/m2) were exposed to one night of fragmented or uninterrupted sleep before cycling for 45 minutes at 71% ± 4% V̇O2peak. Finger-tip blood samples were collected at rest, immediately post-exercise and one-hour post-exercise. Total leukocytes, lymphocytes, monocytes and neutrophils were counted. Leukocyte oxidative burst was assessed in whole blood by measuring Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) production with luminol-amplified chemiluminescence after stimulation with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA). Results: Exercise elicited the expected trafficking pattern of leukocytes, lymphocytes, monocytes and neutrophils. Compared to rest, PMA-stimulated ROS production was increased one-hour post-exercise (+73% ± 65%; p = 0.019; data combined for fragmented and uninterrupted sleep). There were no statistically significant effects of fragmented sleep on leukocyte, lymphocyte, monocyte, and neutrophil counts or on ROS production at rest, immediately post-exercise or one-hour post-exercise (p > 0.05). However, with fragmented sleep, there was a +10% greater lymphocytosis immediately post-exercise (fragmented +40% ± 37%; uninterrupted +30% ± 35%; p = 0.51) and a –19% smaller neutrophilia by one-hour post-exercise (fragmented +103% ± 88%; uninterrupted +122% ± 131%; p = 0.72). Conclusion: Fragmented sleep did not substantially alter the magnitude or pattern of exercise-induced leukocyte trafficking or mitogen-stimulated oxidative burst by leukocytes

    Virtualizing Network Processors

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    This paper considers the problem of virtualizing the resources of a network processor (NP) in order to allow multiple third-parties to execute their own virtual router software on a single physical router at the same time. Our broad interest is in designing such a router capable of supporting virtual networking. We discuss the issues and challenges involved in this virtualization, and then describe specific techniques for virtualizing both the control and data-plane processors on NPs. For Intel IXP NPs in particular, we present a dynamic, macro-based technique for virtualization that allows multiple virtual routers to run on multiple data plane processors (or micro-engines) while maintaining memory isolation and enforcing memory bandwidth allocations